Eternal Life

Chapter 1169

The emperor of the night emperor Xiang Yizhen, the Yan family less the main Yan Yangui, the bare-handed Tian Zun Gu Changfeng, the three were originally promoted to Ancestral Immortal, became the real “noble” of the heavens, and the son of the feathered men, should be grand, When sketching the grandeur of the great work. I have encountered the first bang.

Destroyed by Fang Han, he was kneeling in front of the temple and accepted the guidance of many disciplines.

These shameful humiliations shrouded the hearts of the three people, and the three could not lift their heads.

But now they can’t even commit suicide.

Fang Han’s Magic Force, completely banned and sealed them, they can only keep their posture under the armpit, and the activities of the soul, apart from this, no Magic Force can display, of course, can not get up.

Fang Han is deliberately humiliating the three people, letting them have activities in their hearts, being able to speak, and being able to feel the shame of those disciplines pointing at them.

“The three of them all fell, and the wind is really saying it.”

“The three people have just been promoted to the Son, and they have encountered this bang drink. I know this, why should I take it for myself? To block the wind here, the result is not as good as death. Unfortunately, unfortunately, there is no regret in this world. Yao.”

“It seems that in the future, we will have a lot of friendships and make a good relationship with him.”

“I am afraid that it is the Culture Base of others, I can’t see us.”

“That’s a side blow, and it’s not bad to see the clouds. It seems that the imaginary cloud is already a windy person. Can she blow a pillow?”

“this is a good idea.”……….

Fang Han, the next Li Wei, really established an invincible image among the Men’s factions. No one dared to provoke him. Even many people wanted to tie him up and get his asylum after pulling on him.

“Go, Junior brother, let’s go in and meet a few guardians. Then give you the identity of the Son. After you give the statue of Heavenly Monarch, you can become a Son.” Chen Yimei is too elder. It is not surprising to know the strength of Fang Han. He greets Fang Han and left.

“Good.” Fang Han nodded and walked into the depths of the temple, disappearing into the eyes of everyone.

“Wind, you let them kneel for three days and three nights, but there are so many feathering menExperts on the road, and there are not a few sons. There are some sons who are very strong, in case of a few idle things. In order to buy people and save these three people, that is not a good thing.”

The imaginary cloud also followed Fang Han into the temple, but she was thoughtful and good at management, and she thought about many things in an instant.

“My seal, no one can play, unless it is a higher realm than I am, Primordial Immortal, but also bear my anger and counterattack.” Fang Han waved his hand. “Do not worry, the seal is closely related to me. If someone really wants to unravel these seals, I immediately sense that they can be killed in a distant state.”

Experts at the Jinxian level cannot be killed across distant time and space. If they are separated by a large state, it is impossible to attack.

You know, Jinxian wants to cross a big state and it takes decades to fly.

Ancestral Immortal is also not able to kill across a large state.

Only Primordial Immortal, comprehending the Shinto of the Yuan, can establish a special origin for a long-range kill. Fang Han does not know how far he has reached, but if you use 33 Skies, you can really Long-distance killing can be done across distant time and space.

Although Fang Han did not reach the realm of Primordial Immortal, the general Primordial Immortal could not really help him.

“Junior brother, I hope you become a saint, Supreme Immortal, and even Heavenly Monarch. In the future, my feathering men will also rise.” Dao Xu Shengzi sincerely said.

“I don’t have such a big ambition. I just want to protect myself and protect people around me from harm.” Fang Han said faintly: “Unfortunately, such hopes can’t be done without powerful power. People like Xiang Yizhen Be ambitious, establish a unique true religion, all people must surrender, and those who do not surrender will change into slaves. This kind of ambition, you will not provoke him, he must come to kill you. There are too many people like Heaven. Too much.”

“Junior brother, don’t sigh any more. The front is the place to be promoted to the Son. You see, several ancestors are waiting for you. They also saw your performance in front of the temple.”

Chen Yimei is too elder.

“Is it?” Fang Han looked at the past and saw it. In the depths of the temple, in front of a tall statue, stood three old men.

Aura of these three old men, attributed to one point, can not see any rules, almost the same as the universe’s meta-points, can be completely disappeared at random.

This is Primordial Immortal.

Fang Han has a glimpse. Primordial Immortal, a higher level than Ancestral Immortal, although he saw the sage of Nangong sad, but with the support of hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, he is not at all, but now in the feathering men, hun1uanHeavenly Monarch will definitely not come out.

However, he is not very jealous. With his current Culture Base, Primordial Immortal can’t see through any of his movements and form.

“Wind, come over.”

