Eternal Existence

Chapter 702 Human-Shaped Lightning

"Ten million spiritual herbs, a full ten million spiritual herbs." Chen Feng's eyes widened.

"Hahahaha, I'm rich, this is the real fortune." Chen Feng laughed.

You know, the medicine field here was left by the immortal Tianju, and it has existed for tens of thousands of years. The spiritual herbs in it are naturally of sufficient age.

Chen Feng believes that even some large sects may not have so many spiritual herbs of this scale.

"So many spiritual herbs, just right for me to practice alchemy." Chen Feng calmed his mind.

The spiritual herbs were collected, and the fight on the other side was over.

When Chen Feng emerged from the space where the medicine field was located, the huge body of the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon was lying on the ground, panting, extremely embarrassed, with flowing light flashing on its body. This was the power condensed by the four demons of the Hellhound to firmly suppress the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon.

After Chen Feng came out, the Phantom Divine Marten, the Nine Nether Earth Python and the Four-Eyed Spirit Fox quickly shrank at the same time, turned into flowing light and disappeared into Chen Feng's body.

The time is almost up, otherwise the three demons will be beaten back to their original form.

"It seems that the matter is settled." Chen Feng came to the front of the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon with a smile. Although the fight just now was fierce, it only made the opponent surrender, and did not seriously injure the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon.

"What do you say?" Looking at the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon, Chen Feng was floating in the air. Compared with the opponent's huge body, Chen Feng was really a little small.

"Although it was not you who did it, you have the power to kill me. According to what I said before, I will follow you from now on. Of course, if your strength does not meet my requirements in the future, I will leave at any time." The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon looked at Chen Feng for a long time before saying this.

"No problem, let him go." Chen Feng nodded, and the hellhound took action to lift the ban on the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon.

"Hmph!" After regaining its freedom, the huge body of the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon began to shrink and transformed into the appearance of a young man in green clothes.

The hellhound turned into a young man in black. Both of them were handsome, but they gave people a cold chill.

"Should we go to the other two places now?" The hellhound asked with a smile.

"Where did the other two guardians come from?" Chen Feng asked.

"One is a tree demon and the other is a tiger demon. Their strength is equal to mine. Of course, I haven't seen them for so many years, so I don't know if the other party has become stronger." The hellhound said with a smile.

"It must be stronger than you." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon sneered.

Speaking of it, they are all monsters, but the hellhound comes from hell, which makes the wind and thunder double-headed dragon feel uncomfortable, which is also the reason why the two have always been at odds.

"No hurry, the power in my body is about to be suppressed, let's improve the realm first." Chen Feng said.

"You two just protect me."

"Haha, no problem, it is absolutely safe to pass the tribulation on this planet." The hellhound said with a smile.

"Humph!" The wind and thunder double-headed dragon glared at the hellhound but didn't say anything.

"I don't know what the state of the thunder tribulation this time is, I hope it can be more reliable." Chen Feng whispered.


A strong breath erupted from his body, rushing straight into the sky, and invisible waves impacted the world.

After a breath, the calamity cloud had covered the entire sky. The pressure energy was not affected by this space and time at all, and it violently covered the earth.

Even the eyes of the hellhound and the wind and thunder double-headed dragon shrank.

"Are you sure this kid is at the seventh level of the heavenly man realm? Why do I feel that the thunder tribulation is a bit asymmetrical?" The wind and thunder double-headed dragon and the hellhound had retreated to a distance. Although both of them were powerful and did not care about this level of thunder tribulation, if they interfered forcibly, it would definitely cause changes in the world. If it was bad, it would cause their own heavenly tribulation. Even worse, it was not impossible to die because of it.

"On the surface, it should be, and the fluctuations emitted by the calamity cloud are also thunder tribulations of the heavenly man realm, but the space here is not used for the outside world, and there may be some changes." The hellhound said.

"Hey, I want to see what this kid can do." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon sneered.

"It looks like the thunder tribulation is quite normal, but the pressure is a bit too big." Feeling the pressure emanating from the sky, the surrounding space seemed to be imprisoned, and Chen Feng's mind was shocked.


The tribulation cloud suddenly dissipated, and a figure rushed into the sky, as fast as a meteor, and arrived in front of Chen Feng like lightning, stepping on Chen Feng with both feet.

"What?" At the critical moment, Chen Feng used the Qilin Step to avoid the attack.


The earth was shaking, and then a big pit spread out in all directions, and a human who was completely condensed by the power of thunder and lightning appeared in Chen Feng's sight.

"Human-shaped thunder and lightning, so realistic." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The human formed by thunder and lightning looked realistic. Except for the lightning flashing all over his body, there was no difference from a living person. However, because of the background of thunder and lightning, he looked very majestic, and his figure was taller than Chen Feng, and his aura was more domineering than Chen Feng.

"Hey! The realm of human immortals." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and a fighting spirit rose to the sky.

