Eternal Existence

Chapter 865 Water Ape

This shadow actually penetrated the Zhoutian domain set up by Chen Feng and drilled directly into Chen Feng's body.

"Chen Feng!"

Sun Ming and the other four were shocked. Seeing this scene, they were sweating coldly and wanted to leave Chen Feng immediately. However, the Zhoutian domain emitted by Chen Feng was stable and there was no chaos, which made the panic of the four people calm down.

However, the four were still on guard, because once the deep-sea ghost entered the body, there was a 90% chance that the cultivator would be successfully possessed.

"It was careless, but it also shows that the other party was powerful." Although Chen Feng was attacked, the deep-sea ghost drilled into his body and rushed towards the sea of ​​consciousness to devour Chen Feng's soul, but Chen Feng was not worried. He was really not worried at all.

"A deep-sea ghost at the level of a half-step earthly immortal, no wonder it is stronger than the previous one. It is only a matter of time before it enters the earthly immortal." Chen Feng just watched the other party enter his sea of ​​consciousness.

As soon as it entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, the deep-sea ghost began to stretch out, and the black shadow transformed into countless tentacles extending in all directions. The tentacles were densely packed with suction cups, and they devoured Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness and soul.

Boom! Boom!

Just when the ghost wanted to devour Chen Feng's soul, two huge soul vortices drifted over from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the devouring ability they exuded far exceeded that of the deep-sea ghost.

These two soul vortices were exactly what Chen Feng had prepared long ago, one was condensed by the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique, and the other was condensed by the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art.

Both secret arts are domineering existences in the universe and the stars, one is the super secret art of the Changsheng Heaven Realm, and the other is the top-level art of the Demon Realm. Although Chen Feng's level of cultivation is only the fur, it is still no problem to devour the existence of non-earth immortals.

Sure enough, as soon as it came into contact, the deep-sea ghost screamed in fear, shrank its body, and was about to escape, but it was too late at this time, and the two soul vortices sandwiched the black shadow in the middle on the left and right.

Under the powerful devouring force, the Eye of the Deep Sea was torn into pieces and turned into tiny energies. Of course, these energies must also be devoured by Chen Feng, but it just takes a little time. After all, this is an existence close to the earth immortal.

"Chen Feng, are you okay? The water monsters are rushing over." At this time, several water monsters have already besieged them, two of which are at the level of top monster kings.

This kind of lineup, Sun Ming and his four people can't resist it at all. Besides, the four people are now in Chen Feng's domain, and it is impossible to attack.

"I'm fine." Chen Feng smiled and spoke, his eyes were like lightning, as if two sword lights conflicted,

"Don't worry. I'll take you out." Chen Feng said, and waved the long sword in his hand again, and he performed sword energy explosion as soon as he came up. Several swords were sword energy explosions. The water monsters in front of him exploded under the sword light, and the sky was full of blood mist. Chen Feng's domain was dyed red.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng led the four people to rush out of the ship. The route Chen Feng chose was in the air.

There are the fewest water monsters here, and there is no deep-sea ghost, because there is a powerful thunder and lightning in the sky, the destructive thunder and lightning condensed by the power of heaven and earth.


Chen Feng killed several water monsters again, completely separated from the hull, and rose to a height of thousands of feet. At this time, countless thunder and lightning with the power of destruction of heaven and earth attacked Chen Feng.

"Not good!"

Sun Ming and the other four had closed their eyes in fear.

Chen Feng was not worried, because these thunder and lightning were immediately dissolved by the power of the small world after entering the Zhoutian domain, and turned into his own thunder power.

Of course, Chen Feng had some confidence. If Hua couldn't dissolve these thunder and lightning, it would be nothing. At most, all these thunder and lightning would be transferred to the magic weapon.

However, the power of these thunder and lightning is really strong. The cultivators below the earth immortal can't resist it at all. Even Chen Feng's Zhoutian domain began to shake.

It's no wonder that so many cultivators with high cultivation would pay a high amount of spirit stones to take a big ship to take risks, because this kind of thunder and lightning is indeed known for destruction.

As for the bottom, of course, there is an endless ocean and countless powerful water monsters, so Chen Feng said that the sea area of ​​the Zhoutian World seems to be more dangerous than the sea area of ​​the Yongheng World.

After absorbing some thunder and lightning, Chen Feng also reached his limit. He felt that if he continued to absorb, the Zhoutian domain would be broken, so Chen Feng began to descend. At this time, Chen Feng had left the big ship. Looking down, he could see that there were all kinds of water monsters densely packed in a radius of hundreds of meters. As for the big ship of the Haiyun Chamber of Commerce, it was completely submerged, and it would only take a short time to disintegrate.

In addition to Chen Feng, some monks rushed out of the big ship and wanted to leave here. Of course, these people were all powerful. Those who were not strong enough were either killed by the water monsters or killed by the thunder of destruction above their heads.


