Eternal Existence

Chapter 644: Hunting Begins

"Hey, it's a soul attack." Although Chen Feng felt dizzy again this time, he finally understood what was going on.

"It was caused by the one-eyed demon lizards' one-eyed eyes." Chen Feng sighed.

Before, Chen Feng killed the one-eyed demon lizard and dug out the gem-like eyeballs, which had been affected. Later, Chen Feng attacked the one-eyed demon lizards of other one-eyed demon lizards in a series of attacks. After the one-eyed eye was broken, a mysterious energy was emitted and acted on Chen Feng, which made Chen Feng feel a strange soul attack.

He cultivated his own life fire and was still affected. Chen Feng was more cautious in his heart. At this time, Chen Feng only felt a weak wave under his feet. Just when Chen Feng felt bad and wanted to dodge, a powerful force erupted from the ground like a volcanic eruption. Acting on Chen Feng, the destructive force wanted to tear Chen Feng apart directly.


The magnetic pole points on the soles of Chen Feng's feet suddenly rotated, connecting with the earth and generating magnetic force. At the same time, the Flowing Light Shield and Haoran Zhen Gang Sword suppressed in these two points flew out at the same time, turning into two groups of flowing light to drag Chen Feng's feet.

However, the power from the ground was too strong. Although Chen Feng was not torn to pieces, he was directly rushed hundreds of meters away, and Chen Feng's two magic weapons also had dense cracks, which seemed to burst at any time.

You should know that the Flowing Light Shield and Haoran Zhen Gang Sword have been upgraded to fourth-grade treasures. In addition, Chen Feng's acupoint-suppressing technique has been condensed and nurtured, which is stronger than ordinary fifth-grade treasures. However, they were almost smashed to pieces by the blow just now.

"Hey, it seems that a big guy came out this time." Chen Feng stabilized his body in the air, collected the two magic weapons, and threw them directly into the Longevity Furnace. The power of heavenly thunder, spiritual energy, and various materials for refining were constantly thrown in. Then the Longevity Furnace automatically started to operate and began to repair the two broken magic weapons.

A dark red beam of light suddenly shot up into the sky, as fast as lightning, and rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Hey, it's really a one-eyed attack, just in time to try my pupil technique." Chen Feng laughed, and did not dodge, but activated the dark magic pupil.

A dark divine light shot out from Chen Feng's right eye and collided with the red light.

Pop pop pop pop!

It was as if two strong air currents were constantly colliding, without sparks, but with a series of harsh explosions.

The red light and the black light disappeared at the same time, and Chen Feng's figure shook for a while and landed steadily on the ground.

"Nothing more!" Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and two more black streams of light flashed by. The two black streams of light attacked one after another, one after the other. The first black stream of light was dispersed, but the second black stream of light drilled into a fiery red pupil.

This is a ten-meter-long one-eyed demon lizard, several times larger than the one-eyed demon lizard that appeared before. However, after being hit by Chen Feng's dark magic pupil, this one-eyed demon lizard immediately became quiet, and the red light in the one-eyed eye kept flashing, as if it was trapped in a fantasy.


Chen Feng punched the head of the one-eyed demon lizard heavily, and a series of explosions came. I don't know how many bones of this demon beast were broken from head to toe.

Next, Chen Feng grabbed a fist-sized fiery red gem-like one-eyed demon lizard in his hand.

This time, Chen Feng's dark magic pupil was always running, and it was not affected at all. At the same time, Chen Feng also confirmed his guess.

His eyes kept turning, and a trace of suction enveloped the one-eyed demon lizard. Sure enough, a trace of energy was pulled out of the one-eyed demon eye and entered Chen Feng's eyes. The dark magic pupil was running unsteadily, refining these energies quickly. Chen Feng was surprised to feel that his pupil power seemed to have made some progress.

"The one-eyed demon lizards have strange pupil power. So it's a good material for me to practice pupil skills." Chen Feng thought about it and put away the gem-like one-eyed demon lizard.

"I can't break it anymore. Whether the dark demon pupil can advance quickly depends on these one-eyed demon lizards. So I'm lucky."

Then Chen Feng made up his mind and no longer rushed to leave, but hoped that more one-eyed demon lizards would appear.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

A series of red lights accompanied by waves of invisible fluctuations continuously launched criss-cross attacks on Chen Feng.

More and more one-eyed demon lizards appeared, some hiding in the ground to attack, and some using their one-eyed eyes to attack remotely, cooperating with each other to surround Chen Feng firmly in the center.

At this time, Chen Feng's eyes had completely turned black, like two black holes that could swallow everything, making people terrified at a glance, losing their minds, and even their souls would be swallowed up.

Chen Feng used the Qilin Step, his body shape kept changing, one-eyed demon lizards were killed one by one, and one ruby-like one-eyed demon lizard was picked by Chen Feng.

