Eternal Existence

Chapter 871: Battlefield of Planes

The three of them all set their sights on Zhou Tianshu. Against the background of Zhou Tianshu, Zhou Tian Shenquan seemed to be less important.

"Three of them are all high-level Earth Immortals. It's a little unreasonable to blatantly rob a junior's things like this." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Don't talk so much nonsense. I'm afraid someone will come later. Get Zhou Tianshu first, and then talk about the carving up after we leave here."

"It makes sense. If anyone wants to monopolize it, the other two will join forces to kill him."

"Okay, let's do it like this."


Zhou Tianshu was pulled and swayed in the Eternal Life Tower, and longer roots extended from the Eternal Life Tower.

Chen Feng originally wanted to take action immediately, but suddenly he laughed again.

"Boy, why are you laughing?" The three of them were puzzled by Chen Feng's laughter.

"I think the three of you must have forgotten where this place is. Along the way, every spring is guarded by monsters. This is the largest Zhoutian Divine Spring. Do you think there are no monsters here?" Chen Feng laughed.

Speaking of which, the three gunmen in black were all in front of Zhou Tian Shenquan, and Chen Feng didn't know how far away from Zhou Tian Shenquan, but he just penetrated the space to talk to the three of them.

However, with the help of the power of the Eternal Life Tower and Zhou Tianshu, Chen Feng still saw the abnormality of Zhoutian Divine Spring, and began to make rapid calculations in his mind.

A strange monster suddenly emerged from the depths of the space, opened its mouth to reveal its blade-like teeth, and bit the three of them fiercely.

The tyrannical power of chaos spurted out of his mouth, and sharp energy spurted out from his teeth.

It was said to be a monster because Chen Feng and the three immortals couldn't help but what kind of guy it was.

However, the attack power of this monster is indeed very powerful. With one pounce, the three of them felt that the world was turned upside down and time and space were disrupted.

A simple attack contains several great powers.

"Take action!"

"Do it!"


Facing the monster's attack, the three Earth Immortals all took action, but no one let go of Zhou Tianshu's hand. This made Chen Feng amused.

"These three people are really desperate for their lives. Can't you see that this monster is very powerful? It's still thinking about my Zhou Tianshu."

"However, this is indeed a good opportunity, and it's time for me to take action."

Chen Feng finally took action, and he did it from behind when the two sides were fighting. Chen Feng's attack was also very wild, targeting three people at the same time.

The sky-piercing spears and bone spears broke through the void at the same time, turning into thousands of spear shadows, and launched dense attacks against the three gunmen in black.

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

The wound was exploding, blood was splattering, and there were three angry roars.


There was also a sound of teeth clashing. Half of the black-robed gunman's body was bitten off by the monster that suddenly appeared. Then, suction force was released, and the black-robed gunman was swallowed into his mouth.

At this time, both Lord Falun and Patriarch Zhentian were frightened. They were also injured. There were monsters in front of them and immortal weapons in the back. They were frightened and frightened, and began to regret robbing Chen Feng of Zhou Tianshu.

Whoosh whoosh!

The branches and roots of Zhou Tianshu kept bending into circles, surrounding the two of them. At this moment, Chen Feng actually cooperated with the unknown monster. The purpose of both parties was to kill Lord Falun and Ancestor Zhentian. For the time being, there has been no conflict.

"Zhou Tianshu can only play a blocking role. We are still far away from killing these two people. These two people are also high-level earth immortals after all. It seems a pity to be swallowed by this unknown monster like this."

Thinking of this blood-gathering bead flying out of Chen Feng's body, traveling along the passage opened by Zhou Tianshu.


One of Lord Falun's legs was cut off, and the Falun in his hand hit the monster's head hard, causing the monster to roll out.

"Let's go!"

Zhentian Patriarch's whole body bloomed with purple light, cutting off the branches and roots around him.

"Capture that boy."

The two of them actually abandoned the monster, broke through the space and rushed in the direction of Chen Feng.

"court death!"

Chen Feng sneered, waved his hand, and blocked the ancestor Zhentian with the Sky-piercing Spear, while the Bone Spear turned into a stream of light and nailed the Lord Falun.


The blood-gathering bead changed rapidly, and the blood-red bead turned into a blood-red whirlpool, frantically devouring Lord Falun's blood essence.


Lord Falun gritted his teeth, and the Falun in his hand passed through the space and hit Chen Feng.

This is a high-grade Taoist artifact that contains the avenue of gold and the avenue of earth. Chen Feng will definitely not accept it.

However, Chen Feng has the Eternal Life Tower in hand. Although the tower is sleeping, the Eternal Life Tower has advanced to the level of an immortal weapon. There is no problem in using it to collect and suppress a Taoist weapon.

So this Falun entered the Eternal Life Tower, and Chen Feng immediately cut off contact with the outside world, and stayed in the Eternal Life Tower without moving.

"The Tower of Eternal Life is promoted to an Immortal Weapon, and collecting the magic weapons under the Immortal Weapon is simply a piece of cake." Chen Feng felt a little proud.

"My Falun." Fa Lun Tianzun was shocked, knowing that things were beyond his imagination again.

After losing the Falun, the injured Falun Tianzun knew that he was in a more dangerous situation.