Chen Feng began to encounter attacks one after another during his descent. These attacks were all strange, but they were all water-based secret techniques. Chen Feng waved his sword to break the attacks below, and then rose again.

For Chen Feng, the danger below seemed to be stronger than above.


More and stronger lightning struck Chen Feng again. Chen Feng usually used the lightning in the heavenly tribulation to condense his body, so he could certainly resist these lightning, but Sun Ming and the other four in the Zhoutian domain could not resist them.

Now that the four people were rescued, they could not die under their own protection.

So Chen Feng took out the Zhoutian compass.

This magic weapon was like a huge bamboo hat, blocking the lightning from the wind just like blocking rain, easily dissolving the destructive force,

This time, Chen Feng held the Zhoutian compass on his head and walked in the void. Above the compass was an endless sea of ​​thunder and lightning. This scene looked like a scene of an immortal traveling.

Of course, the stunned expressions of Sun Ming and the other four destroyed this beauty.

"Let's go, it's safe now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Waves of spiritual energy spread in the Zhoutian domain, constantly washing the wounds on the four people.

"Okay, you guys quickly repair your injuries. I will leave after sending you to Liuli Island."

After hearing what Chen Feng said, Sun Ming and the other four were very grateful, but they didn't say much, but quickly seized the time to practice.

"The Taoist weapon containing the power of the Zhoutian Bagua, not bad, bring it to me." Just as Chen Feng was leisurely walking under the thunder and lightning, the water surface below suddenly exploded, and a huge hand condensed by the power of water grabbed Chen Feng.

The big hand was shining with light, runes were flowing, and the way of water was condensed but not released. It turned out that it was the earth immortal who took action.

"There are indeed some masters in the deep sea. In this way, the monks below have no chance of survival. Besides, even if they can break out of the big ship in such a vast ocean, the chance of survival is very small.

"Break! "

Chen Feng used the sword intent of cutting, and the sword energy cut deeply into his palm, but at this time, the water power in the big hand exuded a gentle power, which actually blocked Chen Feng's cutting sword energy. Water is very soft, and it contains the power of the Tao. No matter how powerful Chen Feng's cutting sword energy is, it still lacks some fire.

However, Chen Feng smiled, and the power in the long sword changed, and the volcanic sword energy gushed out. The cutting sword energy was domineering, so the volcanic sword energy was violent. In addition, it contained the will of fire. It immediately blew a big hole in the palm, and then the long sword was swung, and the big hand was cut in half.


The water flow fell on the sea, splashing a fierce tsunami, but Chen Feng's face became solemn. Through the power of the dark magic pupil, Chen Feng saw a huge black shadow spreading from the depths of the sea.

The breath of the demon fairy began to spread, and the water demons around retreated one after another. The violent situation just now suddenly became silent.

"Is the master coming up? "Chen Feng increased his speed and soon reached a thousand miles away, but at this time the black shadow on the seabed also made a move.

The opponent's move was simple and domineering. The sea surface of a thousand miles suddenly sank, and then rebounded violently. The waves rushed to the sky, and even connected to the thunder of destruction in the sky, forming a water barrier in an instant.

As for Chen Feng, of course he was shrouded in it.

"What a trouble!" Chen Feng shook his head helplessly. He originally planned to leave here immediately to find the Zhoutian Divine Spring. It seems that the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and some time will be wasted again.

"My Zhoutian compass is only a low-grade Taoist weapon. He wants to rob it. It seems that this earth immortal is not very good. "Chen Feng smiled and stood firm. The Zhoutian field continued to change its power and evolved Zhoutian. The Zhoutian compass on his head was still absorbing the power of the thunder of destruction.

"Chen Feng, there is a demon fairy below. I think we should rush out quickly. "Sun Ming suggested. At this time, Sun Ming and the other four turned pale under the breath of the demon fairy.

"I just want to see what kind of demon beast this is. Of course, you can choose to leave. I can send you outside the barrier." Facing the stimulation of the power of the demon fairy, Chen Feng also felt a desire to fight.

The training in the past few years has greatly improved his cultivation, and he has not had a good fight yet.

A cultivator should fight.

"This! "

Sun Ming and the other three just looked at each other, and after a little thought, they decided that it would be safer to stay with Chen Feng. Now that the four of them had not recovered from their injuries, if they appeared on the sea rashly, they would be dead if they were attacked by the water monster again.

The shadow floating in the deep sea quickly shrank, and then a humanoid water monster emerged.

It turned out to be a gray water ape, with a dragon under its feet, a compass on its head, and a long sword in its hand. The incongruous dress almost made Chen Feng laugh.

However, the powerful aura emanating from this water ape was a real demon fairy. The powerful blood in its body kept surging, as if countless Yangtze Rivers were flowing at the same time. Chen Feng immediately knew that this water ape was gifted and almost invincible in the same realm.

"It's the Water Ape King!" Sun Ming and the other four exclaimed at the same time.

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