Eternal Existence

Chapter 610: Arena Competition

"Admit defeat." Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

"If you don't want to die, just do it."

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, a dark bone spur suddenly came in front of him and stabbed his forehead.

The bone spurs made no sound, as if traveling through space. Chen Feng felt the power of the space around him fluctuate, trying to fix himself.

This short man was ready to attack from the very beginning. It was obvious that this man was very experienced in fighting and was good at concealed assassinations.

However, a strange smile appeared on Chen Feng's face. The man's bone spurs pierced the air, and Chen Feng had disappeared on the spot, quietly, and Chen Feng's speed was even faster.

The bone spurs in the short man's hand exploded violently, turning into thousands of streams of light and scattering out. At the same time, the short man turned around quickly, only to find that Chen Feng's figure was gone, and not even a trace of breath was left.

"What a brilliant concealment technique, this time it's a bit tricky." The short man whispered.


A finger suddenly appeared above the short man's head, like a sharp sword that could pierce the hardest rock, let alone flesh and blood.

The short man's reaction speed was also very fast. When Chen Feng's finger appeared, he used his escape technique to move out. At the same time, he left a stream of black energy that turned into a spiral spear and stabbed Chen Feng's finger.


Chen Feng's fingers suddenly flicked, and the spear transformed by black energy exploded and dissipated. The short man appeared in the distance with a groan, but there was a blood hole on his shoulder. It was just a blood hole. The blood that flowed out was not red blood, but as black as ink, which made people secretly surprised, thinking that this was not a human being.

However, Chen Feng knew that this was caused by the opponent's practice. Chen Feng's eyes were insightful and he had noticed that the opponent's blood contained strange toxins.

"Your name is Chen Feng, right? You do have some tricks up your sleeve. I underestimated you before." The short man said lightly, and with a touch of his hand, the blood holes on his body disappeared, leaving smooth skin.

As the short man spoke, black smoke swept up from his body like a tornado, and finally condensed into a huge skull that sprayed black smoke and bit Chen Feng.

Chen Feng immediately felt that he was locked by an evil aura. Not only that, but his sea of ​​consciousness was also supplied with waves of mysterious energy.

"This should be the Heavenly Ghost Dharma of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. It is indeed quite famous." Chen Feng waved his hand and unleashed a series of palm thunders. After entering the Heavenly Realm, Chen Feng was able to practice many of the secret techniques in the Immortality Scripture. At this time, Chen Feng cast The palm thunder is one of the secret offensive techniques.

A series of thunder and lightning formed rings and struck away. At the same time, there were still thunderbolts in the thunder and lightning rings. Although Chen Feng had just practiced, the power of the thunder in his palm was already comparable to the thunder calamity. You must know that the palm power of Chen Feng was Not only does it incorporate the power of heavenly thunder, but it also incorporates the power of tribulation thunder that promotes immortality.


With just a soft sound, the skeleton of the ghost in front of him immediately exploded and turned into black smoke. Chen Feng immediately struck while the iron was hot and launched a series of thunderbolts from his palms, finally splitting all the black smoke and poisonous mist in front of him.

"Thunder and lightning are indeed the guests of such evil things." Chen Fengfei stepped forward, waved his hand, and whipped the whip towards the short man with flashing thunder flowers. At the same time, the Zhangtian Ruler flew out of Chen Feng's body and penetrated into it. In the void.

"The ghosts in the sky swallow the sky!" The short man shouted loudly, stretched out his hands, and black energy shot out from his body. Skeleton ghost heads appeared one after another, screaming and screaming, as if the evil spirits of the region were biting Chen Feng. He wanted to bite Chen Feng into pieces.


The whip of immortality kept twitching, and every time there was a flash of lightning, and every time a skull and ghost head was whipped into pieces.


Zhangtianzhi appeared and knocked the short man upside down. Half of his head was smashed and blood flowed out, which was shocking.

"Hehe, I'm not dead now." Chen Feng waved his hand and stabbed the short man with his long spear.

"I give up, I give up." The short man felt the fatal threat and couldn't help shouting in horror.


The longevity spear pierced the air, and the short man disappeared, apparently being teleported out.

"You're lucky." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the spear turned into a stream of light and penetrated into his body.

During the fight just now, Chen Feng clearly felt that the condensed immortality weapon was much more powerful than the magic weapon of the same grade, and there were still many functions and artistic conceptions that he had not yet developed.


Chen Feng was teleported into the main hall again. At this time, there were three people waiting in the main hall. One was the human immortal Jiang Feng, one was Li Hun from the Tiangui Sect, and the other one was of course Jian Qingling who had a bye.

"Chen Feng, you came out so soon, who is your opponent?" Jian Qingling immediately stepped forward and asked after seeing Chen Feng appear.

"It's just a little ghost." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Sure enough, Li Hun's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but he soon calmed down, and a smile appeared on his face: "Your name is Chen Feng, right? I remember that there was a very famous young monk in Beiyuan named Chen Feng. It seems that he should That’s you.”

