Eternal Existence

Chapter 696: Breakthrough

"What a strong defense! My attack is comparable to the flying sword slash of a high-level treasure weapon."

"Come again!"

"Batian Fist!"

Chen Feng saw that the clay man had not yet fully condensed, so he quickly stepped forward, trying to smash the other party before it condensed.


This punch would smash a thousand-foot mountain. It landed on the clay man with a dull collision sound. Sure enough, the clay man was knocked out and a big hole was smashed in the ground.

But Chen Feng's face was not relaxed, because Chen Feng felt that although the attack just now was implemented, it did not seem to work.

Sure enough, the next clay man quickly jumped out from the ground. Chen Feng only saw a yellow light, and the clay man was in front of him.

Chen Feng was startled and quickly blocked his palms in front of him.

Then Chen Feng was knocked out.

Pah Pah Pah!

This was the explosion sound of the power exerted on Chen Feng. Chen Feng retreated thousands of meters in one breath before stopping. Feeling the numbness in his arm, Chen Feng let out a long breath.

"This punch is over 80 million jin, close to 100 million." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"But it's impossible to defeat me with these powers. I just don't know if Wen Shaoxiu and the others have encountered the same level of attack as me. If so, they will be in trouble."

Although he didn't mean to underestimate the other party, after all, Wen Shaoxiu and the others' cultivation was there. Unless a miracle happened, it would be useless to increase their strength by 30%.

The clay man in front of him finally condensed, and his whole body was covered by a trace of light yellow airflow. The overall lines were smooth, as if chopped out by a knife and an axe, and every part was full of explosive power.

The most important point is that this clay man and the surrounding land are integrated, and it is inherently in an advantage that it cannot die, unless someone can directly break this piece of land.

"Come on, let me see your means." Chen Feng smiled, and a thunder ball rotated out from his palm, constantly making crackling sounds.


The speed of the clay man exceeded Chen Feng's imagination. It was in front of Chen Feng in just a flash, and a simple punch hit Chen Feng's head.

"How can it be so fast?" Chen Feng moved his feet and used the Qilin Step, but he still couldn't avoid the opponent's fist attack. He could only use the Sky Breaking Fist while using his body skills to barely block the attack of the clay man.

Chen Feng sighed. Chen Feng's fighting strategy was wrong at the beginning. If he had fought head-on, he wouldn't have been at a disadvantage.

However, since he did this, Chen Feng didn't plan to fight hard. The Qilin Step was used to the extreme. The whole person seemed to have melted into the void and into the darkness, making it unpredictable.

However, no matter how fast Chen Feng was and how amazing his body skills were, the clay man simply and quickly came in front of Chen Feng and punched him.

The yellow air flow surged, and Chen Feng was enveloped by the fist wind and blasted out, his footsteps were a little scattered.

"Hey, the power of this punch exceeds 100 million jin."

"No wonder this clay man is so fast, it turns out that it is integrated with the earth, and it directly uses the earth-walking technique during its movement. This is not much different from teleportation. I was confused and didn't think of this at the beginning." Chen Feng smiled, and his figure floated a hundred feet away.

Sure enough, the clay man came in front of Chen Feng in one step. When he was about to attack, Chen Feng stomped his feet, and the magnetic pole acupoint surged, communicating with the power of the earth. Chen Feng did not mobilize the power of the earth for his own use, but just interfered.

The next attack of the clay man immediately became a little slow, allowing Chen Feng to dodge it easily.

"If I don't use the power of the earth, I can smash you with one punch, but your earth-walking technique and the trick of using the power of the earth are good, just let me study it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The magnetic pole acupoint surged, and his mind was immersed in the ground, carefully feeling the changes in the power of the earth.

However, Chen Feng's influence on the power of the earth is far less than that of the clay figure condensed by the power of the earth in front of him, and he is still at a disadvantage when he continues to fight.

However, after a period of fighting, Chen Feng also feels that he has gained a lot. If nothing else, his understanding of the power of the earth alone is equivalent to Chen Feng's understanding for a period of time.

"Sure enough, fighting is the best way to improve, and pressure is the source of motivation for improvement." Chen Feng did not burst out all his strength. If he took out the magic weapon, he could quickly solve the clay figure, but it would not have the effect of training.

"The strength of this clay man should be between the primary and intermediate human immortals. Of course, this is still relying on the law of the power of the earth. Otherwise, it is easy to deal with just relying on great strength and strong defense.

Speaking of which, in terms of attack power, Chen Feng can reach 200 million jin of strength, far exceeding this clay man. In terms of defense, Chen Feng's body can now block the second-grade holy weapon, and he is not afraid of the clay man. The only flaw is that he is not as good as this clay man in absorbing the power of the earth.


After fighting for a while, the clay man still couldn't do anything to Chen Feng. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore. He stomped his feet heavily, and the earth trembled, and the gravity increased again.

