Eternal Existence

Chapter 611: Phantom Divine Marten

"It is indeed a space, but I don't know whether it is a small barrier or a small thousand secret realm. Human immortals can comprehend the laws of the immortal world, communicate with the immortal world, and practice the laws of space. Powerful human immortal masters can even leave the big world and venture out of the domain. But it should be impossible to open up a small thousand secret realm alone. In this way, this should be a barrier. Of course, if you use powerful magic weapons, Taoist tools or immortal tools, you can open up a small thousand world." Chen Feng secretly guessed in his heart while observing the situation around him.

The space here looks no different from the outside world. The same flowers, trees, white clouds and sky, the same breeze and water, even the birds and beasts running inside are familiar to Chen Feng. Chen Feng even has a feeling that he will not be teleported outside.

The only difference is that the spiritual energy here seems to be a little special and indescribably rich. But it is a little different from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that he has breathed in the past, as if mixed with something else.

"Could this be the winter inside the magic weapon?" Chen Feng suddenly had a flash of inspiration and caught some mysterious breath.

"Your spiritual awareness has improved a lot. This is indeed a magical weapon." Ta spoke at this time.

"What level of magical weapon is it? Is it an immortal weapon?" Chen Feng asked excitedly.

"It's not an immortal weapon." Ta shook his head.

"So it's a Taoist weapon." Chen Feng was a little disappointed.

"Don't be disappointed. This is a top Taoist weapon. It's very close to an immortal weapon. It's not an attack and killing weapon, but the material is pretty good and can be swallowed by me." Ta said.

"Hey, you are picky enough. At the beginning, you swallowed even ordinary ores. Now that your strength has improved, you are actually picky." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You idiot, you were happy enough to be given some magic crystals during the secret realm. Now you are unwilling to swallow even treasure crystals for cultivation." Ta sneered.

Chen Feng nodded and understood what Ta meant. At the beginning, the cultivation was not enough and the resources needed were very few, but after the level was raised, if you want to practice again, the resources required will naturally increase. Especially according to Ta's statement, if you want to completely repair the Longevity Tower, it is useless to swallow one hundred or one thousand immortal weapons.

Chen Feng's consciousness spread out, his pupil technique unfolded, his gaze penetrated thousands of miles, and was finally blocked by a thick space barrier.

"It seems that the space here is not too big. Chen Feng's eyes kept moving, and soon he checked the entire space. All the other cultivators who entered this space appeared in Chen Feng's sight, and what made Chen Feng laugh was that Lang Bin was also using pupil technique to observe the surroundings, but as soon as he touched Chen Feng's eyes, he immediately moved his eyes to the side, obviously wary of Chen Feng.

"The inheritance and treasure are in this space, I have to look carefully." Chen Feng slowly flew up to the sky, his eyes flashed black light, and the power of his soul was released to the maximum extent, trying to find out the abnormality in this space.

"Hey! "

At this time, Chen Feng was surprised, because in Chen Feng's sight, Li Hun and Dongfang Ming were fighting and fighting, and the two seemed to have discovered something.

The two people's fight was very noisy, and everyone's cultivation was profound. Although they were not as good as Chen Feng's pupil technique, they could still see thousands of miles away with their eyesight. So after being alarmed, everyone immediately flew towards the place where the fighting waves came from.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he also wanted to go forward to fish in troubled waters, but at this time suddenly a force descended on him, and a strong suction came from it, trying to suck Chen Feng into another space.

Chen Feng was startled, and just as he was about to struggle, he heard a majestic voice in Chen Feng's ears: "Don't resist, I have no ill intentions."

Chen Feng's eyes flashed with divine light, and he stopped struggling, allowing this force to wrap himself up, and then his eyes blurred, and the scene in front of him was bright, and the previous scene disappeared, and Chen Feng came to a strange place again.

"Where is this? "Chen Feng found himself in a place similar to a cave, but this place was very wide. If there were no rock formations above his head, and the surroundings were a little dark, Chen Feng really thought he was back in the hall.

"What is this?" Chen Feng was shocked, because not far in front of Chen Feng, there was a buffalo-sized monster lying.

A monster that Chen Feng did not know and had never heard of.

It has a slender body, shiny black fur, sharp claws, triangular ears, fluffy tail, and colorful light in its smart eyes.

"Why does it look like a mink? But it should be a mink monster to grow so big, right?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

Chen Feng sensed secretly, but did not detect the strength of this monster. Chen Feng did not even sense a trace of breath. If this monster had not opened its eyes and looked at him, Chen Feng really thought it was a dead thing without breath.

"Are you talking all the time?" Chen Feng asked tentatively.

"Yes, yes." Sure enough, a majestic voice came from the mouth of this monster.

"Tower, what is this? "Chen Feng asked secretly.

"The Phantom Divine Sable, the top demon king, is interesting. It seems that everything in this Yunlan barrier is controlled by this demon beast." Ta said with a smile.