"Yes, it's me." Chen Feng smiled.

"Hmph, I can't survive in Beiyuan. Now in our Central Plains, we are still so arrogant. This place is not comparable to your backward place in Beiyuan. Be careful to offend the people you shouldn't offend, and you won't even be alive in the end." Li Hun sneered, a spiritual talisman appeared faintly in his hand, and he seemed to be ready to take action at any time.

"No matter how arrogant you are, you can't compare to your Tiangui Sect. Your Tiangui Sect has a bad reputation in the cultivation world and has done many bad things. Be careful of being destroyed in the future." Chen Feng countered.

"You." Li Hun was furious. With a wave of his hand, the talisman in his hand turned into a huge ghost head and pounced on Chen Feng.

This Heavenly Ghost Skeleton was obviously different from the one he had just encountered. Although it was not big, it was more ferocious, just like a living creature crawling out of hell. Chen Feng immediately knew that his palm thunder could not deal with it.


Chen Feng opened the Longevity Tower and took the Heavenly Ghost Skeleton in directly. As soon as it entered the Longevity Tower, the Heavenly Ghost Skeleton immediately turned into a talisman again and remained motionless in the Longevity Tower.

"This talisman turned out to be a holy weapon. I will not hesitate to take it away." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You, you have a high-level magic weapon in your body. Is it a holy weapon or a Taoist weapon?" Li Hun repeatedly activated the secret technique, but felt that his Heavenly Ghost Talisman had no response at all, as if he had entered another space.

"If you provoke me again, I will kill you." Chen Feng said lightly.

Li Hun's face twisted a few times, and then he quickly regained his composure. He no longer stepped forward to provoke Chen Feng, and no one knew what he was thinking.

And the human immortal Jiang Feng also looked at Chen Feng curiously, and he also had his own plans.

Soon Dongfang Ming, Bai Jianxing, Lang Bin, Qing Zhifeng, Jian Qingwu, Jian Zhiqiu, and a follower of Li Hun appeared in the hall one after another.

These people all won the previous arena battle, a total of eleven people, and everyone was standing in the hall at this time. Except for the human immortal Jiang Feng who had a calm expression, everyone else had their own thoughts.

"Damn it!" Li Hun gritted his teeth and cursed. He brought a total of nine followers when he came, and four people were eliminated in the battle puppet stage. This time, four people were eliminated again. Li Hun gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart, wishing he could kill them immediately.

Dongfang Ming's side is still very strong. So far, there are still four people, and they are all half-step human immortals. What surprised Chen Feng was that Xie Hongyan and Luo Pianpian were actually eliminated. This made Chen Feng's impression of Daluo Academy somewhat lower.

You should know that those who can enter the four major academies to practice are the world's top talents. It stands to reason that although these two women are only at the ninth level of the heavenly realm, it should not be a problem for them to compete with the half-step human immortal.

"You have passed this test, this is your reward." A majestic voice sounded, and streams of light flashed, and a jade medicine bottle appeared in front of each person.

"Heaven-level elixir, Tianlei Pill." Human Immortal Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise.

Chen Feng opened the medicine bottle, and the rich medicinal gas mixed with the power of heavenly thunder immediately conflicted. Chen Feng opened his mouth, and a Tianlei Pill fell into the air. In an instant, the violent medicinal power exploded in the body. The refined Tianlei power was constantly absorbed by Chen Feng. In just a few breaths, the medicinal power of this pill was completely absorbed by Chen Feng. In Chen Feng's feeling, the power of heavenly thunder contained in this Tianlei Pill was strong, but it was easier to absorb than the heavenly thunder in the thunder tribulation. This is the effect of the pill.

Seeing Chen Feng easily swallowed and refined a Heavenly Thunder Pill, the cultivators present were very surprised, and they all looked at Chen Feng with strange eyes.

How strong is this guy's body? This kind of heavenly pill needs time to be refined even for human immortals.

"The last level is to find the inheritance and treasures of Yunlan Immortal. I wish you good luck. Of course, if any of you want to quit now, you can still do so. I can teleport you out. Otherwise, once you enter the gate in front of you, whether you live or die depends on you." Along with this voice, a void gate appeared in front of everyone again. It was dark and seemed to lead to another world, which made people feel soul trembling at a glance.


Li Hun and his followers entered the gate first, and then Jiang Feng also took action. Everyone did not hesitate and entered the void gate one after another.

Everyone came here to find the treasures and inheritance of Yunlan Immortal. Since they have come here, the mountains of swords and seas of fire and the lava of hell will not stop everyone's footsteps.

"It's a bit strange." Chen Feng was a little confused.

"Why does everything seem to be going so smoothly? In order to obtain the inheritance of Immortal Yunlan, there must be only one person in the end, but now there are eleven people entering. And from the tone of the other party just now, this final inheritance and treasure should not be so easy to obtain. There is a high probability that there will be danger." Chen Feng thought to himself, and he was still the last one to enter the Void Gate.


The Void Gate dissipated, as if it had never appeared.

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