Chen Feng frowned, and then let go, because the gravity at this time had increased to a hundred times. If it was normal for Chen Feng, it would not be a big deal, but now he was in a battle, and the strength of this clay man was still very strong.

Chen Feng was affected by the gravity here, but this clay man was not affected, because this clay man was originally condensed by the power of the earth here.


Chen Feng was hit in the chest by a punch, and the whole person flew backwards. After flying hundreds of feet, he fell heavily to the ground. Under the influence of gravity, even the ground began to collapse.

"The opponent has the advantage of terrain, it is really difficult to deal with." Chen Feng shook his head, and his figure suddenly disappeared. This time Chen Feng used the immortal step.

Sure enough, the clay man's attack missed this time, and the powerful fist exploded, causing the ground to tremble continuously.

"It's my turn, the immortal handprint."

The huge handprint fell from the sky and hit the clay man heavily. This time, the immortal handprint was mixed with something.

The clay man had dense cracks on his body, and finally exploded with a bang, turning into countless fragments.

"Sure enough, wood overcomes earth, and my big handprint containing the immortal true qi is the guest star of this clay man." Chen Feng smiled.

But soon, the mud in front of him surged, and the clay man condensed again and returned to his original state.

"It's simply endless." Chen Feng shook his head and waved his hand. Two chains of immortality flew out and entangled the clay man.

While Chen Feng was fighting the clay man, Wen Shaoxiu and others were also in a bitter battle on this planet.


Wen Shaoxiu flew backwards heavily and broke hundreds of towering ancient trees in one breath before he stopped.

"Ahem!" Wen Shaoxiu stood up while spitting blood, his face was extremely ugly.

Not far in front of Wen Shaoxiu, a tree demon with a green body was striding over, and each thick tree trunk was an arm.

Wen Shaoxiu had been fighting with the opponent for a long time. If it weren't for the protection of the holy weapon, he would have been killed long ago.

But now Wen Shaoxiu can't hold on for much longer.

"This time, the immortal weapon fragments have not been able to activate their power. It seems that I will be eliminated." Wen Shaoxiu smiled bitterly, and his blood-stained palms groped for the immortal weapon fragments, but this time the immortal weapon fragments did not react at all.

"Come on, even if I'm eliminated, I'll fight to the last moment." Wen Shaoxiu shouted, his whole body full of fighting spirit, waving the Thunder Fire Holy Sword and rushing towards the tree demon.

After two rounds of fighting, Wen Shaoxiu was knocked away again, and this time the dense branches wrapped around Wen Shaoxiu like a chain, and then a thicker branch rotated like a spear and stabbed Wen Shaoxiu's chest.

"It's over." Wen Shaoxiu closed his eyes, knowing that he really couldn't do it this time, but he hoped in his heart that this was not real death, and he could teleport himself out at that time. However, Wen Shaoxiu also knew that this possibility was very low.

This was a situation where he was bound to die, but at this time, the fragment of the immortal weapon in Wen Shaoxiu's hand suddenly vibrated, and did not launch an attack, but an invisible wave directly crossed thousands of time and space.


A black hole appeared directly in the sky, and the space seemed to be collapsing. A white beam of light descended and enveloped Wen Shaoxiu. This beam of light was like the hottest magma, with circles of energy expanding. Everything around was burned into nothingness, including the tree demon and the surrounding woods. They were all cleared out, and even the ground was sunken dozens of meters.

This time the tree demon did not reappear, and even the surrounding woods were gone. The tree demon had no foundation, so it naturally could not grow.

Everything returned to calm, leaving only Wen Shaoxiu standing there stupidly. After a long time, Wen Shaoxiu regained his calm and looked at the fragment of the immortal weapon in his hand with a look of surprise on his face.

Because the fragment of the immortal weapon in his hand was clearly bigger.

"It seems that another fragment of the immortal weapon was attracted just now, and the two fragments merged together. No wonder it looks much bigger. It doesn't matter whether it can be inherited or not. These two fragments of the immortal weapon are already my biggest gain. After going out and comprehending for a period of time, it will be easy to be promoted to a human immortal." Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.


At this moment, the ground cracked open, and an ancient teleportation array emerged, with a book on the array.

Wen Shaoxiu strode forward, entered the teleportation array, and picked up the book made of unknown materials.

"Heaven-level skills, Dead Wood Skills."

"This is a wood-based skill, not suitable for me, but it is a heaven-level skill after all, and it can be exchanged for a lot of merit points if it is brought to the sect." Wen Shaoxiu was still somewhat happy to put the volume of skills away.

"After all, he is an immortal, leaving behind a heaven-level skill, isn't it a bit too stingy." Wen Shaoxiu suddenly thought so.

Then the teleportation array started, the space channel opened, Wen Shaoxiu entered it, and disappeared.

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