Eternal Existence

Chapter 664 Broken Sword

"What is Chen Feng going to do? Is there really something down there?" Wen Shaoxiu looked confused, but did not move, but waited for Chen Feng.

"This is the direction." Chen Feng jumped into the trench and took out his palm again. The hard soil swirled around, and a deeper trench appeared.

In this way, Chen Feng continued to descend for hundreds of meters and finally stopped. Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a piece of dead wood as thick as an arm appeared in Chen Feng's hand.

"What, so heavy." Chen Feng's eyes burst into surprise.

The piece of dead wood in his hand was only one foot long and his arms were thick, but it weighed one hundred thousand kilograms. Chen Feng secretly marveled, no wonder it sank to such a deep place.

"That's right, it's this piece of dead wood that causes my energy to fluctuate. What on earth is this?"

At this time, the longevity energy cultivated in Chen Feng's body was more active than ever before. The longevity energy in his limbs and bones seemed to have turned into rolling water, and was constantly churning into waves, trying to break through Chen Feng's body and reach the outside world.

"Even when I absorbed the Holy Crystal and practiced, my true energy was not so active. It seems that this piece of dead wood should not be simple." Chen Feng said in surprise.

What happened next made Chen Feng even more surprised. It was not just the immortality energy, the immortality weapon condensation technique, the immortality weapon refining technique, and the acupuncture technique. Soul-suppressing spells, the Mahamudra of Immortality, and other secret techniques in the Immortality Scripture that Chen Feng had practiced were all ready to be used.

In particular, the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique began to roar uncontrollably, constantly swallowing and absorbing the faint energy emanating from this dead wood.

Feeling the energy emanating from this piece of dead wood, Chen Feng suddenly understood: "It seems that the fountain of life above should be generated by this piece of dead wood. What kind of energy is contained in such a small piece of dead wood."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng used the power of his soul to drill into this piece of dead wood.


Chen Feng felt as if he had entered an ocean, and this ocean was actually made entirely of spiritual energy.

Ocean of aura!

If the spiritual energy is strong enough to a certain extent, it can be condensed into liquid spirit night. Chen Feng's whole body trembled with excitement just after sensing such a surging liquid spirit night. The pores on his body immediately exploded, and traces of air flow spewed out from the pores. Start absorbing the spiritual energy in this dead wood.

In just an instant, Chen Feng's sky-swallowing absorption technique rose to a new level.

"How is it possible, Tower, what on earth is this? Even the core part of Zhou Tianshu doesn't have such rich energy." Chen Feng put away his soul power and asked in shock.

You must know that there is a Zhoutian tree growing in the Tower of Eternal Life, which is an existence that everyone in the immortal world must snatch, but Chen Feng still feels that it cannot be compared with the dead wood in his hand.

This is just an idea of ​​Chen Feng's, and Chen Feng is quite sure of this idea.

"This is a fragment of the Immortal Tree." Ta's voice was deeper than ever, as if he was recalling something.

"The everlasting tree!"

"Immortality, hehe, the Immortality Tree and the Immortality Scripture, there isn't any connection between them, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Of course there is a connection, and it is a very deep connection. Hehe, if it weren't for the Immortal Tree, I wouldn't be like this." Ta laughed twice, his tone was a bit complicated, and after saying this, he didn't say more. No matter how Chen Feng inquired, there was no result.

"These things are not something you can understand now. Knowing too much is not good for you. I can only tell you a few simple things. This fragment of the Immortality Tree will be of great benefit to you in practicing the Immortality Scripture." Ta said calmly said, seeming to have regained his composure.

"That's all?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"that is all."

"Forget it, my cultivation has been progressing very quickly recently. It seems that it won't be long before I reach the realm of human immortality. You have to tell me everything by then." Chen Feng said and collected the fragments of the Immortal Tree.

Ta didn't answer, and Chen Feng didn't care, but left the trench.

"When you reach the realm of immortals, you will naturally know something without me telling you." In the Tower of Eternal Life, Tower said slowly, with complicated eyes.

"Brother Chen, what's down there?" Wen Shaoxiu asked immediately when he saw Chen Feng coming up.

"A piece of dead wood, but it's useful to me." Chen Feng did not take out the dead wood.

"In this case, let's go up quickly. After such a long delay, I'm afraid that some good things will be obtained by others." Wen Shaoxiu nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"Let's go!"

The two of them rushed out of the water, left the lake, and ran all the way, traveling thousands of miles in one go.

"This is where the fragment of the immortal weapon was obtained." Wen Shaoxiu pointed to the ground and said.

The place where the two of them were was still a lush grassland area. Chen Feng looked around and saw nothing surprising.

"Maybe this was the place where immortals fought before. Maybe it took too long and time covered everything up." Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.

