Eternal Existence

Chapter 805: Green Water Butterfly

The beautiful female cultivator was a little surprised at first, but after a little thought, she immediately understood what was going on.

"Thank you for your help, friend. Please come out and see me." The female cultivator invited.

Chen Feng shook his head in secret, thinking that you should solve the trouble in front of you first.

Sure enough, after the female cultivator finished practicing and the blood-colored barrier dissipated, the cultivator hidden in the dark also took action immediately.

This person was even more powerful than the previous eight cultivators, and was infinitely close to the realm of high-level human immortals. As soon as he took action, he was as swift as the wind and as violent as thunder. A bit of cold light that had been compressed layer by layer pierced the female cultivator's eyebrows.

In the eyes of the female cultivator, only this bit of cold light existed, and everything else disappeared completely, and the whole world was shrinking rapidly.


A breath rushed out of the female cultivator's mouth. This breath was also formed by the female cultivator's thousands of hammers and refinements. At this time, it was spit out and exploded directly in front of him, and the cold light that attacked him also flew backwards.


A cold light flashed and landed in the hands of a black-clothed cultivator. He took a step forward and spit out his palm. The cold light burst out with golden light, like the twinkling stars, and turned into countless light points to attack the female cultivator again.

Just now, it was a concentrated attack, but now it was a large-scale attack.

"This black-clothed man has restrained his aura, hiding around, waiting for an opportunity to move. He didn't even have the intention to kill when he attacked. This is clearly the behavior of a killer. This level of assassin must come from those killer organizations, but I don't know which one it is?" Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

At this time, the female cultivator broke the opponent's attack again, and a rapidly rotating vortex grew out of the space, and a drift gathered all the golden light.

The black-clothed man waved his hand, and a long sword drilled out directly from the skin. He stepped forward and stabbed fiercely, and immediately there were thousands of sword lights.

The female cultivator had just successfully passed the tribulation, and her whole body strength increased greatly. It was the moment when she was full of fighting spirit. All kinds of fantastic means were used, and she fought hard with the black-clothed man.

"This female cultivator is amazing!" Chen Feng exclaimed.

"If she were outside, it would be easy to kill someone above her level, but looking at the situation of these two people, it's hard to tell who will win or lose if the fight continues."

The killer is experienced and has a high realm, while the female cultivator has amazing talent and mysterious means. In Chen Feng's opinion, if the fight ends in failure, the black-clothed killer should retreat. After all, this is the Daluo Academy. If other students are attracted, this guy will be dead.

At this moment, a crack suddenly appeared in the void, just like a smooth piece of paper cut by a sharp blade, and then two men in black came out of the crack at the same time, one on the left and one on the right.

The two men's auras were restrained. Although they were wearing black clothes, they seemed to be integrated with the void. If it weren't for the dark magic pupil that Chen Feng practiced, he really couldn't see each other.

At this time, the two killers held swords in their hands and quietly came behind the female cultivator, while the black-clothed man fighting with the female cultivator suddenly increased his attack speed, leaving the female cultivator no time to deal with the two behind.

"Oh no, there are two more. I was so careless that I didn't even notice it." Chen Feng was shocked, but he didn't worry too much. He knew it was time for him to take action.

The two long swords stabbed out silently, and they were about to pierce through the body of the female cultivator. The female cultivator gritted her teeth and was about to use desperate means. Suddenly, a blood light rose from the ground, like a wall, blocking the two long swords.


The long sword stabbed on the blood light, and the blood light exploded. It was this blocking time that made the attacks of the two killers fail.

"Oh no, it's a Taoist weapon!" The two killers failed in one attack, and they didn't delay at all. They wanted to leave here immediately. The cultivators who reached this level already had an intuition about danger.

"Since you are here, don't leave." At this time, Chen Feng appeared in front of the two people from the void, with a faint smile on his face.

"Boy, who are you?" One of them spoke calmly, but the other took the opportunity to attack Chen Feng.


Chen Feng's figure just shook, and the long sword in the man's hand fell into Chen Feng's hand. Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and the immortal rope flew out, quickly tying up the killer tightly.

At this time, the immortal rope had been upgraded to the level of a seventh-grade holy weapon after Chen Feng merged some strange materials such as Dongxu silk. It was not a problem to tie up a mid-level human immortal.

Easily capturing a killer, Chen Feng's blood-gathering bead shook lightly, and a blood-red stream of light rushed out, forming a blood barrier to wrap up another killer who wanted to escape into the void. Under the Taoist weapon, the other party wanted to rush out. It was simply a dream.

Chen Feng quickly dealt with the two killers. The killer who was fighting against the female cultivator was no longer calm. He wanted to escape, but was entangled by the endless offensive of the female cultivator. In panic, he was immediately at a disadvantage.

After the female cultivator gained the upper hand, she did not get impatient, but increased her strength step by step. The flexibility of the water power was fully exerted, and soon the opponent was tied up layer by layer.

