Eternal Existence

Chapter 735: Underworld General

Chen Feng stepped forward, and suddenly his heart moved. Then he waved his hand, and several teleportation talismans appeared in his hand.

Tyrannical power bloomed from it, covering Chen Feng, and then a space channel opened above Chen Feng's head, trying to pull Chen Feng in.

Not to mention, there was a strange rune shining behind Chen Feng, and the power it formed was even stronger than the teleportation rune.

Layers of power enveloped Chen Feng, and Chen Feng suddenly felt that not even high-level immortals, not to mention himself, could resist this power.


A trace of power came out of Chen Feng's body, like an awl, instantly piercing the power of space.

The space channel disappeared, the space runes behind it disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The tyrannical power spread from Chen Feng's body, and the ground beneath his feet began to crack rapidly. Chen Feng flew up quickly, but these powers tore the surrounding space into pieces.

Chen Feng did not use the power of the Eternal Life Tower. He just stimulated the Tianju Immortal Mansion a little bit. The power of the immortal weapon easily disintegrated the power just attached to Chen Feng.

Bang bang bang!

Then the teleportation talismans in Chen Feng's hand shattered one after another, turning into powder, and finally dissipated in the air.

"I thought of these teleportation talismans, but I didn't expect there were marks on them." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"This mark is the work of the Earth Immortal. Of course you can't find it," Ta said.

"Since all the earth immortals came in, I guess the human immortals have also left, but I think there will still be some people willing to stay here."

"After all, there will be some opportunities if you stay here. According to what you said, if Tianchen battlefield comes out this time, there should be some treasures. Otherwise, how could so many people come in with their original intention."

"Now I hope to meet the demon beasts in the demon world, preferably the royal family in the demon world. Ta, don't you tell me that the royal devouring beasts in the demon world all practice the sky-swallowing demon technique?"

"Yes, that's the case. Almost every Devouring Beast has the inheritance of the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Technique in its bloodline. This is also the basis for the Devouring Beast to rule the demon world. The Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Technique is very abnormal. Even if it is practiced to the extreme, it is not as good as the Devouring Demonic Technique. The Heavenly Absorption Technique, but its domineering power is beyond that. Of course, the most important thing about this secret technique is that it targets the monsters in the demon world. Relatively speaking, it has some disadvantages when facing other creatures. "

"Even if I encounter a magical beast, it is still at the level of an Earth Immortal. My current strength is still not enough. I still have to become a Human Immortal as soon as possible."

Chen Feng thought for a while, waved his hand, and released all the monsters and monsters in the Tower of Eternal Life. As soon as these monsters and monsters came out, they immediately turned into human form. Although they were not particularly respectful, they seemed to be more respectful to Chen Feng. Dear.

Since these monsters and monsters entered the Eternal Life Tower, their cultivation speed has accelerated, so they generally don't want to come out.

But since the master Chen Feng did this, there must be a reason.

"Brother Chen, I don't know why you asked me to wait." Phantom Divine Diao has been following Chen Feng for the longest time, and is relatively familiar with Chen Feng.

"It's nothing, I just want you to come out and get some air." Chen Feng smiled.

"If you have nothing to do, don't call me out. I'm practicing." The two-headed dragon of wind and thunder was the first to express dissatisfaction, and then turned into a stream of light and re-entered the Tower of Eternal Life.

"I'm going to sleep." The Earth Storm Bear shook his head.

"What fun is there out there? The spiritual energy is so chaotic." The Ice King Snake Demon also expressed his opinion.

"My injuries have not fully recovered yet." The tiger demon and tree demon also had expressionless faces.

Originally, Chen Feng thought that everyone would be happy if these monsters came out, but now it seems that things are a little different from what he imagined.

These guys seemed a little impatient, as if they were disturbing their practice.

In the end, only the Cerberus, the Phantom Divine Martial and the Nine Netherworld Python originally intended to follow him outside.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng's men are already very powerful, including four earth immortals, a top demon king, eight high-level demon kings, and a sleeping ancient flame beetle.

What's more, these monsters are practicing in the Eternal Life Tower, and there is a possibility of breakthrough at any time.

If Chen Feng brings out these powers, not to mention sweeping across the Northern Plains, he can also shake up those first-class sects in the Central Plains region.

The Cerberus still transformed into a young man in black. If it weren't for the faint light flickering in his eyes from time to time, he would have looked like a handsome human monk.

The Phantom Divine Marten is also dressed in black. At first glance, they look similar in size, but their auras are different. One comes from hell, while the other is an authentic monster.

But relatively speaking, the Phantom Divine Marten seems to be colder.

As for the Jiuyou Earth Python, it rarely transformed into a human form in front of Chen Feng. The one who transformed at this time was a tall young man with a somewhat ordinary appearance, but his face was a little gloomy, and there was a white mark on his forehead.

