Eternal Existence

Chapter 663: Fountain of Life

Although there were fewer fish and shrimps below, they became stronger and stronger. A strange fish of more than 100 meters opened its mouth and bit Chen Feng. This strange fish had the strength of a high-level demon. Even the blood-colored aura emitted by the blood-gathering bead could not swallow the other party's blood. In the end, Chen Feng cut the strange fish with a sword.

Blood flowed in the wound, and the blood light enveloped it, which completely swallowed the essence and blood in the other party's body.

"Brother Chen, you are fast enough." At this time, Wen Shaoxiu had caught up with a long sword in his hand.

Wen Shaoxiu was protected by lightning, but he didn't care about the water flow around him. From time to time, lightning power shot out, and groups of fish and shrimp fainted in the lightning.

"The power of lightning is indeed strong." Chen Feng nodded. Although he also practiced the Zhoutian Thunder Art, he could not compare with Wen Shaoxiu, a cultivator who specialized in lightning attributes.

"Brother Chen, did you find anything? Is there any fragment of the immortal weapon below?" Wen Shaoxiu couldn't help asking.

"I feel the vitality, it should not be the fragments of the immortal weapon. I wonder if there is a spiritual spring at the bottom of the lake." Chen Feng said after a pause.

"It is also possible. It would be good if we could find a spiritual spring. It can replenish vitality and can also be used to quickly recover from injuries. Of course, if it is a high-level spiritual spring, it is a good material for alchemy." Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The two swords of life and death continuously shot out sword lights, and all the fish and shrimps they encountered suffered. The blood and essence of these monsters finally entered the blood-gathering beads.


A strong stream of water seemed to erupt like a volcano, and it seemed to be an undercurrent gushing towards Chen Feng and the others.

The lake water condensed into a ball and did not spread out. This was a perfect control of power.

"Half-step demon king." Chen Feng was surprised.

"Behead!" Wen Shaoxiu took the lead and waved his long sword. The sword light was divided into two, one thunder and one fire.

The lightning sword energy blasted at the water flow, and the fire sword energy slashed at the giant shrimp that had just appeared not far away.

Although the power of fire was suppressed under the water, it could still play a certain role in restraining these water monsters.

And Chen Feng also took action, because a slender water snake attacked, and these aquatic creatures made almost no sound when swimming in the water.

Especially these powerful monsters, if Chen Feng hadn't held the Qianxun mirror in his hand and the power of his soul was surging, he would not have discovered them so quickly.

This slender water snake was only as thick as an arm, but its body was long enough. According to Chen Feng's visual estimation, it should be hundreds of meters.

Speaking of such a strange water snake, Chen Feng really saw it for the first time.

The attack method of this water snake was also very special. The long body quickly turned several circles in the water, and then a stream of rapidly rotating water rushed out. Because the speed of rotation was too fast, the stirred lake bottom began to shake.

Chen Feng pressed his palm hard, and the rotating water flow exploded and dissipated, affecting Chen Feng's descent speed.

"The force of these water flows is enough to collapse a thousand-meter-high mountain." Chen Feng thought to himself.

On the other side, Wen Shaoxiu was fighting a giant shrimp with Thunder and Fire Swordsmanship. Under the water, Wen Shaoxiu could only exert 80% of his strength.

At this time, the head of the constantly rotating water snake suddenly became larger, then raised its mouth and opened it wide, black air flow surged rapidly, and a black hole was formed in the snake's mouth.

The strong suction seemed to ignore the surrounding water and acted directly on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng only felt his body shake, and under this suction, Chen Feng couldn't resist it and began to rush towards the water snake.

"Such a strong suction, this should be a magical power."

According to Chen Feng's current strength, even a force of millions of pounds could not make Chen Feng move at all, but now he couldn't control his body under the opponent's suction.


Chen Feng's body shook violently, and the power in his body was like a volcanic eruption. The Zhoutian domain was constantly sweeping, and he easily broke free from the shackles of release.

But at this time, the blood-gathering bead floating above Chen Feng's head turned into a blood light and rushed over, directly drilling into the mouth of the water snake.

Next, the long body of the water snake began to swell, and then suddenly exploded, turning into a sky full of blood arrows and shooting around. The entire lake bottom seemed to be stirred. Wherever the blood arrows passed, I don't know how many fish and shrimps were hit, and then they also began to explode. A series of explosions, blood red and bloody.

Even the giant shrimp that fought with Wen Shaoxiu was broken into several pieces under the attack of the blood arrows.

A ball of blood light floated, and the blood-gathering bead reappeared above Chen Feng's head. The blood and water around it gathered towards the blood-gathering bead like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

In just a breath of time, the blood and water around disappeared completely.

"This magic weapon is really too domineering." Wen Shaoxiu couldn't help but say.

"Be careful, there are two big guys below."

At this time, Chen Feng's face changed, and two strong auras emanated from below.

