Eternal Existence

Chapter 876: Taunting

"Did you follow the dean's order?" Chen Feng had a sarcastic smile on his face.

"I alone have brought so many members of the law enforcement team. Let me tell you, everyone, are you afraid of me?" Chen Feng's tone was provocative.

"Presumptuous, your name is Chen Feng, right? Huh, you are a country bumpkin from the north. He entered Daluo Academy and did not practice properly, and he actually caused trouble everywhere. You have only one choice now, and that is to come with us honestly. ." At this time, a captain of the law enforcement team became angry and strode forward, leading a group of monks to arrest Chen Feng.

"What if I say I can't go?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"If you don't go, you are violating the school's regulations. Now we will arrest you immediately. If you resist, we can kill you on the spot." The law enforcement team grinned at the other party.

As for Qingfeng Sword Immortal, Shuihuo Xiaozhenren and others, they laughed when they saw this scene. This is exactly what everyone wants to see.

Speaking of which, these people are still a little wary of Chen Feng. If they really want to take action, they are not sure they will be able to take advantage. This is also the reason why a large number of law enforcement teams are brought in. It would be better if Chen Feng disobeys the order. , then the entire Daluo Academy will be the one to resist, and it will be useless no matter how powerful Chen Feng is.

In the plan of several people, there was only one outcome, and that was Chen Feng's death.

"Oh! It seems that we are going to take action, but it's just you guys." Chen Feng said, reaching out and tapping. Just when the face of the law enforcement captain changed, Chen Feng suddenly took action.

With one hand, a mighty force roared out, and the force of the palm was like the rolling impact of a huge wave.

The captain of the law enforcement team was the first to be knocked away, followed by other members of the law enforcement team behind him.

These members of the law enforcement team are very powerful in combat, but the ones with the highest level of cultivation are only in the realm of mid-level immortals. How can they be Chen Feng's opponent.

So as soon as Chen Feng took action, dozens of members of the law enforcement team rolled out in embarrassment. After landing on the ground, they felt that their whole bodies were limp and lost their fighting power.

"Okay, you are rebelling. Let's take action quickly to capture Chen Feng." Chen Feng took action and beat back dozens of people, which surprised everyone, but the eyes of Qingfeng Sword Immortal and others showed surprise. .

With this move, Chen Feng's guilt was settled and he could no longer stand up. Not to mention that Chen Feng was in the realm of high-level human immortals. Even if he was promoted to earth immortals, he could not compete with Da Luo Academy.

"Inspire the formation!"

boom! boom! boom!

The earth trembled, the space fluctuated, the mountains swayed, and dense restrictions were like spider webs covering each other from all directions. The target was Chen Feng.

These are the mountain-protecting formations in Da Luo Academy. They are rarely used. Once deployed, even the Earth Immortal will be trapped and captured.

Chen Feng's face was calm, but his eyes were serious. These large formations brought strong pressure to him. The power of heaven and earth within hundreds of thousands of miles was mobilized. In fact, these are nothing. The most important thing is these large formations. The formation has been blessed by some masters.

When the magic circle was activated, Qingfeng Sword Immortal and others took a few steps back and looked at everything with smiles. In the eyes of these people, Chen Feng was already a turtle in the urn.

Whoosh whoosh!

Rays of light fell from the sky, and before Chihuo Hou and others could react, they were wrapped up, swept away, and teleported to a distance.

It seems that these people just want to deal with Chen Feng himself, and do not want to wrap up Chihuohou and others. You must know that Chihuohou and others also have some backends.

The goal of these people is only Chen Feng, there is no need to create extraneous problems.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Eye of the Deep Sea quickly rotated, and the suppression restraints around him were strangled into pieces.


The Eye of the Deep Sea quickly grew in size, forming a huge sea eye vortex, constantly crushing everything and swallowing some. Chen Feng stood in the center of the vortex, his eyes were like lightning, looking coldly at Qingfeng Sword Immortal and others.

Feeling Chen Feng's blade-like gaze, Qingfeng Sword Immortal and others unnaturally avoided it.

