Eternal Existence

Chapter 866: Inexplicable

Water apes are naturally proficient in the art of controlling water. Those who can cultivate to the level of demon fairy are the kings of the water ape clan. They are the real overlords in the water and invincible.

No wonder Sun Ming and the other four were not frightened.

"You four, be quiet." Chen Feng couldn't stand the noise of the four people and even began to regret not throwing them out.

"Human cultivators in the realm of human fairy, hand over the magic weapons on your body." The water ape king rumbled as soon as he opened his mouth, and the dragon under his feet also roared to the sky.

"It's just a beginner demon fairy, and you want to rob me." Chen Feng said, and the sword light flashed in his hand. Sword qi rolled out, whistling and crossing, expanding and becoming larger, forming a mighty sword qi storm.

This time, the sword qi storm that Chen Feng displayed was different from the previous one. This time, the sword qi storm contained four kinds of power, namely, heaven, earth, wind and thunder.

Some skills and secrets have the most powerful power when the original power is pure, and some secrets are to combine multiple powers together to exert more powerful power.

The sword energy storm that Chen Feng used in the past was a simple sword energy attack, and this was the first time that some attribute power was added.

However, this time, the effect felt good. Although the effect has not yet been seen, the fusion of the four forces of heaven, earth, wind and thunder makes the attack more rapid and more accurate, and more changeable.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the water ape also waved his hand, and a ball of sword light broke out of the long sword. It was also sword energy, but the sword energy emitted by the water ape was more condensed and more powerful, directly breaking the sword energy emitted by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and the Zhoutian compass burst into light, and the octagonal power shot and evolved, forming a barrier to block this sword light.

"Sure enough, the sword energy condensed by the power of the Great Dao is several times higher in quality than the sword energy I emit." Chen Feng said secretly.


Before Chen Feng could attack again, the water ape king stepped on the dragon and rushed towards Chen Feng with a long sword in his hand. When the water ape king moved, the barrier formed by the sea water around him shook, and the water power continued to condense, exerting pressure on Chen Feng.

This sea water barrier with a radius of a thousand miles is completely the domain of the water ape king. Here is the world of the water ape king. Opponents of the same realm will be suppressed after entering, not to mention Chen Feng, who is lower than the realm of the water ape king.

"You have a barrier, and I also have a realm."

Under Chen Feng's urging, the power of the Zhoutian compass was fully activated, and the power of the Zhoutian Bagua continued to operate and evolve, forming a small world to wrap Chen Feng up.

At the same time, Chen Feng also used the Zhoutian compass to the maximum extent to communicate with the breath of the Zhoutian world. If he could get any blessing from the Zhoutian world, then Chen Feng would immediately be invincible.

Of course, most of the native cultivators in the Zhoutian World do not have this much, let alone Chen Feng, an outsider. In the past few years in the Zhoutian World, Chen Feng could only avoid being rejected by the power of heaven and earth. It was okay to accept it, but it was far from enough to get support.

Chen Feng also knew this, but he was still used to communicating with heaven and earth when he took action.

During this communication, Chen Feng felt a wave of blessing on the Zhoutian Compass, which increased the power of the Zhoutian Compass sharply.

Even Chen Feng himself felt refreshed and clear-minded.

"Strange, what's going on?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, but there was no time to think about it at this time, because the opponent's attack had arrived.

The Water Ape King slashed with a sword, making Chen Feng feel that there was nowhere to hide, as if there was only this sword between heaven and earth.

Chen Feng had no choice but to hold the sword and move forward. The two swords collided, and Chen Feng immediately felt waves of power like the Yangtze River suppressing him layer by layer. He wanted to dodge, but the opponent's power was hidden in the feminine suction, pulling Chen Feng, making Chen Feng unable to retreat.


The Changsheng Sword in Chen Feng's hand actually exploded directly, turning into scattered airflow and drilling into Chen Feng's body. Changsheng weapons are different from other magic weapons. Although they were broken, as long as Chen Feng is not dead, they can be easily restored.

"This is the power of the waterway. Unfortunately, I have not yet cultivated the power of a great way. I can only rely on the power of magic weapons to constantly suppress and resist. Once I lose the magic weapon, my combat effectiveness will be reduced by less than 10%. It seems that I still need to cultivate my own great way."

Chen Feng sighed a little, and his body swayed quickly, dodging the opponent's attack under the protection of the Zhoutian Compass.


The Water Ape King attacked fiercely, and finally it was chopped on the Zhoutian Compass. The Zhoutian Compass trembled sharply and almost broke the defense.


The overwhelming lightning was stimulated from the Zhoutian Compass, communicating with the destructive power in the sky, and merged into a force to chopped against the Water Ape King.


The compass on the head of the Water Ape King was in the shape of water waves. All the destructive thunders fell on it, but there was no other movement except splashing some water.

So the Water Ape King didn't care about Chen Feng's attack, because all attacks would be blocked by the compass on his head.

