Eternal Existence

Chapter 753 Chaos

Liu Wuxiang's demon furnace is a top-grade Taoist weapon with strong attack power. Powerful flames gushed out of the furnace, like a waterfall, rushing towards the courtyard in front of him.

With the attack of external forces, the restrictions around the courtyard completely emerged, flowing light, runes emerged, and actually blocked the attack of the demon furnace.

The stronger the restrictions, the happier Liu Wuxiang was, which meant that there must be good things in it, so he worked harder.

"Help!" Chen Feng shook his head.

The tree demon strode forward and punched out heavily. Don't look at the tree demon's dryness. This attack power is not light. In Chen Feng's opinion, this punch has at least more than 100 million pounds of strength.

Liu Wuxiang and the tree demon attacked together. Not long after, the restrictions around the courtyard were finally broken. As soon as the restrictions disappeared, even Liu Wuxiang and Chen Feng felt that there was indeed someone in the courtyard.

"Be careful!"

"Don't worry, it must be a mummy."

After entering the courtyard, I found that there was another small cave in the courtyard. It was a pity that it was full of desolation because of the long time. A monk in white was sitting in a hexagonal pavilion. His face was ruddy and his hair and beard were white, just like a living person.

"The intact body, can't it be an immortal?"

"I hope so, but it doesn't look like it."

After entering the courtyard, before entering the pavilion, the white monk suddenly opened his eyes and two lightnings attacked Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang.


Liu Wuxiang shouted softly, and the demon refining pot in his hand emitted a suction force to collect the lightning, while the hellhound quickly sent out a look and shattered another lightning.

Next, the white monk's long hair moved without wind, and a smoke-like airflow drilled out, quickly condensing into a lifelike monk in front of him, exactly the same as the white monk sitting on the ground, without any difference.

"Be careful with the fighting spirit condensed by the spirit, energy and spirit. This secret technique can exert 30% of the fighting power before birth." Liu Wuxiang said.

"Fortunately, this person is not an immortal." Chen Feng did not worry too much. The corpse in front of him was only an earthly immortal in his lifetime, and he had been dead for many years. In addition, he only had 30% of the fighting power, so it was really not worth worrying about.

However, what happened next was beyond Chen Feng's imagination, because the fighting spirit in front of him was too fierce.

The white-clothed monk formed by the spirit, energy and spirit had an expressionless face, but his eyes were shining. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it suddenly. A stream of light flew from nowhere and fell into his hand.

It looked like an ordinary stone stick.


With a light shout, the white-clothed monk took a step forward, and the whole cave shook. The stone stick in his hand had reached Liu Wuxiang's head.

"So fast!"

Liu Wuxiang was a little surprised. He could not dodge in time, so he could only reach out to block it. However, in the process of blocking, a Yin-Yang mixed hole appeared in rotation.


The Yin-Yang mixed hole was easily broken by the stone stick, and then Liu Wuxiang screamed and flew out.

The white-robed monk hadn't finished yet, and the stone stick in his hand flew out of his hand and chased Liu Wuxiang. Chen Feng couldn't stand by and watch. He waved his hand and a lightning bolt struck the stone stick, and the stone stick turned around and returned to the white-robed monk's hand again.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Then Chen Feng's eyes were full of stick shadows, layer upon layer, and even Chen Feng's dark magic pupil couldn't tell the real from the fake. Helplessly, Chen Feng could only move his steps to retreat.

After retreating two steps, he was still swept by the stick wind. He felt suffocated in his heart, like a lightning strike, and rolled out in embarrassment.

"Go back!"

The white-robed monk was slapped back by the tree demon while continuing to chase, but the white-robed monk turned around and smashed the stone stick in his hand at Liu Wuxiang again.

"Don't interfere, just look around." Chen Feng said, taking out the thunder bead and launching long-range attacks on the white-robed monk.

Liu Wuxiang used the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave Scripture to tangle with the opponent. The two sides worked together and fought for half an hour. Finally, the opponent was dispersed. The white-robed monk turned into a ball of spirit and spirit again and hovered in the air.

"Huh! It's not easy, but fortunately there are some gains." Liu Wuxiang stepped forward and collected half of the spirit and spirit in the air, and handed the remaining half to Chen Feng.

"Is the middle-level earth immortal so powerful? The opponent's fighting style is a little different. It feels a bit similar to the brute force transformed into the wild world." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"I think so too. Could it be that this city is related to the wild world? No, I don't think there is a city of this level in the wild world." Liu Wuxiang shook his head.

"Don't think too much, let's see what's here."

"This stone stick should be a mid-grade Taoist weapon." Liu Wuxiang stepped forward and picked up the stone stick, but the stone stick turned into powder on the ground after shaking it twice in Liu Wuxiang's hand.

"Hey! There was still some energy in the stone stick, but it was a pity that the energy was exhausted after the fight just now." Chen Feng shook his head.