"All the killings will be destroyed!"

The killer knew that he was going to die, so he used his strongest move, hoping to fight to the death. If he could open a gap, he would have a chance to escape.

The killing intent that had been accumulated for an unknown period of time burst out from his body, and the whole person turned into a long sword, carrying the momentum of going forward and dying together, and rushed towards the female cultivator.

Sure enough, the flexible aura set up by the female cultivator was broken one after another, and under the momentum of the opponent's death together, the female cultivator couldn't help but take a step back.

It was at this step that the killer found an opportunity, and relied on the power of burning the blood in his body to turn into a bloody light and escape into the void.

"I want to leave!" Chen Feng chuckled and took a step forward. The power of blood in the blood beads quickly transformed into a huge bloody palm. He grabbed it suddenly and tore the void. Then he grabbed it again and the killer who had just escaped was Got caught.

Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked it, and his blood energy condensed into threads, tightly entangling the killer.

Three mid-level Immortal killers were taken care of by Chen Feng.

At this time, the female cultivator finally had time to come forward and talk to Chen Feng.

Seeing that Chen Feng was only in the realm of the first-level human immortal, a hint of surprise flashed in the female cultivator's eyes, but she soon regained her composure.

"Bishuidie has met senior brother. I wonder what he calls him?" The female cultivator stepped forward and bowed. She looked at Chen Feng with her beautiful eyes, her eyes calm, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart.

"Chen Feng." Chen Feng said with a faint smile.

"Chen Feng, this name seems familiar." A trace of doubt flashed in Bishuidie's eyes.

"Haha, I live in the cave to the east. We can be considered neighbors. It's just that I'm a new student. It's my problem that I didn't come to visit my senior sister." A smile appeared on Chen Feng's face. , the mature and steady aura even Chen Feng himself felt a little strange.

"Chen Feng, I remembered it. It seems that the monk who caused chaos in Xu City some time ago was named Chen Feng." At this time, Bishuidie's eyes lit up and she looked at Chen Feng, feeling really surprised.

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded.

"What do senior brothers plan to do with these people?" Bishuidie rolled her eyes and then changed the topic.

"Just let me have my way, junior sister." At this time, Chen Feng changed his title to junior sister again, which made Bishuidie's eyes flash again.

"Thank you very much, senior brother. Senior brother is only a first-level human immortal, but his fighting power is really strong. I don't think there are many people who can be found in the academy."

"Haha, it's just with the help of the magic weapon." Chen Feng smiled and waved his hands, but he was still a little proud in his heart. "

The two talked for a while, but Bishuidie never invited Chen Feng to the cave. Chen Feng smiled and then left.

Chen Feng instinctively felt that Bishui Die had some origins and was also very mysterious. Although he helped the other party, Chen Feng clearly felt that the other party was wary of him through the conversation just now.

"There are killers who sneaked into Daluo Academy to assassinate students. I don't know what the school will do." After returning to his residence, Chen Feng secretly investigated. Bishuidie did not kill these killers, but notified the school's law enforcement team to come and deal with it. this matter.

After the law enforcement team left, Bishuidie immediately entered the cave and sat cross-legged on the jade bed used for practice. She closed her eyes slightly and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Chen Feng? I think this is the person who spied on me before coming here." Bishui Die said lightly, waved his hand, and a fist-sized water bead floated in front of him. There was water swirling in the bead, and waves of water spread out. Soon the entire cave was enveloped.

"Chen Feng, it seems to be Bei Yuan. I don't know if it is accidental or intentional." Speaking of the blue water butterfly's hands, a trace of water power emanated from the beads, wrapping the green water butterfly.

"Hey! The best Taoist weapon, hey, I'm nosy." Chen Feng was startled, and then laughed.

But Chen Feng's expression soon changed again, and he became a little embarrassed: "In this case, the other party may know that I am spying secretly."

However, Chen Feng quickly regained his composure. His whole body was shaken, and a black vortex appeared in his palm. Then he stretched out his left hand, and a second black vortex appeared.

Next, black vortexes began to appear on the chest, back, head, and everywhere on the body. These black vortexes emitted strong suction, constantly devouring the spiritual energy in the air.

Finally, these black vortexes overlapped in pairs and merged into one vortex in the palm of the hand. This black vortex was stronger and more powerful, dozens of times more powerful than before.

Then Chen Feng raised his hand and pressed it on the ground. The vortex surged and began to frantically absorb the original power in the earth veins.

Some time ago in Xu City, Chen Feng got a piece of black jade in the auction house, and what was recorded in the black jade was the fragment of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique. During this period of time, Chen Feng had practiced and made a breakthrough in the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique. Coupled with Chen Feng's improvement in cultivation, once the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique is launched, it will be dozens of times stronger than before.

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