Eternal Life

Chapter 1168

“It is true that it is a shameful shame that you are here for three days and three nights. The proud person will be ashamed to commit suicide. This is an insult to the dignity of life. But he is here, in the three days and three nights, maybe I can figure out something that will make his life without rising, and only know the shame to understand the preciousness of life.”

“We don’t want to let the hands go, let them go to fight. If the item can really understand the preciousness of life, knowing the shame and then courage, it is also a good thing. He will sail smoothly, and sooner or later, one day will lead to murder. 鈥?/p>

“Not bad, Xiang Yi really let him hone and hone. And we shot to stop, back to cause the dissatisfaction of the wind, when a bowl of water is difficult to level.”

“Being natural is the best, and there is no killing in this wind.”

“The squat is a kind of grinding.”

“Do you see the strength of this windship?”

“It’s very strong, and it’s far from the strongest force. I don’t know what he is. I suspect that some of the Powerhouses at Ancestral Immortal can’t help him.”

“So tyrannical? Impossible, he was promoted to the realm of Ancestral Immortal.”

“Let’s watch and watch again. When he becomes a saint, go to the Taikoo Market and other places to confront the other sons, we will know how his true strength is. It is worth cultivating, the feathering men have this child, and even There will be a lot of voices.”

“Genius which men’s faction is not too much.”………

In the depths of the feathering men, an ancient god is flowing in the jiao.

These Experts, in the blink of an eye, are the things between a few breaths. At this time, Fang Han and Xiang Yi were completely and completely divided.

Xiang Yizhen was on the ground and was suppressed by the seal. The whole body was bloody and struggled, but he could not get up. It seems that it is destined to be suppressed by Fang Han for three days and three nights, kneeling on the ground, and humiliating the audience.

Here, you will be watched by many people every day, pointing a little bit, not to mention the arrogant items, even a low-level Profound Immortal can’t stand it.

At the time, Xiang Yizhen was so angry that he was so angry that his face was twisted and he would explode whenever and wherever.

“this is鈥︹€?#8221;

Yan Xitian respected the wind, Yan Xi returned to see this scene, but also his face showed shock. They absolutely did not think that Fang Han defeated Xiang Yizhen in such a ruin, almost no cost, and walked in the air. The most shocking thing was to let the other side kneel down. It also makes the other party unable to fight hard, and even suicide seems to be impossible.

This is a lot more difficult than killing each other.

The bare-handed Tianzun Gu Changfeng and Yanxi returned to each other and looked at each other. They all showed the contradictory thoughts of the other party’s mind: they wanted to retreat, but they were not willing.

鈥淗ow?鈥?Fang Han turned and his eyes locked in the bare-handed Tian Zun Gu Changfeng and Yan Xigui: 鈥淵ou still don鈥檛 want to reflect on it? And Xiang Yizhen鈥檚 side by side, do you want me to do it? I鈥檓 doing it. Get up, you have no room for manoeuvre, you will be injured, or Magic Force will be abolished, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Fang Han turned out to be overbearing, and he wanted to take care of the wind with his bare hands, Yanxi returned to the capital, and Xiang Yizhen was side by side.

Overbearing !

Endless overbearing!

Everyone was shocked and sluggish, and letting a night emperor pass the truth is already a myth. Now he actually wants to let all the three talents of the discipline fall down, which is the strength of the tyranny. Can you do it?

“Wind, you don’t want to bully too much.”

The bare-handed Tianzun Gu Changfeng suddenly shouted: “If you really do this today, you will offend the people of the Sun God Palace. Do you know the sun god palace? What is the sun god palace? I have been the Emperor In order to register the discipline. You offended, I offended a royal, and I will not be able to move in the future.”

“Your Majesty!”

Fang Han smiled coldly and stepped out. There was a big thunder in the back of the hand. The palm of the big hand was the eye.

“Hand of punishment!”

When Gu Changfeng saw it, his body hurriedly jumped up, and he had to leave the control and escape from here.

However, the black hand of the punishment hand filled out and covered the whole world. The fire of the incarnation of Gu Changfeng reached the hand of the punishment, as if the fly hit the iron plate and turned to the head.

Fang Han’s hand flipped, and the bare-handed Tianzun Gu Changfeng also fell down, slamming on the ground, and the body splashed out a large piece of fire.

“Sun God Jun, Xuan Huo nine changes!” The bare-handed Tianzun Gu Changfeng angry, he could not kneel down, the whole body actually began to burn, especially a pair of eyes, turned into a hot sun, swooping against Fang Han.

Wind and fire.

There is a flame country around, everything is transformed into the power of fire, countless fire crows, fire dragons, fire horses, fire Qilin, fire 椴查箯, fire count, fire and singularity… around Fang Han to burn.

The body of the bare-handed Tian Zun Gu Changfeng was also distorted into a huge stove, the sun god furnace, which was pressed against Fang Han.

