Eternal Existence

Chapter 804: Neighboring Female Cultivator

"The speed of cultivation here is twice as fast as usual." Chen Feng was a little surprised, and of course he knew that it was caused by the cultivation atmosphere here.

Basically, it can be said that Chen Feng's cultivation is very plain, so plain that Chen Feng feels uncomfortable.

You should know that since Chen Feng started practicing, most of the time he has been fighting and fighting. Chen Feng rarely feels this kind of calm, safe and steady feeling. Even the situation he feels in the Longevity Tower is different from now.

Chen Feng even wondered if he would practice directly until the day of the tribulation.

But soon Chen Feng knew that his idea was wrong. On this day, when Chen Feng was practicing quietly, something happened that disrupted Chen Feng's peaceful life.

The tribulation clouds gathered, and the power of heaven descended. Chen Feng was awakened from his practice. With just a slight glance, he knew that it was the white-clothed female cultivator who was going through the tribulation.

"Have you finally decided to go through the tribulation?" Chen Feng whispered. In his previous observations, Chen Feng knew that the female cultivator had accumulated a lot of experience. According to Chen Feng himself, she might have gone through the tribulation. At this time, it was natural to go through the tribulation.

"It should be successful." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Let's go and see what other people's tribulations look like."

Chen Feng said this, of course there were some other emotions mixed in his heart.

The first level of the tribulation of the white-clothed female cultivator was the infinite sky wind.

This kind of sky wind is not ordinary wind power. The wind is like a knife, constantly cutting the flesh and soul of the cultivator. If the mind is lost, even the soul can be cut into pieces.

It can attack both physically and soul. In fact, at the level of the tribulation, once the cultivator fails, the end is most likely to be the destruction of the soul.

Watching the other party's tribulation, Chen Feng secretly calculated what would happen if he came to tribulation. Soon Chen Feng came to the conclusion that he could easily succeed, and the infinite sky wind in front of him couldn't even break his defense.

"This first level of tribulation should be no problem." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Sure enough, everything was just as Chen Feng thought. The female cultivator successfully smashed all the sharp blades of the sky wind. She was safe and sound, but she was a little out of breath. However, she recovered quickly after taking a pill.

The second heavenly tribulation was the coming of heavenly fire. This kind of heavenly fire burned from the inside out, and the heart fire grew and the evil thoughts multiplied. It was somewhat similar to the Yin fire that Chen Feng encountered when he was crossing the tribulation before. However, Chen Feng's Yin fire at that time was grown by the Yin force, and the white-clothed female cultivator in front of him encountered a fire grown by the masculine force.

This kind of fire burned fiercely, inside and out. If you can't hold on, you will be burned to ashes. The previous sky wind could cut people into pieces, and the current sky fire can burn people to ashes.

"This time should be a little difficult." Chen Feng said in his heart.

However, things once again went beyond Chen Feng's expectations. This time, the sky fire was easily resolved by the female cultivator. Chen Feng was surprised and understood that this female cultivator was cultivating the power of water. She was also a guest star of all the heart fires and demons. Not to mention the sky fire in front of her, even if the power was twice as strong, the effect would not be too great.

"I forgot this point. Special spiritual roots are indeed only for people with luck!" Chen Feng sighed.

The third level of the heavenly tribulation was a surging water wave. When this level of heavenly tribulation came out, Chen Feng immediately laughed. The luck of this female cultivator was really too good.

Sure enough, this time the heavenly tribulation was also easily passed by the female cultivator.

The fourth level of thunder tribulation began. This time it was a emerald green thunder. Finally, the female cultivator's face became solemn. Chen Feng's eyes flashed. This was the most powerful level of the heavenly tribulation so far. Compared with the previous three levels of heavenly tribulation, this time the power of the heavenly thunder was more threatening to the female cultivator who cultivated the power of water. It could even be said to be a guest star.

"It should be no problem to successfully pass the tribulation, but it will definitely be a bit embarrassing. Hey! Someone is coming. What are these guys doing?"

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly found that several cultivators suddenly emerged from the void, and then began to set up restrictions around the cave where the female cultivator was. Layers of restrictions quickly surrounded the female cultivator.

But the female cultivator didn't know it at all. The female cultivator who was passing the tribulation had no other thoughts to pay attention to the outside world. In addition, the female cultivator had set up restrictions in advance, and this was still the Daluo Academy. She didn't expect that someone would harm her.

"On the surface, there are a total of eight people. Tsk tsk, they are all middle-level human immortals, and they don't look like students of the Daluo Academy. These people are agile and cooperate with each other tacitly. There is no sound. In the end, they occupied eight directions and formed a unique Bagua formation."

"These people must be from the same organization. They dare to come to the Daluo Academy to take action. In this way, the life experience of this female cultivator should not be simple."

"But since I saw it, it seems a bit wrong not to take action." Chen Feng comforted himself in this way, and his body slowly hid in the void.

"Let's see what happens first."

