Eternal Existence

Chapter 746: Fighting Each Other

"This is the mutated Golden Light Bee!" Liu Wuxiang took a breath.

Although this kind of metallic giant poisonous bee has strong attack power, Liu Wuxiang would not pay attention to it at ordinary times, but it is no longer needed now, because this is a golden light bee cultivated through special means, and its combat effectiveness is unknown. How many times, what's more important is that now I am still in the opponent's small world, just a little bit, and I am at an absolute disadvantage.

Liu Wuxiang took a deep breath and took out the demon refining furnace: "I want to see what the other party can do."


The Demon Refining Furnace emitted circles of red light in Liu Wuxiang's hands, and a fire snake suddenly flew out, quickly circling, and the large swath of golden light disappeared into the firelight.


The lid on the top of the demon refining furnace was opened, emitting a strong suction force. After it expanded, all the Golden Light Bees were taken into the furnace. He was refined into gold water without even struggling.

"High-grade Taoist weapon!" A surprised voice sounded in the void, as if he didn't expect Liu Wuxiang to have such a method.

"Hmph!" Liu Wuxiang turned the demon refining furnace in a circle with his palm, and another fire snake flew out and attacked in the direction where the sound came from.

At the same time, a powerful aura emanated from Liu Wuxiang's body. At the same time, cracks began to appear in the dark void around him and began to become unstable.

"I am a high-grade Taoist weapon. You are just the most elementary Xiaoqian World. How can you trap me? You are really looking for death." Liu Wuxiang sneered.

Under the power of the demon refining furnace, the power of the laws of this world has been shattered, and it has no impact on Liu Wuxiang.

"Is it a high-grade Taoist weapon? Although it is a bit troublesome, it is within my expectation. It can handle you without the pressure of the world." The fire snake disappeared, and its voice echoed in the void again.

Although he broke free from the oppression of the opponent's laws, he still did not break through the opponent's small world.

"Really? Let's try it." A strong murderous intention flashed in Liu Wuxiang's eyes. An immortal weapon was snatched away by Chen Feng before. Liu Wuxiang had already accumulated a lot of evil spirit and anger in his heart, and it just happened to explode at this time.

Comparatively speaking, Cerberus is the easiest one. It opens its Nether Eyes and penetrates the void, even the small world condensed by the other party.

In the hell dog's eyes, all laws and obstacles are no problem. The hell dog has transformed into its true form and is constantly traveling through the void, making it difficult for people in the dark to attack the hell dog for a while.

"Find Chen Feng first." This is what Cerberus thought in his heart, and Cerberus is also sure to find Chen Feng, because the Nether Eye has seen through everything.

"Dark Demonic Eyes!"

Chen Feng's pupil skills were used to the extreme, and he took one step, which was exactly the step of immortality that Chen Feng understood.

A meteorite burning with flames flew over Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng could even smell the burning smell.


Taking another step forward, a ball of blood exploded from above Chen Feng's head, blocking the attack of a spear.

"It's a pity that I only comprehended one move of the Immortal Step. It would be great if I could learn several more moves." Chen Feng sighed with emotion.

A tall young man wearing animal skin, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and holding a war spear slowly appeared in Chen Feng's sight. This man's body was covered in flames. He stepped on a huge meteorite and quickly charged towards Chen Feng.

"Human Immortal!" Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief at first, but soon he was promoted again, thinking that Chen Feng felt the powerful aura emanating from the other party.

The aura was actually much more powerful than the human immortal who used Tianluo Finger that he had encountered before.

"Wearing animal skin, what is the origin of this person? Isn't he a monk from the immortal world?" Chen Feng guessed in his mind.

"Who is coming? Tell me your name." Chen Feng shouted.

"Let's talk about it after you can take a spear from me."


The person stepped forward and came directly in front of Chen Feng. Although he was wearing animal skin, he looked like a god coming down from the earth, and he was so majestic. He thrust his spear at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng actually felt unstoppable.

The opponent's aura was too strong. In Chen Feng's eyes, the opponent's figure continued to expand. It had reached the point of being ten thousand feet tall, and it was still expanding.

"Is it this feeling again, mental shock?"

Chen Feng had always been at a disadvantage against mid-level immortals before. After refining some of his original power, he thought that he would be able to draw a tie when he met him again, but he didn't expect to meet someone even more powerful.


A thick thunder pillar shot out from Chen Feng's body. The thunder pillar flickered with a deep blue light, making it difficult for people to open their eyes.


The war spear and the thunder pillar collided together, lightning suddenly appeared, and the surrounding darkness was driven away. Chen Feng turned around, stepped on the thunder bead and flew back.

The monk wearing animal skin also stopped the attack.

"Taoist weapon!"

"Yes, isn't the war spear in your hand also a Taoist weapon?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hahaha, I'm Gu Feng, you come from the wild world. I think you are not even a human being, but you can block my attack. It's really not easy. I just don't know which world you come from. Is it the fairy world?" The beast-skin monk laughed loudly. laugh.

"My Chen Feng comes from the eternal world, but I don't know why he wants to attack us?" Chen Feng said lightly while thinking in his heart.

