Eternal Existence

Chapter 623 Plan

"Good news, what good news?" Everyone looked at Chen Feng strangely, not understanding what Chen Feng meant. They must know that according to the news that Chen Feng just discovered, the power in this stronghold is very powerful, far exceeding that of themselves and others. People, let alone fighting hard, even a sneak attack is impossible to succeed, not to mention these killers are better at sneak attacks and concealment than anyone else.

"Haha, although there are many killers in this stronghold, there are no immortals in charge." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There are no immortals." Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

"This is really good news."

The power of the Human Immortal Killer is really too great. The last time everyone was able to kill a Human Immortal, I still feel frightened when I think about it. You must know that under normal circumstances, a Human Immortal Killer can kill everyone.

"Let's discuss it more." Chen Feng put the blood-gathering bead in his hand. If the blood-gathering bead was not damaged, Chen Feng would be sure to attack these killers directly from the air, but that is not possible now. Not only can he not kill the opponent, but he will also alert them. .

"You really need to plan carefully." Wen Shaoxiu nodded.

Everyone fell silent and began to think deeply. No one spoke for a long time. It was obvious that these people were fine for fighting, but not for plotting.

"Otherwise, it's the same as last time. We set up formations around us and use them to attack the opponent." At this time, Li Shilong was the first to speak.

"The formation is indispensable, but even using the formation may not be able to completely kill the opponent, and we ourselves will also be damaged. You must know that the power of this stronghold has exceeded the previous stronghold."

"It's difficult to succeed in a sneak attack. The opponents are all elite killers and are much stronger than us."

"If you want to make a move, launch a surprise attack and kill the opponent with lightning speed. If you miss the attack and are counterattacked by the opponent, it will be very troublesome."

"Everyone, let's see how you use poison. Even if the poison doesn't kill the opponent, it can make the opponent lose its fighting ability."

"It is indeed good to use poison, but we don't have any poison on us. What's more important is that ordinary poisons have little effect on monks of our level, and they will be discovered very quickly, so as to alert the snake."

"I suggest setting up a few more formations, or the eight of us can use the Bagua Sword Formation to kill each other one by one with the formation."

"Yes, using the formation is also good. Our Bagua Sword Formation is amazingly powerful. If you practice it skillfully, there will be no problem in killing these killers, but it is not possible now. Li Shilong can set it up by himself, but others can't. , and it also requires tacit understanding. To achieve this, it will take some time, but the most important thing now is time. "

"Yes, as time goes by, the killers in this stronghold will get the news."

"How about we return to the sect and find a few close brothers to come?"

"It's inappropriate. Isn't this making too much noise? If it spreads, our faces will be disgraced."

"If you want me to see it, let's just take action. Kill a few people on the other side first, and then retreat."

"No, either we don't take action, or we will annihilate them all once we take action."

Although the monks of the Sky Sword Sect are usually very brave and bold, they are not arrogant and would not do anything that would lead to death. Just like Wen Shaoxiu and the others, they changed their previous ways of doing things and began to outline a plan. .

However, after everyone discussed for a long time, no good solution was found. Chen Feng felt helpless and once again activated the blood gathering beads to observe the opponent's situation.

"Hey! Something happened." Chen Feng said suddenly.

"Situation? What's the situation? Could it be that the other party discovered us?" Everyone was a little surprised.

"Wu Huai and his three men have entered the city, and they are heading towards the stronghold of the Killer Hall." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"What, Wu Huai and the other three are here too. Are they related to the killers from the Killer Hall? Yes, I asked you how we met the three of them before. So the three of Wu Huai were originally going to the stronghold that we attacked."

"Brother Chen, if you look carefully, you'd better understand the intention of Wu Huai and his three people."

"No problem, I'll just check it out." Chen Feng said and started turning the blood-gathering beads in his hand. Chen Feng's consciousness once again enveloped the courtyard.

Not to mention the movements of these people, their voices and even their breathing were clearly sensed by Chen Feng.

As for Wu Huai and the others, every move they made was completely under Chen Feng's observation.

"Wu Huai is very familiar with these killers. They talk freely about love and hate. It is obviously not the first time they have met." Chen Feng said.

"By the way, I remembered it. Wu Huai has a cousin who seems to be a killer in the Hall of Killers, and he is also a human immortal killer. The family behind Wu Huai is very powerful. This is why Wu Huai is always arrogant." Wen Shaoxiu said suddenly.

"Listen to what the other party is saying?" Li Shilong interrupted.

"We were talking about insignificant topics. The two parties agreed to explore a dangerous place to find something called Stephania vine. By the way, the killer who was talking to Wu Huai was named Wu Liang, and he was Wu Huai's family." Chen Feng told everything he knew.

