Eternal Existence

Chapter 736 Watching the Fun

"Needless to say, this is obvious." Chen Feng pursed his lips, and the two people in front of him started fighting again.

The fight between the earthly immortals was not as huge as Chen Feng had imagined, but the understanding of the laws and the power of heaven and earth shown by the two sides in the fight did inspire Chen Feng.

What's more, they were cultivators from other worlds, and their cultivation methods were of course somewhat different from what Chen Feng knew.

Compared with the violent atmosphere and rolling power of the earthly immortal in the Eternal World. This Hades General did not seem to have so many attack methods, and seemed to be very good at close combat. With a flick of his palm, a bone-jointed spear stabbed out, and the underworld fire flashed, directly breaking through the layers of the earthly immortal's methods. After breaking the restrictions, he stabbed the earthly immortal in the head.

In Chen Feng's opinion, although the earthly immortal in the Eternal World had profound magic power and great magical powers, he was not as good as this Hades General in close combat. After just a few rounds of fighting, the earthly immortal was stabbed by the Hades General.

However, the sparks did not break the earth immortal's defense. Then a seal fell down like a mountain, knocking the Hades General away.


A mountain ten thousand feet high was shattered, but the Hades General was safe and sound. The Hades Qi rolled all over his body, and he fiercely raised the Hades Spear in his hand, knocking away the huge seal that was smashed again.


Chen Feng clearly saw that the patterns on the bones of the Hades General began to burn with Hades Fire. The whole person's body did not grow larger, but the fiercely burning Hades Fire formed a group of phantoms that looked very majestic.

The combat power began to increase, which gave the earth immortal a headache.

Speaking of which, this earth immortal was not the first time to fight with people from the underworld. At this time, seeing that the other party was only in the realm of human immortals, it should be easy to deal with, but he did not expect that after a fight, although he seemed to have the upper hand, he was also humiliated. Moreover, after the battle just now, the earth immortal also understood that it was basically impossible to kill this Hades General.

I want to retreat, but the other party is chasing me. I stay and continue to fight, but I can't tell who will win. It seems a bit contradictory.

"What level is the Hades General in the Underworld?" Chen Feng asked.

"It is one level higher than the Underworld Soldiers. There are Hades King, Hades Emperor, and Hades God above them. I don't know more details. I just heard about these things." The hellhound thought for a while and said.

"If compared with the Eternal World, it is probably at the level of human immortals." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"If you compare the Underworld and the Eternal World to you, this Underworld General is equivalent to the Heavenly Man Realm cultivator of the Eternal World." The hellhound said seriously.

"Uh!" Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded.

"Yes, this is not a world of the same level, there is no comparison at all, so how about the comparison between the Underworld and the Immortal World." Chen Feng began to have some curiosity.

"To be honest, the Underworld is of course far inferior to the Immortal World, but the Immortal World has sent a large army and has been conquering the Underworld. So many immortals have been killed and injured, but they have not done anything to the Underworld." The hellhound said.

"Do these worlds often go to war?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"I know this. Not to mention these high-level worlds, even the Eternal World will go to war with other worlds every once in a while." The Phantom Dirk spoke.

"Other worlds?"

"For example, the Chaos World, the Zhoutian World, the Primordial World, the Central World, and of course there may be some life planets involved."

"Speaking of which, in the infinite universe, there are fights every moment. With every breath, I don't know how many lives are destroyed, and how many new worlds are created at the same time."

"Let's not talk about so much for now. Let's talk about the current situation. It seems that these two people can't tell who is better." In Chen Feng's eyes, the Earth Immortal and the Hades General have changed the venue. The place where they fought just now has become a ruin, as if countless meteorites have hit it.

"This earthly immortal has profound skills, but the way this Hades General fights is somewhat special, and it seems that his body shows no signs of weakening. In my opinion, if the other party continues like this, either both sides will be injured or each will die."

"It is impossible for both sides to be injured, but such a big commotion may attract other people. Maybe there are people lurking in the dark, waiting to reap the benefits after both sides are injured."

"Hey! The other party stopped."

"No, it rushed towards us. Did it discover us?"

The fight between the two sides suddenly stopped. During the flight of Hades General, the long spear in his hand had already stabbed out, and the target was Chen Feng.

"Attacking a small Tianren realm cultivator seems a bit bullying." Chen Feng laughed, but he didn't worry too much.


The black light flashed, and the hellhound attacked and blocked the attack of the Hades General. Then the hellhound changed its body, opened its mouth and bit the Hades General.

"Hell creature!" The Hades General was a little surprised, and his body shook repeatedly, avoiding the attack of the hellhound and rushed to another direction quickly.

The spear cleared the way, leaving a broken passage in the space.

Seeing that the Hades General was about to leave, a huge black hand appeared from the void and slapped the Hades General away.

