Eternal Existence

Chapter 875 Return to Daluo Academy

After Chen Feng was teleported away, the cultivators who were responsible for guarding the transmission channel were still a little surprised and didn't understand how Chen Feng entered the plane battlefield.

These people might think of it, but no one would believe that Chen Feng really came from the Zhoutian World. The most credible thing for everyone was that Chen Feng came from other space cracks.

In any case, after ten years away from the Eternal World, Chen Feng is back.

As soon as he entered the Eternal World, Chen Feng immediately felt a familiar feeling, of course, mixed with some inexplicable meaning.

It feels a little funny to think about it. When he entered the Thunder Domain that year, he never thought that this situation would happen in the end.

Fairy Liandie, Marquis Chihuo, and Biqing, where are these people?

Of course, the first thing to do after returning to the Eternal World is to return to Daluo Academy. After all, he has accepted a mission. Although some changes have occurred since then, he has returned and has to go back to hand over it.

Of course, after arriving in the Eternal World, Chen Feng's consciousness spread out, covering hundreds of thousands of miles, and soon collected the recent events in the cultivation world.

Although it is not comprehensive, the general direction of some things is still known.

"It seems that there has been no major incident in the cultivation world recently."

Chen Feng is now a high-level human immortal. Even if he does not use the teleportation array, his speed is still millions of miles a day, or even higher.

Soon Chen Feng returned to the Daluo Academy.

As soon as he entered the Daluo Academy, Chen Feng immediately noticed a series of strange looks coming from all around.

Chen Feng thought to himself: "It seems that something will happen."

"Chen Feng, you are back."

As soon as Chen Feng returned to the cave, his neighbor Bishuidie arrived immediately.

"High-level human immortal, wow, your cultivation speed is really fast." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, Bishuidie has already reached the realm of high-level human immortal. You should know that when Chen Feng just became a neighbor with the other party, the other party had just been promoted to the level of middle-level human immortal.

It has not been long since she has been promoted to another realm.

Although Bishuidie has a special physique, her cultivation speed still shocked Chen Feng.

However, this woman is a bit mysterious. Even Chen Feng can't tell the truth. It is normal to think that she has some of her own methods.

"You're talking about me, but you're the one who surprised me. You should know that when we first met, you were only a beginner human immortal, but now you've reached the level of a high-level human immortal. And it looks like your cultivation is solid and your strength is heavy. You don't look like you've just broken through."

"It's just that your aura seems a little wrong with your breakthrough this time." When Bishuidie said this, she looked thoughtful.

"What's wrong?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"The power of heaven and earth is wrong. You shouldn't have passed the tribulation in this world. I felt a trace of Zhoutian power. You didn't pass the tribulation in the Zhoutian world, did you?" Bishuidie's eyes suddenly lit up.

"You're amazing. You can see this." Chen Feng looked surprised.

"Okay, let's not talk so much. I'm afraid you'll have trouble when you come back this time." After the two of them talked for a few words, Bishuidie said seriously.

"Trouble, I'm not afraid of any trouble." Chen Feng smiled and raised his head.

Another cultivator arrived. They were Chen Feng's friends.

Lan Ling. Xie Hongyan and others. What surprised Chen Feng was that Chihuo Hou also came.

"Chen Feng, why did you come back? Don't you know there will be trouble?"

"Yes, you should stay in Donglong Island. It's your territory after all. You might be in danger here."

Everyone started talking as soon as they arrived.

"Haha, this is Daluo Academy. Is there anyone who would harm me?" Chen Feng laughed deliberately.

"Chen Feng, I think you are pretending to be confused." Lan Ling said with some dissatisfaction.

"Okay, thank you for your concern. Don't worry, I will be fine." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Qingfeng Sword Immortal and Shuihuo Xiaozhenren will not let you go, and some people died at that time. The other party put the cause of death of those people on your head." Chihuo Hou stepped forward and said with a smile.

"I haven't congratulated you yet, but you have been promoted to a high-level human immortal, and your status in Daluo Academy has been improved."

"What's the use? If you want to deal with me, I am useless even if I am a terrestrial immortal, but I don't care about these people." Chen Feng smiled and waved his hand. The water and fire spear appeared in his palm.

"It's the Water and Fire Spear of Little Water and Fire Immortal, a top-notch Taoist weapon, this is a good thing." Seeing the spear in Chen Feng's hand, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Sure enough, it was snatched away by you."

"If the other party doesn't come to cause trouble, it's fine. If they do, hey! I will have some means waiting for them." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Even the founders of the four major colleges have seen Chen Feng, plus Chen Feng has traveled in the starry sky one after another, and there was also the battle of the immortals at that time.

After seeing the big scenes, how can you go to some small scenes again.

In Chen Feng's view, these clowns who keep making trouble are just some small scenes and small characters.