"I'm afraid this method won't work." Chen Feng said, stretched out his finger, and a water arrow shot out from the Eye of the Deep Sea, passing through the layers of restrictions and attacking Qingfeng Sword Immortal.


The Qingfeng Sword Immortal gave a soft drink, unsheathed the long sword behind his back, drew an arc, and cut off the water arrow in the middle.

"Okay, you are worthy of being a top immortal. There are only two attacks, but how many attacks can you block?"

As he spoke, Chen Feng waved his palm again and flicked his fingers quickly. Immediately, there was a phantom composed of fingers. Then countless water arrows shot out from the Eye of the Deep Sea. Each water arrow contained the power of water. The power of the Great Law.

The Eye of the Deep Sea is a top-quality Taoist weapon, and each of the water arrows it sends out can kill a human immortal.

Qingfeng Sword Immortal and others did not dare to be careless and took action one after another. Qingfeng Sword Immortal, Tianhuo Immortal and others were all top human immortals. They also had Taoist weapons in their hands. Some even took out magic weapons that were not inferior to Chen Feng in terms of grade. The eye of the deep sea in the hand.

The little master of water and fire also took out a spear, which was somewhat similar to the previous water and fire spear, but the grade was too different, it was just a low-grade Taoist weapon.

When he thought of this little real person named Shuihuo, he was filled with anger and his face became a little distorted.

"Chen Feng, let's capture him without mercy. You are no match for us. You have Dao weapons, and we also have Dao weapons." Qingfeng Sword Immortal laughed, and with a wave of his hand, the sword light bloomed, and the water arrows in front of him were shattered one after another.


At this time, the power of the surrounding formations increased by another 30%. Even Chen Feng felt the pressure, and the Eye of the Deep Sea that had been expanding began to shrink.

"Capture them without mercy! What a joke. If you people dare to come and cause trouble in front of my cave, you will all be captured by me today." Chen Feng said loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed.

"This is really a big joke."

"Qingfeng Sword Immortal, are you going too far with this?" At this time, Chihuo Hou stepped forward to question, with flames rolling all over his body, forming a fire element armor. He also took out a Taoist spear in his hand, with a long red head. His hair was flying, his face was blue, but his body was full of fighting spirit.

"Marquis Chihuo, you have nothing to do here, you'd better not interfere." Tianhuo Immortal stepped forward and sneered.

"What can I do if I just want to intervene?" Chi Huohou said, and the spear in his hand was a little fiercer, and a dot continued to expand, as if a hole was torn in the space, and a large area of ​​the restriction was torn apart. .

"Chihuo Hou, we arrested Chen Feng under the order of the dean. Do you want to openly challenge the majesty of the school? Even your backstage cannot bear the consequences. You have to think clearly and don't risk your life." ." Tianhuoxian sneered.

"It's a joke, I'm afraid you guys can't represent the academy. Originally, the academy was a place for cultivation. It's because of the existence of villains like you that this has become such a mess. Chen Feng is a genius in the academy, but he suffers from you villains. Do you really think that everyone is blind if you are framed?" Marquis Chihuo sneered.

"Well said!" Lan Ling clapped her hands and praised.

The face of the Red Fire Immortal turned red and then white. With a final wave of his hand, a ball of flames spurted out and quickly condensed into a fire dragon. He opened his teeth and claws and rushed towards the Red Fire Lord.

"Since you want to die, I will make it happen for you."

"I'm afraid you won't make it."

Tianhuo Immortal and Chihuo Hou quickly fought together, but Chihuohou was at a lower level after all, and his overall combat effectiveness was not as good as Tianhuo Immortal. At this time, he could only maintain a disadvantage and not lose by relying on desperate measures.


At this time, Chen Feng took action again. A bit of cold light broke through the surrounding restrictions, and then Little Master Shuihuo felt something in front of him quickly enlarge.


The young master of water and fire was knocked away, leaving a bloody hole in his body and temporarily losing his combat effectiveness.


After seeing clearly what had hurt him, Master Shuihuo vomited blood.

Chen Feng controlled the Eye of the Deep Sea to roll forward, and swept the water and fire spear in his hand, knocking two more monks away.

