Eternal Life

Chapter 1026

Chapter 1 026

It’s the first trick to undo the death of Wang Quan, and the sorrow of the gods is no longer under Seven Styles of Ruling. It is comparable to the Martial art created by the Heavenly Monarch.

Think about it. With the mighty Martial art of Seven Styles of Ruling, it will be displayed by the eternal Golden Fairy. How much will it reach?

This kind of Martial art, the lower the realm, the shallower the mystery, the higher the realm, especially to reach Jinxian, is an obvious dividing line, all kinds of Martial art, Xianshu, will have a qualitative improvement.

If the “Seven Styles of Ruling” is displayed by the King of Heaven, the Heavenly Monarch, you can judge everything, judge all spirits, and all the celestial Buddhas, turn them into ashes, and all sin will be turned into nothing.

The first move of the Undead King Boxing came out, and the great god came to the top of Fang Han and shrouded it. This meditation is not an entity, but the enthusiasm of Gu Yuanzong’s lord, Gu Meng, and the true understanding of death, a true state of mind, and a boundless ability.

Under the big hands of the gods, the whole body emerged, forming a death, burning out the raging flame of death, completely covering Fang Han.

With this move, it is enough to kill a lot of half-step Jinxian power.

At this moment, even if there are ten and a half steps, Jinxian can join forces, they will be killed by a palm, and there is no bone. Basically, the half-step Jinxian can not use the quantity, posing a threat to the real Jinxian.

Even if it is a tens of thousands of half-step golden fairy power, the composition of the Taikoo killing, the absolute Jinxian can completely avoid the edge, and then look for flaws, one by one, or the whole body.

A tiger, and a group of sheep, are not enough to make up for the quality gap.

All the martial art people almost think that Fang Han must be killed at this moment.

However, the secret scene appeared.

Fang Han Under the cover of the death of the gods, a little Aura did not show up, but all of a sudden, two brilliant light burst out, everyone saw Fang Han in it, stepping on the pace of the sky, left hand It has produced countless bright lights in the evening, and the right hand laps the epic from the distant times and legends.

Two great killings!

“Tele Far Legend” and “The Dusk of the Gods”, under the dual use of Fang Han, played at the same time.

The dusk of the gods, when they appeared, ignited the evil spirits of the evil valley. A day was dim and dark, and the ghosts were crying. A lot of liquid-like degenerate evils gathered in this evil cave, making the evil caves, the evil spirits solidified, almost It became a solid, huge erosion, and it was a tenfold increase.

Several of the Golden Immortals Experts were shocked and almost jumped up. They absolutely could not think of it. Fang Han was able to manipulate the evil fog of the evil valley.

Originally thought that he was not afraid of evil fog, but now it is possible to manipulate the evil fog, it is horrible.

Such a strong evil is about to condense into a gelatinous substance and become a solid. It is also very harmful to Jinxian. These golden celestials have to use a more powerful means to protect the doorman and even sacrifice the magical treasure.

This is also the case between the instant, the light stone fire.

Fang Han The dusk of the gods was displayed, and with the help of the power of evil fog, the gods were suppressed to a great extent. The death of the gods, one after another, began to die.

Then, his “Large Far Legend” was repeatedly bombarded. This big killing was the result of the legend that has been promoted to the Immortal Artifact, and the power is even greater.

Think about the power of a product, Immortal Artifact. This product Immortal Artifact, in the final transformation, got the real Saint Grade Immortal Artifact blessing, the legendary power is vast, full of momentum.

Time and space, at this moment, seems to have returned to the distant ancient times, the glory of a hero, the epic chapter, the magnificent story, all expressed by an old voice, in the tone of the legend.

In an instant, everyone has a kind, sitting in front of a great saint, listening to this great saint to talk about the ancient Far Legend.

Fang Han The whole person, from the death of the gods, crossed out. It is like a hero who came out of the distant legend and directly tore the whole god.

He is now full of energy, although he does not dare to move the body of the “Divine Pill”, but it is almost impossible to absorb the Aura from the medicine pill.

“He actually broke the sorrow of the undead king punch!”

“What is Fist Arts? It made me feel the faraway Far Legend. Just now, I completely lost my mind, my soul was taken, and I was immersed in the legend.”

“I am the same, I seem to be immersed in the epic chapter.”

“Terror, it is the half-step golden fairy power, you can compete against the golden fairy, this is what a role, what kind of peerless genius! This is the real contest.”

“this child, horror.” Wang Quan, the main gatekeeper of Tianquan, trembled: “The only supreme existence of the eternal Heavenly Monarch can find such a peerless genius. If we have such a peerless genius It is very likely that in the future it will become a great king, with more spirituality, the real power of heaven!”

