Eternal Existence

Chapter 763 Turning Point

"I can't hold on any longer." Liu Wuxiang shouted.

"Me too." Chen Feng felt that he hadn't been so embarrassed for a long time. A feeling of powerlessness surged in his heart, and he wished he could get into the Longevity Tower immediately.

This level of power was simply not something he could contend with.

Fortunately, the teleportation array under the feet of the two was activated, and the power of space surged, wrapping the two people up, easily resisting the attacks from all sides.

At this time, the green-clothed man's face became more solemn, but he didn't worry too much. Instead, he still waved the stone stick in his hand to resist the restrictions around him, and at the same time began to walk towards Chen Feng and the others.


The green-clothed man smashed the teleportation array with a stick, and the power of space surged. The teleportation array flickered violently. Although it was safe and sound, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang in it fell down in a mess, with cracks on their bodies torn open, and streams of blood spurted out.

"One more hit, I'm sure I'll die."


The teleportation array broke through the void, opened a passage, and quickly teleported the two people out.

"You can't run away." The man in green was not worried. He swept the stone stick in his hand violently, like a god of war, and the restrictions around him were broken one after another.

In the eyes of the man in green, although Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were teleported out, they were still in the ancient city of Tianchen. As long as they were still in the city, they would not be able to escape his pursuit.

"I didn't expect that I couldn't even kill two young people. It seems that I am a little old." The man in green said lightly, stretched out his hand and punched out violently. A passage was blasted in the void, and then he stepped into it and disappeared.

"Where will it be teleported to?"

"It should still be in the city."

"What do you mean."

"This ancient city was built by Tianchen Zhenxian. It's very difficult to teleport out."

The two of them were recovering from their injuries quickly while secretly on guard. The future was uncertain. They didn't know where they would be teleported to. If they met other cultivators before their injuries were recovered, the situation would be bad.


The space channel disappeared, and the two arrived at their destination. Then their eyes widened suddenly, because there was a stone platform in front of them, and on the stone platform sat a monk with a wide long sword on his back.

"It's bad, it's the immortal, let's go."

"Wait, the other party is not moving, can't he really die?"

"He must be dead, but his fighting spirit is still there."

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They were ready for the battle, but the next situation was beyond their expectations again, because the other party was motionless, and not even a trace of power fluctuation was emitted, as if there was really just an ordinary corpse in front of them.

"Huh! Could it be that the other party has no spirit left?" Liu Wuxiang's nervous mood relaxed a little, and the feeling of fatigue surged up like a tide, and then he felt that the injuries on his body were incredibly serious.

The same was true for Chen Feng. Although the power in his body continued to gush out, the speed of recovery from his injuries this time became slower. Chen Feng knew that this was because of the injury to his own origin.

"Don't think too much, let's recover your strength as soon as possible." The world's origin power in Chen Feng's body gushed out, and the wounds on Chen Feng's body immediately healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. This speed shocked Liu Wuxiang on the side.

However, what the two did not notice was that the corpse sitting cross-legged not far away, with its eyes closed, moved slightly, as if it would wake up at any time.

After an incense stick of time, the injuries on the two bodies had not yet fully recovered, and the man in green had already caught up.

The space in front of them was torn open, and the man in green appeared in front of the two with an expressionless face. As for the two stone sticks, I don't know where they were placed.


The two sighed at the same time, then stood up, mobilized all their strength, and prepared to fight desperately. Although the two had a crisis in their hearts since entering Tianchen Ancient City, they did not take other cultivators seriously. In their opinion, if the situation was critical, desperately using the immortal weapon would be enough to kill the opponent, but they did not expect to encounter such a powerful opponent, even the immortal weapon was useless. At the same time, the two also understood that this was the gap in absolute strength, which could not be made up by magic weapons.

"Why don't you run away?" The man in green said calmly.

"You are an immortal after all. Isn't it a bit too bullying to chase us like this?" Liu Wuxiang couldn't help but said.

"Oh, a little cultivator from the immortal world, not bad, you are quite capable to escape from my hands." The man in green looked at Liu Wuxiang and then turned his gaze to Chen Feng.

"You have the aura of the Eternal World, but you don't look like a native cultivator of the Eternal World. This is a bit strange, and there are some interesting things on you." The man in green seemed to be able to penetrate Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng only felt his hair stand up in the other's eyes, and he felt naked in the ice and snow.


At this time, the man in green's eyes suddenly lit up, as if two suns suddenly burst into light. Under this pressure, Liu Wuxiang flew backwards, and Chen Feng was completely bound by the other party.

