Eternal Existence

Chapter 885: Sweep

In Taiyi Gate and Taiyi Hall, the headmaster of Wanjie City is sitting in the highest position of the headmaster, listening to the elders below constantly reporting messages one after another.

With every piece of news reaching his ears, Wanjie City's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Since the beginning of the war, the news received has not been good.

"What's the situation in Yiyuan City now?" Wanjie City frowned after listening for a while.

"The situation in Yiyuan City is very stable." An elder below said.

"Very stable! Humph, Taiyi Immortal Mountain is surrounded. I don't think Yiyuan City can hold on for long." Wanjie City is always aloof and calm, but this time the situation is really not good. , is something that rarely happens since the Taiyi Sect was established.

Originally, the City of Ten Thousand Tribulations has already cultivated to the realm of high-level human immortals. On weekdays, it rarely interferes with the affairs of the sect. It focuses on cultivating and wants to hit a higher realm. If there is a breakthrough in its cultivation, it will be unloaded. Take this responsibility as head coach. He went out to explore, but now it seems that all plans have been shattered. Maybe Taiyi Sect will perish in his own hands.

"It is indeed very stable. Some hidden masters in Yiyuan City have taken action." Seeing the headmaster's expression, the elder said cautiously.

"Well, Yiyuan City is very close to Taiyi Immortal Mountain. There are indeed some monks with good cultivation among them. For example, I know that the owners of several inconspicuous shops in the city are human immortals, but in my mind, these people should be I won’t take action." Wanjie City nodded.

"The person who took action is indeed good, but there is an extra force there, and it is Zhenren Xuanhuo." The elder thought for a while and said.

"Master Xuanhuo." Wanjie City was stunned.

"Zhenhuo Xuanhuo has been away from the sect for a while, and there has been no news. He had some conflicts with the sect at that time. Now that he shows up to take action, it is not in vain that he is a member of Taiyi Sect."

"Master Xuanhuo is now a human immortal, and there are several human immortals around him. This has relieved some pressure on Yiyuan City."

"Well, they should be friends of Master Xuanhuo. If our Taiyi Sect can survive this time, those who help must be thanked." Wanjie City nodded.

"However, the chance of being able to survive is too small." Wanjie City still had something in his mind, but he didn't say it out loud. For such words to be said by himself, the headmaster, would be a huge blow to morale.

"This time Jiuxiao Palace attacked us, no other sect came to help, and some people even took advantage of it secretly. It's really unreasonable." Another elder said angrily.

"This situation is normal. After all, the power of the three sects of Jiuxiao Palace is too strong. The situation is obvious. Although these sects are afraid of Jiuxiao Palace, they will not confront them head-on. Hey, if we sects can unite, the three sects of Jiuxiao Palace can The faction will not develop to this extent. Huh, after destroying our Taiyi Sect, it will be their turn. They are all short-sighted people."

"Okay, that's it for today. You go down and immediately organize the manpower, carry out strict inspections, and don't let the other party sneak into the Taiyi Immortal Mountain." Finally, Wanjie City gave the order.

"Headmaster, do you think we should use that power?" At this time, an elder sitting at the front asked softly.

Wanjie City's eyes flashed, and then he said calmly: "This power will not move for the time being."

"But!" The elder wanted to say but was stopped by Wanjie City with a wave of his hand.

"We have this kind of power, and Jiuxiao Palace certainly does. In fact, in this situation, even if we mobilize all our power, it will only delay for some time. It is better to use this power to fight Staying at the end, maybe the worst plan is to save some fire.”

Not to mention the situation in Taiyi Immortal Mountain, Chen Feng had already launched an attack on the forces on the Jiuxiao Palace side.

Originally, Chen Feng's previous plan was to rush to Taiyi Gate quickly. Once they arrived at Taiyi Immortal Mountain, they would definitely be able to resolve the embarrassing situation in front of them.

However, after Chen Feng obtained detailed information from major chambers of commerce and discussed with everyone, he changed his previous plan.

The new plan is to directly attack the base camp or important strongholds of the three parties in Jiuxiao Palace.

It's like the target of the bombardment in front of you is a large city under Jiuxiao Palace, an important stronghold.

There are several immortals and one earth immortal in this city. This kind of power is a bit weak compared to a large city, but Chen Feng also knows that the other party should have dispatched most of its power to the front line.

Therefore, Chen Feng took almost no effort to get rid of the power of Jiuxiao Palace in this city.

The main reason for occupying this city is the large teleportation array here. To put it bluntly, this city is an important transfer station, and people from other places will pass here to reach other places.

