Eternal Existence

Chapter 676: Ocean of Thunder and Lightning

"It's a thunder tribulation. Sure enough, it still can't suppress the aura." Chen Feng whispered. Facing the attack of the two thunder snakes, Chen Feng just stretched out his palm and grabbed it. The two thunders that were hundreds of feet long were crushed and turned into two thunder and lightning forces that Chen Feng collected.

"The thunder and lightning have taken shape. It seems that the power this time will be much greater." Chen Feng said in his heart.

After practicing for such a long time, Chen Feng's cultivation has skyrocketed. He originally thought that he would polish it for a while, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't suppress it.

"In this case, let's pass the tribulation first."

Chen Feng stood there indifferently, not taking the next thunder tribulation seriously. In Chen Feng's view, this is just a process, and there is no such thing as failure to pass the tribulation.

This thunder tribulation is very normal compared to the last time, but the power is a bit strong.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The rich thunder and lightning quickly condensed in the tribulation cloud, and soon another thunder snake broke through the tribulation cloud and rushed down.

This lightning snake was thousands of meters long, with distinct scales and armor on its body, majestic and powerful, and it kept making strange thunder-like cries from its mouth. Lightning flickered in its eyes. Anyone who saw it at first glance would think that it was a real lightning snake with flesh and blood.

"Good fellow, such a big lightning snake is at least comparable to a half-step demon king." Chen Feng was secretly shocked.

Although he was a little surprised, Chen Feng did not panic at all, but calmly waited for the other party to launch the attack first.

When the lightning snake was thousands of meters away from Chen Feng, it opened its big mouth and swallowed Chen Feng.

A strong suction force enveloped Chen Feng in the lightning.

Chen Feng knew that this suction force was transformed by the will of heaven and earth. If he could not resist being swallowed, he would find the double attack of the laws of heaven and earth and the power of lightning. Although Chen Feng did not care, he did not want more accidents, so Chen Feng raised his head and shot out two black divine lights from his eyes.

The two black lights did not look powerful, but they were extremely fast. They just hit the seven inches of the lightning snake, and then cut it like a sword.


With two hissing sounds, the mighty lightning snake was cut into two pieces, and then Chen Feng's eyes emitted a suction force, easily swallowing the two lightning forces into his pupils.

"The dark magic pupil has been upgraded to a higher level, and the one-eyed demon lizard's one eye has also been completely refined and absorbed. Not to mention anything else, just relying on this pair of eyes can fight against ordinary human immortals." Chen Feng had some understanding of his own strength.


The robbery cloud was torn apart again, and this time two lightning snakes flew out. These two lightning snakes were different from the previous ones. These two lightning snakes were even bigger, a full 1,500 meters.

However, although these two lightning snakes were flashing with lightning, Chen Feng still saw through the reality of these two lightning snakes.

One of the two lightning snakes was extremely fast because it contained the power of wind in its body. Wind and thunder complemented each other. Both were the original power of rapidity, and they cooperated with each other even faster. It rushed to the top of Chen Feng's head with just one rush, and its thick body collided with Chen Feng.

As for the other lightning snake, its speed was relatively slow, but its overall color was dark red, and the violent power contained in its body was still seen through by Chen Feng in an instant.

"The lightning snake condensed by the power of thunder and fire."

"Breaking the sky fist!"

Chen Feng first blew up the first lightning snake with a punch, and then used the longevity handprint to catch the second lightning snake in his hand.

This lightning snake condensed by the power of thunder and fire was directly caught by Chen Feng and put into the longevity tower.

Chen Feng also had his own idea, which was to study how this lightning and fire snake was condensed.

But soon Chen Feng was disappointed. After entering the longevity tower, this lightning and fire snake immediately dissipated and turned into strands of lightning and fire power floating in the longevity tower.

"Sure enough, this lightning snake is condensed by the laws of heaven and earth. It will dissipate once it enters the Longevity Tower. I don't have enough strength now. If the tower takes action, it will be almost the same." Chen Feng said secretly.

Next, a thousand-foot-long dragon appeared. Unlike the previous lightning snake, this dragon was several times more powerful, and the space of the overall energy vibration was distorted.

"This is a lightning dragon!"

"It's either a lightning snake or a lightning dragon. Are these the only tricks of this thunder tribulation? It's inevitable that I'm a little disappointed." Chen Feng smacked his lips.

This lightning dragon has reached the level of a demon king, but it still cannot pose a threat to Chen Feng. What makes Chen Feng a little interested is that this thunder tribulation is a combination of several energies.

The long body flashed with lightning, and the power of fire was constantly brewing in the body. The layered scales on the body were shining with a hint of metallic luster in the lightning light, and there was a constant flow of air on the thick tail. This was the condensation of wind power.

"Wow, the power of thunder and lightning, the power of gold, the power of fire, and the power of wind. The laws of heaven and earth here are really amazing. I think even if a human immortal is going through a tribulation outside, this situation will not happen." Chen Feng practiced pupil skills, so these situations naturally could not be hidden from Chen Feng.

"But it's just a thunder dragon, it's not much of a threat to me." Chen Feng said and activated the dark magic pupil again.

