Eternal Existence

Chapter 870: Seizing Zhou Tianshu

After absorbing 8864 drops of spring water, the Bagua acupoint finally calmed down. The powerful energy had saturated Chen Feng's body.

At this time, he could no longer absorb, and Chen Feng also needed to control the Zhoutian Tree to secretly absorb the spring water from the Zhoutian Divine Spring.

Soon, a small pond appeared in front of the Changsheng Tower. This was completely composed of the Zhoutian Divine Spring. Not to mention the Zhoutian Tree absorbed, the value of the small pond in front of it alone exceeded that of an immortal weapon.

You must know that this is the authentic power of the origin of the world.

What's more, the Zhoutian Tree is still absorbing it continuously.

In Chen Feng's view, the spring water in this Zhoutian Divine Spring is equivalent to a lake. I don't know how many tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of years it took for the heaven and earth to condense.

When he thought of this, Chen Feng's heart trembled again: "The process of collecting Zhoutian Divine Spring is really too easy. Could it be that God is playing tricks in secret?"

At first, Chen Feng just thought of this incident accidentally, but the more he thought about it, the more likely it was. This is a divine object that is comparable to a fairy weapon. There are countless demon fairies guarding it. It's a bit unreasonable to think that he is swallowing it up now.

But at this point, it's impossible for Chen Feng to stop, and Chen Feng is still speeding up the swallowing speed.


Two more tree roots emerged, and Zhoutian Tree became a little crazy under Chen Feng's urging.

"Hurry up, speed up." Chen Feng knew that this opportunity was rare, and he didn't dare to relax at all.

Finally, the black-clothed gunman suddenly appeared in front of Zhoutian Divine Spring, took out a magic weapon and began to absorb the divine spring in the spring.


It hasn't been filled yet. This magic weapon suddenly exploded.

"It's what you deserve!" This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

The black-clothed gunman turned his head, and his two eyes shuttled through layers of space and came directly in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng only felt a flash of golden light in front of him, and his eyes were a little painful.

"Little guy, you are really hidden. You actually have a way to absorb the Zhoutian Divine Spring here." The black-clothed gunman's thoughts came over.

"No, it's the Zhoutian Tree. You actually have the Zhoutian Tree on you!"

The black-clothed gunman's face suddenly changed, and he attacked Chen Feng through layers of space. A big hand directly grabbed one of the roots of the Zhoutian Tree.

"Come out!"

Although the black-clothed gunman is a high-level earth immortal, he still became greedy when facing a spiritual tree of the level of the Zhoutian Tree. Once the Zhoutian Tree grows up, it will be a divine tree, and it is also a relatively top divine tree in the universe. Even the existences of the level of upper immortals, true immortals, and heavenly immortals will be tempted, let alone earth immortals.

So in the eyes of the black-clothed gunman, the value of the Zhoutian Tree has exceeded the Zhoutian Divine Spring in front of him.

Chen Feng also immediately realized this, secretly thinking that it was not good, but he had to take action. If the opponent pulled Zhou Tianshu out of the Changsheng Tower, the situation would be even more serious.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Zhou Tianshu was attacked and immediately launched a counterattack. Branches and roots emerged from the void and kept whipping the black-clothed gunman. Each attack could easily break the mountain.

According to the current situation of Zhou Tianshu, it has grown to nearly 200,000 feet. If it launches an attack, it can easily beat a human immortal to death, but the opponent in front of him is a terrestrial immortal, and a high-level terrestrial immortal, so the effect is not good.

The black-clothed gunman let Zhou Tianshu whip him without moving, and didn't care about Zhou Tianshu's attack at all.

"Come out!"

The black-clothed gunman exerted force on his palm, and Chen Feng immediately felt that Zhou Tianshu in the Changsheng Tower began to vibrate, as if it was pulled up again.

"What do you mean, senior?" Chen Feng asked with a smile, while secretly preparing to attack at any time.

"The Zhoutian Tree is not something that a small person like you can own. Hand it over and I'll spare your life." The black-clothed gunman said indifferently.

"Senior, do you really think I'm a small person?" Chen Feng still smiled indifferently, and it was impossible to see the fluctuations in his heart.

"A small person is a small person. Even if a small human immortal has an immortal weapon, he is still a small person. You will be qualified to talk to me after you cultivate to the level of a terrestrial immortal. Well, I don't have that much patience. If you don't hand over the Zhoutian Tree, I will kill you." A trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the black-clothed gunman.

"It's time to do it." Chen Feng was almost ready.


At this time, two more people appeared on the left and right. One of them held a strange Dharma wheel, and the other wore a purple robe. His figure was like a mountain and his aura was like an abyss. He was actually a high-level terrestrial immortal like the black-clothed gunman.

As soon as these two people appeared, they grabbed the roots of the Zhoutian Tree at the same time.

"I didn't expect to find the Zhoutian Divine Spring, but I didn't expect to meet the Zhoutian Tree. What luck, what luck."

"Falun Tianzun, Zhentian Patriarch, why are you two here?"

"Haha, black-clothed gunman, if you can come, why can't we come? If we don't come, all the treasures in front of us will belong to you."

"I don't want the Zhoutian Divine Spring, but this Zhoutian Tree is mine."

