Eternal Existence

Chapter 886 Disrupting the Battle Situation

One of the two earthly immortals of the Tianjian Sect is called Daqian Sword Immortal and the other is called Gale Sword Immortal.

One practices the Way of Heaven, and the other practices the Way of Wind. They are both pure swordsmen with extremely strong offensive power. Monks of the same level are rarely the opponents of such people.

After listening to Chen Feng's words, the two men nodded and said in a relaxed tone: "No problem!"

In fact, generally speaking, monks in the Central Plains simply look down on monks from other regions. Even though these two have reached the realm of earthly immortals, they still have such a sense of arrogance in their hearts.

A million miles away is nothing to these monks who are flying in the sky and escaping from the earth. As soon as Chen Feng formulated the battle plan, the opponent had already arrived.

"Let the leader speak out."

After the other party arrived, Chen Feng did not immediately come to him, but someone stepped forward to call for formation.

Chen Feng smiled secretly and walked out. At the same time, Chen Feng was also observing the other party's reality.

However, what Chen Feng didn't expect was that just when Chen Feng came out and was still thinking about what to say next, the four Earth Immortals on the opposite side actually took action at the same time.

And it’s a killer move right from the start.

The moment the other party took action, Chen Feng immediately knew what these people were planning to do and unexpectedly attacked and killed him. What next? After killing himself, the leader, all the remaining monks would rush forward.

It's a shame that I thought I'd show my identity first before taking action.

"I'm careless. I'm still a bit young. I haven't experienced such a scene." Chen Feng sighed secretly.

Chen Feng stood still and allowed the four underground attacks to fall on him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four killing moves exploded on Chen Feng's body, as if four small planets collided with Chen Feng's body. The eyelids of everyone around him jumped at this scene.

Even the two Earth Immortals from the Heavenly Sword Sect changed their colors. Even if they were attacked by this level of attack, they would not be able to take it.

This was just the beginning, Chen Feng wouldn't be killed like this.

But then everyone breathed a sigh of relief, although most people were shocked and incredible, because Chen Feng was floating in the air safely.

Safe and sound.

The long-prepared attack of the four Earth Immortals fell on Chen Feng, leaving Chen Feng without any damage.

The phantom of the Eternal Life Tower enveloped Chen Feng, invulnerable to fire and water, and invulnerable to swords and guns.


A powerful suction force surged, and all the energy and fluctuations generated by the attacks of the four Earth Immortals were completely absorbed.


Chen Feng waved his hand suddenly, and the water and fire spears swept out. Chen Feng did not use the immortal weapon. The water and fire spears were the best Taoist weapons, which were enough to deal with these earth immortals.

Under the attack of the water and fire spears, the four Earth Immortals watched in horror as their bodies split open and their souls were sucked away by Chen Feng.


The souls of the four Earth Immortals only had time to let out a scream, and then the imprint of life in them was erased by Chen Feng, leaving only some memories.

The monks on both sides were stunned. Only some Daluo Academy students who had seen Chen Feng's methods before had calm expressions, because these people knew that Chen Feng had an immortal weapon on his body.

"Sorry, you two, I took action too quickly." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two Earth Immortals of the Heavenly Sword Sect could only smile bitterly, and were secretly shocked in their hearts. Originally, they had some contempt for Chen Feng, but now they have all been eliminated, and all they have is respect for the strong man.

"Do it, kill!"

Chen Feng said in a deep voice. Only then did everyone react and immediately spread out the formation they had arranged before to kill the monks in front of them.

The number of monks on the opposite side far exceeds that of Chen Feng's side, and there are four earth immortals leading the way. They are fierce and full of fighting spirit, and they want to completely annihilate Chen Feng and his group.

But just now, Chen Feng killed four Earth Immortals instantly. The remaining 20,000 troops no longer had any fighting spirit, and their morale was extremely low.

When Chen Feng's side took action, these people had already started to run away.

Chen Feng and the two Earth Immortals from the Tianjian Sect did not take action because the situation in front of them had turned into a massacre.

Half an hour later, everything was over.

Three thousand of the opponent's people were killed, and all the others were scattered and escaped completely.

Chen Feng had a sneer on his face, because Chen Feng already knew everything he wanted to know from the memories of these four Earth Immortals.

"Elder Chen, where did these people come from?" Daqian Sword Immortal asked with a smile.

"Only one of the four Earth Immortals who died just now was from Jiuxiao Palace." Chen Feng said lightly.

"What about the others?"

"They are all guys who took advantage of the situation." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and sneered.

"Taking advantage of the situation, you mean they are people from other sects?" Gale Sword Immortal asked.

"There are also some casual cultivators."

"Actually, this kind of thing is normal. If our Heavenly Sword Sect encounters such a situation, not to mention other strengths, even the monks who have been relying on our Heavenly Sword Sect in the Tianjian Mountain Range will take advantage of the situation, fish in troubled waters, and get some benefits, Beiyuan The situation is actually very stable. Taiyi Sect is definitely not the opponent of Jiuxiao Palace. The other forces have no friendship with Taiyi Sect, so of course they will take action." Daqian Sword Immortal said slowly.

