Eternal Life

Chapter 1025

Chapter 1,025

“I don’t know how to kill Wang Quan, I have never heard of it. I don’t think that this kid, I don’t know how tall and thick, actually to challenge Gu brother, you will kill it with a punch.”

The main gatekeeper of Shenweimen, the eternal Jinxian Li Luowei also stood up, between the eyebrows, brewing a deep murder.

He has never heard of any half-step Jin Xian dare to challenge the golden celestials. If he says this, he certainly can’t go to the siege. Otherwise, let the disciples laugh and say, they are jokes by other martial art. .

“Sir, don’t pick up its undead king boxing. It is rumored that once the undead king boxing moves, its own people will enter a realm of immortality, immortality and glory, even if it is the golden fairy of the same realm. Retreat from the house. You enter the map of my Tianquanmen.”

Princess Eldest Young Lady saw this scene and immediately shouted loudly.

“Yes, I don’t want to move a small friend. You got King Grade Immortal Pill. We don’t want you in Tianquanmen. But you are always an ally of our Tianquanmen. If someone wants to move you, you must ask us. I Wang Yan is willing to bear the burden and keep his promise.”

The main road of Tianquanmen.

“Why, Tianquanmen, do you want to do it? Let us see! Let me see, your big demon Demonic art is amazing, or my gods are fierce.”

The door of the gods, Liluo, cold snort.

“Okay! Tianquan Gate Lord, I am your friendship, but I want to act against the sky. The world has said that half a step of Jinxian can’t fight against Jinxian. I will fight against it, and hardly pick up his undead Wang Quan. See if he can get me.” Fang Han has been screaming and screaming, “Guan Yuanzong’s lord, Gu Meng, you dare not gamble. If you don’t kill me, you will leave immediately, keep your promise. ,how is it?”

“it is good!”

Gu Meng angered and laughed: “I don’t know the juniors who are tall and thick. I don’t know if I have a few pounds or two. I will let you know why the undead Wang Quan is called the undead Wang Quan. It also lets you know why the Heavenly Kingdom stayed behind. The rules, the half-step Jinxian and the real Jinxian are not the same.”

“Come on! Undead King Boxing, I see what the mystery of immortality is! Despite the shot!”

Fang Han secretly spurred Magic Force to bring his own universe to the limit, 33 Skies to the treasure, and the eight floaters also urged to reach the best state, the end of the holy road, the secret possession, and the evil spirits of the entire evil cave caused A burst of resonance, the whole person’s thoughts, and the evil caves have almost merged into one, the heaven and the earth are one.

The illusion of the surrounding area is extremely beneficial to him, and extremely harmful to the “Gu Yuanzong” lord. Compared with the two, the difference between the two, Fang Han can close a lot of gaps.

“Fang Han, do you really have to pick up this violent undead king punch?” The roar of the reincarnation was called: “He is the perfect golden fairy, reaching the golden fairy realm, the leapfrog challenge is impossible, Jinxian The power, you don’t know, you can’t compete. It’s already shocking the world to be opportunistic in his hands. I think we are better off.”

“Where? Where are you going?” Fang Han sneered again and again. “If I don’t do this, the three golden gods will join forces to kill me. I can’t escape. Even if there is a geographical advantage, I can’t escape. Moreover, even if I escape, Is there no other person blocking the assassination of me? I have already felt that outside the evil valley, there is an extremely dangerous Aura deep into it. Taking all the people here as prey, I just want to take advantage of the opportunity to wait for that power. The emergence, escape in one fell swoop, and then cultivation Divine Ability, waiting for me to reach the realm of Jinxian, one by one to kill. All these people will die.”

“After catching the oriole?”

I was shocked and looked around.

“You don’t have to look around, you can’t do it. You think about it. There is also a big martial art in Quanzhou. Guzong, their lords have come here, and they are almost wiped out by three witches. He will miss this opportunity. ? Vacuum home assassin, mysterious organization, he will not miss it.”

“Fang Han, you have got King Class Immortal Pill now, can you swallow it directly, turn it into a golden fairy, kill it on the spot?”

“No, this Divine Pill, every grain is made from the real Golden Fairy. It’s no less than the reinvented half-soul of the ancient St. Spirit Pill, each with unparalleled power. Once swallowed, the vitality will go away. At this time, it is necessary to find a place, quietly suppressing, and must not have any flaws. Otherwise, it will blow me into a broiler chicken. You said how do I take it now? Moreover, the promotion of Jinxian also requires a strong spirit of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. My current beginning of the Yuan is not enough. I can’t be promoted at all. Forcibly rushing, I must have Qi Deviation, the same as the predecessor of the Iron Gate.”

Fang Han shook his head.

Other generations of Jinxian also know this, so for the time being, Fang Han is not under Assassin, and he tries to block it.