"Come on!" Chen Feng used the Qilin Step to rush towards the human-shaped lightning.


Who knew that the human-shaped lightning was faster, and before Chen Feng launched the attack, he punched out. This punch contained the will of heaven and earth and the compressed power of lightning, like a volcanic eruption, like a flood, which made Chen Feng feel an irresistible thought.

"What a strong fighting spirit." Chen Feng knew that he couldn't dodge this time, so he also used the Sky Breaking Fist to take it hard.


The powerful shock wave exploded in all directions, and Chen Feng and the human-shaped lightning flew backwards at the same time.

"Hey! The opponent's strength is only 100 million pounds, why can he blast me away." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The attack power that Chen Feng can now burst out has exceeded 100 million pounds, which can easily smash a thousand-foot mountain, and low-level holy weapons can also be broken by a punch. Opponents who are not as powerful as Chen Feng will most likely be suppressed by Chen Feng's overwhelming power.


The speed of the human-shaped lightning exceeded Chen Feng's estimation. It was above Chen Feng's head in a flash, and stepped heavily on Chen Feng.

The momentum was violent, carrying the power of thunder, which raised the attack power to a higher level.

"Sky Palm!"

Another tough blast, Chen Feng was directly smashed into the ground.

"Human-shaped lightning usually appears in heavenly tribulations, how can it appear in thunder tribulations?" The hellhound was also a little surprised.

"Hey, there shouldn't be only one human-shaped lightning." The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon said.

Sure enough, when Chen Feng came out from underground, he saw two human-shaped lightnings rushing towards him, one on the left and one on the right.

"Uh! Here comes another one." Chen Feng's face changed, and the Qilin Step kept changing, dodging the opponent's attack.

"Two human-shaped lightnings in the immortal realm are enough for this guy to bear." The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon said with a smile.

"It should be no problem." The hellhound was also a little uncertain.

A human-shaped lightning used boxing, palm techniques, and finger strength to continuously launch fierce attacks on Chen Feng, while the other human-shaped lightning was brewing moves on the side, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Pah Pah Pah Pah!

The palm of this human-shaped lightning flew, and a thunder ball condensed out, and then it suddenly stretched out, and turned into a war spear, and waved his hand to throw it at Chen Feng.


Chen Feng's eyelids jumped, and he quickly punched out. Although he smashed the war spear, Chen Feng flew backwards and was caught up by another human-shaped lightning. It was a series of violent beatings, and finally Chen Feng was blasted into the ground again.

"Tsk tsk, how miserable." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon shook his head and made a sound of "tsk tsk".


Chen Feng rushed out again, swung his arms, and a trace of blood flowed out. The war spear just now actually broke Chen Feng's defense, but as Chen Feng swung, the wound on his fist healed quickly and disappeared.

"So that's it. These two human-shaped lightnings are not as strong as me, but their attack power is very strong. In a word, these two human-shaped lightnings have some skilled combat skills and strong fighting will, which is not comparable to ordinary puppets." Chen Feng's eyes were dark, and the black streamer kept flashing. After the pupil power was exerted, the speed of the two human-shaped lightnings slowed down.

"Get down." Chen Feng's figure was erratic, and he seized an opportunity and punched a human-shaped lightning.

More than 100 million jin of power blasted out in a spiral manner. The human-shaped lightning fell quickly and exploded before it landed on the ground, turning into chaotic lightning power.

Then, these lightning powers took the initiative to penetrate into Chen Feng's body before Chen Feng made a move.

"Hey! Lightning energy, fighting will, and the laws of heaven and earth." Chen Feng was surprised, and his eyes became brighter.

"I have gained so much by blowing up an opponent. It seems that this thunder tribulation is quite useful. I hope some more human-shaped lightning can come out." Chen Feng stretched out his palm and grabbed another human-shaped lightning with the longevity handprint.

"This is the dark magic pupil!"

"How is it possible? This kid hasn't even reached the level of human immortal, how can he open the dark magic pupil." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon said excitedly.

"Hehe!" The hellhound just smiled and didn't say much, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

These two demon immortals have extraordinary vision. Naturally, they can see that Chen Feng's dark magic pupil has entered the door, especially the hellhound, a creature from hell, who knows the power of the dark magic pupil.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the human-shaped lightning quickly retreated and was thousands of feet away in an instant, making Chen Feng's attack fall in vain. However, what surprised Chen Feng was that the human-shaped lightning actually stopped and stopped attacking.

The calamity cloud split again, and two more human-shaped lightnings rushed down with a roar. The three human-shaped lightnings formed a triangle and surrounded Chen Feng in the middle.

"Three, gradually increase?" Chen Feng did not dare to be careless, and his eyes kept scanning. Under the power of his pupils, every move of the three human-shaped lightnings was reflected in Chen Feng's mind, and he made the fastest reaction in the shortest time.

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