Eternal Existence

Chapter 899 Chaos

After the three Jiulian Tianzun appeared, they did not speak. They just nodded to some familiar cultivators, and then stood aside and stayed quietly.

The three did not even look at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng just sneered, and then more immortals continued to appear, until the 99th one finally stopped.

"Let's stop here, these people are enough." One of the immortals who looked like an old man spoke first.

In fact, once a cultivator has achieved success in cultivation, he can retain his youth and keep his youthful appearance. There are still very few cultivators who retain the appearance of an old man. Generally, most of these people do not care about their appearance, or for some other reasons.

"There are still a hundred years before the plane war. There can be no large-scale fighting and war in this hundred years."

"Jiulian Tianzun, you people from Jiuxiao Palace should withdraw."

"Impossible." Jiulian Tianzun said lightly.

"This is our opinion, not my personal opinion." The old man who spoke first was still the one who spoke.

"This is just a matter between us and Taiyi Sect. Aren't you all too involved?" Jiulian Tianzun said lightly.

"It seems that you are going to refuse." Da Luo Tianzun said with a smile.

"Okay, very good, in this case, let's settle the accounts."

"What to settle?"

"Let's settle the accounts that your Jiuxiao Palace colluded with the immortal world cultivators to harm the Eternal World." Da Luo Tianzun sneered.

"Do you think others will want to believe this?" Jiulian Tianzun said calmly, not caring at all.

"We believe it." Yongheng Tianzun spoke.

"I saw it with my own eyes, and killed two people." Bi Qing said with a smile.

It seems that the five people on Da Luo Tianzun's side formed a group. The five people united are considered a very powerful force.

"I suggest that everyone join forces to eliminate the three sects of Jiuxiao Palace, Zixiao Palace and Lingxiao Palace, so as to avoid unnecessary changes during the plane war." Sifang Tianzun nodded.

"Hahaha, sorry, I'm late." At this time, someone else arrived, a sword light broke through the space, and a domineering cultivator walked out.

"It turned out to be the Tianjian Patriarch!"

The person who came was actually the immortal of the Tianjian Sect.

"I heard what Sifang said before, and I completely agree. I heard that Jiuxiao Palace is too arrogant, so it's better to destroy it." Tianjian Patriarch said casually.

"What do you think? If no one has any objection, I will take action now. I have been wandering outside the domain for many years. I haven't fought with local cultivators in these years. I am really itching to do it." Tianjian Patriarch laughed.

"I have no objection."

"I have no objection either."

Finally someone spoke up, of course, the few people who spoke up were people who were close to Tianjian Patriarch or Daluo Tianzun and others.


Jiulian Tianzun and the other three just sneered when they saw this scene.

"Tianjian Patriarch, you are here to cause trouble on purpose." Finally someone spoke up.

"Chifeng Patriarch, I am causing trouble, and you don't need to say anything." Tianjian Patriarch said and immediately took action.

Sword lights came one after another, attacking Chifeng Patriarch domineeringly and wildly.

Chifeng Patriarch did not expect Tianjian Patriarch to start fighting immediately. He was careless for a moment and was hit by the sword light. He was injured and embarrassed.

"Tianjian Patriarch, you are looking for death."

"Then I will kill you first." Tianjian Patriarch did not stop after he made a move, but followed up with a series of attacks.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The sword light exploded in all directions, and the Jiuxiao Palace below was in trouble. One mountain after another and one building after another were destroyed.

"Friend, it's a bit too much." Jiulian Tianzun's eyelids twitched, but he resisted the urge to attack.

"Too much, there are more excessive." Tianjian Patriarch blasted Chifeng Patriarch away with a sword, and then swung the sword, and the ground below cracked, and a long crack appeared. It was unknown how deep it was, but there was earth energy gushing out of the crack.

"Too much, I can't bear it anymore." Jiulian Tianzun could no longer bear it, and jumped out to attack Tianjian Patriarch.

"You're just in time." Tianjian Patriarch seemed even happier, and with a wave of his hand, a sword curtain filled the sky.


Chifeng Patriarch had returned and came forward to attack Tianjian Patriarch.

"Brother Tianjian, I'll help you." Another person joined the battlefield.

"Okay, Tianfeng Patriarch, you're really nice."


Zihui Tianzun and Lingfeng Tianzun couldn't bear it anymore, and joined the battlefield. Together with Jiulian Tianzun, the three of them practiced the Tianxiao Great Immortal Art. When they joined forces, their attack power doubled, and Tianjian Patriarch, who was suppressed, retreated again and again.


Two more people joined the battle, they were Shuihuo Tianzun and Chilin Tianzun, they seemed to be familiar with Tianjian Patriarch, and they joined forces to attack Chifeng Patriarch.

"Hehe, Tianjian Patriarch has a good relationship with people." Chen Feng laughed.

