Eternal Existence

Chapter 675: Rapid Increase of Cultivation

The two stone tablets suppressed the Broken Sword at the same time, and the fierce power of the Broken Sword was gradually suppressed. Although sword energy continued to shoot out, it seemed that the situation should be under control now.

"Not enough, not enough. You still need a lot of energy to refine this fairy weapon. Don't be lazy. Take out all the power in your body. When the time comes, you will be able to refine this broken sword." At this time, Ta shouted to the nine demons.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

The nine demons also became fierce, and more power spurted out in the roar. Each demon power and magic power was like a river. These demons understood the benefits of refining an immortal weapon, so no one was lazy and thought about it. You can get benefits after success.

Click! Click! Click!

Mysterious patterns suddenly appeared on the ground, and then a huge palm appeared. Five huge fingers surrounded the broken sword in the middle, forming a cage.

Chains of immortality continued to extend from the five fingers, wrapping around the broken sword and beginning to absorb the energy in the broken sword.

The Tower of Eternal Life naturally uses the technique of swallowing the sky and absorbing it, which is thousands of times more powerful than what Chen Feng used.

The broken sword whined, and a large amount of energy was extracted.


The Eternal Life Tower suddenly shook, and a powerful void storm mixed with the will of heaven and earth attacked again, and because the Eternal Life Tower was refining the broken sword with all its strength, a large amount of power poured into the Eternal Life Tower.

Wow! Wow!

The 100,000-strong formation was affected, and nine demons vomited blood and flew out. Even Chen Feng was knocked over several times.

"Ta, can you still handle it? My spiritual field has been destroyed again." Chen Feng couldn't help shouting regardless of his injuries.

"Hmph! I didn't expect that I couldn't even handle a small broken sword. Damn it, one day I will regain my strength and stand at the forefront of the universe again."

"Chang Qi, come out to me."

Following the roar of the tower, a wisp of light cyan air suddenly appeared. After the appearance of this wisp of air, the will of heaven and earth and the void storm calmed down. With just a hint of coercion, the nine demons that had just gotten up started to tremble again.

This is not fear, this is oppression deep in the soul.

"What kind of energy is this? Just the pressure can make us immobile and unable to resist." Phantom Divine Marten secretly thought in his heart.

After all, the Phantom Divine Marten is also a top-level demon king. In terms of strength, it is infinitely close to that of an earthly immortal. He can communicate directly with the immortal world and absorb immortal energy for cultivation.

But now the Phantom Divine Marten is horrified to find that the fairy weapon he has absorbed is not even one ten thousandth of this ray of energy.

Next, Phantom Divine Marten's heart immediately became hot. If this level of energy could be absorbed by himself, even if there was only a trace, it would increase his chances of being promoted to a demon immortal. If all this ray could be refined and absorbed by himself, , then it is a certainty that he will be promoted to Demon Immortal.

Not only the Phantom Divine Marten, but also the eight demon kings also had fiery eyes. Of course, these demons could only watch helplessly as this ray of energy hit the two stone monuments.

boom! boom!

The two stone tablets roared violently, like two erupting volcanoes. Waves of light circles continued to impact, all of which bombarded the broken sword.

Click! Click! Click!

The broken sword that was still struggling before suddenly appeared with cracks, and the blood on the broken sword also began to flow at this time, flowing like a flame.

Ta stretched out his hand and grabbed it suddenly, and the blood on the sword began to condense, and soon a blood ball smaller than a fist was formed.

"Boy, don't take out the blood gathering beads yet." Ta shouted.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and the blood-gathering beads started spinning in his palm.

"This is the real immortal's blood, hehe! It's enough to repair this Taoist artifact." Ta waved his hand, and the blood ball turned into a blood light and entered the blood gathering bead.

Chen Feng's figure trembled, and he immediately felt the astonishing transformation taking place in the Blood Gathering Bead.

The blood ball fell directly into the blood pool. The blood pool immediately began to roar, and the blood rushed out. In just one breath, the blood pool in the blood ball expanded ten times.

Wow! Wow!

The Blood Nether Tree in the Blood Gathering Bead also began to grow crazily, as if time was accelerating. Countless Blood Nether Flowers bloomed all over the branches, and then each Blood Nether Fruit grew out.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Circles of blood light continued to emanate from the blood-gathering beads, and soon enveloped Chen Feng.

After another breath, this broken Taoist weapon has been completely restored, but its strength is still rising, and it seems to be promoted to a better level.

"Good guy, it was repaired so quickly. It is indeed the blood of an immortal. I just don't know what level of immortal left it?" Chen Feng thought to himself.


The next moment, the blood-gathering bead suddenly entered Chen Feng's body and penetrated into the blood cave.