This is also a Taoist artifact, a Taoist artifact containing the Great Dao of Water. The reason why the Water Ape King attacked Chen Feng was to snatch Chen Feng's Zhoutian Compass and integrate it into his own magic weapon.

The Water Ape King slashed Chen Feng's body with a sword again, and the power of water continuously impacted the domain barrier arranged by the Zhoutian Compass.


The dragon under the feet of the Water Ape King also roared, and water gushed out of its mouth, which actually contained the power of the Great Dao.

"The Zhoutian Bagua evolves all things." Chen Feng activated the Zhoutian Compass and communicated with the will of heaven and earth again.


This time Chen Feng was shocked again. A force of heaven and earth that was almost condensed into substance was infused into the Zhoutian Compass, making the Zhoutian Compass shine brightly. The eight corners simultaneously shot out rays of light, and the domain barrier suddenly expanded, even knocking the Water Ape King out.

"What on earth is going on?" Chen Feng was shocked. The Zhoutian Bagua acupoints in his body kept echoing with the Zhoutian Compass. The power of the Zhoutian Compass rose step by step, from a low-grade Taoist weapon to a level close to a mid-grade Taoist weapon in one breath, and the power was still rising.

"It won't be advanced like this." Chen Feng was a little surprised.


A strong breath rushed up from the Zhoutian Compass, and even a gap was opened in the sea of ​​thunder.

The calamity clouds gathered, and just when Chen Feng thought that the Zhoutian Compass was going to pass the calamity, all the power of the heavenly calamity was suppressed and gathered by a powerful force, and all poured into the Zhoutian Compass.

The heavenly tribulation ended just like that, and the Zhoutian Compass was promoted to a middle-grade Dao weapon.

The aura of heaven and earth enveloped Chen Feng, making Chen Feng feel unreal. After all, he had practiced in the Eternal World for so many years, absorbing the power of the earth and refining the laws of heaven and earth, but he was far from being able to achieve the level in front of him.

The Zhoutian Compass was promoted from a low-grade to a middle-grade, which was simply the favor of the will of heaven and earth in the Zhoutian World.

Chen Feng knew that he was not a native cultivator, and he would not be so narcissistic as to think that his luck had improved. He knew in his heart that there must be a problem in a certain link, but he just couldn't figure it out for a while.

With the blessing of the Zhoutian World, the Zhoutian Compass was successfully promoted to a middle-grade Dao weapon, and the Zhoutian domain it emitted was dozens of times stronger than before. No matter how strong the attack of the Water Ape King was, it could not break this layer of domain.

"What happened?"

At this time, Sun Ming and the other four forgot Chen Feng's previous instructions, and looked at the increasingly strong power around them, and were stunned again.

The Water Ape King had returned to the top of the dragon head again. The previous attack was a bit embarrassed, and even a little angry.

"How could this happen? Why did the will of heaven and earth bless this guy? Those who are favored by heaven are one in a million, tens of millions, or even billions of miles." The Water Ape King felt something was wrong and did not act rashly. He was even thinking about something in his mind. If he could capture this human cultivator and take away this guy's luck and bless himself, then he would be able to advance and break through.


At this moment, another force descended, but this time it was directly blessed on Chen Feng. The Zhoutian Bagua acupoints in Chen Feng's body began to operate rapidly. Chen Feng felt as if he had turned into a bottomless pit, and there were eight bottomless pits, swallowing these forces continuously.

"This is the original energy of the Zhoutian world itself, containing the eight forces of heaven, earth, wind, thunder, mountain, marsh, water and fire. It can no longer be described by purity and grade. The benefits obtained this time are so huge that they are beyond measure. Hey! There is a problem, there must be a problem!" Chen Feng's strength has greatly improved. Instead of being happy, his face became a little depressed. Obviously, he has seen some secrets.


It was not too late at this time, because another wave of power came down, this time the power was much stronger than the one just instilled into the Zhoutian Compass and Chen Feng's body, so strong that even Chen Feng felt his scalp tingling.

In Chen Feng's feeling, this power could destroy himself without any problem.

However, although this power entered Chen Feng's body, it was heading for the Changsheng Tower, instantly drilling into the Changsheng Tower, and then merging into the Zhoutian Tree.

This time, the Zhoutian Tree began to grow normally crazily, growing at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye. Chen Feng even suspected that time was accelerated.

When the Zhoutian Tree stopped growing, Chen Feng's excited heart couldn't help beating wildly. Originally, the Zhoutian Tree was 3,330 feet high, but now it grew to a height of 9,990 feet in one breath. In Chen Feng's plan, if he wanted to grow to this scale, he had to find the Zhoutian Divine Spring anyway.

But now, some things happened inexplicably.

First, the Zhoutian Compass was advanced.

Then the Bagua acupoints in his body were opened up and expanded. Chen Feng even suppressed his strength and dared not pass the tribulation, because Chen Feng had a feeling that once he passed the tribulation, he would pass it easily.

Finally, the Zhoutian tree gained energy and grew wildly.

It was as if Chen Feng took a back door, or a back door of a big world.

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