Eternal Existence

Chapter 762 Crisis

"Brother Chen, do you think the other party can catch up?" There was a black hole circulating around Liu Wuxiang's body, still clearing away the energy in his body, but he didn't know how effective it would be.

The secret room the two of them were in didn't look very big at first glance, but there was a faint power of space fluctuating in the space. Speaking of which, if Chen Feng hadn't used the Dark Demon Eye just now, he really wouldn't have been able to discover the secret room hidden underground.

When they first came in, the two of them were a little skeptical about why there was a secret room here, but they quickly put this idea aside.

Because the most important thing at hand is how to escape the opponent's tracking.

"It's hard to say whether the other party can catch up, but I feel that the crisis has intensified." Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

"I feel the same way. Now I just hope that the battle outside can divert the opponent's attention." Liu Wuxiang sighed.

On the ground, there were more than ten monks fighting in the melee. The reason why it was called a melee was because the monks fighting came from various worlds, and there were also people who had been taken away from their bodies. The target of the melee was erected in an open space. Two stone sticks.

These two stone sticks don't look surprising, but the faint fluctuations emanating from them prove that these two stone sticks are immortal weapons.

At first, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were surprised when they first arrived, and even almost tried to snatch it. After all, the attraction of the fairy weapon was too great, but under the threat of their lives, they gave up and quietly Avoiding everyone's attention.

"It would be nice if the monks fighting in the melee above were more powerful. Maybe we could kill that guy."

"If that's the case, I'm afraid we won't be able to sneak in so easily."

"This ancient city is really weird. It is impossible to survive the tribulation here. Otherwise, I can survive the catastrophe and become a human immortal. By then, the level of life will change, and I should be able to mobilize the power of the immortal weapon to a greater extent. "Chen Feng also had some calculations in his mind, but after secretly discussing with Ta, he decided to suppress his cultivation and wait until he left the city.

While the two of them were waiting, the melee outside finally changed. A demon god grabbed one of the stone sticks, and quickly activated the power of the immortal weapon in it. With a wave of his hand and a stick, a demon god from the immortal world swept across. Beaten to pieces.

Seeing this scene, the melee scene immediately changed. Several monks started attacking the demon at the same time.

"Hahahaha, you are all going to die." With the fairy weapon in hand, the demon god laughed proudly, and kept waving the stone stick in his hand. The power of the fairy weapon inspired blocked the attacks from all around. This demon god had his own goal. That is to get the other stone stick.

And this demon god did indeed do this. The stone stick in his hand knocked everyone away one after another, and he strode forward to snatch another stone stick in his hand.

"This guy is lucky. It seems that both immortal weapons have fallen into his hands." Chen Feng and Chen Feng were naturally paying attention to the situation in the outside world. At this time, seeing the two immortal weapons falling into the hands of the devil, they couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts. envious.

"It shouldn't be that easy."

The two of them were paying attention to the situation outside, but suddenly their hearts skipped a beat, and the crisis suddenly increased several times. They looked at each other and secretly exclaimed that something was wrong.

Sure enough, a tall figure suddenly fell to the ground with an unparalleled aura, just like a huge meteorite hitting the ground, the impact force continued to impact in all directions.

A monk in green clothes appeared in front of everyone,

"It's this guy, and he's really chasing him." Chen Feng and Liu Wutang withdrew their consciousness at the same time, for fear of being discovered by the other party.

As soon as this man appeared, he stood in front of the Demon God. His eyes were calm, and he didn't seem to take the Demon God into consideration.

"Go away!" The demon god has an immortal weapon in his hand, which is simply a divine weapon to block and kill the god. He doesn't say much at all, he just steps forward and sweeps away with a stick.

This stick can blow up mountains or even small planets. But facing this kind of attack, the scholar in green just stretched out his palm and grabbed it hard. Everyone felt their eyes blurred as the long stick in the Demon God's hand arrived. In the hands of the man in green.

Then the stone stick was swung out, and the demon screamed and turned into a ball of blood mist.


Everyone took a breath of cold air and stepped back involuntarily, with cold sweat breaking out on their bodies.

"Where did this person come from and why is he so powerful?"

"It's not good. It can't be a high-level Earth Immortal. If so, we'd better retreat."

"I'm afraid it's not an earthly immortal, but a superior immortal, so we might all die here."

The man in green didn't speak, but his eyes calmly swept around. Under this gaze, everyone lowered their heads involuntarily. They couldn't even resist each other's gaze, let alone fight.

The man in Tsing Yi strode forward, and everyone quickly got out of the way. No one dared to stop him. They just watched as the man in Tsing Yi took two stone sticks in his hands.