But now that this city is occupied by Chen Feng, it is equivalent to sticking a thorn in the opponent's throat. Confusing the Jiuxiao Palace side's next steps of action can also reduce the pressure on Taiyi Sect.

Leaving a group of men to guard the city, Chen Feng set off again. Of course, Chen Feng divided the team into four waves. In each wave, there would be one hundred immortals leading five thousand heavenly monks. As for the four hellhounds who followed All the earthly immortals around Chen Feng were also sent out, leaving no one behind.

These four earthly immortals are all brought by Chen Feng from Donglong Island. They are Cerberus, Phantom Divine Marten, the human monk Qingfeng Venerable, and the monster dragon Bi Jing Ancestor.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to send out the two earthly immortals from the Tianjian Sect, but after thinking about it, he temporarily gave up the idea. After all, they were not under his command, and it was not easy to command them at will. It would be better to keep them by his side.

Apart from these two earthly immortals, the force that Chen Feng kept by his side was relatively the weakest. Of course, Chen Feng's current combat power was not even comparable to that of earthly immortals. If he used immortal weapons, he could fight against the upper immortals.

Moreover, Chen Feng also vaguely guessed that there should be someone following him in secret this time, such as Biqing, or Daluo Tianzun, or the masters of the Tianjian Sect. Chen Feng did not believe that the latter two would be at ease to hand over so many disciples in the sect to him.

But it was also good. With several masters in charge, Chen Feng felt a little confident.

Then Chen Feng's actions were as swift as the wind. He swept through eighteen cities in one day. Of course, it was just a sweep, not an occupation. Chen Feng did not have so many people under his command.

Among the eighteen cities, there is only one large city, and the rest are all medium-sized cities. Chen Feng led the human immortals and the heavenly cultivators to pass through, and they were simply invincible. The high-level cultivators of the Jiuxiao Palace in the city were either killed or captured, and no one escaped.

This is only the result of Chen Feng's battle. The number of cities swept by the other three routes in one day is not less than that of Chen Feng, and even the record of one route far exceeds that of Chen Feng's route.

Of course, most of the students of Daluo Academy are in this route. These people are geniuses among geniuses, elites who can challenge ten people at a time, and can challenge higher levels. Chen Feng has nothing to worry about these people.

After a short rest, Chen Feng led his men to continue moving forward, still rushing through the territory of Jiuxiao Palace.

After sweeping more than a hundred cities in one day, Chen Feng couldn't bear to stop, because this action was too bullying.

Just think about it, a group of human immortals led thousands of heavenly cultivators to attack a medium-sized city, and there was not even a human immortal in this city.

So Chen Feng immediately modified the plan, that is, to attack only large cities, so that the speed is faster.

After sweeping ten large cities again, Chen Feng and others have entered the heart of Jiuxiao Palace. On this day, Chen Feng led the team to stop.

One reason is to rest and recuperate, and the second and most important reason is that Jiuxiao Palace has mobilized a large number of people to intercept Chen Feng.

"According to reliable information, the 20,000 people sent by Jiuxiao Palace have reached a million miles away." At this time, a human immortal who was responsible for investigating the news reported to Chen Feng.

"20,000 people are quite scary. Tell me the details." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"At least four earth immortals, more than 50 human immortals, and the rest are almost all heavenly cultivators."

"Strange, strange!"

After hearing this news, Chen Feng's face was a little solemn. He was not afraid of the opponent's strength, but felt that something was wrong.

"In theory, Jiuxiao Palace should not mobilize such a large force so quickly." Chen Feng thought that Jiuxiao Palace should use most of its strength to deal with Taiyi Sect.

"No, no, my thinking is wrong. Jiuxiao Palace will not mobilize all its forces, because they have to guard against some accidents, such as the rash intervention of other sects." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he kept thinking about various situations.

"Although I think so, I still have a strange feeling, as if there are still places I haven't thought of."

"Brother Chen, what should we do next?"

While Chen Feng was thinking, a cultivator next to him couldn't help asking. This person came from Daluo Academy, and he had the cultivation of a high-level human immortal, and even fought with earth immortals. However, he still respectfully called him Brother in front of Chen Feng, after all, what Chen Feng did in Daluo Academy before was too scary.

Chen Feng divided the team into four groups, of course, he mobilized the personnel of each party to cooperate with each other, but among the teams, the cultivators of the three parties were relatively concentrated.

Chen Feng's group only had a few students from Daluo Academy.

"Of course, we will meet the enemy. If we eat these 20,000 people, I think the face of Jiuxiao Palace will be very good." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Since I can't figure it out, I'll just have to wait until we get closer so I can see it clearly.

"The two seniors can just deal with the two earthly immortals, and I'll take care of the rest." Chen Feng turned around and said with a smile.

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