"It can't be said that Tianjian Patriarch has good popularity. This guy is simply a battle maniac. Normally, people would dodge him when they see him. But no matter what, we all come from the Central Plains, and sometimes we will fight." Daluo Tianzun said with a smile.

"Aren't you seniors going to fight?" Chen Feng asked.

"We don't need to fight yet. Once we fight, we will represent the entire Central Plains. If this goes on, things will be difficult to deal with." Daluo said this with some pride.

"Alas! I'm afraid Taiyi Xianshan can't hold on for long." Chen Feng sighed.

"That's a problem."

"Let's do this. The four of us will go and stabilize the situation first." Yongheng Tianzun spoke, and then the four of them looked at each other and flew away at the same time.

"Hey! It's a mess. What's going on?"

"Why don't you stop? We are here to discuss things, not to fight."

Some people watched indifferently, some advised, and some were eager to try. These were all immortals. After a fight, although everyone had restrained themselves, the waves they emitted almost destroyed the entire Jiuxiao Palace.

"Ba Jian, Tian Ming, Luo Tian, ​​what are you guys still doing? Do you want me to beg you?" Tian Jian Patriarch shouted.

"Haha! Tian Jian, I thought you could handle it alone."

"Of course I can handle it, but it will take some time." Tian Jian Patriarch said dissatisfiedly.

"I'll do it." Ba Jian Patriarch had actually been unable to bear it for a long time, and rushed up immediately after hearing Tian Jian Patriarch's invitation.

"Everyone, stop it. We, the Jiuxiao Palace, agree to withdraw our troops." Jiulian Tianzun gritted his teeth and spoke.

"It's too late to speak now. You don't need to withdraw your troops. Daluo will handle it."

"I think you are really crazy."

"Okay, Tianjian, stop it."

"Do you really think that we Beiyuan are easy to bully?" Someone else joined in.

"Yes, even if we bully you Beiyuan, what can we do? If you don't accept it, just come down." Tianjian Patriarch shouted.


Just when everyone was fighting, the space exploded with a bang, and a space channel appeared.

Unlike the space channel opened by the usual space shuttle, this channel seemed a little unstable, but the breath transmitted from it made the immortals present feel uncomfortable.

"The breath of the immortal world." Chen Feng and Biqing looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

A little lightning flashed through the channel, and then suddenly exploded, the lightning flashed, and condensed into a majestic and tall cultivator.

"Mid-level immortal!" All the immortals present were shocked. Immortals of this level should be extinct in the Eternal World.

"Another person from the Thunder Realm, it's really endless." Bi Qing shook his head and sighed.

"So it's someone from the Immortal Realm. I don't know why he interfered in the affairs of our Eternal World." Tianjian Patriarch stopped fighting and stepped forward to ask.

"How dare you! I came down on behalf of the Immortal Realm to deal with this dispute. You can all stop." The tall monk said lightly.

"Stop, this is easy. We can not take action, but Jiuxiao Palace has been attacking Taiyi Sect for some time. Why didn't you make any moves in the Immortal Realm, but you came here at this time? This is really a bit strange." At this time, Chen Feng suddenly spoke.

"Who are you? You dare to come and talk to me, and why don't you retreat." The tall monk looked at Chen Feng, and a soul force rushed towards Chen Feng.

Bi Qing wanted to take action, but seeing Chen Feng's calm expression, he smiled and shook his head and did not take action.


The soul power of this tall cultivator was shattered by the power of the Longevity Tower before it approached Chen Feng.

"A mid-level immortal, you attacked a small human immortal like me. Are all immortal cultivators like this? But you are just a clone, aren't you looking for death?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Well said, kid. Let me ask you, why didn't you send people down from the immortal world before, and why are you sending people down now?" Tianjian Patriarch looked at Chen Feng with satisfaction, then stepped forward and approached the tall cultivator.

"Yes, you dared to attack recklessly just now. Who do you think you are? Do you know whose territory this is?" Tianfeng Patriarch also followed.

"It's just a clone, what's so arrogant about it." Others also surrounded him.

"Boy, who are you?" The tall cultivator stared at Chen Feng, ignoring others.

"A small cultivator from the Eternal World." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Come here." The tall cultivator suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Feng. This grab may seem simple, but it contains the power of the Great Dao and the mysteries of the law. Chen Feng simply cannot dodge it.

However, Chen Feng was not panicked at all, nor did he make a move to resist, because someone made a move, and the number of people who made a move scared Chen Feng.

"I'm asking you a question, what's your attitude?"

"You dare to find trouble in our Eternal World, you're really looking for death."

"It's shameful to bully the weak with the big, it's just a clone, don't blame us for being rude."


Including the Tianjian Patriarch, a total of five immortals attacked the cultivator from the fairyland at the same time.

The tall cultivator's eyes flashed with lightning, and the palm that grabbed Chen Feng was suddenly retracted, and then he waved and shook, the lightning was dazzling, and actually blocked the attacks from all around.

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