"Wu Liang, I haven't heard of it, but Wu Huai's family can be regarded as a first-class family, and the Wu family is relatively close to the Killer Hall. I heard that one of the elders in the Killer Hall is a member of the Wu family, and the Wu family usually also Some elite disciples entered the Assassin's Hall to train, and some directly became killers in the Assassin's Hall," Wen Shaoxiu said quickly.

"In my opinion, Wu Huai's coming here this time is definitely not a good thing. He might tell others what we just did." Situ Nan said.

"Don't be a pessimist." Liu Quan said immediately.

"Situ Nan is not a pessimist. Wu Huai has already told others about the attack on the base, and he betrayed us all." Chen Feng's face suddenly darkened.

"What? If he really told you, this bastard even betrayed his fellow disciples." Wen Shaoxiu punched the ground with anger, and cracks appeared on the hard ground.

"This son of a bitch is a traitor. This time he must be in trouble." Situ Nan also cursed.

"It's not a traitor. Don't forget that the Wu family has a close relationship with the Assassin's Hall. Maybe Wu Huai has trained there."

"Then what should we do now? If the other party knows, they will definitely be on guard. It will be even more difficult for us to take action."

"Kill, kill Wu Huai and the other three together."

"The other party is already prepared. I will set up the formation now and surround them first." Li Shilong stood up.

"I'll go set up the formation too." Jian Zhiqiu also said.

"Wait, everyone, I have a way that you might try." Chen Feng suddenly spoke.

"Oh, what good idea does Brother Chen have?" Wen Shaoxiu asked immediately.

"This method is also something I thought of temporarily. As for the effect, I can't guarantee it. The Taoist weapon in my hand is called the Blood Gathering Pearl, which can devour blood essence, but my cultivation is not enough, and I can't activate the full power of this Taoist weapon, so I need your cooperation." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"How to cooperate?" Wen Shaoxiu asked hurriedly.

"It's very simple, just leave a wound on the opponent." Chen Feng said.

"In this case, you can try it, but I don't know how confident Brother Chen is?" Wen Shaoxiu thought about it and said.

"Fifty percent, after all, I haven't used this secret method to attack a half-step human immortal." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

In fact, Chen Feng was also a little helpless. Chen Feng also saw that Wen Shaoxiu and others were good at fighting, but it was impossible to plan a good strategy. In Chen Feng's view, the longer the time dragged, the more disadvantageous it would be for himself and others, unless he gave up attacking this stronghold this time.

Chen Feng was certainly unwilling to give up. This was a good opportunity to kill the assassins in the assassin hall, and he couldn't miss it. Moreover, since Wen Shaoxiu and others were involved, he should try his best to root out the problem in order to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future.

That's why Chen Feng came up with the idea of ​​using the blood-gathering beads. Chen Feng knew that in order for the blood-gathering beads to exert their most powerful power, they had to practice the holy-level magic formula Blood Dark Yin. Since Chen Feng had the blood-colored talismans condensed by the tower, he could master the blood-gathering beads. Therefore, Chen Feng simply browsed through the Blood Dark Yin and didn't work hard to practice it.

But Chen Feng also practiced the Heaven-swallowing Demonic Art and the Heaven-swallowing Absorption Technique. Chen Feng had some calculations in his mind, thinking that the cooperation between the two should be effective.

Of course, this was also a gamble. If his blood-gathering beads didn't play the role he imagined, then Wen Shaoxiu and others would be in a dangerous situation. However, Chen Feng also made a decision in his heart, that is, if it really came to that moment, he would not hesitate to expose the Longevity Tower to protect the safety of everyone.

"Everyone, think about it. This matter is still very risky." Chen Feng said.

"What do you think?" Wen Shaoxiu glanced at the crowd. No one could make the decision on this matter, so he could only ask for everyone's opinions.

"Let's do it!" Situ Nan said first.

"Give up if there is a little risk, how can you survive in the future." Liu Quan also said.

"I agree to do it too. This is an opportunity. Although it is a bit dangerous, which of us cultivators has not been between life and death?" Jian Luobo said.

"Let's do it. I can't bear it anymore." Ma Tianfang also shouted.

"Okay, since everyone has no problem, Li Shilong, Jian Zhiqiu, you guys go to set up the formation quickly. Once the formation is completed, the five of us will rush in, and the rest will be left to the three of you." Wen Shaoxiu said in a deep voice.


Li Shilong and Jian Zhiqiu nodded and set off immediately, while Wen Shaoxiu and others sat quietly on the ground and began to regulate their breathing, calm their minds, so that they could exert their strongest strength in the next fight.

Chen Feng was even more motionless. The blood-gathering bead was slowly turning in Chen Feng's palm, and Chen Feng had already entered the Longevity Tower at this time.

Piles of spiritual stones continued to explode, turning into violent spiritual energy that rushed around in the Longevity Tower. The Longevity Tower shook slightly, and a beam of light enveloped Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng urged the power of the Longevity Tower to change the law of time, sharpening his skills before the battle, and extending some time to practice the Blood Nether Yin before taking action.

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