"Don't be careless. Since Daluo College can be called a holy place, it is not as simple as it seems on the surface. There are many masters who practice in seclusion sitting in it. Not to mention anything else, Qingfeng Sword Immortal and Little Water and Fire Immortal and others have strong backers behind them. Even Daojun and others who were killed by you have earth immortals behind them."

"Yes, Qingfeng Sword Immortal and others spread the word as soon as they came back, saying that they would deal with you. Once you show up, they will capture you. I think you'd better leave now, otherwise it will be too late."

"Yes, while the other party hasn't received the news yet, leave here quickly and go to Donglong Island."

Everyone knows that Chen Feng's Donglong Island is very powerful, with the demon fairy and the devil king in charge. If he can return to Donglong Island, even if the Holy Land wants to take action, it will have to be cautious and consider it.

"Hehe, since everyone can get the news of my return, then those people will naturally get it. Escape is not a solution. To be honest, the reason why I came back here immediately is to wait for some people to appear, some people who don't know how to live or die." Chen Feng laughed.

"Okay, Brother Chen has courage. Qingfeng Sword Immortal and others are just jumping clowns. There is nothing to worry about." Chihuo Hou praised.

"Oh, what time is it, and you two are still talking about this here." Lan Ling's face showed anxiety.

Speaking of which, Lan Ling has seen Chen Feng's methods many times and knows that Chen Feng is powerful and not an ordinary person. However, in Lan Ling's opinion, no matter how powerful Chen Feng is, he is far from being able to compete with Daluo Academy.

The reason why Daluo Academy can become a holy place and surpass the first-class sects and families is not simply said. There are too many masters in it.

"I can't leave even if I want to. The other party has already come." Chen Feng laughed.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Sure enough, Qingfeng Sword Immortal and Shuihuo Xiaozhenren led the way, and some cultivators such as Tianhuoxian followed behind. There were hundreds of people in the black mass, surrounding Chen Feng's cave.

The murderous intent made Chen Feng know that these people came here with murderous intent.

"These guys are here, and they have won over so many accomplices, but Dark Night Mingjun didn't come. This guy is smart enough." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"What are you doing?" Chihuo Hou shouted first.

"Chihuo Hou, you have nothing to do here, get out of here."

"That's right, Chihuo Hou, get out of here, or I'll kill you too."

"Tsk!" Chihuo Hou sneered, not taking the threat of these people seriously at all. On the contrary, Lan Ling and the others looked a little less calm.

Although Lan Ling and the others were geniuses, their realm was too low after all, and they had not been in the human immortal realm for a long time, far less than these veteran cultivators.

"Hundreds of human immortals, tsk tsk, I just now know that our Daluo Academy is so powerful." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Leave here immediately if you have nothing to do with it, otherwise you will be involved once you take action, and it will be bad then."

"Yes, these junior sisters still left."

"Hmph, why are you talking so much nonsense, just take action directly."

"Brothers and sisters, if you come here like this, it will violate the rules of this academy if you take action." Lan Ling said after calming down.

"Haha, didn't you see clearly who came this time?" At this time, Tianhuoxian suddenly laughed.

"Some of them are from the law enforcement team. It seems that the top leaders have spoken." Chihuohou secretly transmitted the message.

Chen Feng nodded. He naturally knew this. Otherwise, no matter how arrogant the other party was, they would not dare to do anything in the academy, unless it was a formal challenge or a secret attack.

In this situation, I am afraid that all the charges and some subsequent actions and plans have been arranged long ago.

"Senior Sister Lan, you leave here first." Chen Feng said.

"No." Lan Ling said lightly, her tone was calm but firm. Xie Hongyan, Luo Pianpian, Hu Xian'er and others were the same. Although their faces were solemn, they did not intend to retreat.

"You look down on us." Bishuidie rolled her eyes at Chen Feng.

"That's not what I meant. We should fight later. These people have some top-level immortals. I am afraid of hurting you."

"Don't worry, I only have plans."

"We will not leave." Lan Ling still said so.

"In that case, it should be okay for you to stand behind us.

"Yes, yes, you are all women, what's the point of standing in front of us? You should come behind us." Chihuo Hou also said so.

"Hmph!" The female cultivators snorted coldly and ignored Chihuo Hou.

"Chen Feng, we are here on the orders of the dean. I think you should come with us." Shuihuo Zhenren said, his voice was flat, but the murderous intent in his eyes was enough to burn people.

You know, Shuihuo Xiao Zhenren lost a top-grade Taoist weapon, and now he has the urge to vomit blood when he thinks about it, so this time when Chen Feng came back, Shuihuo Xiao Zhenren was actually a little surprised, that is, to snatch back his magic weapon.

If it weren't for the fact that so many people were in front of him, Shuihuo Xiao Zhenren would have taken action long ago.

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