The two immortal weapons all fell into the hands of one person. Although the monks present were burning in their hearts, no one dared to speak. After all, the scene of killing the demon with just one move was too scary.

However, some people still cannot bear it due to greed.

"My friend, is it a bit too much to take away both immortal weapons?" a ghost general said.

After a fierce fight, everyone failed to grab something, but a person suddenly appeared and got it. Although this person is very powerful, if everyone joins forces, they should be able to compete.

However, before everyone had time to respond, the man in green took action. He took a simple step forward and smashed with a stick, and then the ghost general was torn into pieces, without any ability to fight back.


The cultivators present were really scared at this moment. They were not at the same level at all. If they didn't leave, they might not be able to leave.

The man in green did not chase these people, but shot out two beams of light from his eyes, which directly penetrated the ground and reached the secret room where Chen Feng and the others were.

"Alas! We've been discovered again."

"The opponent is too powerful, and he has a magic weapon in his hand. We can't compete with him at all. Are we going to die here?"

"Let's not talk about whether we will die or not. I just know that if we don't fight hard, we will definitely die."

"The opponent is coming down, let's fight hard."

The earthly immortal aura on Liu Wuxiang's body soared into the sky, and the aura on Chen Feng's body also began to become violent. The skin of the two people began to turn blood red, which was to prepare to burn the blood in their bodies, because the two knew that this time the opponent was too strong. If they didn't try their best, they would probably be killed in one encounter.


The man in green had already arrived in front of the two people. He just stretched out his hand and grabbed them casually, and the two people's bodies began to shake.

"How could this guy's power increase so quickly? But he should not be at the level of a supreme immortal, otherwise he could easily kill us."


Both of them used the power of immortal weapons. If other earthly immortals came, they would definitely be smashed to pieces under the attack of Chen Feng and the others. However, the result in front of them was not bad for Chen Feng and the others, because the man in green just stretched out one hand and easily resolved the attacks of the two.

"It's dead, it's really dead this time." Liu Wuxiang's face was extremely ugly.

The man in green did not use the stone stick in his hand, but stretched out his big hand to grab the two people.

This grab seemed to grab the whole world in his hand. No matter how Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang struggled, it was useless. They could only watch themselves fall into each other's hands.


At this time, something happened again. It was not known whether the fight between the two sides triggered the restrictions around them, or because of other reasons, the restrictions around them emerged, and the powerful space force crisscrossed, and actually cut the palm of the man in green, and Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang rolled out.

At this time, the secret room had undergone earth-shaking changes. Under the effect of the restriction, various forces alternated chaotically. Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were cut with wounds on their bodies without paying attention, and blood gushed out desperately.

"Not good, we didn't die in the hands of the other party, but we were killed by the restriction here. It seems that we are really unlucky." Liu Wuxiang smiled bitterly, and before he finished speaking, one of his palms was easily cut off again.

"Look down." Chen Feng exclaimed. Chen Feng was protected by layers of thunder beads and blood beads, but he still couldn't stop the space force that could cut everything. However, Chen Feng was surprised to find that the ground cracked and a stone platform rose up.

"It's a teleportation array, let's go." Liu Wuxiang just took a look and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Humph!" The man in green looked gloomy and groaned. Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang immediately felt a huge thunder explode in their hearts, and a mouthful of blood gushed out again.

The man in green was trapped by the light circles and could not get out for the time being, which made Chen Feng and the others secretly relieved.

"I hope we can have some luck this time."

Liu Wuxiang and Chen Feng looked at each other and rushed towards the teleportation array quickly. It was a coincidence that the restrictions where they passed were the thinnest in the entire space. The two rushed to the teleportation array without any danger, and then they felt that their bodies were covered with sweat, but they were not unscathed. Because the two of them almost turned into bloody people, Chen Feng's body could even see the white bones.

"You two boys, do you want to escape?" The man in green spoke lightly, but every word seemed to turn into a huge thunder, constantly exploding in the hearts of the two.

At the same time, the man in green finally swung the stone stick in his hand, and the stone stick swept across, touching the restrictions around, and the aftermath of the explosion was like a star destroying.

"Hurry up, if we don't start, these aftershocks alone will kill us." Liu Wuxiang shouted, blood gushing out as soon as he opened his mouth, and cracks began to spread on his skin.

Chen Feng's situation was not good either. The attack of the man in green was invisible and traceless, but the two could not resist it. Chen Feng only felt that he began to collapse from the inside out. If it weren't for the magic weapons suppressed in the acupoints, Chen Feng believed that he would have been torn into pieces now.

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