The three old men saw that Fang Han came over and made a sound.

“See the three ancestors.” Fang Han bowed. For the three, he still kept enough etiquette.

“Well, very good, Ancestral Immortal realm. Can be a saint.” An old man said: “The three of us have just seen you in the temple, let the item one true, Gu Changfeng, Yanxi return to the shackles Do you know why we don’t stop you from taking the shot?”

“Because it can kill their anger, it is good and harmless.” Fang Han straightened his body. “The three people, if it is this kind of love, will definitely conflict with other men after death, and die.” It is also a good thing to train them.”

“Their xings are indeed uninhibited, but the wind is the same, your xing is the same. You know?”

Another old man said.

“I?” Fang Han smiled. “Actually, you just asked me why I didn’t stop me from taking the shot. I answered a reason. There is another reason. The three Elders don’t know if they want to listen or don’t want to hear?”

“what reason?”

Another old man’s eyes sparkled with strange brilliance, and he wanted to hear what Fang Han wanted to say.

“Because, even if you stop me, it’s useless. The three will still kneel down!” Fang Han said amazingly, “I have nothing to do, no one can stop!”

Hit it out.

The audience was shocked and arrogant, and this was completely arrogant. In the face of the three Primordial Immortal, Fang Han is not weak, Aura is strong, tit for tat, showing the peerless iron.

“good very good.”

After listening to Fang Han’s words, the three old men were silent. After a long silence, they looked at each other and looked at each other: “I don’t want to be a person who has passed on the bones. It seems that the core of the bones is also passed to you.” .”

“Yes, Bone St. gave me everything when I was dying.” Fang Han said.

“There is a chance, it is a good thing, Demon Dao Seven Saints, Cang Sheng first, in fact, has been built Supreme Immortal. Can be called the Chonghuang. Other bones, corpse, are powerful tyrannical, should have died But now, the only living person in Demon Dao’s Seven Sacred, there is a blood san, an nv, called Nangong Cream, you will meet this person in the future, but it is xiaoxin.” An old man said.

“Nangong condensate cream? Blood sacred? is the person of the Nangong family.”

“No, she is just called Nangong. She is flying up from the lower bound.” An old man said: “It is the last of Demon Dao’s Seven Holy.”

“Namong Cream! This is not…”

Fang Han suddenly remembered, in the secular, hun1uanHeavenly Monarch has an nvdisciple, called the blood change magic nv, Nangong condensation cream, is the founder of the blood shadow magic, has been soaring in ancient times.

Unexpectedly, after flying, it became a blood sanctuary.

The “Cangsheng” of Demon Dao, one of the seven saints, was also soaring in the secular. He also left Demon Dao in the Xuanhuangda world. Later, the Innate Great Emperor should enter the Cangshan Mountain and disappear. . Obviously it was also involved in the heavens.

This series of things, in the calculation of Fang Han, is linked, so that he has a taste of the Qiankun, the temple counts thousands of miles.

“Well, windy. You gave us the founder of the feathered men, after the Heavenly Monarch of China, it became the son of my feathered men. If you can stand out among the many sons, then hopefully Becoming the deputy director of my feathering men, he has a high weight and will have a place in the heavens.”

An old man took out the three musk.

This three musk aroma is a rare Tianyun Luoxiang powder.

Fang Han noticed the huge idols behind the three old men.

This idol, the whole body does not know what is forged, it seems to be directly carved out of the original shape of the ancient god mountain. Fang Han looked up, and the Heavenly Monarch statue was fluttering, and it turned out to be the trace of the magical work.

The traces of the carvings, with the taste of ancient artifacts.

Fang Han was shocked. The artifacts he knew were two pieces so far. The first one is 33 Skies. Another one is the nameless axe of the ancestor of the Protoss, which cut off World Tree.

33 Skies has no engraving features, so the only one is the nameless axe. This statue is actually carved out of the nameless axe.

“What is going on here?” Fang Han tried to look up at the statue, but the statue went deep into the nine, and he could not see the face.

The founder of this feathered man, Hua Heavenly Monarch, has always shrouded in the mystery of boundlessness.

I don’t know how, when Fang Han gave the Chinese Heavenly Monarch a scent, Zhou Tianyi showed the shadow of Hua Tiandu.

The image of Heavenly Monarch, Aura Lingyun, can’t see the face, and the traces of the nameless axe of the artifact can cover everything.

“The ancestor of the Holy King, the nameless axe, the Chinese Heavenly Monarch, Hua Tiandu ……… Among them, what are some clues?” In Fang Han’s mind, it seems that there are some clues.

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