Eternal Existence

Chapter 685 Deathly Qi

As the two of them continued to descend, the evil spirits gushing out from the ground became more and more intense, and the dead air in it also increased accordingly.

These dead airs were like living things, constantly wandering in the evil spirits, as if looking for life to devour.

However, these dead airs were a great tonic for Chen Feng. Not to mention that the Death Sword was madly absorbing the dead air around him, even the Death Point in his body began to operate.

Although Chen Feng opened up the Life and Death Points, he usually practiced the Life Point the most. Whether it was the spiritual energy in the space or the spiritual energy in the spirit stone, they almost all contained vibrant vitality.

Therefore, the Life and Death Points became unbalanced, and even the Life and Death Swords were affected.

At this time, Chen Feng operated the Death Point to absorb the dead air around him, and immediately felt that the Life and Death Qi circulated in his body. Every time the Life and Death Qi circulated, Chen Feng felt that the vitality of his whole body became more vigorous.

"Sure enough, the benefits of the fusion of the two origins of life and death are greater than absorbing one origin alone." Chen Feng was a little happy when he felt the changes in his body. He was no longer in a hurry to descend, but concentrated on swallowing the increasingly dense death energy around him.

Watching Chen Feng constantly swallowing the death energy around him, Jian Xiaotian was secretly shocked. He didn't understand what kind of skills Chen Feng practiced. You know, this kind of death energy will take some time to dissolve even if it is absorbed into the body by human immortals. As for refining it for their own use, it is a bit unrealistic, unless some cultivators practice special skills.

After the two of them descended thousands of meters, they were finally attacked by some monsters.

The first thing they encountered was a strange monkey-shaped monster. The whole body of this monster was wrapped in a strong evil spirit. Except for some general shapes, there were only two scarlet eyes.

And the attack method of this monster was also very special. A halo that condensed into substance swept across Chen Feng and the others with a scream.

However, this halo began to change its shape before it approached Chen Feng, and then got into the sword of death in Chen Feng's hand.

"It should be attacking with death energy. I wonder what kind of creature it is? Could it have been growing here all the time?" Chen Feng guessed.


Jian Xiaotian sent out a sword energy and cut the monster in half. There was no blood and flesh splashing. The monster was cut neatly like a piece of dry wood.

As the monster died, a trace of evil energy began to dissipate, and soon the monster's clear face was revealed.

"It is an ancient relic of the Red Flame Monkey, which grew in the molten flames, but I didn't expect to meet it here. It seems that it was eroded by the evil energy here." Jian Xiao said.

"Red Flame Monkey, I have also seen it in some ancient books. This kind of monster is born with fire attribute attack means, strong body, and flexible speed. However, the one in front of us is obviously eroded by the evil energy and turned into an irrational puppet, and it can't even exert one tenth of its strength." Chen Feng nodded.

Next, the two encountered some monsters wrapped in evil energy again, including Red Flame Monkey, some other types of monsters, and even several kinds of magic beasts.

"This is an ice rock turtle with the blood of the black tortoise."

"This is an earth-armored snake."

"This earth-splitting python has the strength of a half-step demon king. It was a close call. I almost got hit."

Jian Xiaotian was still a little frightened. The swallowing power of a huge python that suddenly appeared just now made his soul fly out. If Chen Feng hadn't taken action, he would have had to find a way to escape.

"It's a bit strange. The strength of these monsters has not been affected. They can still emit their original magical powers. With the death energy in the evil spirit, their combat power is even stronger. It seems that our previous inference was not entirely correct." Chen Feng said.

As more and more monsters were eroded by evil spirits, Chen Feng finally found a way to deal with these monsters.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The Death Cave was running. Chen Feng stretched out his hand and made a move. With the Devouring Heaven Magic Skill, he emitted a strong suction force. The death energy in the bodies of several monsters in front of him was immediately drawn out and collected by Chen Feng into the Death Cave.

Then these monsters immediately stopped their forward movements and fell to the ground like wooden men.

"Sure enough, these creatures lost even their most basic instincts after losing their dead energy, which is different from creatures that have been demonized by demonic energy." Chen Feng pondered.

"But it's not that easy to pull out the dead energy from these monsters." Jian Xiaotian thought that his fighting ability was okay, but he couldn't directly extract the dead energy from these monsters like Chen Feng.

"I also took advantage of the skills." Chen Feng smiled.

Indeed, the opening of the Death Cave can swallow these dead energy, and the practice of the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art just restrains these monsters, so it is easy to deal with the opponent.

Finally, the two landed on a platform. It is called a platform, but it is actually just a cave bulging underground.

