Eternal Existence

Chapter 643: One-eyed Demon Lizard

"It is indeed the breath of the ancient times. The space here is very solid and the laws are very stable. Otherwise, it would not have been able to exist after a great war." At this time, the Longevity Tower flew out by itself and floated in front of Chen Feng.

"Tower, can you find the immortal weapon here?" Chen Feng asked.

"As long as there is one here." The Longevity Tower turned into a ray of light and disappeared in front of Chen Feng in an instant.

The Longevity Tower and Chen Feng's mind are connected. Every move of the Longevity Tower is equivalent to the extension of Chen Feng's body. The Longevity Tower flies very fast and reaches a hundred miles away in an instant. Then it falls suddenly and hits the ground heavily. There are flying objects flying everywhere. There is a hole with a radius of hundreds of feet on the ground. I don't know how deep it is.

A trace of cold air emanates from this deep hole, and finally it gushes out like a volcano, but what gushes out is not hot magma.

"This is an ice crystal mine, and there is ice marrow in it." Chen Feng exclaimed excitedly.

It turned out that the Longevity Tower discovered an ice crystal mine deep underground as soon as it came out.

Ice crystal is a kind of water element crystal stone. The rich water power contained in it can be used as a spiritual stone for cultivators to practice. More importantly, absorbing the spiritual energy in the ice crystal will not lead to obsession.

Of course, in addition to practicing and absorbing, there are some other uses, such as refining tools and alchemy.

Of course, the most important thing at the moment is to be swallowed by the Longevity Tower and replenish the energy needed by the Longevity Tower.


The Longevity Tower began to vibrate slightly, and the powerful suction immediately enveloped the underground ice crystal mine. A large amount of ice energy was swallowed up by the Longevity Tower like a roar. In a few breaths, the ice crystals underground were swallowed up cleanly, and then the ground around the Longevity Tower began to collapse.

Feeling the power of the Longevity Tower constantly increasing, Chen Feng laughed: "With the Longevity Tower in hand, this time entering here will definitely be a lot of gains."


The Longevity Tower turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's body.

"Boy, this is the battlefield left by the immortal war. Although there are some treasures such as magic weapon fragments, there are more dangers. Since there are dangers, it is a good opportunity for you to hone your skills. So under normal circumstances, I will not take action. You have to rely on yourself for everything." Ta laughed. Obviously, Ta was a little happy to absorb some ice crystals just now.

"What is normal?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Normal means that nothing that attracts me appears."

Chen Feng shook his head and took out a sensing jade talisman, injected soul power and began to sense it. This was prepared before everyone came in. Once they came in, they immediately looked for other partners and gathered strength.

After all, it is too dangerous to be alone in this strange place. Whether facing the unknown dangers here or facing the threats of monks from other sects, a team is always safer than an individual.

The sensing jade talisman in Chen Feng's hand can sense the area of ​​​​thousand miles around, which is enough for Chen Feng and others, but Chen Feng frowned soon because Chen Feng did not sense the existence of Liu Quan and others when he activated the jade talisman.

"They are too far apart." Chen Feng was a little surprised, but more of it was disbelief and suspicion. After all, there were more than ten people in Chen Feng's team, and no one could sense it. This meant that the other party was thousands of miles away.

"I hope there is no other problem." Chen Feng thought about it, then strode forward and began to search the surroundings.

"This time, you can stay for up to one year. If you exceed this time, it will be useless even if you crush the teleportation jade talisman. Of course, if you encounter danger, you can go out in advance." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Tower, if you exceed the time, can you go out?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Yes." Tower's indifferent answer made Chen Feng feel relieved.

Although the Gobi Desert in front of him was full of rocks, it was relatively flat. Chen Feng could easily see hundreds of miles with his eyesight.

"Hey, this place is really flat and quiet, without a single ghost." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.


As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, the ground in front of him suddenly exploded, and the broken stones shot towards Chen Feng like flying swords.

Chen Feng did not dare to be careless. He quickly retreated and stretched out his hand to grab all the gravel. Chen Feng grabbed all the gravel in his hand and turned it into debris.


A black light had already rushed in front of Chen Feng, a little starlight magnified in front of Chen Feng, and the breath of cold death rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stepped on the Qilin step, leaving a series of phantoms on the spot, and finally disappeared suddenly. When he reappeared, he was already a thousand meters away.

"What is this thing!"

A thing that Chen Feng had never seen or heard of appeared in Chen Feng's sight.

The reason why it was called a thing was that Chen Feng was not sure whether it was a demon beast, a demon beast or some other creature that suddenly appeared.

A gray-black creature similar to a lizard was lying on the ground, with a dark red eye in the middle of its pointed head staring at Chen Feng.

