Eternal Existence

Chapter 695 Clay Figure

These people are quite clear about Chen Feng's combat power. In any case, these people also understand that Chen Feng can definitely pass, but they don't know what means are needed.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to defeat this puppet. It depends on how this guy can persist for half an hour." Tie Yuanhao and others thought to themselves.

Tie Yuanhao also didn't think that Chen Feng's physical body was stronger than his own.

"Haha, Chen Feng should be fine." Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.


As soon as Chen Feng entered the ring, the humanoid puppet appeared in front of Chen Feng in a flash, and its fists struck Chen Feng like a torrent of steel.

"Well done, let me test how strong you are." Faced with this kind of fist that could shatter the mountain, Chen Feng did not dodge, but also extended his fist and punched out.

"Is this guy crazy? He actually resisted. Who does he think he is?"

"Hehehehe." Tie Yuanhao kept sneering.


To everyone's surprise, the two fists met and Chen Feng remained motionless, but the humanoid puppet was suddenly thrown away.

"What! How is that possible?"

"The attack power of this humanoid puppet has exceeded 20 million kilograms. Why is there nothing wrong with this guy?"

"Impossible, this guy is stronger than me." Tie Yuanhao roared in his heart.

"It's very powerful, weighing more than 20 million kilograms. An ordinary half-step human immortal can't resist it." Chen Feng shook his fist.

This level of attack power is nothing to Chen Feng. You must know that Chen Feng's strength alone has exceeded 100 million kilograms. It is truly overwhelming. Although this humanoid puppet has super strong attack power, it cannot even defeat Chen Feng. The defenses cannot be broken.

After being blown away by Chen Feng's punch, the combat puppet immediately changed its attack method and used its speed and combat skills to attack Chen Feng again.

Fist, palm, leg, finger, all kinds of attack methods were used continuously. After a few times, Chen Feng lost his patience. He slammed his feet and punched out.

With this punch, the strength points in Chen Feng's body began to surge, his energy and blood began to boil, and his tyrannical power increased steadily. Eighty million kilograms of power exploded from his fist and landed directly on the chest of the humanoid puppet.


The humanoid puppet was suddenly thrown into the air and fell apart with a snap in the air.


There was silence!

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in the ring. It was obvious to all how powerful this humanoid puppet was. Even the sacred weapon could only leave some slight marks on the opponent's body, but they did not expect that under Chen Feng's fist, Becoming as fragile as a scarecrow.

What kind of strength is Chen Feng? Is it beyond human immortality?

Thinking of Tie Yuanhao and others, they broke into cold sweat. Fortunately, they did not directly conflict with Chen Feng. Otherwise, if the punch landed on him, he would be beaten to pieces.

Chen Feng slowly walked back with the Soul-Enriching Pill. Everyone, including Wen Shaoxiu, looked at Chen Feng as if he were a monster.

"Chen Feng, what did you do just now?" Jian Zhikong couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

"Eighty million kilograms of power." Chen Feng smiled.


Although they were guessing in their minds, Jian Zhikong and others still took a breath after hearing Chen Feng's words.

Chen Feng only had a few more people come on stage. Among them, Mu Song from the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce used a technique that aroused Chen Feng's interest.

"This guy's wood-type skills should be at the heaven level. His physical body is so tough that he can actually block the bombardment of humanoid puppets. These monks who were selected should not be underestimated." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Finally, the last person was eliminated, the arena disappeared, and the space changed again. Chen Feng only felt his eyes blur before he arrived in a room.

"What a mysterious power of space. It seems that others are in the same situation as me." Looking around, I saw that the room was quite spacious, but there was no one else there except myself.

"Congratulations, you passed the first two tests." At this time, a beam of light was projected down, forming a human shape.

This person was lifelike and vivid, but Chen Feng saw that it was made entirely of light energy and was not a real human being. It could be said to be an image.

"Oh, so there will be tests later." Chen Feng asked back.

"Yes, but the next test is different from the previous test." This image looks like a middle-aged man, with an expressionless face and a lack of spirituality.

"Wait a minute, let's not talk about the subsequent test, let's talk about what is going on first." Chen Feng waved his hand.

In Chen Feng's understanding, although this is just an image, it has some spiritual intelligence that was set before.

Sure enough, facing Chen Feng's question, the middle-aged man began to speak calmly: "To put it simply, this is the inheritance left by the Immortal Tianju."

"Inherited? Haha, the inheritance of an immortal. This is not simple. There should be some treasures." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There are a total of eight people who have passed the first two thorn tests. Whether you can get the inheritance of the Heavenly Residence Immortal depends on your chance."

"How can I get inheritance?" Chen Feng asked.

"You'll find out soon."


