Eternal Existence

Chapter 721: Earth

"This map is good." Chen Feng said and put away the jade. Although the sketch was very vague, Chen Feng was very satisfied because the general layout of the space battlefield was marked on this map.

For example, the directions of mountains, criss-crossing rivers, where there is relative danger, or where fragments of immortal weapons are most likely to exist, where immortals have fought, and where powerful monsters are hidden, are all marked.

"According to the Sky Sword Sect, this space was undoubtedly secreted by them, but now there is a map of this space. Hey, it seems that the Sky Sword Sect has also hidden a lot of things." Chen Feng laughed.

But no matter what, it was the Tianjian Sect that gave him a chance to come in, otherwise he would not have gained so much. Although Chen Feng saved some disciples of the Tianjian Sect, in Chen Feng's view, what he gained There were so many benefits. Deep down in his heart, Chen Feng still felt that he owed the Tianjian Sect.

As for the identity of the honorary elder, Chen Feng thought that this could not be used as a reason, so Chen Feng had already made up his mind. If he could help the Tianjian Sect within the scope of his ability, Chen Feng would be very happy.

This is also the reason why Chen Feng needed to find disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect while practicing. However, when he met the Iron Sword Immortal and the Changhe Immortal, Chen Feng's next direction changed again. He no longer deliberately looked for disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Chen Feng I believe that the Tianjian Sect has a way to find other disciples of the Tianjian Sect at the same time.

Next, Chen Feng flew tens of thousands of miles in one breath and finally determined his location. From the map, Chen Feng's location was close to the edge of this space. He was still hundreds of millions of miles away from the center of the Immortal Battlefield. .

"It's so far away." Chen Feng frowned a little. Even a fool knew that there must be treasures in the center of the immortal battlefield, which was also the place where the battle was most intense at that time.

"According to the marks on the map, there are some large teleportation arrays here. Hey, the Tianjian Sect is really not simple. They can even feel the teleportation arrays here clearly. However, this Changhe Immortal is quite interesting. He just put the map on Give it to me, you know this map alone is worth more than the sacred weapon." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

"Anyway, I have enough time. Since I am far away from the center, I will move forward slowly and practice while walking. I just don't know if anyone will teleport directly to the center. If there is, the other party will be Lucky enough.”

In the next month, Chen Feng kept walking around, going to some dangerous areas, and fighting some strange monsters. During this period, he also met some other monks who came in, including several disciples of the Sky Sword Sect. .

These Tianjian Sect disciples were very enthusiastic and wanted to invite Chen Feng to form a team, but Chen Feng refused.

However, there is still no news about Jian Xiaotian, Wen Shaoxiu and others. As for the monks from the immortal world, they seem to have evaporated out of thin air.

"Tower, can you sense the other party?" Chen Feng couldn't help but ask.

"I just vaguely sensed that the other party is directly in front of you, but the distance is too far, already more than a million miles away. I can't do anything about it specifically, and I even lost the sense a few times. I think the other party has entered some A strange place." Ta said after a moment of silence.

"Directly ahead, it is the center of this space. It seems that the other party's purpose is the same as mine. I think these people can open a road from the fairy world and must have some understanding of this space, or the other party also has a map or something like that. ." Chen Feng thought for a moment and said.

"Okay, don't say this now, because you may be in trouble next." Ta reminded Chen Feng at this time.

"Trouble, what trouble, is it the human immortal cultivator or the monster beast here?" Chen Feng didn't care much. In Chen Feng's opinion, the first-level human immortals and low-level demon kings no longer pose a threat to him.

"Hehe, it's someone from the fairy world." Ta said with a smile.

"Immortal world." Chen Feng lit up and his face became solemn. For the monks in the eternal world, the two words "immortal world" are the ultimate dream and goal, and Chen Feng also knows that only entering the immortal world can be regarded as true cultivation. But he didn't expect that he had not even encountered the immortal realm. After entering this space, he met some monks who came down from the immortal realm one after another.

"Ta, since the other party can enter this space, can they also enter the eternal world, or can the people here directly enter the fairy world?" Chen Feng finally asked his guess at this time.

"Haha, the two questions you mentioned are both possible, but very difficult. As for entering the fairy world, don't think about it. There are some complicated laws of the universe mixed in. Of course, if I You can do it if your cultivation level is restored a little, but now, it's not possible. If you try to force it, you will most likely encounter a catastrophe, and it will be a catastrophe that you can't handle now. As for these monks who have come down from the fairy world , one is some opportunities, and the other is paying some price.”