Next, the Earth Immortal felt and began to attack the Hades General.

The black hand disappeared, and another Earth Immortal appeared. With a big hand, the space around the Hades General was shattered.

Two Earth Immortals began to besiege this Hades General.

"It seems a bit embarrassing to bully the weak with the big and the few with the many, but this Hades General is powerful. I wonder if he can escape next." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After the Cerberus launched an attack, it transformed into a human form again and stood behind Chen Feng. His face was calm, as if he had not taken any action just now. Only the light in his eyes revealed that the Cerberus was still interested in what was happening in front of him.

The ground cracked and stretched toward Chen Feng. Chen Feng quickly retreated and flew high into the sky.

The two Earth Immortals sealed the surrounding space one after another. The Underworld generals were constantly clashing and fighting with spears in their hands. It was extremely difficult to break out.

It seems that if this situation continues to develop, the underworld general will have a high chance of being killed.

"There must be someone secretly there." Chen Feng continued to use his pupil skills to sweep around, but found nothing.

"Let me take a look." Cerberus said, and a faint blue light began to emit from his forehead.

It is the Netherworld Eye.

Netherworld Eyes, looking up at the Nine Heavens and down at the Nine Netherworlds. Generally speaking, hell creatures are the easiest to cultivate, and hell dogs are born with Netherworld Eyes, which is much beyond ordinary people.

"Hey, there are indeed people hiding in the dark, a human immortal and two earth immortals." Soon the hell dog started laughing.

"What are they all about?" Chen Feng asked curiously, somewhat surprised that there were human beings hiding around.

"That human immortal should be from the fairy world. Although the other two earth immortals are deeply hidden, one is wrapped in ghost energy and clearly comes from the ghost world, and the other should be from the demon world, because I felt a faint magic power on the other person.

"Devil world." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"So many people are trying to fish in troubled waters, so things are really lively." Chen Feng said with a smile.


General Ming was hit hard by the seal as big as a mountain, and cracks began to appear in his bone armor. Then violent power poured down like a river of heaven, making General Ming's injuries even more serious.

"This Underworld General is indeed powerful. If he were at the same level, he would probably have to kill these two Earth Immortals, but that's not possible now. If no accident happens, the outcome is already doomed, unless the guys hiding around take action."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The stream of light flashed, and the underworld general was tied up and suppressed on the ground. At this time, the underworld general was a little miserable. There were many cracks in the bones and armor all over his body, and there were many wounds. Blood with the luster of gemstones was constantly flowing out. As for the body wrapped around him, The dark energy has long been dispersed and disappeared.

"Caught alive."

"It's really not easy for the underworld general, who is not even a small earth immortal, to burst out with such strong fighting power."

"It seems that the guys hiding in the dark are not going to take action anymore." The matter has come to an end, and Chen Feng no longer intends to watch anymore.

But at this time, Cerberus stepped forward and whispered: "Let's step back, someone else is coming, and they are very powerful."


Before Chen Feng had time to retreat, a white light pierced the space, like a cold star expanding infinitely in the sky. When Chen Feng adjusted his sight, he saw an Earth Immortal flying upside down.

"A master has appeared." Chen Feng was shocked.

An Earth Immortal who looked exactly like the previous Underworld General appeared in mid-air, with a dazzling white spear in his hand, as if he wanted to blend into the space.

Blue flames danced in his eyes. When he looked around, he saw overwhelming pressure sweeping across the surroundings. His scornful attitude made Chen Feng shrink back involuntarily.

"They are both Earth Immortals, so the gap is too big." Chen Feng opened his eyes wide because another Earth Immortal was also sent flying.

The later Ming general reached out and grabbed the previous Ming general in his hand, and then flew into the sky without intending to stay, just to save people.

"Where to go!" The two Earth Immortals who were knocked away rushed up at the same time, trying to stop each other.

Poof! Poof!

Who would have thought that after the shadows of spears flashed all over the sky, the two Earth Immortals flew out at the same time. There were several blood holes on both of their bodies. What was strange was that there was no blood flowing out of these two blood holes, but there was a hole in the wound. This evil force was constantly eroding into their bodies.

"It's dark energy."

The two Earth Immortals knew that each other was powerful and stopped chasing. Instead, they stopped and quickly expelled the evil spirit from their bodies.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, the masters from all sides who had been hiding around finally couldn't bear it anymore and took action.

Streams of light and gleams of brilliance launched attacks on the two earth immortals from different directions. One of them was surrounded by immortal energy and had the aura of supreme righteousness. He was a monk from the immortal world.

There is also a tall man with soaring demonic aura, who is the Demon God of the Demon Realm.

In addition to these two, there is a tall human-shaped white skeleton. There are black flames burning between the white bones, and thousands of roaring sounds are transmitted from between the bones.

It is a creature from the ghost world.

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