Seeing Chen Feng showing off his power with his magic weapon, Master Shuihuo felt as if he would die of suffocation.


The water and fire spears swept across, and the whole body of the Heavenly Fire Immortal who was fighting with the Red Fire Lord burst into blazing fire. A pair of armor made of the power of fire covered his whole body. Although he was swept away by the water and fire spears with a bang, it didn't look like it was there. How much damage.

"Brother Chihuo, leave this to me." Chen Feng kept attacking with a water and fire spear. With the sound of the surrounding restrictions breaking, several more members of the law enforcement team flew out.

"Qingfeng Sword Immortal, you are a top human immortal. I have just been promoted to a high level. Do you dare to fight me alone?" Chen Feng said loudly.

"Fight alone, haha, today you violated the rules of the school. We are here to arrest you, but we are not here to have a so-called one-on-one fight with you." Qingfeng Sword Immortal said calmly.

"You don't dare. I thought that you Qingfeng Sword Immortal is also a famous genius after all. You have been practicing in Daluo Academy for hundreds of years. Unexpectedly, you are as timid as a mouse. Since you don't dare to accept my challenge, I You better get out, so as not to embarrass yourself here." Chen Feng's voice was like thunder, and it was transmitted in waves. I don't know how far it traveled, but it was within a radius of 100,000 miles. , I don’t know how many students in Da Luo Academy can hear it.

Qingfeng Sword Immortal's expression turned extremely ugly.

"Little Master Shuihuo, do you dare to accept my challenge?" Chen Feng looked at Little Master Shuihuo,

The little Master Shuihuo was even more miserable. He was severely injured by Chen Feng just now. Now he just got up. The strength in his body was extremely chaotic. It was impossible to do anything. Due to the power of the Taoist weapon, the Little Master Shuihuo couldn't even say anything at this time. Not coming out.

"Why, Little Master Shuihuo, you are also a top immortal who has been famous for a long time, but now you are too scared to speak. With such courage, I doubt how you have cultivated to this point. Maybe it is with the help of your family's elixir. It’s a magic medicine.”

"Oh, by the way, this Taoist weapon in my hand should be yours. Haha, I failed to plot against me last time. I even lost my weapon. You dare to show up this time. You are really shameless. Your generals are defeated and they are like ants. ." Chen Feng burst into laughter at the end.

"You! Poof!"

The chest of Little Master Shuihuo rose and fell, and the color on his face kept changing. Finally, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

This is a combination of shame, anger, and anger.

"And you."

Chen Feng did not give up at this time, and looked at Tianhuo Immortal again: "Tianhuo Immortal, it is said that you are the reincarnation of an immortal. You have cultivated to your current level in just a thousand years. You can be said to be a genius among geniuses. I don't know if you dare If you dare to fight me alone, if you don't dare, just ask, I don't mind if you fight in groups."

"Oh, I forgot that you are fighting in a group. Those who can enter the Daluo Academy to practice are all top geniuses. I didn't expect to see so many cowards today. Hahahaha, I think you should come together." Chen Feng laughed up to the sky, showing his madness and a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Hahahaha, Chen Feng, well said, these guys are not brave at all. They usually just bully some weak people. It's simply a disgrace to our Daluo Academy." Chihuo Hou also laughed in unison.

"Chen Feng, stop talking nonsense. If you want to fight alone, you can, I will accompany you." Tianhuoxian could no longer bear it, and rushed towards Chen Feng. He grabbed his palm and hit Chen Feng with a red wooden staff.

"Another top-grade Taoist weapon, this should be the red dragon staff made of red dragon wood." Chen Feng said that the water and fire spear in his hand had already stabbed out.

With a bang, the flames rushed out in an overwhelming manner. Chen Feng was protected by the Eye of the Deep Sea and remained motionless, but the Sky Fire Immortal retreated again and again, and the flames on his body kept flashing.

"Hehe, I have two top-grade Taoist weapons. I wonder if this is considered bullying?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But your realm is higher than mine, and you have the suppression of the formation. I think this should be a fair duel."

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