In this place with strong evil energy, there are actually many medicinal herbs growing. These herbs have thick roots and tough branches and leaves. Each leaf exudes a little luster in the evil energy, and there are also faint medicinal smells. This is also the reason why Chen Feng and the others came here.

"This is the Heart-Eroding Grass, which is at least a thousand years old. It is very rare in the outside world." Jian Xiaotian stepped forward and pulled up a plant and said with a smile.

"It turned out to be the Heart-Eroding Grass. It's a pity that it's not the Heart-Protecting Grass, but it's not bad. It can be used to refine some special elixirs, especially for the cultivators who practice body cultivation. It's more attractive. If you don't use it yourself, you can also exchange it for some spirit stones." Chen Feng said with a smile.

There were thirty-six Heart Eclipse Grasses in total, and the two of them quickly divided them up.

"Hey, it's lucky that it wasn't collected by the people who came down before."

"There are many cracks here, and there are also caves in the cracks. The consciousness here is restricted, and it is impossible not to drop things."

"I wonder if there are any good things down there?"

"I hope to meet Zhan Qingfeng, and I will kill him when the time comes."

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian continued to descend. Sometimes they would encounter some demons eroded by evil spirits, and sometimes they would pick some elixirs.

However, I have never met any other monks, and I have not even seen the traces left by other monks.

"There are some problems. Not to mention other people, Zhan Qingfeng also entered this crack at that time, but there was no trace." At this point, Chen Feng took out the Qianxun Mirror.

The picture in the mirror kept flickering, and soon Chen Feng frowned. The Qianxun Mirror suddenly bloomed with light, and then dimmed again.

"What's going on?" Jian Xiaotian was a little surprised.

"The space here is very unstable, or it is distorted by a force. My Qianxun Mirror is not high enough to detect it, and I just released the power of my soul to investigate, and I also found that there are some problems with the space here. "Chen Feng closed his eyes and thought for a while and said: "We are still unable to understand time and space at our current level, but I think we seem to have entered a simple crack, but there is another cave here. "

"Space enchantment, no, it should be space-time distortion and space folding." Jian Xiaotian also tried to express his opinion in the simplest words.

"No matter what, the best thing is to gain something." Chen Feng said, reaching out and slamming the rock layer next to him, and a big hole was made with a bang. A strong medicinal gas came out, and there was something inside. Dongtian, a huge cave, and plants of elixirs.

"Good guy, I'm so prosperous now." Jian Xiaotian burst into laughter.

Just by taking a quick look, I saw hundreds of elixirs that were over a thousand years old, and there were also some precious elixirs that I had only read about in books but had never seen before.


Jian Xiaotian rushed in first, but he did not lose his vigilance. Instead, he released the power of his soul to observe the surroundings.

"This place is like a paradise. I'm very curious how this situation could be formed deep underground." Jian Xiaotian looked at everything in front of him in a daze.

The area of ​​​​the cave in front of me is as big as the valley I usually see, with a radius of 1,000 feet, which is already comparable to a small city.

"Except for some herbs, there is nothing else." Jian Xiao said.

Chen Feng unfolded his pupil technique, and his two eyes kept scanning back and forth, and he quickly detected everything inside clearly.

"There is nothing else." Just when Chen Feng was about to put away his gaze, he suddenly felt the evil energy floating in the space rolling.

Chen Feng suddenly felt something in his heart and said immediately: "Be careful, something is wrong."

While Chen Feng was speaking, a black shadow emerged from the evil aura and appeared in front of Jian Xiaotian in a flash.


Jian Xiaotian shouted softly, and quickly slashed out with his long sword, hitting the black shadow just in time.


With a dull collision, Jian Xiaotian flew backwards, but the black shadow remained unharmed and continued to pounce on Jian Xiaotian.

"What is this!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. Two streams of dark black light flew out from his eyes, quickly stretched into two long strands of silk thread, and instantly entangled the black shadow.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk!

The sound of corrosion sounded, and then with a bang, the dark threads sent by Chen Feng were broken. The black shadow no longer attacked Jian Xiaotian, but turned around and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng remained motionless, with black light constantly shooting out of his eyes. This was the dark restraint in the dark demon pupils.

Strands of black threads blocked all the blind spots around, and soon entangled the black shadow again.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk!

The dark binding threads were still being corroded rapidly. Chen Feng was a little surprised. His attack could easily capture a half-step human immortal. Even a real human immortal must be dealt with carefully when encountering one. However, he did not expect that it did not work at this time. due role.

"Then try my Immortal Binding Rope." Chen Feng waved his hand, and a golden stream of light came out. After a few circles, it tied up the black shadow tightly.

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