Eternal Existence

Chapter 701: Ten million spiritual herbs

Wind and thunder are combined, thunder helps the wind, wind helps the thunder, the explosive force generated by the fusion of the two forces is more than just one plus one.

However, facing this kind of attack, the hellhound seemed to be well prepared, with black energy surging all over his body. With a roar, the black energy condensed into a ball, blocking the attack of the wind and thunder double-headed dragon.

"I knew you had this method long ago." The hellhound sneered, and was a little proud at the same time.

"Really? I just don't know if you can block this attack." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon laughed, and a long tail suddenly appeared diagonally, hitting the hellhound heavily, whipping the hellhound away, and the tail also broke apart.

It turned out to be a phantom.


The hellhound was a little angry. Although he was not the opponent's opponent, he still felt a little embarrassed to be hit so quickly.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still so stupid." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon laughed.


The hellhound was furious, roaring to the sky, and the space was broken by waves of airflow, and the energy in the void began to pour in.

At the center of the hellhound's forehead, an eye suddenly opened, and the blue eye was very scary, as if it could penetrate the human soul.

This is the unique magical power of the hellhound, the netherworld eye.

"You even opened the netherworld eye, are you going to fight me to death?" The wind and thunder double-headed dragon suddenly became angry, but he was still a little wary of the hellhound's netherworld eye.

"You still have time to change your mind now." The hellhound sneered.

"Bullshit, you can do it." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon was big.


The netherworld eye lit up, and a blue beam of light shot out, shuttled through space, and attacked the body of the wind and thunder double-headed dragon.

Facing the attack of the netherworld eye, the wind and thunder double-headed dragon did not dare to resist head-on, and its huge body drifted quickly and hid to the side.

The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon is born with the power of wind and thunder. The two complement each other, and the speed has reached a peak.

In the past battles, he faced a being stronger than himself, and he repeatedly avoided disasters with his unparalleled speed.

Sure enough, although the attack speed of the Nether Eye was fast enough, the speed of the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon was even faster, and his huge body actually dodged it.

Buzz! Buzz!

In the following battle, the two sides fought, and the Hellhound kept taking the time to send out the Nether Eye, and for a while he had some advantages.

"Hahaha, Hellhound, your Nether Eye consumes a lot of energy, and it can't attack me at all. I wonder how long you can hold on." The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon laughed.

"Damn it!"

In fact, the Hellhound was also anxious in his heart. Although his innate magical power, the Nether Eye, had extremely powerful attack methods, but facing the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon that was even faster than himself, after a long time, when the Nether Eye consumed too much, it would be the time for him to fall behind.

Moreover, the hellhound knew that he had already used all his strength, and the opponent was still holding back, because the wind and thunder double-headed dragon in front of him was just playing.

"Just hold on as long as you can." The hellhound thought to himself.

At this moment, a black light suddenly broke through the space and reached the wind and thunder double-headed dragon in an instant. With a sizzling sound, a large piece of skin and flesh was torn off the wind and thunder double-headed dragon. The wind and thunder double-headed dragon roared in pain, and a huge wind blade appeared as soon as it raised its head.

The wind blade cut through the space, but it hit nothing.

"What?" The hellhound was a little surprised.

The black light continued to expand, and the figure of the Phantom God Marten was revealed. The fluffy long tail shook and the demonic aura soared into the sky. The psychedelic spiritual pupils stared at the wind and thunder double-headed dragon, and a trace of strange psychedelic colors flashed in their eyes.

"Hey, how did the Phantom God Marten be promoted to a demon fairy." Chen Feng was surprised and happy.

"Is it a breakthrough?"

"This state is only temporary." The voice of the tower came over.

"Oh, it turns out that you have improved the realm of the Phantom Divine Marten." Chen Feng suddenly realized, but then he laughed.

"Wind and Thunder Two-Headed Dragon, how about it, do you want to fight?" Chen Feng said loudly.

"Hey, it turns out to be the Phantom Divine Marten. The Phantom Divine Marten is good at illusion and dark power, but its combat power is not very strong." The Wind and Thunder Two-Headed Dragon laughed, and although he faced two demon fairies, he still did not change his face.

"What if the two of us cooperated." The hellhound said and pounced on it again. This time, the hellhound did not use the nether eyes, but directly used physical combat.

"Psychedelic Dark Stream!"

The Phantom Divine Marten did not move forward, but launched an illusion in the distance, the stream of light flashed, the space changed, and the Wind and Thunder Two-Headed Dragon immediately became hesitant.


The Wind and Thunder Two-Headed Dragon was knocked away by the hellhound.

"Roar! You angered me, it seems that I have to teach you a lesson." The Wind and Thunder Two-Headed Dragon became furious, and the two heads began to inhale, and the power of wind and thunder began to surge.

Boom! Boom!

Storms and lightning gushed out at the same time, then quickly merged, and the power increased sharply, bombarding the hellhound.

"Not good!"

