Eternal Existence

Chapter 900 Negotiation

"Well, you are indeed a mid-level immortal, you have some skills, but can you stop us?" Tianjian Patriarch laughed and launched another attack.

At the same time, the cultivators who were watching the excitement on the side also took action. The outcome was obvious. Dozens of immortals besieged an immortal, and soon the cultivator from the fairyland was killed, leaving only some scattered energy.

"Don't say the clone, even if the real body comes, it will die. This guy is really an idiot. He thought this was the fairyland."

"Yeah, he dared to be arrogant when he came to our territory."

"But you, little guy, are not bad. You are a little human immortal, and you are not afraid of even the immortals." Someone looked at Chen Feng with a curious expression.

"Don't underestimate this kid. He has immortal weapons on him, and he is not a simple person."

"Now it seems that things should be discussed properly. I am right, right, Jiulian Tianzun." Chen Feng deliberately showed a hint of sarcasm.

Jiulian Tianzun glanced at Chen Feng and said nothing.

"By the way, Jiuxiao Palace wants to unify the entire Eternal World, so naturally they won't take us little people seriously." Chen Feng said again.

"Shut up!" Jiulian Tianzun's face finally changed a little.

"Unify the Eternal World, you are kidding. Just relying on Jiuxiao Palace, hehe." Someone sneered.

"Everyone can check it out. You will know immediately." Chen Feng said lightly.

Originally, everyone was an immortal with status. Although they came here, they did not deliberately check the situation of Jiuxiao Palace. After listening to Chen Feng's words, several people immediately released their spiritual consciousness.

Soon everyone discovered some things hidden in Jiuxiao Palace.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect Jiuxiao Palace to have such an arm. It seems that they really have some intentions."

"Jiulian Tianzun, what else do you say?"

"Hehe, this is just a way of cultivation. Does this mean anything?" Jiulian Tianzun's face calmed down again.

"I haven't been here for a while. I didn't expect Jiuxiao Palace to develop to this point. It seems that the small sect I founded back then can't hold on for much longer."

"It's simple. You can join hands with me to divide up Jiuxiao Palace."

"Forget it, forget it. Let's not do it. We were originally here to discuss the plane battlefield today."

"It's so chaotic now. How can we discuss it? I don't think we can discuss anything."

"It's all Jiuxiao Palace's fault."

"I think it's this kid named Chen Feng who's causing the trouble. It's normal for Jiuxiao Palace to attack Taiyi Sect, but this kid brought these cultivators from Central Plains to participate in it."

"May I ask what this senior's name is?" Chen Feng couldn't help it anymore after hearing this.

"Old Ancestor Tieliu, boy, what's the matter with you?"

"I think you were talking nonsense just now." Chen Feng shouted coldly.

"What did you say?" Old Ancestor Tieliu was angry. He was a high-ranking immortal. If he didn't say anything when he was insulted by a small human immortal, he would have no chance to mix with others in the future.

"I am a disciple of Taiyi Sect. This time our sect is in trouble, so it is reasonable for me to take action. I would like to ask you, who is the onion?" Chen Feng sneered.

"It's a rebellion. You all saw it. This kid provoked me first. If I don't teach him a lesson, these young people will never take us seriously in the future." As the ancestor Tieliu said, he took a step forward, and a strong gray airflow rushed towards Chen Feng.

This is not a real attack, but a condensed momentum. Of course, this level of attack means is no problem against Chen Feng. Under normal circumstances, the eyes of the immortal can easily kill a human immortal.

Originally, the ancestor Tianjian wanted to intervene, but when he looked at Biqing standing next to Chen Feng, he laughed at the idea of ​​taking action.

As for the others, they were just watching the fun on the side. Some people were even dissatisfied with Chen Feng. In a word, Chen Feng doesn't have enough cultivators now. Everyone is an immortal. What do you think a small human immortal is doing here?

Who knew that Biqing didn't take action either, and the scene that followed made everyone stare.

After the attack of Tianjian Patriarch landed on Chen Feng, it automatically dispersed without causing any impact on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Longevity Tower flew out, rotating and covering the head of Tieliu Patriarch. So in the eyes of everyone, Tieliu Patriarch suddenly became solidified under the cover of the Longevity Tower, or turned into a sculpture, his body motionless, and even the life fluctuations in the deep mountains seemed to disappear.


Chen Feng swept out with a bone spear in his hand, and hit Tieliu Patriarch heavily. Although Tieliu Patriarch was not killed, he was also seriously injured. After all, the bone spear in Chen Feng's hand was an immortal weapon. When Tieliu Patriarch flew backwards, his body swelled up, as if he was about to explode, but he was finally suppressed back, but some cracks appeared on his body, and the energy in his body was also chaotically emitted.

