Eternal Existence

Chapter 624: Breaking into the Stronghold

"This Xue Ming Yin is somewhat similar to the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique. They both plunder and swallow the energy from outside for their own use. However, the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique can swallow all energy, while the Blood Ming Yin can only swallow monks or monsters. The essence and blood in the body are equally domineering. Relatively speaking, Xue Ming Yin is an offensive technique. "

Chen Feng activated the Tower of Eternal Life, speeding up time a hundred times. When one hour passed in the outside world, Chen Feng could practice for one hundred hours.

However, Chen Feng also knew that it was impossible to refine the Xue Ming Yin in such a short period of time, so Chen Feng quickly browsed the Xue Ming Yin aside and found useful secret techniques to practice.

Because Chen Feng had experience in practicing the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique and the Heaven Swallowing Demonic Technique, the subsequent training process was much smoother than Chen Feng imagined.

"Cultivation of Xue Ming Yin requires a relatively high level of soul power. Fortunately, I have condensed the fire of my life. Otherwise, it would be troublesome for these crazy blood evil spirits to continuously impact the sea of ​​consciousness." Following Chen Feng With the practice, the blood in Chen Feng's body began to boil, and the blood containing powerful energy hit Chen Feng's blood vessels, causing a dull pain.

The boiling blood was also constantly impacting Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. Soon Chen Feng felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was submerged in a sea of ​​blood. Mountains of corpses, mutilated bodies, killings, and blood were constantly impacting Chen Feng's consciousness. In the sea, the demonic hallucinations begin to appear.

"It's just an illusion, break it for me." As Chen Feng shouted, the fire of life suddenly burned, and at the same time, the power of the soul also condensed into a soul vortex. Soon these blood energy was dispelled, and then was refined by Chen Feng again. After absorbing it, the illusion disappeared, and Chen Feng felt that the power of his soul became stronger again.

"Brother Chen, what are you doing?"

At this time, Wen Shaoxiu and others had already far away from Chen Feng. Since Chen Feng practiced Blood Ming Yin, traces of blood energy emanated from Chen Feng, and it became more and more intense and the scope became wider and wider. Wen Shaoxiu and others were attracted by Immediately after being enveloped, I felt that my spirit was affected, and even the eyes of Situ Nan and Ma Tianfang turned blood red.

Only then did everyone realize that they couldn't get too close to Chen Feng, and everyone involuntarily moved away.

"It should be a secret method of cultivation, but this secret method is really bloody and doesn't feel like the right way." Wen Shaoxiu said.

"It can't be magic power, right?"

"It's possible, but magic skills are generally relatively powerful. Whether we can succeed this time depends entirely on Chen Feng."

"It shouldn't be a problem if the Taoist weapon exists, right?"

An hour later, Li Shilong and Jian Zhiqiu appeared in front of everyone with pale faces.

"This time we really spent a lot of money. We used up almost all the spiritual stones in order to set up the formation. This time we will succeed no matter what." Li Shilong was still breathing heavily when he spoke.

"The other party didn't discover it, right?" Wen Shaoxiu asked.

"Don't worry, no, even if the other party finds out and wants to rush out, it will take time." Li Shilong said.

"You guys need to recover first and wait until dark before taking action."

After another hour, the sky finally turned dark, and the clouds were thick, which turned out to be a sign that it was going to rain.

At this time, Li Shilong suddenly trembled: "No, the other party found out."

"what happened."

"It was Wu Huai and the other two who wanted to leave, which triggered the restriction. Now all the killers in the stronghold have been alerted."

"If the other party is on guard, it will be a bit troublesome if they take action again."

Everyone looked at Chen Feng, who was still practicing. Although everyone was anxious, they did not disturb him.

"The opponent is breaking through the formation faster and faster, I want to go and take charge." Li Shilong said and quickly flew up, and began to make hand seals one after another during the flight.

Jian Zhiqiu was not idle either, the sword light flashed in his eyes, and he was obviously urging the sword formation to stop the opponent.

"Huh!" Chen Feng took a long breath and finally opened his eyes, and all the blood energy in his body also converged.

"Brother Chen, how are you? Are you sure?" Wen Shaoxiu asked immediately.

"Seven levels of certainty." Chen Feng nodded.

"I will send you in now. You don't need to work hard, as long as you can leave wounds on each other." Chen Feng said and activated the blood gathering beads, and streaks of blood flew out from the blood gathering beads and fell on Wen Shaoxiu Wu. On people.

Then there was a flash of blood, and the five people disappeared, and the next moment they appeared in the stronghold of the Killer Hall.

With the help of the Blood Gathering Bead, Chen Feng could clearly observe the entire Sanghuai City, let alone a small courtyard.

Li Shilong and Jian Zhiqiu were fighting each other in super-controlled formations. Chen Feng had been sitting cross-legged and motionless. To Chen Feng, it was the same whether or not there was a distance of tens of miles.

Wen Shaoxiu, Liu Quan, Situ Nan, Jian Luobo, and Ma Tianfang directly attacked and fought.

In Chen Feng's placement, the five people fell into the most perfect positions.