"He actually comes from the wild world. This is a world equal to the eternal world, far inferior to the fairy world. However, this person is also a middle-level human immortal monk, but he is much more powerful than the previous fairy world monks. This shows that This man is the ultimate genius among monks.”

"It's very simple. As long as you hand over the body of the Immortal you obtained, we will retreat immediately." Gu Feng said with a smile.

"I see. If that's the case, let's do it." Chen Feng understood from the other party's words, and at the same time he also understood that the other party was not alone.

"It seems that someone else is going to deal with Liu Wuxiang and Cerberus. I can't lose anything." Chen Feng waved his palm, and the blood-gathering bead started spinning in his hand. The bloody stream kept spinning, and there was a strange feeling. .

Stepping on the thunder bead at his feet and holding the blood gathering bead in his hand, Chen Feng secretly planned the next fighting method. At the same time, he was a little helpless. Although he had many magic weapons on his body, he did not have any combat-type Taoist weapons. Judging from the opponent's momentum, Chen Feng already roughly understood the opponent's fighting type.

"bring it on!"

The spear in Gu Feng's hand just flicked, and thousands of streams of light shot towards Chen Feng.

"Let me see the skills of monks from other worlds." Chen Feng also shouted, his whole body was flashing with lightning, but a blood spear flew out from under his feet and turned into a bloody light and rose into the sky.

The huge whirlpool rotated, and huge black ants were continuously swept in. Although they were struggling and biting, it had no effect at all.

"These flying ants are pretty good. If you have anything else, just use it and I can refine it one by one." Liu Wuxiang held the demon refining furnace with a mocking expression.

No one spoke in the void, and the next attacks came one after another, and meteorites like hills roared down.


Ten bucks.

One hundred dollars.

These are pure meteorites. There is nothing special about them other than their powerful strength. However, each of these meteorites weighs hundreds of millions of kilograms. Coupled with inertia, the impact force will increase even more.

"Do you want to consume my strength?" Liu Wuxiang frowned, a little impatient. Such blind defense is never the answer. The only way is to become proactive.

"Swallow the sky!"

Liu Wuxiang shouted softly, and the Demon Refining Furnace grew in size again. The huge vortex was like a black hole in the starry sky, quickly swallowing up these meteorites.

"Fire from the sky burns the sky!"

Huge fire snakes flew out from the Demon Refining Furnace, twisting and circling, baring their teeth and claws, and soon a hundred fire snakes occupied a large space. The tyrannical flames began to burn the void and drive away the darkness.

"What can I do with Xiaoqian Secret Realm? Let me burn it clean for you." Liu Wuxiang sneered.


A sigh came, and then two huge palms appeared in the dark night. These two palms seemed to come from the depths of the universe. They grabbed them with a force that created the world. The fire snakes were crushed immediately, and then compressed into Fireballs one by one.

His hands kept grabbing, not caring about the ultra-high temperature of the flames. Soon the hundred fire snakes turned into a hundred fireballs, and then were extinguished one by one.

"Are you finally willing to show up?" Liu Wuxiang sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the Demon Refining Furnace issued a strong suction force, absorbing all the scattered flames in the space.

The tall figure gradually became clearer, and Liu Wuxiang's tightened eyes began to relax, with a hint of ridicule at the corner of his mouth: "It turns out that he is a native of the wild world. He is a small immortal. He really doesn't know how to live or die. Even I dare to sneak attack."

The person who came was tall, compact and powerful. His upper body was naked, and the patterns on his chest and rock-like muscles gave people an impact of violent power.

"Are monks in the immortal world great? My name is Zhuo Fan. I have killed earthly immortals in the immortal world, but nothing more than that. I have not put my eyes on a little monk of your level." The shirtless monk said and raised his hand. , there was a roar, and the huge palm with shining starlight grabbed Liu Wuxiang.

"It turns out to be an immortal art, no wonder he is so arrogant." Although Liu Wuxiang did not take the other party seriously in his words, he was not careless in his heart. The demon refining furnace in his hand shook slightly, and a ball of fire flew out suddenly, transforming into It was a flaming sword that cut heavily into the huge palm.

The palm of his hand shattered, and the fire sword cut through the space and slashed at Zhuo Fan, but Zhuo Fan reached out and grabbed it and crushed it into pieces easily.

"This is the magic of our wild world, Star Breaker. From its creation to now, I don't know how many immortal monks have been killed. Today there is one more for you." Zhuo Fan strode forward and faced the enemy with his bare hands.

The huge palm seemed like the sky was collapsing. Starlight shone in the palm, but the five fingers glowed with a metallic luster.

"You are too arrogant to attack my Taoist weapon with bare hands." No matter how fierce the opponent's attack was, Liu Wuxiang's expression remained calm. You must know that the Demon Refining Furnace in his hand is a top-grade Taoist tool, and even the Earth Immortal can take it in. It has been refined, not to mention that the person in front of him is just a native of the human-immortal realm.

"Since the person behind the scenes won't come out, I will put you into the furnace first."

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