Eternal Existence

Chapter 722: Fierce Fight

This was not a visual shock, but a spiritual shock. After only a brief contact, Chen Feng knew that he was not the opponent at all. He could not take this move. Whether it was realm cultivation or secret technique, he could not compare with the opponent, unless he also promoted to human immortal and practiced the secret technique in the Changsheng Zhenjing.

However, when he thought of the secret technique, Chen Feng's moving figure suddenly changed. When his finger was about to touch the center of his eyebrows, Chen Feng's figure suddenly disappeared and broke free from the opponent's lock. When Chen Feng appeared again, he was already thousands of feet away.


A friction sound was heard, and a deep hole with a radius of one foot appeared where Chen Feng had stood before. As for how deep it was, no one knew, but Chen Feng knew that he would definitely not be able to stop it with his current defense.

Chen Feng was shocked, and the young man was even more surprised. In his view, searching the soul was the most natural thing, and it was even easier to capture the opponent next time. Although the finger just now was not used with all his strength, ordinary intermediate human immortals could not resist it.

But a cultivator in the Heaven Realm actually dodged in front of him, which surprised the young man and made him feel unhappy.

"You can dodge my attack. It seems that you have some secrets. Now I give you a chance. Come over and kneel down immediately and swear allegiance to me. I can spare your death." The young man said lightly, his face was cold and arrogant, but there was a kind of superior majesty.

"Oh, it's not impossible for me to be loyal to you, but I don't know where you come from and whether you are qualified to be loyal to me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are so presumptuous. You don't have the right to speak directly to me. I will give you a breath. If you don't kneel down, you will die." The young man stretched out his fingers and flicked them. A trace of golden light spread out from his fingers and disappeared into the space.

However, Chen Feng clearly felt a wave of binding force, which was stronger than the previous space confinement.

Golden silk threads shot from all directions, forming a golden silk net, trapping Chen Feng in it.

This young man said to give Chen Feng time, but he attacked at the first moment. This action made Chen Feng secretly admire in his heart.


The unparalleled power unfolded from Chen Feng's body. This was the power of Zhou Tian. The eight kinds of power continued to evolve into stronger power, trying to stop the opponent's attack.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

What surprised Chen Feng was that the Zhou Tian domain he sent out began to corrode and dissipate quickly when it encountered the opponent's golden silk thread, and it did not play a role in resisting.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

In desperation, Chen Feng took out the Sword of Death, and the sword technique unfolded. The sword light flashed, just like the sound of gold and iron hitting, and golden light flew out one after another.

In Chen Feng's perception, the impact force of each golden silk thread exceeded a million pounds of force. What surprised Chen Feng the most was that his Sword of Death was already a seventh-grade holy weapon, but it only bounced the opponent away and did not cut off a golden silk thread.

Chi Chi!

However, there were still some fish that slipped through the net. When Chen Feng performed swordsmanship, the two golden silk threads suddenly accelerated and quickly arrived in front of Chen Feng, then suddenly stretched out, one wrapped around Chen Feng's arm, and the other wrapped around Chen Feng's waist, and then began to tighten, trying to cut Chen Feng off.

At this time, the young man launched an attack again. The young man flashed in front of Chen Feng, and with a simple punch, the world in front of Chen Feng disappeared again, and a fist filled the world.

The terrifying fist power and the huge pressure made Chen Feng have an irresistible thought.


Chen Feng shouted lightly, his tongue burst into spring thunder, his eyes flashed, and he broke free from the opponent's fist, and then he pointed out a sword and tapped on the opponent's fist.


Chen Feng was knocked away by a punch, and flew tens of thousands of meters before stopping.

"No, the opponent's strength is not as strong as mine, but the opponent's fist intention and understanding of the law are not comparable to me, especially the opponent's understanding of the law of the fairy world." Chen Feng smiled. He was at a disadvantage from the beginning of the fight, but it was not so easy to deal with him.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng looked at the four earth immortals in the distance. From the beginning to now, only the young man was taking action. The earth immortal guard Ken did not move, and even his eyes did not change too much. Maybe the opponent thought that the young man would easily get rid of him.

The feeling of pain came from his arms and waist. The two golden threads tightened and tightened into the flesh. You must know that Chen Feng's body can block the attack of the holy weapon, but at this time, the defense was broken by these two inconspicuous threads.

"Cut the sword energy!"

A sword energy shot out from the body and quickly cut the golden thread on the waist. Until the sword energy was worn out, only a shallow mark was left on the golden thread, and this mark was still recovering rapidly.

"What material is this made of?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, and another cutting sword energy shot out.

Three consecutive cutting sword energy finally cut the golden thread in half, and then Chen Feng reached out and grabbed it in his hand, the power of wind and thunder flashed in his palm, and instantly bombarded the golden thread hundreds of times.