“The door master, no matter what, this must not be drawn, and the slap in the face! He can now contend with the Jinxian. If he does not die, it will be a matter of time before he reaches the realm of Jinxian.”

Wang Shandao, the deputy head of Tianquanmen.

“How do you get together?”

“I see to draw with Wang Hao! The best is…”

“You mean, form a marriage? However, this person’s character, eternal, like me, how can it be casually influenced by a woman. So hero, mind determines everything.”

“He saved Wang Hao from the assassin’s hand. It is fate. With this fate and cause and effect, you can show it!”

“Good! At all costs, draw on this person!” Tianquanmen hearted out of heart. Fang Han The potential of this genius really irritated him. If you can stay in Tianquanmen completely, Tianquanmen will be unified in all major states, just around the corner.

“Little thief, I don’t think you have such a means! However, I am not dead, but I have just begun. Next, you will only cry in death, tears in illusion, sadness in exile… Pick me up second Recruit, the dead are infinite!”

That valley is more overbearing, the magic body of the whole body is condense up, the style of the golden genius is really unfolding, and it’s really awkward. His head is scattered and his roots are flying, like the undead old tree, the rest of soul. He shocked his hands, split his fingers, and directly caught a few, death Aura, blowing in the face, the Nether Kingdom, one after another, followed by a huge black shadow, wearing a cloak, coming from nothing, and his form Coincidence, his whole person seems to be dead, and seems to be alive, not knowing what kind of life form he is in.

He is a “dead”.

Walking between death and immortality, not dead, not dead!

The meaning of the infinity, in his body, the true manifestation, his whole person, turned into the mysterious Great Dao, the black shadow, turned into a picture, a trace, a trace of shadow, a trace of the trace.


The power of the undead king boxing finally waved out. This move “the dead are walking in the infinity”, compared to the first trick of the gods, do not know how many times the powerful and mysterious. In contrast, the first move is equal to the just-starting, tentative action, and now, is the real Assassin.

Fang Han’s mind also felt the danger. The big killer of the dead, coming in abruptly, breaking through the sky, all kinds of rules, could not be prepared, because the other party did not exist, and it did not exist. I can’t understand it with my mind. What kind of life form is it? How can I deal with it?

“The path of the ancestral witch, the reincarnation!” Fang Han is in danger, the whole person is quiet, he is tit for tat, and suddenly the condense on the palm of his hand is out of the ancestral spirit, and the above three witches appear. The ancestral mirror was slightly rotated, and the three witches on the top suddenly groaned. The black lotus was again opened in the air. The black lotus was sitting on the old witch of countless epochs. They couldn’t understand anyone who read them. The witchcraft language, the vitality of the entire fallen evil valley, once again concise, a hundred times of concise.


The fallen evil fog, rushing and whistling, some evil fog even condense into a respected evil witch god, singing a strange note.

The fallen evil valley seems to be the mountain gate of Fang Han. Of course, he can take an absolute advantage in his own mountain gate.

Even the High Grade Immortal Artifact of the spring gate, the map began to tremble, and Shenweimen, the two great Jinxian of Fanginchhan, kā chā, the golden fairy country broke, a killing intent evil rushed in, and was contaminated on the spot. It’s on the body of some half-step Jinxian.

Ah, ah!

These half-step Jinxian’s powerful body burns up like a devil, and the body is gradually melting in the flame, and it is turned into evil.

In a flash, Shenweimen, the Jinxian Kingdom of Fangzhongshan, died three or four and a half steps of Jinxian Power.


The god Weimen, the Fangzhongshan lord, was so angry that he struggled to repair his own Jinxian kingdom. After several consecutive times, he finally stabilized.

“The dead are infinite, walking in the void, life and death!” When Fang Han exploded, Gu Meng also exploded, and his incarnation of the dead suddenly hit thousands of Great Dao rules, and every Great Dao rule is countless. Daxianshu was strangled, and the void evolved into the dead, and the search for immortality was infinite.

Fang Han was stunned and directly smashed up. The two men collided and the visions were numerous. The entire evil caves, countless existences and non-existences, were all disintegrated.

“You have charged three witches, no wonder such confidence.”

Gu Meng’s face, a blood red, eyes like a snake, standing on the spot, retreating from the life form of the dead, turned into the body. Obviously, he did not take advantage of it.

“You even attacked me two tricks, and it was my turn to regain my hand!” Fang Han flashed out of the dark fog, and suddenly the whole person was transformed into thirty-three shapes. The strongest Assassin 打 was played.

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