This creature was only about ten feet long, and was wrapped in a layer of gelatinous leather armor from head to tail, emitting a dull luster. The eight short and thick feet were covered with dense scales and barbs, flashing cold light, and looked a little scary.

"What is this, a combination of a pangolin and a lizard?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"This is a one-eyed demon lizard. There is no such creature in the Eternal World. Of course you don't know it." Tower spoke.

"One-eyed demon lizard, it's a demon beast." Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It can be considered a demon beast, but no one objects to your saying it is a demon beast. After all, demons and monsters are one family. Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so lucky to encounter such a thing at the beginning. Let me remind you that this thing is a social creature."

"Social creature." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and then he suddenly soared into the sky.

At the moment when Chen Feng took off, the ground exploded again, and two one-eyed demon lizards attacked Chen Feng from the left and right.

"These guys are good at practicing earth escape techniques, and their aura is integrated with the earth. Even I didn't notice it." Chen Feng's eyes showed a hint of interest. With a wave of his hand, dozens of sword qi shot out, and at the same time he accelerated and rushed towards one of the one-eyed demon lizards.

Ding ding ding ding!

A series of crisp sounds, the sword qi emitted by Chen Feng actually only left a series of sparks on these one-eyed demon lizards.

"Good fellow." Chen Feng was a little surprised. You know, the sword qi he just emitted is easy to cut black iron.


One of the one-eyed demon lizards was kicked away by Chen Feng, flying hundreds of meters and falling to the ground. After struggling for a few times, it stopped moving.

Chen Feng's kick had a force of tens of millions of pounds. Although the one-eyed demon lizard had amazing defense, its vitality was still shattered by Chen Feng's attack.

After killing a one-eyed demon lizard, Chen Feng knew what was going on, which showed that these guys were still easy to deal with.

Sure enough, several more one-eyed demon lizards died in Chen Feng's punches and kicks. Chen Feng was more relieved. He stomped his feet heavily on the ground, and waves of earth-yellow waves spread around. The world was temporarily quiet, and no more one-eyed demon lizards appeared.

"This is also considered a social creature." Chen Feng curled his lips, then stretched out his hand and grabbed it. With a sudden shake, a one-eyed demon lizard was dismembered, and the last dark red gem fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"There is no demon core or magic core, only this eyeball, it should be useful." Chen Feng then took off the one eye of the other one-eyed demon lizards.

"Hehe, this guy is not stupid. This one-eyed demon lizard's essence is the essence of the whole body, and it also has some other functions. Hehe, kid, the good show is not yet on stage." Ta sat on a branch of the Zhoutian tree and saw the situation outside clearly.

"Are all the creatures here so weak?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

But soon Chen Feng felt that his eyes were suddenly dazed, and his head was a little dizzy. Although it was very slight, Chen Feng was still alert at the first time. The life fire in the sea of ​​consciousness burned violently to dispel this uncomfortable feeling.

But at this time, the ground exploded one after another, and there were fine stone chips all around, which soon submerged Chen Feng. At the same time, black lines kept shuttling through the stone chips, and the target was Chen Feng.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

There were more and more one-eyed demon lizards, and they turned into streams of light. At the same time, Chen Feng became dizzy again, but Chen Feng's dark magic pupil suddenly started, and the light in his eyes flashed, and everything in front of him was seen clearly.

"Wind and Thunder Sword!"

The Changsheng Sword appeared in his hand, and the wind and thunder sword energy enveloped his body. A series of collisions sounded, and all the one-eyed demon lizards around were knocked away by Chen Feng, and two of them were killed by Chen Feng.

"Strange, what happened just now?"

Chen Feng moved forward step by step, swinging the long sword in his hand constantly, and the sword energy was crisscrossed, splitting all obstacles.

You must know that Chen Feng has experienced discomfort after practicing the dark magic pupil. If it were a cultivator who did not practice the pupil technique, wouldn't he faint on the ground with dizziness.

"It should be a soul attack. Is there any creature hiding in the dark? If so, I should be able to sense it." Chen Feng was even more confused.

The pupil technique was running, and the soul power began to roar in the sea of ​​consciousness. Chen Feng did not dare to be careless at all.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

These one-eyed demon lizards attacked again, and Chen Feng's long sword suddenly pointed, just stabbing the one-eyed demon lizard's one eye.


Like the sound of crystal breaking, the tip of the sword pierced the one-eyed demon lizard directly, and then the vitality of the one-eyed demon lizard immediately dissipated completely, and it fell to the ground with a plop, like a dead dog.

"The one-eyed demon lizard is the weak spot." Chen Feng's body swayed, and the long sword kept stabbing out, attacking all the one-eyed demon lizards.

Soon all the one-eyed demon lizards turned into a pile of corpses.

Just when Chen Feng was proud, he suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy again, and it was more severe than before, and even the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness was a little disordered.

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