Finally, Chen Feng put the golden thread into the Changsheng Tower again. After entering the Changsheng Tower, this thread could not turn the world upside down no matter how powerful it was.

"Such a good material is just right for refining my immortal rope." Chen Feng also had his own plan in mind.

Following the same method, the golden thread on his arm was also put into the Changsheng Tower.


Just after doing all this, the young man's attack came again, and he still punched out with one punch, and Chen Feng was knocked thousands of feet away again.

"Huh!" The young man's eyes were shining. He could accept that the opponent could block his attack, but it was a bit unexpected that he had refined his own Dongxu silk.

You should know that his Dongxu silk can be made by mixing the tendons of various monsters with the essence of refined gold. It can penetrate the void and bind the space. Even if a mid-level human immortal is tied up, he can't break free.

This little Tianren realm cultivator is quite interesting.

"So strong!" Chen Feng was finally shocked. Compared with the opponent, he has always been at a disadvantage and didn't even have a chance to fight back.

The soul-suppressing spell and the dark magic pupil can't do anything to the opponent. As for the other skills he cultivated, it is estimated that they will not be effective unless magic weapons are used.

But looking at the four earth immortals in the distance, Chen Feng temporarily gave up this idea.


The Xu Point surged, and Chen Feng disappeared in the space.

In this case, let's have a good fight. First, we can see the masters of the fairy world, and second, we can test our own strength, which is just right for refining the hidden power in our body.

"The invisibility technique is good, but it's useless to me." The young man stretched out his hand and grabbed the space, and Chen Feng's figure was revealed. At the same time, a trace of cold air shot out from the young man's fingers. Chen Feng immediately felt that the blood in his body was frozen, and even the flowing true qi was about to be solidified.


The true qi flowed, the blood and qi boiled, Chen Feng's hair flew, his clothes fluttered, and a strong breath began to conflict from his body.


A spiral sword energy shot towards the young man's chest under the acceleration of the wind force, and then Chen Feng took a step forward, performed the immortal step again, came to the top of the young man's head, and stabbed the long sword in his hand at the top of the young man's head.

"Looking for death!"

Being run over his head was an insult to the young man, so the young man decided not to play with the other party, and the whole body aura suddenly conflicted, instantly becoming ten times stronger.

"Ice Palm!"

The young man blasted out with his palm, white gas filled the air, and the surrounding world was frozen. Layers of ice began to bloom and spread around. The power of this move far exceeded the previous space solidification.

Chen Feng had already felt something was wrong. His falling momentum suddenly stopped. The long sword in his hand shook violently, and the sword energy exploded, and his figure rose rapidly.

Pah, pah, pah, pah!

The surrounding space continued to break, and frost had condensed around Chen Feng.

"Good guy, even space can be frozen."

The Zhoutian force continued to roll, and the Sword of Life also flew out of the body, circling around the surroundings, and wherever it passed, there were clusters of ice flowers.

"Sword Qi Storm!"

While urging the Sword of Life, the Sword of Death in Chen Feng's hand also launched a big move, and the sword energy swept through, piercing through layers of frost.

After finally breaking out of the frozen space, Chen Feng took a breath. With the young man as the center, the area of ​​10,000 meters around turned into a world of frost. The ice layers were stacked and crisscrossed, and countless patterns began to bloom. Chen Feng instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Sure enough, clusters of ice flowers began to become vivid, cutting through the void with sharp sounds of breaking through the air, and emitting bright lights that refracted each other.


Chen Feng shouted softly, and struck out with a sword. Two clusters of ice flowers were shattered. The powerful impact made Chen Feng's whole body tremble, but more ice flowers were approaching.

"Heaven and earth positioning!"

The range of the Zhoutian domain began to surge, and the power of heaven and earth echoed each other, constantly rotating and circling, forming a slow balancing force. The speed of the ice flowers that shot in began to slow down as soon as they entered the domain.

Pah pah pah pah pah!

The sword light flashed again and again, and the ice flowers that entered the domain were shattered one after another.

"Is this the only skill of the people from the fairy world? I think it's just so." Chen Feng laughed.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Feng felt a strong warning in his heart. An invisible and intangible finger wind had penetrated the field and arrived in front of him. The speed was so fast that Chen Feng had no time to dodge, and he didn't even have time to perform the Longevity Step.


The Sword of Life blocked in front of Chen Feng's mind. With a snap, the finger wind hit the long sword. Chen Feng's mind was immediately shocked. The Sword of Life fell heavily on his body, and at the same time, there was a sharp finger wind that could penetrate the void.

His whole body was shaking violently, and cracks began to appear on his chest, extending to all sides. The power that penetrated everything spread around like a spider weaving a web.

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