Chen Feng knew that it was not suitable to kill the other party under this situation. Of course, Chen Feng was not unable to do this. He just put the other party into the Longevity Tower directly, and it was impossible for the other party to get out again.

This situation caused an uproar among the people present, and they looked at Chen Feng differently again. Only Bi Qing felt that all this was reasonable. In fact, Bi Qing had long regarded Chen Feng as an equal.

The Longevity Tower flew back to Chen Feng's hand, and after circling, it disappeared into Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng waved the bone spear in his hand with a sneer on his face.

"Why, if you are not convinced, you can come again, but I don't guarantee that I will stay."

Although the Tieliu Ancestor was repulsed, and although he was shocked that Chen Feng could produce two good immortal weapons, in front of everyone, he really tried his best to get the place back. There was only one way to get the place back, and that was Kill Chen Feng.

But this time it was destined to be a fight. Bi Qing stepped forward and said coldly: "That's enough."

The ancestor of Tianjian also stepped forward and said with a smile: "If you do it again, don't blame me for being rude."

"Ancestor Tianjian, why are you meddling in other people's business?" Ancestor Tieliu was a little dissatisfied.

"By the way, I forgot to mention it just now. This guy is the elder of our Tianjian Sect. If something happens, of course I will protect him." The ancestor of Tianjian said seriously.

With Bi Qing and the Heavenly Sword Patriarch intervening, the Tieliu Patriarch would not take action even if he was unwilling to do so. The Heavenly Sword Patriarch himself would not be an opponent, let alone the seemingly inscrutable Bi Qing.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, the four Daluo Tianzun had returned. After the four people came back, Daluo Tianzun waved his hand and took out a Qiankun bag. The Qiankun bag unfolded and a large number of monks fell from it.

These people were the monks who besieged Taiyi Sect. They numbered over a million, and they were all taken away by Daluo Tianzun using the magic of the universe within his sleeves.

Speaking of this battlefield, Jiuxiao Palace suffered a lot of losses. More than ten earth immortals were killed and injured, more than a hundred human immortals were killed, and there were too many monks under the human immortals to count. Moreover, because of Chen Feng’s joining, many cities were built. The most important thing that was destroyed was that the Jiuxiao Palace in front of them had been completely destroyed in the fight.

It would have been nice to knock down the Taiyi Sect, but now not only was it unsuccessful, but he also lost his troops. He originally had the support of the monks in the immortal world, but he was killed by two immortals. Under the pressure of many immortals, the Nine Company Tianzun knew that the loss on his side was certain.

The gap in strength is impossible to make up, and today's result is already obvious, that is, Jiuxiao Palace will give in.

Jiulian Tianzun was extremely angry in his heart, but he did not show it on the surface. He just gritted his teeth secretly: "This time you oppressed me, but you will soon pay the price for what happened today. Our Jiuxiao Palace is not that easy to offend. "

Now that the matter has been determined, Jiulian Tianzun behaved very simply, almost saying nothing. After all, even the real disciples who were sent out were taken back by others, and there was no use saying anything else.

"As an immortal, it's better not to interfere in the affairs of the cultivation world." Someone put forward this point of view.

But as soon as this person spoke, he offended the monks present.

Almost all the immortals who took action just now were a little dissatisfied.

"It's easy not to interfere in the affairs of the cultivation world. I suggest that everyone ascend to the immortal world." The ancestor of Tianjian was the first to speak.

"It's not like you can open a passage back after ascending to the fairy world."

"Why, do you still want to fight?"

"Tch, others are afraid of you, but I really don't take your Heavenly Sword seriously."

"Then try it and let me teach you a lesson."

Chen Feng was also a little speechless. Speaking of it, most of these immortals seemed to be aloof and steady, but once there were disputes and conflicts, they were actually no different from monks at other levels. Of course, there are not many people among them who have such a nature.

Next, after things stabilized, all the immortals gathered together and began to discuss things. This was the purpose of everyone's appearance. This time, Chen Feng also participated in it. The most important thing was that Chen Feng had defeated a man before. As an Immortal, no matter where you are, strength is the most important thing.

The matter discussed by everyone was focused on the upcoming plane war. Everyone spoke one after another. Although the scene was heated, it was not as conflicting as before. Chen Feng had been sitting quietly and did not participate in it.

"Chen Feng, you are also the overlord of one party now. Do you have any objections?"

Chen Feng remained silent, but someone still asked Chen Feng. The person who spoke was Ancestor Tianming. He had always maintained a neutral attitude in the previous battles. At this time, asking Chen Feng attracted the attention of others to Chen Feng. body.

"I have no objection." Chen Feng shook his head.

"So Island Master Chen is planning to join the war?" Ancestor Tianming said with a smile.

"Of course, I am a member of the Eternal World. Of course I have to take action, and I will also lead a group of monks from Donglong Island into the battlefield." Chen Feng expressed his stance.

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