The Phantom Divine Marten has been following Chen Feng for a long time, and the Nine Netherworld Python has gained some benefits alone. The most powerful Cerberus is the most respectful to Chen Feng among all the demons. The reason is of course that he was recognized by Chen Feng. The existence in the sea has shocked the effect.

So Chen Feng continued to move forward with three servants: a demon king, a demon king, and a hell creature.

Of course, Chen Feng did not just take a stroll. At any rate, Chen Feng also had a map of the Tianchen battlefield in his hand, and he still had some general understanding of the world.

"According to the markings on the map, we can infer where the treasures exist. Now the first stop is the Death Desert, one million miles south." Chen Feng studied the map and made up his mind.

Without using magic weapons, Chen Feng simply relied on his own strength to fly forward, and the three followers followed faithfully behind him.

The Hellhound, the Phantom Divine Marten, and the Nine Nether Earth Python are all monster-level after all. Each of them has practiced for more than ten thousand years. They can be said to be real old monsters who have been to many places and know what they need to see.

Although they are not talkative, they kept talking along the way. Chen Feng still felt that he had gained a lot.

Among them, the practice accounted for a small part. Most of them were talking about some strange experiences in the past.

And most of these strange experiences were about wandering in the outer space.

This made Chen Feng a little yearning. Although he had not traveled all over the eternal world, it was still too small compared to the boundless universe and starry sky.

"Hey, it's useless to think so much now. Let's talk about it after my strength goes up." Chen Feng laughed at himself.

Nothing happened along the way. After ten days, Chen Feng advanced 500,000 miles. He thought he could reach the Death Desert smoothly, but an incident on the way changed Chen Feng's next plan.

Two monks were fighting. Wherever they passed, the mountains kept exploding. In the end, even a mountain range of tens of thousands of miles was flattened.

"Someone is fighting." At first, Chen Feng was a little surprised. He thought it would be nice to watch the excitement. On the one hand, he could observe the fighting method and gain some experience. On the other hand, he might be able to fish in troubled waters.

However, after watching carefully for a while, Chen Feng was a little surprised. There were two people fighting. One of them was a terrestrial immortal, and his whole body aura was extremely powerful.

What really surprised Chen Feng was the other person.

Unlike what Chen Feng thought at the beginning, it was not a battle between two terrestrial immortals, but one of them was actually a human immortal.

"Tsk tsk, a challenge across levels." Chen Feng was a little shocked.

You know, there is nothing strange about challenging across levels. In the realm of heaven and man, you can even cross several small realms to defeat your opponent.

But as the realm becomes deeper, challenging across levels will become more and more difficult. Often, the difference of one realm is the surprise between heaven and earth.

The gap between human immortals and earthly immortals is even greater than the distance between heaven and earth.

"This earthly immortal should be from the Eternal World, right?" Although he didn't know the other party, Chen Feng could feel that the other party was from the Eternal World. This was a feeling, an indescribable feeling, a feeling that could be confirmed at a glance but could not be expressed in words.

"The other person was actually a human immortal, a human immortal against an earthly immortal, and it seemed that he was not inferior at all. Which world is this person from?" Chen Feng was now fully operating the pupil technique to see the other party's appearance.

However, the fierce fight between the two sides, and the continuous burst of chaotic energy affected Chen Feng's vision. Chen Feng could only roughly see the situation of the two fighting.

"This person is covered with black airflow all over his body, which is strange. Could it be that he is from the demon world, but he didn't detect the demonic energy, which is strange." Chen Feng whispered.

"Take another look." Tower said.

"No, the black airflow around this person should be a special power, and it is mixed with a trace of blue flame."

Just as Chen Feng was observing, the two sides fighting suddenly separated, hundreds of miles apart, as if a hurricane had passed by, and the black airflow on this person dissipated, revealing a face that Chen Feng had never seen before.

"This should not be a human."

Although it is also in human form and looks similar to humans, it is just similar. The whole body is covered with a thick layer of bone armor, which does not seem to be made, but grows from the body.

The bone armor is shining with a crystal white luster, and some strange bone patterns grow on it, giving people a feeling of indestructibility.

There are actually two balls of fire burning in his eyes. As the flames jump, the surrounding spiritual energy is drawn over and drilled into his eyes.

"What is this? Is it a creature from the ghost world, or a creature from hell." Chen Feng guessed.

"Not a creature from hell." At this time, the hellhound spoke: "It is the Hades of the underworld."

"The underworld, the Hades." Chen Feng shook his head. He did not have a comprehensive understanding of the eternal world, let alone these legendary levels.

"Generally speaking, most of those who can become Hades Generals in the underworld are earthly immortals. It is not easy for this person to become a Hades General with the cultivation of a human immortal. He must also possess the combat power of an earthly immortal." The Hellhound was a little proud when he said this, obviously because of his extensive knowledge.

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