Eternal Existence

Chapter 752 Weird

"Obviously, the city as a whole is protected by an invisible force. Now that someone has come in, the power has been destroyed, and some of the things in it should be pulverized. After all, it has existed for too long."

"Hopefully there are still some treasures left."


At this time, a wave of power came out from outside. Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, then quickly rushed out, and saw Liu Wuxiang walking out of a room with a stone spear in his hand.

"Brother Chen, come and take a look." Liu Wuxiang handed the spear to Chen Feng.

"Strange, what kind of power is this?" Chen Feng was a little surprised when he felt the strange power coming from the spear. This was a power he had never seen before. It was different from the power of immortality and magic, but it also had an ancient cohesion.


Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked it. A faint luster bloomed on the stone spear, and then cracks appeared one after another. Finally, with a bang, it turned into countless fragments.

"It's a pity. This spear should also be a good holy weapon. It's just that it took too long and it's not easy to preserve it until now." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Even the sacred artifacts cannot be preserved. I don't know how much power the Taoist artifacts will have left. But this city is big enough, so good things should be indispensable."

While the two were talking, someone else arrived from behind. It was a group of monks who entered the city gate behind them.

At first, there was a man with two horns on his head, a tall man about one foot tall, with black scales all over his body, long hair on his face, and demonic energy surging in his eyes. He turned out to be a demon god.

"Two little guys, and two demon fairies, you guys come here." The devil shouted coldly.

"Oh, I wonder what the Lord Demon God's orders are?" Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"Of course I have orders. Listen to my instructions honestly and do whatever I tell you to do, or I will let you die now." The Demon God shouted coldly, stepped forward, and the tyrannical demonic aura emitted.

The demon god was followed by four people, two of whom had wings on their backs and were actually in the demon god realm, and two of whom were full of ghostly aura and were actually ghost generals from the ghost realm.

"Okay, I wonder what the adults need from us?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You, go to that room and take a look. You go to the small courtyard. You two keep walking forward." The demon god with two horns began to give instructions, obviously treating Chen Feng and others as pathfinders.

"Don't conflict with the other party for now."

"That's right. Let's talk about it later when we find a chance."

After Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang secretly communicated, they acted according to the Demon God's instructions. As for the Cerberus and the Dryad, they laughed and ignored the Demon God's order. The Demon God wanted to have a seizure but still held back. After all, the two Demon Immortals also Not that easy to deal with.

"That's fine, it's okay to have two boys exploring the way."


Another wave of waves came from the small courtyard, and Chen Feng walked out holding a wooden mallet covered with patterns.

"Bring it to me." The demon waved and snatched the mallet from Chen Feng's hand.


The mallet shattered into pieces, and only a trace of power dissipated into the space.

"What a piece of junk." The demon waved his hand.

Next, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang continued to find some things. These things included knives, guns, spears, hammers, some strange weapons, and even some daily utensils that contained strange powers, but there were no exceptions. , after getting it, the power contained in it will dissipate, and then the thing will break.

Everyone walked for several streets and entered countless houses, but they couldn't find anything useful. As a result, everyone was very unhappy.

"You won't come here in vain." Everyone had this thought in their minds.

"Why did you two stop? Go and take a look at those two small courtyards." The demon god with two horns shouted again.

Liu Wuxiang and Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and a trace of murderous intent flashed across their faces. They had not found a good opportunity so far, and they could no longer bear it.

"It looks like we're going to fight each other."

Just when the two were about to take action, a ten-meter-high building not far away suddenly exploded. Countless fragments were fired at everyone, and at the same time there was a force that soared into the sky. As soon as this force came out , everyone’s eyes lit up.

"It must be something good."

The demon god with two horns was the first to rush over. When he reappeared, he was holding a short stick made of bronze. There were some simple patterns carved on the stick, but the aura emanating from it was not fake.

"It actually contains the power of the Dao. This Dao weapon is not bad." Liu Wuxiang said.

Chen Feng nodded without saying anything. Although the Tao power used in the short stick in the Demon God's hand was incomplete, in Chen Feng's opinion it was at least a middle-grade Tao weapon.

"Only the magic weapon that contains the great truth can be preserved for a long time."

"It's a Taoist weapon, bring it to me."

A big hand descended from the sky and grabbed the short stick in the demon god's hand. At the same time, the surrounding buildings exploded one after another, and countless pieces of gravel attacked all the monks present like sharp arrows.

"court death!"

The demon god with two horns was furious and quickly struck out with the short stick in his hand, shattering the big hand above his head.