Chen Feng pondered, it should be easy to preserve the place where the immortals fought. After all, it is not something that can be done in a short time to eliminate the immortal power.

"In this way, this fragment most likely flew over during the battle. In the battle between immortals, it is normal for the fragments to fly thousands of miles away." Chen Feng secretly thought.

"Someone is coming." Wen Shaoxiu said.

Three figures flew quickly from a distance, and rich blood energy emanated from the three people. It was obvious that these three people had been fighting before.

"The three of them are all half-step immortals." Chen Feng said.

"Be prepared for battle, we are from Wuqingtian Sect." Wen Shaoxiu's face was solemn, and the Holy Sword of Thunder and Fire appeared in his hand.

Sure enough, overwhelming energy descended from the sky and attacked Chen Feng and the other two.


Wen Shaoxiu attacked, and the sword energy collided, tearing the energy into holes. When he was about to attack again, the three people from Wuqing Tianzong turned into streams of light and flew away, disappearing quickly.

"What's going on? Why did they run away?" Wen Shaoxiu was a little surprised.

"Are these three people cowards?" Chen Feng laughed.

Chen Feng hadn't had time to attack in the situation just now.

"Impossible, I know these three people, and I have fought with them. Besides, how could a coward enter this place? Something must have happened." Wen Shaoxiu gritted his teeth and said.

"Let's go and follow them. I think these three people should have been summoned by others." Chen Feng said.

"Let's go!"

Then Wen Shaoxiu and Chen Feng changed their direction, took off directly, and followed the three people from Wuqing Tianzong.

After an incense stick of time, Chen Feng and Wen Shaoxiu felt the power fluctuations coming from the front. Waves of power were constantly vibrating in the space, and the huge breath made the two feel a little frightened.

"Who is fighting? How can they be so strong?" Wen Shaoxiu said.

"Someone is fighting, but this huge and supreme power fluctuation should be emitted by a magic weapon. It is not a fairy weapon, but at least a high-level Taoist weapon." Chen Feng became excited.

A thousand miles away from Chen Feng and the others, a broken sword as high as a thousand feet was inserted diagonally into the ground.

This broken sword is like a mountain, and the sword body is covered with bloodstains. The endless killing breath shoots out from the sword edge, as if to penetrate the world. The condensed sword intent is constantly emanating from the sword body, and the surrounding space is constantly cut into pieces. Waves of power are like hurricanes that explode and impact and sweep around.

Obviously, this is a peerless weapon, even if it is damaged, it still emits irresistible pressure.

A group of monks were fighting not far from the broken sword. Their purpose was to snatch the broken sword.

In the melee, a sword energy accidentally slashed at the broken sword, and then the broken sword was activated. A stronger sword energy flashed by, and the chaotic scene was immediately destroyed. Two of them were blown into pieces by the sword energy.

Everyone was quiet, and no one dared to do anything. Everyone had felt the attack just now, and no one present was sure to stop the attack.

"This broken sword was first discovered by my Wang family, and it should belong to us."

"Hahaha, what a joke, what you found is yours, since you said so, why don't you take this broken sword away."

"If you hadn't made trouble, I would have taken this immortal weapon away long ago."

"You also know that this is an immortal weapon. Would we watch you take it away?"

"This broken sword should belong to our Tianjian Sect. Those who don't want to die should retreat."

"This sword belongs to our Shenmo Cave."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three cultivators descended from the sky. They were the Wuqing Tianzong. When they arrived, they were briefly surprised to see the short sword as big as a mountain.

"We are the strongest now. If you don't retreat, don't blame us for being rude. Let's join forces to kill the others first."

The cultivators of Wuqing Tianzong and Shenmo Cave immediately joined together, and their strength surpassed that of others. They were about to fight again.

At this time, Chen Feng and Wen Shaoxiu also arrived.

"Wow, such a big sword, it should be an immortal weapon." Wen Shaoxiu's eyes widened.

"It's not a sword, it's a broken sword. It's undoubtedly an immortal weapon, but what level of immortal weapon it is." Chen Feng was also shocked. This was the first time he saw such a huge broken sword.

"Tower, is it useful to you?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Low-grade immortal weapon, useful." Tower was a little excited.

"Can I take it?"

"Nonsense, of course I can take it."

"That's good."

After a brief exchange, Chen Feng and Wen Shaoxiu fell to the ground, and they were even more surprised when they felt the terrifying pressure around them.

Although it is not far from the broken sword, it is still about ten miles away. After all, the power of the broken sword is too strong. If you approach it rashly, you may be killed by the sword energy emitted by the broken sword.

"Hey, it seems that you can't get close at all. I wonder how your fellow disciples got other immortal weapons." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I am also very curious, but I think this broken sword is ownerless, and it is half of an immortal weapon, so there should be a way to collect it." Wen Shaoxiu's eyes were fixed on the broken sword and he couldn't move away.

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