Chen Feng groaned, and the Blood Cave underwent earth-shaking changes.

First of all, the Blood Cave expanded rapidly, and soon the space expanded more than ten times, and it was already equivalent to a small space bag.

The energy in the blood cave continued to surge out, resonating with the blood in Chen Feng's body. The blood-gathering beads continued to rotate, and the energy emitted continued to refine the blood essence in Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and persisted, so he didn't scream. Blood vessels kept emerging from Chen Feng's skin, looking like snakes surging.

And Chen Feng felt as if there was a flame flowing in his blood vessels. This pain was more uncomfortable than blood transfusion.

While Chen Feng was practicing, the tower shouted softly, and another ray of longevity descended.

The two stone tablets shone brightly again, each rune shone brightly, and each restriction could tear the void.


Finally, this broken sword that had existed for who knows how many years finally exploded, turning into countless fragments and shooting around.

"Haha, the longevity furnace, smelt it for me!"

The tower waved his hand, the air flow surged, and all the fragments were gathered. At this time, a huge furnace appeared in the longevity tower. This furnace was almost exactly the same as the longevity furnace condensed by Chen Feng, but the one condensed by the longevity tower was larger and more domineering.

Hualala! Hualala!

All the fragments fell into the Longevity Furnace. The tower waved his hand, and the natal fire fell into the furnace and began to refine the fragments.

As the fragments melted, a large amount of energy began to erupt, but it was soon swallowed and absorbed by the Longevity Tower.

The power of the Longevity Tower began to rise step by step.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The tower flicked its fingers, and a trace of longevity flew out and drilled into the bodies of the Phantom Dirk and other demons.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

The nine demons only felt that their injuries were recovering rapidly, and they were shocked and couldn't help but roar.

"There is not much longevity left, which is a pity. Otherwise, these little guys can be promoted to the earthly immortal realm in a short time. However, it is also a good fortune for these little guys to be able to practice here. How far they can go in the future depends on their own opportunities." Looking at the nine demons who were practicing, the tower thought secretly.

Chen Feng practiced for a thousand days this time, which is only one day for the outside world. If the Longevity Tower had not stopped the time acceleration, Chen Feng would probably continue to practice.

"Alas! I have not even reached half of my tens of millions of spirit stones." Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

However, Chen Feng was relieved that he did not consume all of them this time.

However, after feeling the situation in his body, Chen Feng still smiled.

The sword intent, the sword energy storm, and the will of heaven and earth have been refined by Chen Feng. The remaining energy is stored in Chen Feng's body, but the water of life in the one-yuan acupoint has been consumed, and all of it is used to repair the body and restore the soul.

The sea of ​​consciousness has expanded five times.

The natal fire has grown ten times.

The soul power has grown ten times.

"Before, my soul could expand two thousand miles, and now it can expand at least twenty thousand miles." Chen Feng thought about it and felt that the soul power was so strong that he could not control it.

"I have been practicing too fast during this period. The power in my body is enough, but I can't use it completely. I need to hone it well."

Chen Feng waved his hand, took out the Star Pattern Sword, and then slashed at his arm fiercely.


With a slight sound, there was not even a trace left on Chen Feng's arm, completely ignoring the attack of the Star Pattern Sword.

You should know that this Star Pattern Sword is a second-grade holy weapon. Although it did not fully burst out its power, it was no problem to cut off a thousand-foot mountain just now, but now it did not even cut Chen Feng's skin.

"My body is at least five times stronger. This is the effect of the blood-gathering beads. In this case, the protective armor on my body is no longer very useful." Chen Feng shook his head.

You should know that the protective armor on Chen Feng's body is only a first-grade holy weapon level, but now it is not even comparable to Chen Feng's physical defense.

Chen Feng's figure flashed and left the Longevity Tower. Chen Feng's training was over, and the Longevity Tower and a group of demons were still immersed in training. It seemed that it would not end in a short time.

"With my current strength, I can easily kill ordinary human immortals." Chen Feng said and stomped his feet lightly, the earth trembled, the soil rolled, and cracks appeared, extending to invisible places.


Chen Feng punched the ground, a round hole appeared, and then a stream of water sprayed out. This punch actually directly penetrated the underground river.

"Before, my whole body strength could be 80 million kilograms, and now it is better than 200 million!" Chen Feng clenched his palms fiercely, making a thunderous explosion.

The power of the soul surged and spread far away.

Ten miles, a hundred miles, a thousand miles.

Then it was quickly retracted.

"I wonder where Jian Xiaotian and the others went?" Thinking of this, Chen Feng's figure flashed into the sky and flew away quickly.

However, after flying a hundred miles, Chen Feng landed again, and at the same time, two lightning snakes fell from the sky and slashed at Chen Feng.

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