"The top demon king, if you go one step further, won't you become a demon fairy?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the harmless black sable in front of him was such a powerful existence. At the same time, Chen Feng also understood why he couldn't tell the opponent's strength. Because this demon king was much stronger than himself.

"You must have something to teleport me here, right?" Chen Feng thought for a moment and asked.

"You have a magic weapon on you?" Phantom Divine Marten did not answer Chen Feng's words, but asked Chen Feng a question instead.

"Is this why you teleported me here?" Chen Feng did not answer.

"Answer me." Phantom Divine Marten's voice suddenly changed, not only majestic, but also more bewitching, suppressing, and making people submit. Chen Feng only felt an invisible force acting on his sea of ​​consciousness, his sea of ​​consciousness vibrated, his soul was in chaos, as if the thunder exploded in his sea of ​​consciousness, making him want to answer involuntarily, but at this time, the Longevity Tower in his body shook slightly, sending out a stream of energy into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and Chen Feng immediately regained consciousness.

"The strength of the top demon king actually wants to bully a small cultivator like me. Just say whatever you want to say. You can see what kind of existence I have. You can't do anything to me." Chen Feng said calmly. With the Longevity Tower in hand, Chen Feng is indeed confident.

"Sure enough, sure enough, you must have a fairy weapon on you. This means that you, a young man, will definitely achieve great things in the future." The Phantom Divine Marten seemed a little excited, which made Chen Feng a little curious.

"I have a fairy weapon on me." Chen Feng said simply.

The Phantom Divine Marten was so excited that he trembled a little, and it took a long time for him to calm down.

"It seems that I can finally get out." There was some emotion and sigh in the voice of the Phantom Divine Marten.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng asked in confusion, knowing that the other party had no ill intentions, and then he waved his hand, and a jade chair appeared in front of him, and then he sat on it, because Chen Feng knew that he would listen to the story next.

"This is what happened." Sure enough, the Phantom Divine Marten calmed down and began to narrate.

"It's simple to say, I'll make it short. The so-called Yunlan barrier you entered is an internal cave formed by a Taoist weapon. The name of this magic weapon is Yunlan Realm, which is a treasure that Yunlan Immortal accidentally obtained."

"Sure enough." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Later, before Yunlan Immortal died, he left this magic weapon here, waiting for the destined person to come. Of course, there are conditions for obtaining Yunlan Realm's magic weapon and other treasures and inheritance in the magic weapon." Phantom Dirk looked at Chen Feng and said.

"It's really a long story, the story is concise enough, so what conditions are needed?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"The reason why Yunlan Immortal failed to pass the calamity was because he was plotted against by his enemy. As long as the person who comes swears to avenge Yunlan Immortal in the future and kill the enemy of the year, he can receive this magic weapon." Phantom Dirk said.

"Hehe, what if the person who comes does not abide by the conditions and directly forcibly takes this magic weapon away?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You also know that I am a top demon king. If you want to take Yunlan Realm away from me, you must at least be at the level of a terrestrial immortal. Of course, you have a fairy weapon on you. If it explodes, I will have no way." Phantom Dirk said this and looked at Chen Feng, as if he was a little afraid of the fairy weapon in Chen Feng's body.

"Since you are so powerful, why don't you leave? With your strength, you should be able to avenge Yunlan Immortal, right? Besides, what if the cultivator who plotted against Yunlan Immortal back then died?" Chen Feng asked his doubts.

"Yunlan Immortal is my master. If I could leave, why would I be trapped here all the time? I found the inner demon oath in front of my master back then, and I must wait for the destined person to come before I can regain my freedom. Of course, if the master's enemy back then is really dead, there is naturally no need to avenge him. In addition, even the master was plotted against by the other party, and I am probably not the opponent of the other party."

"Of course, the purpose of the master leaving Yunlan Realm is to pass on everything of himself, and the other is to hope that his inheritor can avenge him."

"Hey, even you are not the opponent of the other party, so Yunlan Immortal's enemy should be a terrestrial immortal now, or he has ascended to the immortal world. I don't think it's worth it to seek revenge for such an existence for a Taoist weapon." Chen Feng shook his head.

"You are different from them. You have the strongest cultivation among the cultivators who entered the Yunlan Realm this time. What's more important is that you have a magic weapon on you, and your future is limitless. I have waited for so many years, and finally you have come. I don't want to wait any longer. Moreover, you have obtained the inheritance and treasures left by the master, and your cultivation speed will be faster in the future. Besides, there is no need to rush to take revenge before you have reached the strength. The so-called oath is just an obsession left by the master before his death. Young man, agree to it, refine the Yunlan Realm, and this top-notch Taoist weapon will be yours. Moreover, the Yunlan Realm has existed for so many years, and its accumulation is deep. It is not impossible for it to be promoted to a magic weapon in the future. If this kind of magic weapon is thrown out, I don't know how many people will snatch it. Boy, your luck is right in front of you, you can't miss it." Seeing that Chen Feng seemed to hesitate to refuse, the demon king became a little anxious and began to seduce him again.

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