Finally, the female cultivator succeeded in overcoming the tribulation, which was similar to what Chen Feng had imagined. Although the female cultivator successfully defeated the last level of tribulation thunder, her own strength had been consumed. At this time, she was sitting cross-legged on the ground, comprehending the immortal laws that had descended from the immortal world.

"It's time for these people to take action. If they take action, this female cultivator will be awakened. Then, although the tribulation is successful, it will also be destroyed, and the foundation will be damaged."

"What should I do? Should I take action now?"

"Hey! After all, we are all from the Daluo Academy and neighbors. It can be considered a fate. Let's take action and capture these eight people first."

Just when Chen Feng was about to take action, he accidentally saw a flash of cold light in the female cultivator's tightly closed eyes, and then Chen Feng stopped his action, knowing that something he had not expected.

"It seems that I don't need to take action."

Swish, swish, swish! Swish, swish, swish!

The eight cultivators acted at the same time, instantly destroying the restrictions set by the female cultivator, and then waved their hands at the same time, and eight long whips were wrapped around the female cultivator at the same time.


The female cultivator's eyes suddenly opened, like two lightning bolts, even Chen Feng felt the power of it.


A ball of black thunder fell from the sky and directly hit a cultivator, and then this cultivator in the middle-level human immortal realm immediately disappeared, without even a trace of ash left.


As the female cultivator opened her eyes, the calamity cloud that had been dispersed gathered again, and the speed was extremely fast, as if it had never disappeared.

"Not good! The heavenly tribulation has not disappeared yet."

"We've been fooled, hurry up!"

The faces of the remaining seven cultivators all changed, and they flew backwards at the same time, trying to leave the attack range of the heavenly tribulation.

It's easy to get in, but it's hard to leave again.

The law of the universe, if you attack others when they are going through the tribulation, you will be killed more fiercely by the heavenly tribulation, and the mortality rate is close to 100%.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

One after another, black thunder flashed quickly, and each thunder represented a cultivator being killed. In the blink of an eye, only the last person was left to escape. This person was very fast, and at this time he was already a hundred miles away from the female cultivator, but he was still caught up by a thunder and blasted into nothingness.

Eight intermediate-level human immortals died cleanly, without even a trace left.

"Awesome!" Chen Feng praised in secret.

"What a trick to deceive the heaven! I didn't expect there was a fifth level of heavenly tribulation, and even I didn't see through it. The thunder of destruction, this is the thunder of destruction with dark power. These people deserved to die. It's just your bad luck." Chen Feng said in his heart.

After solving the hidden threat, the female cultivator continued to survive the tribulation. This time, the breath of the female cultivator was even more violent. It was obvious that she had hidden her strength before, in order to bring out these unfavorable factors for herself.

The thunder of destruction filled with dark power can no longer be described by the word destruction. From the superficial meaning, we can know that this kind of heavenly thunder can destroy everything.


Facing the powerful thunder of destruction, the female cultivator sprayed waves of water from her mouth. After layers of compression, the water waves directly pierced the falling thunder of destruction.

"Not bad!" Chen Feng nodded secretly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Waves of water rushed up to the sky, resisting the thunder of destruction from falling, but the female cultivator began to tremble all over. Obviously, this breath technique was very mentally exhausting.

Fortunately, when the female cultivator was exhausted, the heavenly tribulation ended and the tribulation cloud disappeared. This time it was truly over. The female cultivator began to accept the laws of the immortal way, and then sat in meditation to comprehend.

Chen Feng thought about it, and then used the dark magic pupil to sweep around. At this time, Chen Feng's dark magic pupil could really penetrate the space. The pupil power condensed into substance, and even the steel mountain peak could be directly penetrated.

"Sure enough, there are still people hiding in the dark, and they are even more powerful cultivators. I really don't understand who this female cultivator is, and she actually attracted so many masters." Chen Feng thought about it, flicked his finger, and a layer of blood-colored barrier rose from around the female cultivator. At first, it was just a faint blood barrier, but soon the blood power surged, forming a scarlet blood light. The thick screen directly blocked the line of sight, making it difficult to see the situation.

Seeing this situation, the cultivator who was hiding in the dark and wanted to take action immediately immediately became honest. What surprised Chen Feng was that the other party did not leave, but lurked in the dark honestly.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng smiled: "It seems that the other party should not have seen through that I was secretly doing something, and that this blood barrier was taken out by that female cultivator."

After the heavenly tribulation ended, the area within tens of thousands of miles became quiet again. Some local students of Daluo Academy just popped their heads out, took a casual look, and then went back to their own business.

In Daluo Academy, tribulation happens from time to time. For the students here, tribulation is a very common situation.

The female cultivator has been practicing, and Chen Feng is not in a hurry. There are blood beads to protect the female cultivator, and the cultivators in the dark have not taken action. If Chen Feng hadn't used the dark magic pupil to investigate from time to time, he would have thought that the other party had left.

After a full month, the female cultivator finished practicing, and before she opened her eyes, she felt something wrong with the outside world. Looking at the heavy blood barrier in front of her, the female cultivator was a little surprised, but soon the blood barrier faded and then dissipated in the space.

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