"You are a disciple of the Immortal Clan. How could it be possible? How could a disciple of the Immortal Clan appear here." The man in green lost his composure for the first time, and his face was no longer calm.

"What? The Immortal Clan." Liu Wuxiang also exclaimed and looked at Chen Feng with wide eyes. The monk in front of him was an immortal. What he said should be correct. Think about it, the partner who has been with him for a while is from Liu Wuxiang, a member of the Changsheng clan, felt an indescribable strange feeling.

"What on earth is going on? Is Chen Feng really from the Immortal Clan, but the aura on his body is clearly that of the Eternal World."

Chen Feng was also shocked after hearing what the other party said, but he didn't show it. Instead, he exchanged a few words with Ta secretly.

Then Chen Feng's whole body was shaken, his waist straightened, his eyes calm, he became strong and confident, and he seemed to no longer take the crisis in front of him into consideration.

"Nothing is impossible. What I am curious about is why a guy from the Zhantian Clan would appear here, and moreover take the form of a fighting spirit to seize the body of a ghost general." Chen Feng said lightly.


The man in Tsing Yi's eyes flashed, and two gazes passed through Chen Feng's cave like lightning. Chen Feng remained motionless. The man in Tsing Yi's eyes suddenly disappeared after reaching Chen Feng, as if he had entered another dimension.

Sure enough, the man in Tsing Yi shrank his eyes and became a little cautious.

"Now that my identity has been exposed, you don't have to leave." Chen Feng said calmly. On the surface, he looked sure, but secretly he was gritting his teeth. These words were purely to scare the other party.

"Oh, really, don't talk about you, a little cultivator in the heavenly realm. Even the immortal in your immortal clan would not dare to speak like this in front of me." The man in Tsing Yi's face returned to normal, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand. He wanted to attack Chen Feng.

"Ta, what should we do next? Can you defeat the other party?" Chen Feng was a little anxious.

"How is it possible? The other party is an immortal. The next thing to do is to find a way to escape." Ta's answer was very certain.

"You!" Chen Feng was startled, shook his head and said nothing. He couldn't even handle the tower, so it seemed like it was really impossible.

"I didn't expect to meet the monks of the Immortal Clan as soon as I woke up. It's really lucky. I just need some energy to restore my strength. The blood of your Immortal Clan is just right for me." The man in Tsing Yi's eyes flashed, but he decided to take action, because in the man in Tsing Yi It seemed that the two boys in front of him were too weak, too weak to threaten him at all.

However, the development of things is often unexpected. Just when the man in Tsing Yi was about to take action, the monk sitting not far away with a long sword on his back suddenly opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, it was like two bolts of lightning exploding, and even the man in Tsing Yi felt terrified.

"Who is it?" The man in Tsing Yi turned around and shouted.

"You don't even know who I am and you dare to come to my territory and act recklessly." The voice exploded like rolling thunder. The monk who was sitting on the ground suddenly stood up, his long hair flying, his eyes like stars, and the long sword on his back bloomed with dazzling light. Thunder light.

"Eh! No, there's something wrong with this person." Chen Feng and Liu Wulian backed away because this new monk was so powerful that he should be even more powerful than the man in green in their opinion.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there is clearly a living human being in front of him, and he does not appear in the state of a fighting spirit.

This means that this person’s physical body is intact.

"Could it be that this person has survived relying on his physical body? This is too exaggerated."

"No matter what, the more chaotic things are, the better our chances of escape will be."

"Are you from the Thunder God Clan?" The man in Tsing Yi's expression changed, and his fighting spirit almost condensed into substance. With a wave of his hand, the stone stick appeared in his hand.

"I didn't expect that the Zhantian clan would also be reduced to seizing the bodies of other monks, and he was still a lowly ghost general."

"Hmph, I think you're not much better." A look of jealousy flashed in the eyes of the man in green. The reason for jealousy was of course that the other person's body was preserved, and he could only extend his life by seizing the body.

"But it's easy to deal with you. It's too late for you to leave now." The monk with lightning all over his body reached out and pulled out the long sword from behind.

"We are all from Tianchen Ancient City. I just want to kill two boys. Why do you bother to intervene?" The man in Tsing Yi's tone softened a little because he was not sure that he was the opponent's opponent.

After all, my body is just the body of an Earth Immortal-level ghost general, but the person in front of me retains the body of an immortal. I am from the Zhantian Clan, and the opponent is from the Thunder God Clan. The result of the fight is that I will lose. It must be myself.

"Have you forgotten that I am from the Thunder God Clan?"

"Yes, the Thunder God Clan and the Changsheng Clan have always been close, so let's do it." The man in Tsing Yi said, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly took action, and actually swiped a stick at Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang.

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