"In fact, sometimes it is easier to enter the fairy world from other worlds than from the fairy world. After all, if a monk born in the life world or the life planet wants to enter the fairy world, as long as he has enough cultivation and can survive the catastrophe, he can do it. But if people from the fairy world want to enter other worlds, they have to reverse the laws of the universe. Hehe, the success rate is very low. "

After hearing what the tower said, Chen Feng fell silent. He had a better understanding of the situation in the fairy world. To sum it up in a simple sentence, the lower world enters the higher world, and the higher world descends into the lower world. Compared with the fairy world, the eternal world is the lower world. In the universe and time, the fairy world is the higher world.


Space fluctuations came, followed by a space crack. Just like the situation encountered before, a void array platform flew out.

Chen Feng's eyes shrank. There were five people coming out this time. One of them stood in front, and there were four cultivators standing side by side behind him. What surprised Chen Feng was not these. The young man standing in the front was obviously the main character. The four people behind him were dressed like servants and guards.

But this young man was only at the level of human immortals. Chen Feng couldn't see through the four people behind him, but the tower could see that these four people were all earth immortals, more powerful than the three men and one woman before.

"This young man is not ordinary. He actually has four earth immortals as guards. Moreover, he is handsome and has extraordinary temperament. He must be from a famous sect in the fairy world." Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

"Someone, come here." The young man attacked Chen Feng before the void array platform landed.

The other party just grabbed, and Chen Feng felt that the space around him solidified, and he was like a mosquito sealed in a crystal.

"As expected of a person from the fairy world, he is not affected by the laws of heaven here as soon as he arrived." Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he did not struggle, but let the other party pull him over.

"Boy, you are unlucky." The young man stretched out his finger and pointed at Chen Feng's eyebrows. He did not intend to ask, but directly searched Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"How cruel! Compared to him, I am nothing but a scum. He doesn't even take other lives seriously. He seems to think of me as an ant among the natives. In this case, I will let you suffer a loss." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, and let the index finger of the other party point at the center of his eyebrows. Then a strange wave entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, covering Chen Feng's entire sea of ​​consciousness.

If it weren't for the immortal tower guarding his body, Chen Feng would naturally not be so confident and bold to allow external forces to enter his sea of ​​consciousness.

Even so, Chen Feng planned to take action immediately.

"Hey! This kid has some potential. He hasn't cultivated into a human immortal yet, but the scale of his sea of ​​consciousness is already so large. It seems that he can become a figure in the future. It's a pity that he is still an ant." The young man just flashed a glimmer in his eyes, and then he returned to calm. He has seen too many geniuses like Chen Feng. Not to mention the cultivators of the heavenly realm, even the human immortals and earthly immortals are vying to serve as his followers.

However, the following changes were indeed beyond the young man's expectations. Chen Feng, who had been controlled, suddenly laughed. Looking at Chen Feng's smile, the young man knew that he had not yet completely controlled the situation in front of him.

"Soul-soothing spell!" Chen Feng shouted softly, and the man's mind was shaken, and the soul power that entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness began to dissipate.


A black ripple shot out from Chen Feng's right eye. Chen Feng changed his previous fighting method and used illusion first.

Once the opponent was hit by the illusion of the dark magic pupil, his consciousness would be reversed, the space would be disordered, and he would completely lose his sense of direction.

In Chen Feng's plan, the other party was a person from the fairy world, and he must have some special means. In addition, this person had the cultivation of a mid-level human fairy, so he could not underestimate the other party. So Chen Feng first cast the soul-soothing spell, and then launched the dark pupil technique. Next, Chen Feng thought about capturing the other party alive, after all, there were four earth immortals behind this person.

However, facts and plans always conflict. When Chen Feng was about to make a move, he saw a sneer on the other party's lips. Chen Feng made a quick decision and moved his feet quickly to retreat. In the blink of an eye, he was a thousand meters away.

But Chen Feng's eyes blurred. He didn't know when the other party left the void array and came to him. He still stretched out his index finger and pointed at him.

There was no fluctuation, no momentum, no extra changes, but Chen Feng felt that the whole world disappeared. Only a huge finger fell from the sky, locking his soul. The next moment, it could smash his head and make his soul fly away.

It was also a finger method, but Chen Feng felt that it was much more powerful than the Tyrant Finger he had comprehended. Even the finger method mark on the meteorite of the sky was probably not so mysterious.

"What kind of finger method is this!" Chen Feng was a little shocked. He used the Qilin Step and his body shape kept changing. In an instant, he changed hundreds of positions, but he still couldn't avoid the opponent's attack. A finger was getting bigger and bigger in front of Chen Feng.

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