The room began to become illusory, and Chen Feng felt that everything in front of him went dark, his head was light and his feet were heavy, and he lost his sense of direction, and then little stars flashed in the distance.

"I can't be in the starry sky." Chen Feng was a little surprised. As soon as the soul power surged, he felt that the surroundings were empty. He couldn't sense anything and lost his sense of space and time.

But then a force of space enveloped Chen Feng. Chen Feng felt that his six senses were blocked, and none of his cultivation had any effect.

However, Chen Feng knew that he was traveling quickly in space.

After an unknown period of time, the force of space dissipated, and Chen Feng's feet stepped on the ground again.

"Where is this place?" Chen Feng looked around, and it was desolate. The spiritual energy in the space was also very mixed. Although it was very rich, it was a mixture of several kinds of spiritual energy.

"It seems that I have left the battlefield of human immortals. Does Ta know where this place is?" Chen Feng asked.

"I don't know, don't bother me." Ta said lightly, and ignored Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shook his head and thought to himself: "Could it be that the inheritance of Tianju Shangxian is here?"

"I'll observe it." Chen Feng slowly floated up, only to feel that the gravity here is ten times that of the eternal world, and the chaotic energy around can also greatly affect a person's cultivation.

His eyes became dark, and Chen Feng used the dark magic pupil to look into the distance, a hundred miles, a thousand miles, in Chen Feng's eyes, everything on the ground was invisible.

"What is that?" Chen Feng's face suddenly became solemn.

The hard ground began to stir and tumble, and mounds of earth emerged on the ground. In Chen Feng's sight, these mounds kept rising, just like mud twisting constantly, and finally condensed into huge mud men.

More and more mud men appeared on the ground, and each of them had a yellow light flashing. After just a moment of hesitation, groups of mud men began to run, just like thousands of horses galloping, and the earth began to tremble.

"What are these mud men going to do?"


Chen Feng turned his head suddenly and saw countless mud men behind him. More and more mud men came out from the ground in all directions, running forward one by one, and the target was himself.

"Are these tests?" Chen Feng said as he took a step forward and came to a mud man. He punched out, and the ten-foot-tall mud man was smashed into pieces.

"So weak." Chen Feng was a little surprised, but soon Chen Feng found that the mud man fragments melted into the ground, and then another mound swelled up.

"Can't they be killed?"

At this time, two clay figures had already arrived in front of Chen Feng, one on the left and one on the right, and their huge arms swept towards Chen Feng.

At the same time, the ground was buzzing and vibrating, and a pale yellow light rose up, and Chen Feng immediately felt the gravity increase.

Bang! Bang!

The two clay figures were broken, and Chen Feng stomped his feet heavily, and circles of energy auras spread around. Cracks began to appear on the ground, and the soil kept rolling, and a large number of clay figures were shattered wherever they passed.

"The strength below the human immortal has no effect on me." Chen Feng said in a deep voice, moving his footsteps, and his figure kept flashing. Wherever he passed, these clay figures turned into fragments and then melted back into the ground.

In a breath of time, hundreds of clay figures were broken by Chen Feng, but more clay figures came out from the ground again.

Chen Feng knew that this place must have been blessed by the immortals with magic power, and it would be useless even if he broke all the clay figures, so he kept moving forward in one direction.

After a whole hour, Chen Feng didn't know how far he had advanced and how many clay figures he had broken. Finally, there was nothing in front of him. The clay figures in front of him suddenly disappeared. Looking back, countless clay figures behind him also melted into the ground.

"It disappeared. Did you pass the level just like that? Although it's a bit troublesome, it shouldn't be that simple." Chen Feng was a little unconvinced.

Sure enough, a bigger earth mound swelled up next. This can't be described as an earth mound, because soon a thousand-foot-high earth mountain appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Waves of pressure emanated from the earth mountain, causing Chen Feng's eyelids to jump uncontrollably.

"What a strong pressure, it seems that this is a big guy."

The thousand-foot-high earth mountain kept twisting and making a rumbling sound. Finally, it condensed into a huge clay figure. At first, the clay figure was a thousand feet high, but after it was formed, it began to shrink in circles.

Waves of yellow air swirled around, as if immortals were shaping life. Finally, the huge clay figure shrank to the height of a normal person, which was half a head taller than Chen Feng. Waves of powerful force constantly impacted Chen Feng's mind.

"Good fellow, a thousand-foot mountain condensed into two meters high. It seems that this clay figure in front of me is not easy to deal with." Chen Feng did not dare to be careless. He stretched out his fingers and flicked them. Two finger winds hit the clay figure.

Ding Ding!

Two crisp sounds, the clay figure did not move, and there was not even a trace left on the place where it was attacked.

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