Chen Feng's dark magic pupil merged the fire pupil and the one-eyed demon lizard's one-eyed eye, and has reached a small success level. It can even confront human immortals head-on. When it was used at this time, the entire sky became pitch black.

This thunder tribulation went into the black curtain and disappeared.

The night of the dark magic pupil fell. If this move is practiced to a high level, even the immortals in the fairy world can get lost in it and find no direction or way out.

However, Chen Feng frowned slightly. It turned out that after the thunder dragon entered the black screen, it still rushed straight towards Chen Feng without being affected at all.

"Sure enough, the will of heaven and earth during the tribulation has been firmly locked on my aura. Unless the dark demon eyes go further, it will not be enough to affect the senses of this world."

"In this case! Darkness is bound!" Chen Feng's eyes have completely turned black, and dark energy is constantly surging in them, and waves of dark power are spreading out.

The dark sky surrounding the Thunder Dragon rolled and twisted violently, and soon condensed into countless threads, tying up the Thunder Dragon in circles.

The thunder dragon struggled fiercely, and the power of fire in his body erupted like a volcano. The flames burned, and the threads condensed by the power of darkness were immediately burned and exploded.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The thunder dragon's long tail kept swinging, the power of the wind roared, and countless wind blades sprayed over, cutting off pieces of dark threads.

"Light in the dark night!"

Chen Feng shouted low, and an overwhelming stream of light shot out from his pupils, instantly submerging the thunder dragon. Only a clear and crisp sound of breaking was heard, as if a paper lantern was pierced by random arrows.

The thunder calamity turned into fragments, and then the power of darkness formed a vortex to swallow the energy, and finally got into Chen Feng's pupils.

"Too weak." Chen Feng shook his head.

"No, my strength has increased too much. If I didn't use magic weapons to overcome the tribulation before, it would still take some effort to fight against this demon king-level thunder dragon with my own strength."


Just when Chen Feng secretly complained that these thunder snakes and thunder dragons were not powerful enough, another change occurred in the calamity cloud high in the sky. The calamity cloud was as dark as ink and rolled continuously, as if thick ink was bubbling in it, and then The calamity cloud expanded, more than five times in size in just a few breaths.

"The calamity cloud has become bigger!" Chen Feng whispered.

Crackling! Crackling! Crackling!

First, traces of thunder and lightning appeared in the Tribulation Cloud China, and then turned into strands. Then more thunder and lightning power appeared, and soon formed a sea of ​​thunder below the Tribulation Cloud.

This time there was no other power mixed in, but pure thunder and lightning power.

It is said that this space was left behind by the ancient immortal war. Due to the interference of various immortal powers, the laws of heaven and earth were extremely chaotic. Nine out of ten monks who survived the tribulation here encountered strange thunder tribulations. , but most of the thunder tribulations faced are stronger than the outside world. This is the reason why most monks are unwilling to survive the tribulation here.

Like Chen Feng who was affected by the Broken Sword when he was overcoming the tribulation before, the number of times he could easily overcome the tribulation was extremely rare.

Just like this time, Chen Feng was a chaotic Thunder Snake before, but then Thunder Tribulation returned to its normal state, appearing completely with the power of thunder and lightning.

However, although it is normal, the power of thunder and lightning exceeds that of ordinary human, immortal and heavenly tribulations.

The power of thunder and lightning was still brewing, the calamity clouds rolled violently, and more thunder and lightning power fell from the calamity clouds into the ocean of thunder and lightning.

The ocean of thunder and lightning rolled violently, spreading continuously, and soon covered the entire sky. Under the super strong pressure, the earth seemed to become silent, and all the insects, birds and beasts within a thousand miles radius had long since dissipated. Only Chen Feng was left standing alone on the earth.

"No way, this level of thunder and lightning has far exceeded the energy in the thunder pool when I usually practice." Even though Chen Feng had greatly improved his cultivation, he was still a little frightened when he looked at the sea of ​​thunder and lightning above his head.

The ocean of thunder and lightning was still rolling violently, but some changes occurred in it. The power of thunder and lightning continued to condense, and soon thunder snakes were condensed out.

Each of the thunder snakes was hundreds of feet long. They kept moving around and roaring, exuding a powerful aura. Soon, hundreds of thunder snakes gathered together.

This is not over yet, more Razer is still being condensed.

Speaking of which, a single Thunder Snake was not taken seriously by Chen Feng, and even Chen Feng's defense could not be broken.

Of course Chen Feng doesn't care about a single one. Chen Feng can smash ten or a hundred thunder snakes one by one, but what about five hundred, one thousand, or even more?

These snakes are constantly swimming in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning, just like real creatures playing in the ocean.

Soon there were more than a thousand of these thunder snakes, but the sea of ​​thunder and lightning was still rolling, and the calamity clouds higher up were still expanding.

"At this level, even if a human immortal comes, he will be blown into pieces. I underestimated the thunder disaster here before."

"In this case, it's better for me to take action first." At this point, Chen Feng waved his hand and grabbed the thunder snake in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning with his huge handprint.

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