Eternal Existence

Chapter 686: Mountain Cave

Chen Feng's Immortal Binding Rope is now a third-grade holy weapon. At this time, the golden light is shining, and it easily binds the black shadow, and it is no longer corroded.

"Come, let's see what this is." Chen Feng waved his hand and pulled the immortal rope over, but with a bang, the black shadow suddenly exploded, then dissipated, and the energy melted into the surrounding evil aura. .

"Hey, there is no trace. What is this?" Jian Xiaotian just sent out a few sword energy, but they were all in vain.

"I don't know!" Chen Feng used his pupil power and saw nothing except the evil spirit in the air.


The power of his eyes swept over and over again, everything in the space became more layered, and the frequency of the flow of spiritual energy and evil energy was clearly reflected in Chen Feng's sight.

A group of evil spirits was condensing rapidly, and soon it condensed into a group of black shadows. This time, the black shadows rushed directly towards Chen Feng, faster than before, and there was a rumbling sound of thunder wherever they passed.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and a ball of thunder and lightning struck the black shadow.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk!

A lightning volcano bloomed, the black shadow dissipated, and a round bead fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"It should be formed by condensation of evil spirits. Evil spirits belong to Yin, and they are most afraid of the power of thunder and lightning. But what is this bead?" Chen Feng said, playing with the round bead in his hand.

"Could it be a poly-shaped bead made of evil spirits?"

"It is possible that the evil spirit and death energy contained in this round bead are very pure, and there are also some complex formations. These formations appear to be naturally formed and are worthy of research."

"It's really wonderful to condense the surrounding evil energy into shape and launch an attack. I've only heard of this kind of thing before, but today is the first time I've seen it."

"It should be more than just this one." Chen Feng's eyes kept scanning.

"I'm going to pick the elixir." Jian Xiaotian swayed and came to a one-foot-tall elixir. He stretched out his hand to pick it.

This spiritual grass has a silvery luster as a whole, and has a total of thirteen leaves. Each leaf seems to be made of gold and iron, with sharp edges.

It is the Gengjin Spirit Grass, and there are many in the outside world, but this one has obviously undergone some changes when it grows in the evil aura.

Just when Jian Xiaotian started to pick the spiritual grass, the evil energy in the space condensed again, and a total of three black shadows rushed towards Jian Xiaotian.

"I've been waiting for you, Tianlun Explosion Sword Technique." Jian Xiaotian's long-awaited sword technique unfolded, and the sword energy was like a volcano erupting or a meteorite exploding, instantly covering the three groups of black shadows.

At the same time, Chen Feng's eyes finally saw small gray-black beads floating in the air. These round beads condensed by evil spirits were mixed with the surrounding evil spirits. Together with some other spatial fluctuations, they actually formed. Chen Feng's dark eyes were concealed.

As soon as these evil energy beads appeared, the surrounding evil energy gathered together, and soon the entire space suddenly became empty, and all the evil energy and death energy dissipated completely.

Then a total of hundreds of black shadows appeared in the cave. Several of them were still twisting and rolling, and there were signs of solidification.

"So many." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The next moment, these black shadows were overwhelmingly attacking the two of them. These seemingly scattered shadows actually contained super strong physical attacks, as well as death energy attacks. These death energy emitted in strange fluctuations, which could Directly enters the monk's sea of ​​consciousness, corrodes the soul, and turns the monk into a mindless monster.

"Swallowing Heaven Absorption Technique, Absorb!"

Chen Feng stretched out his right hand, and a rapidly rotating vortex appeared in his palm, and wisps of death energy were pulled towards it by Chen Feng.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The evil spirit beads exploded one after another, and the evil spirit inside immediately dissipated. As for the death energy, not only was it not a threat to Chen Feng, it was also taken into the Cave of Death by Chen Feng.


The sword of death was swung, and the evil spirit beads exploded one after another. The sword of death roared, as if it smelled delicious food, and emitted a strong suction to suck in the death energy around it.

Chen Feng dealt with these black shadows easily, but Jian Xiaotian was different. Three groups of black shadows surrounded Jian Xiaotian and launched attacks continuously.

The powerful collision and the strange death energy attack made it difficult for Jian Xiaotian to resist.

However, Jian Xiaotian relied on his Daluo fighting body, strong qi and blood, solid body, and condensed spirit. Although he was a little confused, he was not seriously injured.

"Thunder Bead!" Jian Xiaotian finally couldn't resist anymore, and with a wave of his hand, a thunder bead exploded. Three black shadows were attacked by thunder and lightning, and quickly dissipated.