It turned out to be the aura of the demon king.

The two of them were not too worried when they met two demon kings on the ground. If they couldn't beat them, they could still escape, but it was not possible underwater. The two of them could not exert their full strength.

"It's a pity that the fragment can't be activated at any time. It seems that we can only fight." Wen Shaoxiu smiled bitterly.

"It will take a fight." Chen Feng also said so. At this time, Chen Feng had already started to activate the Blood Gathering Pearl. According to Chen Feng's idea, he could use all his strength to activate the Blood Gathering Pearl to kill one demon king, and the other one would be easy to deal with.

But at this time, something happened that surprised Chen Feng and the others. The two demon kings below were escaping quickly. They left the sensing range of the two in just two breaths, and it seemed that they had left the lake.

"What happened?" Chen Feng was dumbfounded.

"It should be because of your magic weapon." Wen Shaoxiu looked at the Blood Gathering Pearl on Chen Feng's head and said that the Blood Gathering Pearl floated above Chen Feng's head.

"I hope so. Let's go down and see what's underneath."

After descending more than a thousand meters, the two finally reached the bottom of the lake. This depth is deep enough for a lake of this size.

With the departure of the two demon kings, the bottom of the lake was unusually calm. There were basically no fish or shrimps around. The silent situation made the two feel depressed.

However, Chen Feng and the others were both cultivators with strong soul power, and they soon realized that the vitality was emanating from below in waves.

"It's here." Chen Feng stepped forward and stretched out his hand to grab it. The hard ground began to bulge, and then tens of thousands of pounds of soil were grabbed by Chen Feng.

An extremely rich vitality seemed to have formed a substance and collided out, ignoring the water pressure as if it were nothing, forming waves of arcs and radiating around.

Chen Feng and the others were surprised and happy. They recognized what was underground at the first time.

"It is indeed the Fountain of Life, and it is of a very high level." Wen Shaoxiu was a little excited.

Fountains of Life also have high and low levels, good and bad. Some low-level Fountains of Life, not to mention a half-step human immortal like Wen Shaoxiu, even ordinary Tianren realm cultivators would not take them seriously.

But some high-level Fountains of Life would make even real immortals tempted.

The Fountain of Life in front of him was enough to make immortals tempted. Chen Feng only absorbed a little bit of the spiritual energy emitted by the spiritual spring and felt that this spiritual spring was considered high-level goods in the Eternal World.

The spiritual spring is not big, the spring eye is only the size of a sea bowl, but the vitality of the spring water shining with flowing light has changed the creatures in the entire lake.

These ordinary fish and shrimps are nourished by the spring of life all year round. Not only have they entered the path of cultivation, but their own strength has also increased rapidly.

"Half for each person." Chen Feng said and waved his hand. The spring of life in the spring eye immediately condensed into a stream and flew out, then drilled into Chen Feng's palm and disappeared.

Chen Feng has opened up many acupoints in his body. Although he can't really store some things now, it is still no problem to use them to store some energy or spiritual night.

After these springs of life entered Chen Feng's body, they were stored in the Yiyuan acupoint by Chen Feng.

Yiyuan acupoint is the first acupoint opened by Chen Feng, and it is also one of the most important acupoints in the body. It is also called the intersection of all things and the unity of all acupoints. It has the function of storing energy.

At this time, as soon as the spring of life entered the Yiyuan acupoint, it began to emit the breath of life continuously, and continuously merged into various parts of Chen Feng's body, causing Chen Feng's cells to change continuously.

It can be said that as these springs of life melted, Chen Feng's body became stronger every moment, and the springs of life contained powerful vitality, which was of great benefit to Chen Feng's cultivation of longevity true qi.

"Okay, Brother Wen, the rest is yours." Chen Feng stopped the action in his hand.

"Hahaha, then I won't be polite." Wen Shaoxiu was not polite either, but stepped forward to collect the spring of life in the spring.

Soon the spring water in the spring was divided up by the two.

"First I got the fragments of the immortal weapon, and now I got the water of life. It seems that my promotion to the realm of human immortal is just around the corner, but the difficulty will increase in this space, otherwise I would like to make a breakthrough next time." Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.

Just as the two left, Chen Feng suddenly stopped, and the power of the soul continued to surge, scanning the ground again and again.

"Brother Chen, did you find anything again?" Wen Shaoxiu was a little surprised by Chen Feng's behavior. In Wen Shaoxiu's opinion, the reason why he encountered the man-eating vine and the strange fish was because of the Fountain of Life. At this time, the Fountain of Life had been collected, and there should be no other things.


Chen Feng did not say anything, but stomped his feet violently. The earthy yellow power drilled into the ground from the bottom of his feet, and then the ground trembled, the earth cracked, the soil rolled, and deep trenches appeared, as if there was an earthquake.


Chen Feng jumped and entered the deepest trench.

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