Falun Tianzun gritted his teeth and crushed a jade talisman. A ray of light enveloped his body. The injuries on his body recovered instantly, and then he accelerated and rushed away.

After losing the magic weapon, Falun Tianzun no longer had the idea and courage to continue fighting.

And the bone spear was still nailed on Falun Tianzun, which made Chen Feng laugh again. With a wave of his hand, the bone spear went through the opponent's body and returned to his hand.


At this time, the Blood Gathering Pearl had suppressed Falun Tianzun, causing Falun Tianzun to shake and cracks appeared on his body.


Another time, Falun Tianzun was torn into pieces, and his entire spirit was devoured by the Blood Gathering Pearl, even his soul was not spared.

When killing Falun Tianzun, Zhentian Patriarch had already arrived in front of Chen Feng and punched him without saying a word.

It was Zhentian Patriarch's ultimate move, Zhentian Fist. This punch could not be described as heavy as a mountain. This was a kind of boxing method that surpassed the heaven and earth and condensed into a great way.

With one punch, a world would be shattered.

"Just in time." Chen Feng shouted, and a spear flew out of Chen Feng's body and hit the fist in front of him that was getting bigger and bigger.

This spear exudes red and white energy. It is neither a piercing spear nor a bone spear. It is the fire and water spear that Chen Feng snatched. It has been placed in the Longevity Tower and has only been refined and mastered recently.

This fire and water spear is not an immortal weapon, but a top-grade Taoist weapon.

However, it should be enough to block the attack in front of him.

"Top-grade Taoist weapon!"

What surprised Chen Feng was that the old ancestor Zhentian suddenly retracted his fist, and then his body jumped, breaking through the space and disappeared.

The fire and water spear sent by Chen Feng pierced into the air, and this change made Chen Feng stunned.

A high-level earth immortal turned around and fled after a fight. This, this is too unreasonable.

"This guy is called the old ancestor Zhentian. The title is really loud. It is indeed shocking." Chen Feng shook his head, and his body shook, shuttled through space, and arrived in front of the Zhoutian Divine Spring.

In the huge spring, gray water surged, and powerful energy was rolling. Chen Feng could feel the acupoints in his body throbbing with just a simple breath.

Chen Feng certainly had no mood to appreciate these. Chen Feng's eyes flashed and kept scanning.

The powerful monster just now disappeared.

After waiting for a few breaths, Chen Feng was sure that the other party would not appear.

"This situation seems a bit weird." Chen Feng said as he opened the Longevity Tower and began to devour the Zhoutian Divine Spring in front of him. The Zhoutian Tree also stretched out its roots to continue to absorb.

After the pond in the Longevity Tower expanded, there was still no movement. Before he came here, Chen Feng could vaguely feel the existence of some monsters, but now there was no breath at all.

It was so strange.

However, Chen Feng knew in his heart that all this was the result of the intervention of the Zhoutian World.

"Since it has come to this point, we can only get some benefits to the maximum extent." Chen Feng was also a little fierce, and the Longevity Tower accelerated the absorption speed.

The water level of the huge spring began to gradually drop. This time the harvest was the largest in Chen Feng's history. The Zhoutian Divine Spring collected was not comparable to ten immortal artifacts.

The Longevity Tower was also absorbing. These springs were already divine objects, and they were also good for the Longevity Tower.

However, Chen Feng knew that the tower was sleeping, otherwise the absorption speed would be even faster.

After the spring water dropped tens of thousands of meters, Chen Feng put away the Longevity Tower, and the Zhoutian Tree emitted a wave of dissatisfied thoughts.

Chen Feng could have completely collected all the Zhoutian Divine Spring here, but he stopped in the end.

"It's better to stop at the right time, so that it can also reduce some cause and effect." Chen Feng sighed, looked at the huge spring again, and left.

If he didn't leave, Chen Feng was afraid that he would not be able to resist the temptation.

In the process of leaving, Chen Feng met some human monks who came to find the divine spring, but Chen Feng ignored this, and quickly returned to the deep sea, and finally arrived on the island.

What Chen Feng didn't know was that after he left, monsters landed from the void and guarded around the Zhoutian Divine Spring. There were a total of 18 monsters, and each monster had the strength of a high-level earth immortal. This lineup would not be able to escape no matter how many monks came.

"It's time to leave here."

Although he gained a lot, Chen Feng felt that he should leave. If he stayed any longer, Chen Feng was afraid that he would get deeper and deeper, and it would be difficult to leave in the end.

When he came here, he took a big ship. When he went back, Chen Feng sat cross-legged on the Zhoutian compass. After returning to the land, Chen Feng did not delay and immediately set off for the plane battlefield.

Of course, if you want to enter the plane battlefield, you need a special channel. These channels are controlled by the powerful sects in the Zhoutian world.

With Chen Feng's current means, he didn't spend much effort to get in. After passing through the large teleportation array, Chen Feng soon arrived at the plane battlefield.

As soon as he entered the plane battlefield, Chen Feng immediately felt a strong breath of war rolling in his face. Killing, metal, bloodthirstiness, riot, blood, chaos, and all kinds of crazy breath filled this space.

Chen Feng's consciousness spread quickly, constantly spreading and sweeping around, spreading out a radius of 100,000 miles in one breath before slowly retracting.

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