"Sure enough, ordinary monks can't come in here. There shouldn't be many people like me who are on the seventh level of heaven. Logically speaking, a monk of my level will die if he comes here. But fortunately, there are some gifts given by the master. Magic weapon, I can persist until now." Thinking of this, Jian Xiaotian looked at Chen Feng who looked relaxed and thought to himself again: "Of course, there are still very few perverts like Chen Feng."

At least Jian Xiaotian has never seen a more evil being than Chen Feng so far.

Although Chen Feng mostly used magic weapons when facing powerful enemies, in the world of cultivation, magic weapons were originally part of his own strength.

This situation will not be despised by other monks, on the contrary, everyone will be very jealous.

"Finally got rid of these ghost things, I hope this place is clean." Jian roared and reached out to pick a piece of Gengjin spirit grass.

This time nothing appeared.

The two began to quickly collect the spiritual medicines here. Chen Feng's soul power was strong, and he quickly checked the spiritual medicines in this cave clearly.

"Hey, there are a total of 13,215 spiritual medicines, about 3,000 of which are over a thousand years old, and 50 are over ten thousand years old."

"There are about 30 varieties. Because they grow in this environment, they are contaminated with evil spirits and death, which makes these herbs mutate, but their value has increased."

The two were very fast, and spiritual medicines were constantly pulled out with soil. Soon, the two picked a large area.

"Hey! There are so many spiritual medicines here, what luck."

"You two, don't stop, hand over everything on your body, and I can spare your life."

At this time, two monks suddenly appeared, very fast, one on the left and one on the right, rushing towards Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian.

"Two come to die." Chen Feng sneered, and directly used the longevity handprint to grab the monk who attacked him.

"Too weak, not even half-step human immortal realm, I wonder which sect he is from?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The other person was originally rushing towards Jian Xiaotian, but when he saw how powerful Chen Feng was, he was immediately frightened and turned pale, and turned around to escape.

"You don't have to leave either." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the immortal rope flew out, easily restraining this person.

"This person is a half-step human immortal, and he is still worth seeing." Chen Feng nodded.

"One of these two people is from the Zhao family, and the other one is unknown. Most of them are independent cultivators attached to these big sects." Jian Xiaotian looked at him and said.

"Then kill him." Chen Feng said and was about to start.

"Wait a minute, I have an important news, you two must want to know." At this time, the cultivator with the cultivation level of half-step human immortal suddenly shouted.

"Oh! What news is more important than your lives?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hurry up and tell me, if you are lying, I guarantee that you two will live a life worse than death." Jian Xiaotian shouted coldly on the side.

"You are from the Tianjian Sect, right?" The half-step human immortal said immediately.

"That's right." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he began to guess what the other party meant.

"I know there is a place where your Tianjian Sect's disciples are, but they are trapped. If they are not rescued, they may die in there." The half-step human immortal suddenly stopped talking here.

"Keep talking." Chen Feng said lightly.

"If I tell you, you must promise to let us go."

"It depends on the value of the information. If you don't tell me, you will die now." Chen Feng said with murderous intent in his eyes, and the two of them shivered with coldness.

"There are six people in total. I only know one named Wen Shaoxiu. They are trapped in a dangerous place ten thousand feet below this crack, and when we saw it, two people had already died." The half-step human immortal gritted his teeth and said to save his life.

"Ten thousand feet below!" Chen Feng's soul power spread out, but he found that the power of space was constantly distorted, and his soul power did not play a big role. As for the ten thousand feet below, it was even more impossible to locate.

"How do I know if what you said is true? It seems that it is more convenient to use soul search." Chen Feng said and was about to take action.

"I can swear that what I said just now is true." The man screamed in panic.

Although soul search will not kill you, who knows what other changes will happen, even turning into an idiot is possible.

Chen Feng made a quick move, and then the two men fell down, their eyes closed, and it was unknown whether they were dead or alive.

"Forget it, I won't kill you, but whether you can survive next depends on your luck." Chen Feng said and put away the space magic weapon on the two people.

Then Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian sped up and quickly picked up all the herbs in the mountain cave, and then left. As for the two people, they could only lie on the ground and wait for the restrictions on their bodies to be lifted.

"It's ten thousand feet below, although it's not far, but the space here is a bit messy, I'm afraid it will take some effort." Chen Feng frowned.

"Maybe if I'm lucky, I can find it soon."

"I hope so."

Ten thousand feet below, the evil spirit here is more intense, the dark airflow is constantly flowing, and even the vision is seriously obstructed.

However, in this dangerous environment, there actually appeared an underground lake of considerable size. The water in the lake was relatively clear, and did not seem to be polluted by the evil spirit. However, a monk who had broken in was accidentally dragged in by a water monster. As a result, within a few breaths, the monk and his protective armor were completely corroded.

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