Seeing this level of crisis, the Phantom Divine Marten no longer continued to cast illusions, but quickly stepped forward and resisted together with the hellhound.

Bang! Bang!

The power of wind and thunder roared past, like a rolling river, directly drowning the hellhound and the Phantom Divine Marten in it.

Then with two dull sounds, the Phantom Divine Marten and the hellhound were bounced away, but because both were demon fairies, they did not suffer much damage when resisting at the same time.

"Hey, Wind and Thunder Two-headed Dragon, is this all you have?" The hellhound sneered.


The Wind and Thunder Two-headed Dragon was unhappy. Fighting alone, he could beat up any of the opponents, but fighting one against two was still a bit of a stretch.

"With this level, it's still impossible for me to follow this little human." The Wind and Thunder Two-headed Dragon said coldly.

"What are you thinking about? Do you want to stay here all the time? It's been tens of thousands of years. Don't you want to go further?" The hellhound advised.

"What's wrong with this place? I can practice here with peace of mind. And my savings are enough. I will soon break through to another level. And I don't see any future in following this little human. He just treats us as thugs." The Wind and Thunder Two-headed Dragon said coldly.

"Do you want to disobey the order of Lord Tianju?" The hellhound's voice became stern.

"Lord Tianju has been dead for so many years. I am now truly free. No one can restrain me. As I said before, if you want me to surrender, you must have the strength to defeat me. Human boy, do you have it?" The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon looked at Chen Feng with a hint of disdain.

"Hehe, I am indeed not your opponent, but I will definitely subdue you today." Chen Feng smiled and did not care about the other party's ridicule.

"Subdue me, just you." The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon sneered.


At this time, there were spatial fluctuations around Chen Feng, and the Nine Nether Earth Python and the Four-Eyed Spirit Fox appeared on the left and right beside Chen Feng. Their huge bodies and powerful magic made the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon's eyes shrink.

"It turned out to be two demon gods." The hellhound was secretly surprised and began to be shocked in his heart. He was shocked by Chen Feng's methods. Fortunately, he had a very positive attitude at the beginning. He did not expect Chen Feng to have such a powerful strength.

After the demon king advances, he becomes a demon fairy, and after the demon king advances, he becomes a demon god. They are also the cultivation of earth immortals.

This is equivalent to four earthly immortals besieging the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon. Everyone is at the same realm, and the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon can't be stopped no matter how powerful it is.

"Huh! This is my limit. There is only one hour. After one hour, these little guys will return to their previous state." Ta said at this time.

"One hour? It's enough."

"Go, teach this big guy a lesson." Chen Feng waved his hand, and these demons roared, and the demonic energy soared into the sky.

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon, and it turned around and fled far away.

Knowing that it was not an opponent, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon chose to leave temporarily and join the other two companions to get back the place.


The Phantom Divine Marten and the Four-Eyed Spirit Fox quickly stepped forward to stop the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon.

"Want to leave? How can it be so easy."

"Psychedelic Dark Stream!"

"Fire Source Barrier!"

"Hahaha, it's our turn." The Hellhound laughed and used the Nether Eye again.

This time, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon did not dodge the attack of the Nether Eye. When it was illuminated by Lan Youyou's gaze, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon intuitively felt that its skin and flesh were being burned by the Hell Fire.

After being attacked, its corresponding mental state also weakened a lot, and then the illusion of the Phantom Divine Marten took the opportunity to enter, making the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon in an illusion.

"Demon Flame Nine Nether Wave!"

At this time, the Nine Nether Earth Python's whole body was full of demonic energy, turning into demonic flames, and the energy of the bone spurs on its head kept rolling. It rushed forward and knocked the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon away.

"Haha, good fight, keep going." Chen Feng's figure flashed into the medicine field, opened the Longevity Tower, and began to transplant these spiritual medicines frantically.

"Hahaha, so many spiritual medicines with a medicinal age of more than ten thousand years, it's so cool." Chen Feng laughed.

You know, although there are many spiritual medicines in the Longevity Tower, there are only about a hundred plants with a medicinal age of more than ten thousand years, but now there are spiritual medicines with a medicinal age of more than ten thousand years in large areas.

"Okay, collect them all. With so many spiritual medicines, it won't be a problem for me to create a large sect." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed a dark spiritual medicine in his hand.

This spiritual medicine has three leaves, with dark light flashing on it, sparkling and glittering, as if it was completely condensed by energy.

"This is the three-leaf magic blood grass. It has grown three leaves, which means it is 30,000 years old." Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh again.

"I wonder if there are any that have grown nine leaves, which means it is 90,000 years old."

"This is the nine-tailed dragon sunflower, which can be used to refine the rebirth pill. It is 50,000 years old. It is also normal for the Tianju Immortal to leave these spiritual medicines to reproduce."

"One hundred thousand plants!"

"Five hundred thousand plants!"

"One million plants!"

"Two million plants!"

Chen Feng counted silently in his heart while collecting them. After all the spiritual medicines entered the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng actually counted 10 million plants.

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