The two killers were surrounded by five people in a five-element formation. Although the two killers were surprised by the sudden appearance of the five people, they reacted quickly and immediately used their escape skills to rush out.

However, Wen Shaoxiu and the other two had made preparations in advance. In addition, these two killers were only at the eighth level of heaven and human beings, and could not stop their opponents at all. In an instant, these two killers were attacked one after another. Kill with sword light.

At this time, the aura of the blood-gathering beads had enveloped them, and traces of blood essence were floating around, instantly extracting all the blood essence from the bodies of the two killers, turning them into two broken human skins after they landed on the ground.


This essence of blood was not swallowed by the Blood Gathering Pearl. At this time, there was a constant stream of light flowing out of Chen Feng's slightly closed eyes. The soul power in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness surged, and he was urging the Blood Gathering Pearl while performing the Blood Underworld Induction that he had just comprehended.

"Blood Underworld Escape!"

Chen Feng must have said this in a low voice, and the blood essence that Chen Feng had gathered suddenly spread out, wrapping up Wen Shaoxiu and the other five, and then the five moved again, and the next moment they surrounded another killer.


The killer was killed before he could react. Of course, the killer's blood essence was extracted by the Blood Gathering Pearl again, and it wrapped up the five people and wanted to move again.

"Good, three have been killed, great." Wen Shaoxiu couldn't help shouting.

Originally, everyone didn't have much confidence before, but now that they killed three people right away, Wen Shaoxiu and the other five immediately became full of confidence, and their heroic spirit burst out, and each of them had a powerful sword intent.

However, the smiles on the faces of the five people had not disappeared when the situation around them suddenly changed. When Chen Feng wanted to move the five people again, the surrounding space suddenly became turbulent, and waves of fluctuations shook in a strange way. Wen Shaoxiu and the other five immediately felt a strong pressure, and even a threat of death. Moreover, various repulsive forces were stimulated underground. This was someone using the power of the earth to attack, and the opponent's power of the earth was very strong.

The formation of the five people was suddenly in chaos. After a period of shaking, Wen Shaoxiu and the other five were actually isolated.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Countless thorns sprang up from the roots underground and attacked Wen Shaoxiu and the other five. These were thorns condensed by the power of the earth, which were harder than steel.

The five people did not dare to be careless and immediately took to the air, trying to avoid the thorns on the ground, but a shock force enveloped the five people. There were cracks on the armor of the five people, and finally they exploded one after another.

"How is it possible? This is a protective armor of the best treasure level." Jian Luobo shouted.

"Be careful of the thorns below." Wen Shaoxiu waved his hand and the sword light surged. Waves of sword light swept across time, and the shock force around him continued to dissipate, and the thorns flying from below continued to be shattered.

But Wen Shaoxiu's face became even uglier, because the attack he just launched was Wen Shaoxiu's strongest attack, but the effect was far from what he thought.

"These thorns are very hard, and they contain the power of the earth and the gold of the five elements." Wen Shaoxiu shouted.


As soon as Wen Shaoxiu's voice fell, Ma Tianfang was hit by a thorn. Although it did not pierce his body, the protective armor on his body was completely broken, and Ma Tianfang's face turned red, and he almost vomited blood.

"If I had known you would come, none of you would be able to escape today." Four cultivators appeared in the four directions and surrounded the five people in the middle. These four people were the half-step immortals of Jiuxiao Palace.

Among the four half-step immortals, one of them held a small dark red drum. The shock wave just now was emitted by this person. Another person was covered by a light yellow airflow. Needless to say, the power of the earth just now was emitted by this person.

As for the other two, they held long swords in their hands, and two flying swords were constantly circling above their heads, with sword light flashing and sword energy cutting, ready to attack at any time.

In the attack just now, the essence of blood and qi condensed by Chen Feng was also dispersed, but Chen Feng only had a thought, and all these blood essences turned into a wisp of light, passed through the space, entered the blood bead, and then melted into the blood pool, making the power of the blood bead increase again.

"These four people have holy weapons in their hands, and there are assassins hiding around. You five should be careful. It's time for you to fight next." Chen Feng's voice sounded in the ears of Wen Shaoxiu and the other five.

Originally, when these assassins found that there were restrictions around them, they kept using their means to bombard the restrictions, but now as soon as they found someone entering, they immediately gave up their previous actions and turned to deal with Wen Shaoxiu and the other five. They used tough means right from the start, wanting to kill the five people in one fell swoop.

"Brother Wen, there is a ninth-level assassin approaching twenty steps to the left, be careful."

"Liu Quan, there is a half-step immortal approaching to the right."

"Ma Tianfang, you have to be more careful, there are two assassins approaching on your left and right, and they are about to attack."

Chen Feng's voice rang in the ears of several people again, asking the five people to prepare in advance, and at the same time, the blood-gathering beads in Chen Feng's hands accelerated the frequency of rotation, ready to launch an attack at any time.

"Where are Wu Huai and the other two?" Wen Shaoxiu asked secretly.

"The three of them are still breaking the formation. Wu Huai has a very powerful holy weapon in his hand, and with the help of Sun Jin and Zhao Guang, they have tied up half of Li Shilong and Jian Zhiqiu's energy." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

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