Eternal Existence

Chapter 745: Trapped

"Of course it counts." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then this body is mine." Liu Wuxiang pointed at the Immortal Realm sitting cross-legged on the ground and said.

"Of course, but I have another suggestion." Chen Feng nodded but suddenly spoke.

"Oh, what proposal?" Liu Wuxiang said warily.

"The physical body belongs to you, and the space magic weapon on the body also belongs to you, but I also want the bone spear." Chen Feng pointed to the bone spear inserted into the body of the immortal and said.

Liu Wuxiang's eyes narrowed and he said calmly: "Brother Chen, this is not good."

"Haha, you took care of Marquis Li Wen, I didn't say anything, and I broke through the tens of thousands of gold silk before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"If Brother Liu doesn't agree, I have nothing to do. From now on, we can only rely on our own abilities." Chen Feng said casually, then waved his hand, and the power of space surged, and he collected the corpses on the ground again.

Looking at Chen Feng's actions, Liu Wuxiang's face was gloomy, but then a smile appeared on his face: "Hahaha, no problem. Since Brother Chen is interested in this bone spear, just take it away."

"This guy is not simple." Chen Feng thought to himself. If it were him who was on the other side, he probably couldn't bear it anymore and would probably start fighting.

Next, Chen Feng took the bone spear that hit the immortal in the immortal world and put it into the Tower of Eternal Life. Of course, this process was not simple or simple, because Chen Feng did not contribute much, and it was the Tower of Eternal Life that did it. At this time, Changsheng Shengta and Tianju Immortal Mansion still exude powerful pressure to suppress the two immortal weapons and the corpse of the Underworld Immortal.

"Hey, if this immortal is alive, I will probably be snatched away by the other party and then refined." Tahaha laughed. Although it was a bit difficult, it seemed that there should be no problem in handling the situation at hand.

"I've made a fortune this time. I don't know what else is in the space bag on this underworld immortal. An immortal of this level should have a universe bag on him. Maybe there will be a world in it. Hahaha, this time it's really Got rich."

Chen Feng secretly shouted in surprise, but did not show it on the surface. Instead, he stood aside and looked at Liu Wuxiang curiously to see how the other party would collect it.

To Chen Feng's surprise, Liu Wuxiang took out a Qiankun bag. Although it took some effort, he still successfully collected the body of the immortal without any accidents.

"Haha, it's done. I've gained a lot this time. It seems like I'll have some good luck with Brother Chen." Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"Brother Liu, you're welcome. I think you brought this good luck." Chen Feng also laughed. Both of them were shocked by their smiles, but they both knew that the other was very hypocritical.

But no one wants to fall out for the time being.

"Just after entering the desert, we have such a huge harvest. I suggest that we continue to go deeper and get a good training. Brother Chen, what do you think?"

"I have no objection, let's leave it at that." Chen Feng nodded. If there are still such gains in the future, then after leaving, giving yourself some time to create a first-class sect will not be a problem.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that a black shadow descended from above their heads and directly enveloped the two of them. Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang secretly thought that something was wrong. As soon as they performed their exercises, they felt that the air around them exploded, and some blood vessels in their bodies exploded. They all exploded, and the two of them groaned in unison.

"No, it's the Xiaoqian Secret Realm. Could it be that the other party is a middle-level Earth Immortal?"

"Someone is secretly attacking." Chen Feng also shouted, but the two of them could not hear the voices of both parties.

"Brother Chen!"

"Brother Liu!"

"Senior Territory, Senior Phantom!"

Chen Feng kept shouting, and his soul wave surged out strongly. According to Chen Feng's strength, Chen Feng's call could be felt even from thousands of miles away.

However, the other party did not react immediately. Chen Feng immediately knew that the matter was beyond his imagination.

"Something's wrong. Phantom Divine Marten and I have signed a soul contract. We can feel each other's presence even though we are a hundred thousand miles away. There must be some force interfering with it. I don't believe it anymore." Chen Feng Saying that the power of the soul increased again, he began to call the Phantom Divine Marten continuously,

Sure enough, Chen Feng received the answer from Phantom Divine Marten next. Although it was very weak, he made contact.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng asked.

"It should be the Xiaoqian Secret Realm condensed by the Earth Immortal." Phantom Divine Marten said with some uncertainty.

"Xiao Qian Secret Realm, what's going on?" Chen Feng didn't understand.

"After cultivating to the Earth Immortal level, although one cannot yet ascend to the Immortal World, he can refine the original power of the world and condense the laws of the Great Dao based on understanding the Immortal Dao Laws. Some powerful Earth Immortals can even open up a Small Thousand Secret Realm. This It's not an ordinary space in the space bag, but a truly independent cave, a world that belongs entirely to itself," Phantom Divine Marten said quickly.

"What exactly happened and how to crack it?" Chen Feng asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know this either, because I haven't cultivated to the realm of Earthly Immortal yet. I just know some principles from what I've seen." Phantom Divine Marten said.