"Bullshit, I want the Zhoutian Tree."

"I only want the Zhoutian Tree."

The three of them all set their sights on the Zhoutian Tree. In contrast to the Zhoutian Tree, the Zhoutian Divine Spring seemed to become less important.

"You three are all high-level earth immortals. It's a bit unreasonable to rob a junior of his things so blatantly." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Don't talk so much nonsense. I'm afraid someone will come later. Get Zhou Tianshu first, and then talk about the carving up after we leave here."

"It makes sense. If anyone wants to monopolize it, the other two will join forces to kill him."

"Okay, let's do it like this."


Zhou Tianshu was pulled and swayed in the Eternal Life Tower, and longer roots extended from the Eternal Life Tower.

Chen Feng originally wanted to take action immediately, but suddenly he laughed again.

"Boy, why are you laughing?" The three of them were puzzled by Chen Feng's laughter.

"I think the three of you must have forgotten where this place is. Along the way, every spring is guarded by monsters. This is the largest Zhoutian Divine Spring. Do you think there are no monsters here?" Chen Feng laughed.

Speaking of which, the three gunmen in black were all in front of Zhou Tian Shenquan, and Chen Feng didn't know how far away from Zhou Tian Shenquan, but he just penetrated the space to talk to the three of them.

However, with the help of the power of the Eternal Life Tower and Zhou Tianshu, Chen Feng still saw the abnormality of Zhoutian Divine Spring, and began to make rapid calculations in his mind.

A strange monster suddenly emerged from the depths of the space, opened its mouth to reveal its blade-like teeth, and bit the three of them fiercely.

The tyrannical power of chaos spurted out of his mouth, and sharp energy spurted out from his teeth.

It was said to be a monster because Chen Feng and the three immortals couldn't help but what kind of guy it was.

However, the attack power of this monster is indeed very powerful. With one pounce, the three of them felt that the world was turned upside down and time and space were disrupted.

A simple attack contains several great powers.

"Take action!"

"Do it!"


Facing the monster's attack, the three Earth Immortals all took action, but no one let go of Zhou Tianshu's hand. This made Chen Feng amused.

"These three people are really desperate for their lives. Can't you see that this monster is very powerful? It's still thinking about my Zhou Tianshu."

"However, this is indeed a good opportunity, and it's time for me to take action."

Chen Feng finally took action, and he did it from behind when the two sides were fighting. Chen Feng's attack was also very wild, targeting three people at the same time.

The sky-piercing spears and bone spears broke through the void at the same time, turning into thousands of spear shadows, and launched dense attacks against the three gunmen in black.

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

The wound was exploding, blood was splattering, and there were three angry roars.


There was also a sound of teeth clashing. Half of the black-robed gunman's body was bitten off by the monster that suddenly appeared. Then, suction force was released, and the black-robed gunman was swallowed into his mouth.

At this time, both Lord Falun and Patriarch Zhentian were frightened. They were also injured. There were monsters in front of them and immortal weapons in the back. They were frightened and frightened, and began to regret robbing Chen Feng of Zhou Tianshu.

Whoosh whoosh!

The branches and roots of Zhou Tianshu kept bending into circles, surrounding the two of them. At this moment, Chen Feng actually cooperated with the unknown monster. The purpose of both parties was to kill Lord Falun and Ancestor Zhentian. For the time being, there has been no conflict.

"Zhou Tianshu can only play a blocking role. We are still far away from killing these two people. These two people are also high-level earth immortals after all. It seems a pity to be swallowed by this unknown monster like this."

Thinking of this blood-gathering bead flying out of Chen Feng's body, traveling along the passage opened by Zhou Tianshu.


One of Lord Falun's legs was cut off, and the Falun in his hand hit the monster's head hard, causing the monster to roll out.

"Let's go!"

Zhentian Patriarch's whole body bloomed with purple light, cutting off the branches and roots around him.

"Capture that boy."

The two of them actually abandoned the monster, broke through the space and rushed in the direction of Chen Feng.

"court death!"

Chen Feng sneered, waved his hand, and blocked the ancestor Zhentian with the Sky-piercing Spear, while the Bone Spear turned into a stream of light and nailed the Lord Falun.


The blood-gathering bead changed rapidly, and the blood-red bead turned into a blood-red whirlpool, frantically devouring Lord Falun's blood essence.


Lord Falun gritted his teeth, and the Falun in his hand passed through the space and hit Chen Feng.

This is a high-grade Taoist artifact that contains the avenue of gold and the avenue of earth. Chen Feng will definitely not accept it.

However, Chen Feng has the Eternal Life Tower in hand. Although the tower is sleeping, the Eternal Life Tower has advanced to the level of an immortal weapon. There is no problem in using it to collect and suppress a Taoist weapon.

So this Falun entered the Eternal Life Tower, and Chen Feng immediately cut off contact with the outside world, and stayed in the Eternal Life Tower without moving.

"The Tower of Eternal Life is promoted to an Immortal Weapon, and collecting the magic weapons under the Immortal Weapon is simply a piece of cake." Chen Feng felt a little proud.

"My Falun." Fa Lun Tianzun was shocked, knowing that things were beyond his imagination again.

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