“What do we do now? What if you and the valley are hard and hard, what should you do if you are hurt?”

“Hey! I won’t have no plans, I will surprise them. I can’t absorb the power of these medicine pills, but can’t the magical treasure absorb the golden rule? My 33 Skies, the eight floats The wing of freedom can absorb the golden fairy law, and once again, it becomes a product of Immortal Artifact, especially the legendary scorpion, reaching the critical point, and only a little bit, you can be promoted. A promotion, the true Saint Grade Immortal Artifact legend After that, it will pass through the boundless holy force, blessing on my body…”” Fang Han has been secretly prepared, and he communicates with the sizzling fire, and in any situation, he is in control.

“Good! Fang Han, you really are the supreme characters, even if you encounter the danger of being big, you can save your life. Also strengthen the strength, I will see you grow up to Heavenly Monarch sooner or later! The king of heaven! The Greater Emperor Yellow Springs.”

I am excited.

At this moment, Fang Han has already opened a gourd in the body, using the power of the ancestral mirror.

When the gourd opened, the incomparable golden yellow temperament, it rushed out, the golden dan, like a flame, burning, and its golden sacred law appeared.

The principle of Jin Xian is different from that of Da Luo.

It must be the law of Da Luo, after a tempering, the final transformation, the transformation of the essence, twisted into one. Form a formation.

That is to say, a lot of Laws of Da Luo, according to the golden fairy way, constitute a great array, after changing into a share, is the law of Jin Xian.

Often thousands of Dalu’s Laws can be turned into a golden rule.

Fang Han just decomposed the Golden Lord’s Law, the son of the Heavenly Lord, the son of the disaster Heavenly Monarch, and re-converted it into the Law of the Law of Luo, and got about 5 million.

Now, the body of the “Govine Divine Pill” of this gourd has not moved. It is the air flow of the Dan, and there are more than a dozen golden fairy rules flowing out.

Visible the medicinal power of this medicine pill.

The founder of this ancient fallen evil sect used the magical witchcraft to kill some golden sages and the whole refining medicine pill. Visible in its horror, Fang Han is now absolutely unable to swallow it, otherwise it will really explode. There must be a huge sum of the beginning of the Yuan.

That Dan gas came out, Fang Han absorbed a small part, and the other part, the Golden Fairy Law, directly rushed into the legend.

Legend has it that it has reached the critical point and needs the Golden Rule. Now, as soon as it breaks into it, it immediately begins to bloom again. Fang Han In the twinkling of an eye, the mind communicates with the distant time and space, the deepest and deepest, and it is faintly seen. In the ancient and deep legendary country, a huge boundless treasure is suspended in the air, such as the majesty of Heavenly Monarch. There is a power that cannot be described in words.

That seems to be Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the body of the legend, the rumor, was held by Duobao Heavenly Monarch.

Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, its strength, is equivalent to Heavenly Monarch.

“Who is it? Who is it, forging a fortune, and actually instilling into the Golden Fairy rule, very good, very good. The more forged, the stronger my strength, I have to reward you…”


The powerful ideas, from the emptiness of the sky to the shape of the legend, then passed on to the idea of ​​Fang Han, which is the idea of ​​the true legend.


After absorbing the gourd, most of the Dan, the legendary 仗 finally promoted to the product Immortal Artifact, a golden golden fairy entwined on it, the power of a huge legend, coming from a distant time and space, that mysterious time and space There is a lot of legendary Martial art, Dao technique.

The legend of the Immortal Artifact is integrated into Fang Han’s own world, which is inseparable. The power of Fang Han is increased again. There is a more Divine Ability in the body. The legend of the Immortal Artifact is changing. In order to defeat Martial Dao in the world: the name of Martial Dao, the name is not overbearing, and the “twilight of the gods”, this trick is called “far Far Legend”.

Fang Han suddenly felt that the two killings and the mutual cooperation were mutually beneficial.

“The dusk of the gods” “away Far Legend”.

The two major killings, the artistic conception is far-reaching, it is necessary to use a lifetime of energy to study and to ponder.

“Always do not move, you are optimistic, I killed you, you are on the Yellow Springs road, all the way! It is my valley, ending your life!”


Just in the exchange between Fang Han and the gods, the legendary scorpion absorbs the temperament, and in the moment when the universe changes in the sky, the outside world will have a moment of effort. The Gu Yuanzong lord is fierce, the body moves, the hands are separated, such as the tiger.擒羊, exhibited a starting style, containing Yin and Yang, six elements began to interweave, into the six immortal truth.

“Undead King Boxing, the first style, the god of the gods!”

Gu Meng, the quintessential Jin Xian, played the first style, and immediately rushed to the air, an ancient god, on the top of Fang Han.

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