Fang Han spurted out in a breath, cold and cold, cold chao rolling, in this tone, the ice world seems to have come to heaven, an explosion, from the ancient cold current to freeze the flames.

K膩 ch膩 !

All the flames were wiped out, and the bare-handed Tianzun Gu Changfeng was frozen into a mass of ice, falling on the ground and sealed up. In the frozen position, it is exactly the appearance of a majesty, and it is side by side with the item.

In one breath, the bare-handed Tianzun Gu Changfeng was blown to the ice, and then he squatted down. Many people saw this scene and they almost fainted.

“Good!” The big body, cold body, cold sweat: “A finger can kill me. How long has it been? When I entered the feathered disc to become the core seed disciple, he was just like me, now even a thousand me. It is not his opponent.”

“In one breath, I defeated the bare-handed Tianzun Gu Changfeng…. This is incredible. I can’t imagine how strong it is.”

“There is still one Yanxi return, don’t know what to do?”

“I originally wanted to watch a good show and see how the three people are in a difficult position, but absolutely did not think that they were defeated, humiliated, and played nong by the wind, so they went down for three days and three nights.”

Some of the disciplines that came to watch saw Fang Han, as if he saw the Headmaster of the feathered men. This kind of Culture Base is almost unbeaten, and no one can win him.

The invincible shadow of the wind has planted a deep imprint in the eyes of everyone. Status, authority, began to build.

“Yan Xigui, you go to kneel down. I am not difficult for you, nor seal you. As long as you stay here for three days and three nights, reflect on your own mistakes, I am not like you.”

In the end, among the three, there is only one Yanxigui left. This handsome man, the yu tree is in the wind, the talent of the sky, the smooth life of the life, and the son of the Yan family.

Yan family is also a big world, the power is not under the virtual family, Yanxi is one of the few masters, cultivation in the emergence of men, has always been high.

“Wind, our Yan family is dignified. On my body, there is a unique bloodline of Yanhuang. You can insult me, but you can’t insult the bloodline of Yan’s ancestors. You can kill me, but I want to kneel down. , absolutely, can’t, insult as big as killing. I would rather die than die.”

Yan Xi is standing, talking between, generous and heroic, and righteousness, with deep threats in his tone.

“The young master of the Nangong family, I also let him kneel, and in front of the temple of the Heaven and Earth Alliance. Your bloodline is no more noble than her, and what is wrong with the temple inside my feathered men? 鈥?/p>

Fang Han seems to be too lazy to start, it is necessary to let Yanxi fall to the knees without a fight.

“Yan Xigui, you will kneel down, you are not an opponent of the wind, you have nothing to do, you must reflect on the reflection of the Culture Base. If you follow the wind, you still have to be beaten, you have to be beaten. Why is it suffering from a bruise?

The virtual cloud talked.

“You!” Yan Xi’s face is very ugly: “The virtual cloud, as long as I escaped this disaster, I must kill you! You remember.”

“Hey! Toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine, letting you kneel down, you don’t want to, don’t want to face your face. Then I have to let you suffer.”

Fang Han’s big sleeves, the entire sleeves, expand upwards, and include the Scorpio. The black-pressed move towards Yanxi covers the past.

“Yan Shen Xigui, leisure and bliss, the West!”

Yan Xigui’s body moved, the whole person seems to be turned into a blue smoke, Nirvana died, disappeared without a trace.

“Disappeared? This is the Xiguida. Law? In the rumors, the Yan family’s Xiguida. The law is combined with the Buddha’s Xuan Gong, and the Great Dao before the ancient era, and once it is displayed, people will become For the sake of blue smoke, it seems that the Buddha Nirvana, died in the void, and then reborn in a certain place. No one can get it.”

“It really disappeared, and the wind was not included in the sleeve.”

“I actually let him escape, it is a long time to prepare. After the escape, the wind has established a big enemy, this Yanxi is still very powerful, when prepared, actually did not get the wind.”

“Want to run? Are you running?”

Fang Han stepped in a footstep, condensed like a mountain, and hand-printed a handprint, then smashed his hand into a knife, and with a single palm in the void, there was a corridor of Space Storm. He is a sneak peek at the sky.


In the distant time and space, a scream was heard, and there were no three breaths. The sky fell straight and fell down. It was Yan Xigui, who was wounded by Fang Han and took it back.

Once dropped on the ground, Fang Han sneered: “Even if you are ten times more powerful, you can’t escape the fate of your majesty! Don’t think about anything now, so you can plan for three days and three nights here.”

In his voice, a formless airflow suppressed Yanxi into a squatting posture.

The three people who walked around were squatting side by side, very novel and spectacular.

At this point, Xiang Yizhen, Gu Changfeng, Yanxi to the three, all kneel, motionless.

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