"In this case, you come to me first." Chen Feng thought for a moment and said. With the soul connection between the two, it should be easy to find each other.

The Phantom Divine Marten was very fast, and soon a bright light appeared in front of Chen Feng in the dark night.

"This is a world created by the other party. It has its own unique laws. Now we have to quickly become familiar with the laws here. Otherwise, when the other party launches an attack, we will not be able to resist it." Phantom Divine Marten said anxiously.

"Since it is the opponent's law, we are not the opponent even if we are familiar with it. Is there any other way?" Chen Feng shook his head.

"Break it with force, but we have to be much stronger than the opponent."

"You go back to the Changsheng Tower first. Staying here is not a solution." Chen Feng said and put the Phantom Divine Marten into the Changsheng Tower.

At this time, a group of demons and demon kings in the Changsheng Tower were helping to suppress the two immortal weapons. Although these demons were powerful, they were no match for the immortal weapons. However, the Changsheng Tower and Tianju Immortal Mansion were the big players at this time. These demons took the opportunity to come forward, get the power of the immortal weapons, and comprehend the laws of the immortal way. As long as they can comprehend a little bit, it will be a huge progress. So before the tower spoke, these guys took the initiative to come forward one by one.

"Each of them is very smart." The tower sneered: "But I don't know if this little guy Chen Feng can deal with the situation outside."

Even so, Chen Feng still secretly felt the power of the laws around him, and at the same time his mind turned quickly, thinking about the situation in front of him.

There was silence all around, and then some stars began to shine. It was still silent, as if a person was floating in the depths of the starry sky, without even a sense of direction.

"The hellhound is a demon fairy from hell after all, so it should be able to hold on for a while. Liu Wuxiang is unfathomable and should have his own methods. Now I am the weakest one, and the Changsheng Tower and Tianju Immortal Mansion are suppressing two immortal artifacts. I don't know if I can resist the opponent's attack with the other magic weapons on my body." Chen Feng quickly saw the situation in front of him, but he was not nervous. On the contrary, he was very calm, because Chen Feng knew that only in this way could he exert his strongest strength.


A little starlight flashed in the distance, and then began to slide, faster and faster, and finally turned into a group of meteors that were getting bigger and bigger, burning with hot flames, dragging a long tail and rushing towards Chen Feng.


Chen Feng was thrown into the air and kept flying backwards in the void, unable to control his body shape, and at the same time, the place where he was hit began to burn with flames.

"It's too late to dodge." Chen Feng opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Feng used the Blood Gathering Bead to protect himself just now, otherwise it would not be as simple as spitting blood.


Before his figure stabilized, another bit of starlight flashed, and a faster meteor appeared again, this time attacking Chen Feng's waist.


The Jinxuan Sword flew out, and instantly chopped hundreds of sword qi at the meteor. The sword qi collided, and the flames on the meteor suddenly rose up, turning into a huge fireball. The speed slowed down, but the power seemed to be a little more fierce.


The Zhoutian Compass appeared in front of Chen Feng, and the Zhoutian power surged, forming a field, which was stacked up and swelled up, trying to block the attack of the huge fireball.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wherever the huge fireball passed, the Zhoutian field was broken, and the Zhoutian Compass made a wail, and then drilled into Chen Feng's body.

Finally, the huge fireball hit Chen Feng and wrapped him up.

At this moment, countless streams of light flashed on Chen Feng's body, and the powerful force exploded, forcing the surrounding flames to retreat one after another.


The next moment, Chen Feng had disappeared from the spot and appeared in the void ten thousand meters away.

"I wasted so many teleportation talismans, but still didn't leave this space." Chen Feng gritted his teeth. Just now, Chen Feng used more than a dozen teleportation talismans to avoid the attack.

Most of these teleportation talismans were refined by high-level human immortals, and a few of them were refined by earth immortals. Chen Feng should have been able to rush out of this space, but he failed in the end.

"Hmph!" After stabilizing his body, Chen Feng opened his mouth and spurted out another mouthful of blood.

"It's really troublesome that I can't adapt to the rules here."

"It's not enough to just dodge an attack. I don't know how the opponent will attack next. I can't just passively take the beating like this."

"I hope Liu Wuxiang can show his strong fighting power."

Just as Chen Feng thought, Liu Wuxiang and the hellhound were all besieged at this time. The difference between them and Chen Feng was that Liu Wuxiang and the hellhound were at a higher level than Chen Feng, so they were not so flustered about the situation in front of them.

"Hmph, it's just the Xiaoqian Secret Realm. It's probably not that easy to trap me. I just don't know how Chen Feng is doing. This guy may have a fairy weapon on him. He should be fine, or we should wait for the opponent to break through this space." Liu Wuxiang had this idea at first, but the next situation made Liu Wuxiang change his mind.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

A golden ball of light appeared in Liu Wuxiang's sight, making an explosion-like roar.

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