Then the two of them were soon disappointed, because they searched the cave from top to bottom, but didn't find anything valuable.

"Let's go, to the next place."

When Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were walking through the city, other cultivators who entered the city also encountered some situations to a greater or lesser extent.

In a small square courtyard, two tall demon gods stood together, holding a long spear in their hands.

"This bronze artifact is good, it is actually a top-grade Taoist artifact, and the power in it has not disappeared. If you comprehend it, you can still use it."

"You are so lucky, I haven't gotten anything so far, and I have experienced a lot of fighting."

"Don't worry, there will be good things for you next time."

On the top of a small building made entirely of wood, a fairy monk held a wooden stick in his hand, with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect it to be ivy. Wow, this is a big harvest, just right for refining pills."

"Alas! Unfortunately, the power in this stone tool has disappeared."

At the bottom of a dry lake, three monks were besieging a fighting spirit condensed by spirit, energy and spirit. After a long fight, they finally dispersed the opponent. The three divided the spirit, energy and spirit and searched around before leaving quickly.


A fairy was blasted to pieces by a big hand. A ghost general and a demon god quickly fled separately, but they were quickly caught up by the big hand and crushed one by one.

Then the big hand disappeared, and only one sentence floated out from the ground: "Too weak."

In a stone building that was about to collapse, a ghost general with a ghostly aura was fighting with a fighting spirit with a sawtooth machete in his hand. It took only two or three moves for the ghost general of the earthly level to be restrained, and then the fighting spirit turned into a stream of light and drilled into the ghost general's body.

Crash! Crash!

Originally, this ghost general was just a skeleton. At this moment, blood suddenly began to boil in his body. As the blood boiled more and more fiercely, a little flesh and blood began to grow on the bones. That was not all. The internal organs in his chest also slowly emerged. There was more and more flesh and blood, and skin began to cover it. In a few breaths, a perfect body appeared, which contained powerful power, forming a strong contrast with the previous skeleton.

"I am reborn again, but it's a pity that this body is a little weak."

At this time, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were beaten back by a tall stone man, and they were in a mess. Just before, the two found a stone man lying on the ground in a ruin. They didn't care about it at first, but they didn't know why the stone man suddenly resurrected, and then launched a fierce attack.

Soul attack is useless, and the stone man is surprisingly tough. Not only can it block the attack of lightning, but even the burning of the flames in the demon furnace can't play a big role.

On the contrary, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were hit once by the other party and suffered some injuries.

"This should be a puppet containing the power of the Great Dao. It's really too difficult to deal with. Brother Chen, didn't you collect two immortal weapons before? Hurry up and use them to deal with the other party." Liu Wuxiang shouted.

Chen Feng curled his lips, thinking that it was not that easy. Besides, that was his trump card, which would not be used easily.

"Tree demon, help me." Chen Feng said helplessly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The tree demon had an expression on his face, stretched out his palm, and vines flew out from his palm. Soon, the stone man was tied up tightly, making it impossible for the stone man to break free for a while.

Chen Feng stepped forward and put his hands on the stone man. The two forces of water and fire gushed out. This was not ordinary water and fire power, but was extracted from the fragments of the origin of the world.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Soon, a crack appeared on the stone man, and finally cracked from the top of the head downwards. After the tree demon took back the vines, the stone man turned into rubble all over the ground with a bang.

"Brother Chen, good job." Liu Wuxiang's eyes showed surprise.

"It's a pity that it's still in vain." Chen Feng shook his head. He originally thought that there would be something like a spirit bead after blowing up the stone man, but he didn't expect that there would be only stones and powder.

"This can be considered as practice." Liu Wuxiang comforted himself.

"I don't know if others have gained anything. The red light column is in front. I hope there will be some gains."

When the two arrived, they saw a group of cultivators fighting in the dark, desperate and merciless, and sometimes both sides were injured.

A strong smell of blood was floating in the air, and Chen Feng and the others felt a surge of blood as soon as they arrived.

"What happened here? Are these people possessed?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Something is wrong." Liu Wuxiang took a few steps back.

"Something must be wrong."

In the chaotic scene of fighting in front of them, there were demons, Hades and other cultivators from all walks of life, but regardless of whether they were enemies or friends, they all fought fiercely with red eyes. The two clearly saw two huge demons roaring in a duel, and two immortal cultivators were still fighting despite being seriously injured, completely ignoring their worsening injuries.


Under the bombardment of the two Hades, an immortal from the immortal world flew into a light column not far away, and then turned into a blood mist with a bang. Then this blood mist drifted out of the light column, the bloody smell rose, and the fight on the scene became more intense.

"It's the problem of that light column."

Chen Feng and Liu Wu looked at each other and understood the root of the matter. When they were thinking about what to do, a blood-red light wave spread out from the light column, swept past Chen Feng and others, and then spread far away.

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