"I just didn't expect these people to be so fast and obey Jiuxiao Palace's orders so easily." Chen Feng sneered.

"Jiuxiao Palace will become more and more powerful in the future. These people choose to take action not only for benefits, but also to climb up to Jiuxiao Palace. This is definitely not the first group." Gale Sword Immortal said with a smile.

These two sword immortals have been practicing for more than ten thousand years. They have never seen anything. When it comes to experience, their experience is not comparable to that of a young man like Chen Feng.

Sure enough, Chen Feng's party was blocked by three waves of cultivators again.

Among these three waves of cultivators, only one was pure Jiuxiao Palace cultivators, and the other two were scattered cultivators gathered together, and the other was disciples of other first-class sects.

Of course, no matter who the opponent was, Chen Feng was not soft-hearted. He was very hard, straightforward and ruthless. He killed them directly without capturing them alive. Generally, after killing a group of people, the rest began to flee.

With the strength of Chen Feng and others, only earth immortals could pose some threat. As for human immortals, they would also die, unless thousands of human immortals were dispatched together, but this situation would never happen.

And cultivators below the human immortal realm were generally dispersed. If the opponent really wanted to die, Chen Feng would not let the people below stop.

"It's a pity. The plane war is about to begin. If these immortals don't die, they will count as a force." Dafeng Jianxian suddenly said.

"These people will not play a big role in the entire battlefield, but it's better to kill one less person." Chen Feng made up his mind. In the next situation where he had the upper hand, Chen Feng chose not to kill anyone if he could.

However, it seems that the power displayed by Chen Feng's side in the past few days is too strong, and no one dares to attack.

Chen Feng is a bit regretful. Jiuxiao Palace is hateful, and these cultivators who take advantage of the situation are even more hateful.

"It seems that the opponent has been shocked, which is a good thing." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"However, the influence on the situation of the entire battlefield is still not enough."

"Maybe I should try to kill the opponent's lair directly, so that Jiuxiao Palace should withdraw its troops."

"This may be a bit difficult. Although Beiyuan is not as good as our Zhongyuan, there are still immortal weapons guarding the first-class forces. If a few more masters come out, we can't take advantage even if we have immortal weapons in our hands." Daqian Sword Immortal is very calm.

"Not necessarily, as long as we can shock the other party, and Taiyi Sect is not a pushover, there should be some power that has not been displayed."

"So what should we do next?"

"Keep moving forward and sweep across the important strongholds of Jiuxiao Palace."

Due to the addition of Chen Feng's force, the battle situation in Beiyuan began to become chaotic. Jiuxiao Palace, which had already won, was surprised, then shocked, and then a little panic, and the atmosphere of panic has begun to spread.

The loss of several earth immortals and hundreds of human immortals was unacceptable to Jiuxiao Palace, so while transferring troops from Zixiao and Lingxiao, they quickly attracted some casual cultivators and other sects, and secretly invited masters to come out.

Of course, on the surface, some people will still be sent to find out the details of the source of this chaos, and it would be best if it can be resolved peacefully.

"Humph, no matter where these people come from, it is our Jiuxiao Palace that has the final say in Beiyuan. Now stabilize the other party first, and then deal with the Taiyi Sect after dealing with the other party," this is the decision made by the top leaders of Jiuxiao Palace.

Taiyi Immortal Mountain, Taiyi Sect, and Taiyi Hall were all in a different state.

Every day, the headmaster Wanjiecheng would hold a meeting here to deploy troops and discuss ways to defeat the enemy. Today, Wanjiecheng listened to the reports of the elders as usual.

It was still bad news after bad news.

Wanjiecheng's face was not as calm as before. Just yesterday, two senior earth immortals who had been wandering outside returned and joined the battlefield, resulting in one death and one injury.

Now Wanjiecheng even began to waver, wondering whether to mobilize the last hidden trump card, because the damage to Taiyi Sect was too great in the war these days.

At this moment, Wanjiecheng's eyebrows suddenly raised, and some of the elders below also raised their heads, because another cultivator had arrived in front of him, and seemed very panicked.

"Hey! No need to ask, it must be bad news again. Maybe Yiyuan City has been lost. If so, the entire Taiyi Immortal Mountain is surrounded by the enemy tightly." Wanjiecheng felt a little gloomy.

"Come in directly." Thinking of this, Wanjiecheng waved his hand, and a cultivator who was one thousand feet away from the hall was directly swept into the hall by a force.

This person was startled, but the young cultivator looked up at the situation in front of him and was startled again. He calmed down and was about to salute.

"Okay, don't be polite, just say what you want to say." Wanjiecheng said lightly.

"Yes! That's it." The young cultivator was actually a little excited and excited when he said this.

"There was chaos in the three sects of Jiuxiao Palace, Lingxiao Palace, and Zixiao Palace."


After hearing this, Wanjiecheng sat up straight, staring at the young cultivator. Under the pressure, the young cultivator retreated again and again, and actually sat on the ground.

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