"It's a monk from the immortal world." Liu Wuxiang said quickly.

"Let's stay away." Chen Feng backed away while resisting the attacking gravel.

A long sword spun and flew high into the sky, exploding suddenly like a colorful flower. It turned out that the colorful sword energy merged into a long river of waves and attacked the streets and houses below. Everything it passed was immediately riddled with holes.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The figures of the two demon gods with wings on their backs suddenly grew larger, their broad wings flickered violently, and the strong wind swept across, knocking the sword energy away one after another. At the same time, the two ghost generals suddenly exploded and turned into The two shadows disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in a fight with a monk.

"It's so messy! Let's fight, the messier the better." The hell dog's nether eyes opened, and a faint light dissipated in the space.

"What are you doing?" Chen Feng didn't understand what Cerberus was going to do.

"A spiritual attack that can mobilize the killing intent in the opponent's heart." Cerberus smiled.

"How insidious."

"Brother Liu, do you know where these people came from?" Chen Feng had already rushed out of the battle group, and the power of the domain was spread around him to guard against sudden attacks.

Liu Wuxiang shook his head: "The fairy world is too big, I can't see the origin of these people, but they are all so arrogant, I'm afraid they have some background."

"We don't need to worry so much. Let's leave here first. There's no advantage in staying here anyway."


The ground shook, and a powerful and unmatched force emerged from the ground, covering the surrounding buildings. Under this sudden force, the broken dust began to gather, and the broken stones began to recover. Everything seemed like Time is going back, and everything that was broken is restored to its previous state.

"This, this is the power of the law of time."

Seeing the building in front of them restored to its original appearance, the monks present were all stunned. They were all speechless, and even the fighting stopped temporarily.


A crimson light pillar fell from the sky, which was separated from one of the light pillars, and then easily penetrated the chest of an immortal monk.

"This, this, how could you attack me?" The monk looked down at the wound on his chest, feeling fear all over his body, because the vitality in his body was quickly disappearing.

Click! Click! Click!

This monk was like a piece of porcelain. Due to the collision, it was covered with dense cracks. Finally, it exploded with a bang and turned into pieces. Surprisingly, there was not even a trace of blood.

"An Earth Immortal was killed like this." All the monks present broke out in a cold sweat. If the attack just now had fallen on them, they would definitely have suffered the same fate.

"That person just now must have encountered some kind of prohibition."

"I think we should not destroy the buildings here. I don't know if we will violate some prohibitions again."

"Let these guys go first, let's go."

"Hmph! Let's go too."

Soon both parties in the fight were gone, and the two-horned demon god no longer paid attention to Chen Feng.

"Watch the direction they go."

"We're going for those crimson light pillars. There's a spirit gathering array there, and there must be something else there."

"Let's get going too."

Chen Feng's eyes were blazing. Ever since he entered this city, his soul sensitivity had dropped significantly. Even Chen Feng's Dark Demonic Eyes could not produce even 10% of its previous power.

"By the way, Brother Liu, try to see if your void formation still works?" Chen Feng said suddenly.

"Yes, let me give it a try." Liu Wuxiang nodded, waved his hand and the void array appeared at his feet, and then quickly took Liu Wuxiang into the air.

"Hey! It actually works." As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, Liu Wuxiang staggered down from the sky and almost fell to the ground.

"what happened?"

"No, the time and space here are a bit messed up. I just climbed a thousand meters and I almost couldn't come back." Liu Wuxiang said with some surprise.

"Sure enough, it seems that it is really difficult to get out." Chen Feng sighed.

"Senior Hell, come and clear the way."

When the hell dog's Nether Eyes are deployed, although there are some limitations, they can directly penetrate buildings.

"There is something in the courtyard ahead." The hellhound stopped soon after.

"Let's go and have a look!"

As soon as Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang approached the gate of the small courtyard, a yellow light bloomed from above, and layers of restrictions emerged, directly ejecting Chen Feng and the two of them.


The two of them were not surprised but overjoyed. This was the first time they had encountered such a situation since they came in. This was the first courtyard with a restricted area they had encountered.

"Senior Hell, what's inside?"

"Can't see clearly, it's in the courtyard, it seems to be a human being." The hell dog's Nether Eyes have been used to the extreme, causing the restrictions around the small courtyard to emerge one after another, emitting crackling lights.

"There must be something good. Without further ado, rush in." Liu Wuxiang became more energetic and took out the Demon Refining Furnace. The power of the Taoist weapon surged and he attacked the small courtyard in front of him.

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