In a few breaths, dozens of one-eyed demon lizards were killed by Chen Feng, but more one-eyed demon lizards appeared around him. Finally, Chen Feng began to be hit. Two red lights hit Chen Feng at the same time, making Chen Feng's whole body numb. He was slow to react, and was hit by two thick tails. Chen Feng gritted his teeth in pain.

"Sword Qi Storm!"

Chen Feng bent his ten fingers on both hands and flicked them. Ten sword qi shot out, constantly rotating, crossing each other like a gyroscope, and derived more sword qi. Finally, a sword qi storm was formed, which rushed to the surroundings, knocking the one-eyed demon lizards around.

Chen Feng relied on his body skills to display the cutting sword qi and strangled the one-eyed demon lizards one by one.

"Is this the only ability of these one-eyed demon lizards? If so, they can't pose much threat to me. If time is enough, I will kill these demon beasts in the end." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Just as Chen Feng was killing them wantonly, other monks appeared.

A total of two monks rushed over from different directions and killed into the group of demon beasts. The two monks were extremely ruthless, and one-eyed demon lizards were constantly killed. Moreover, the two monks seemed to know the one-eyed demon lizards very well. They attacked the opponent's weaknesses and then took one eye after another.

"Someone is coming, and judging from the actions of these two people, they clearly know the one-eyed demon lizards. Could it be that these two people have come in before? But it seems that these two people are not disciples of Tianjian Sect?" Chen Feng took the time to observe the two monks who suddenly appeared.

One of the two monks used a spear, and the fire power surged all over his body. The spear danced, and the spear shadow flashed. He could actually break the defense of these one-eyed demon lizards directly. The strong attack power surprised Chen Feng.

The other one used a long sword, and there was no power fluctuation in his body, but every time he swung the long sword, there would be a heavy sword aura passing through, and the attack power was even greater than that of the guy using the spear.

"Hey, these two people are actually half-step human immortals. The one using the spear should be from the War King Pavilion, and I don't know the other one using the long sword." Chen Feng thought to himself.

When Chen Feng was observing these two people, the two people were also secretly observing Chen Feng. What surprised the two people was that Chen Feng gave them a very strange impression. Speaking of it, the two people have been in the cultivation world for a long time, but they didn't see Chen Feng's origin. They just guessed from the swordsmanship Chen Feng performed that Chen Feng might be from the Tianjian Sect.

After all, there were many cultivators coming in this time, and everyone couldn't know all of them, not to mention that most cultivators used secret techniques to cover their faces and breath.

With the addition of these two people, the one-eyed demon lizards here seemed to be not enough to kill, especially the two people's non-stop violent attacks, which caused the one-eyed demon lizards here to die in large numbers.

This situation made Chen Feng extremely dissatisfied. After all, in Chen Feng's eyes, the one-eyed demon lizards' one-eyed eyes were all good things, not to mention that he was the first to come here.

Chen Feng was dissatisfied, but the other two also had this idea, and these two people did it more excessively and directly. After looking at each other, they actually attacked Chen Feng at the same time.

A fiery red gun shadow and a heavy knife aura slashed at Chen Feng at the same time, and several one-eyed demon lizards were killed wherever they passed.

Chen Feng was not surprised or panicked by the sudden attack of these two people. Even at the moment when the two people attacked, Chen Feng began to respond.

"Humph, I knew you would attack me. I was thinking about whether to kill you black-eating black. Now your actions have made me determined." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, and used the Qilin Step to easily avoid the opponent's attack. Then Chen Feng disappeared in the space without leaving any breath.


The two monks who suddenly appeared were all surprised to see Chen Feng disappear. The two immediately thought that Chen Feng used the invisibility talisman.

"Hmph, it seems that I have to force you out."

The monk who used the spear waved his hand, and a fiery red talisman suddenly burned, and invisible waves rushed out in waves.

This is a talisman specifically for breaking the invisible state. The monk was confident that he could soon force Chen Feng out of the invisible state.

But soon this man was disappointed, because until the talisman was completely burned out, Chen Feng did not appear, and there was not even a trace of fluctuation.

"Be careful."

The two looked at each other and instinctively felt something was wrong. They even began to regret that they should not have provoked this guy whose origin was unknown so hastily.


A sword light suddenly appeared and slashed at the monk who used the spear. Chen Feng used the wind and thunder sword technique, and it was so fast that it pierced the monk in the blink of an eye.

But the monk did not even blink, and did not seem to feel the pain on his body. Instead, he waved his hand and stabbed the spear out suddenly, with the tip of the spear just facing Chen Feng's throat.

This man actually used this kind of fighting method that would result in both sides suffering losses, but this method was very effective. Chen Feng's sword only pierced the opponent's skin and then he retracted it, because if he didn't retract it, his throat might be pierced the next moment.

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