Eternal Existence

Chapter 608: Fighting against puppets

Under the siege of a group of high-level celestial realm cultivators, the human immortal Jiang Feng was increasingly injured and gradually could not resist.


At this time, Qing Zhifeng took out a small copper bell, which was also a holy weapon, but it was a soul-type attack magic weapon. The copper bell was struck, and beams of sound waves rushed towards Jiang Feng.

"Soul attack!" It was impossible for Jiang Feng to dodge. He was hit by the sound waves, his eyes were confused, and his body became sluggish again.



All kinds of magic weapons flew out of his hands and hit Jiang Feng heavily.


Chen Feng's Zhang Tian Chi was the fastest, and the first one hit Jiang Feng's chest, causing Jiang Feng to spit blood and fly backwards, but Jiang Feng also woke up and used swordsmanship to resist these attacks while flying.

Although most of the attacks were blocked, there were still a few attacks that hit Jiang Feng heavily.

Jiang Feng vomited blood repeatedly, and he didn't know how many bones were broken. Jiang Feng used his body skills to dodge while secretly complaining in his heart. He had never been so embarrassed since he became a human immortal, but this time he was chased and beaten by a group of little guys in the heavenly realm. And it seemed that he might even lose his life.


Jiang Feng crushed a talisman, and the light on his body was shining brightly, forming a thick barrier that blocked all attacks. At the same time, Jiang Feng took out half of the cloud map, and the cloud map immediately fluttered in the wind, the air flow surged, and the light shone everywhere. Soon, a space gate three feet high appeared in the hall.


Jiang Feng's figure flashed and disappeared in the space gate.

"It's the passage to the second floor of the hall."

"Let's go!"

"Catch up."

"There are so many good things on the first floor, and there must be more on the second floor."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Everyone was very fast and got into the space gate one after another, and soon the whole hall space returned to peace.

Not long after everyone disappeared, the space in the hall fluctuated again, and a group of monks surrounded a young monk and entered the hall.

"Young master, someone has been here."

"I can see that this should be the first floor of the hall. Unfortunately, everything has been looted. Let's go, follow them. We are the last to come. Don't get nothing."

Then the young master led everyone into the space gate.

After Chen Feng passed through the space gate, he arrived in a secret room. In addition to himself, there was a metal humanoid puppet standing in the middle of the secret room, shining with metallic luster and full of domineering power.

"What is this?" Chen Feng was a little confused and didn't understand what this meant.

"Only if you defeat me can you have a chance to get the treasure." The metal puppet suddenly spoke, and immediately jumped up and punched Chen Feng after speaking.

Speaking, jumping, and punching, the three were connected, and the speed of punching was extremely fast, not giving Chen Feng a chance to think at all.

However, Chen Feng was not careless in the face of the attack of the metal puppet. Although he could not feel the power fluctuation of the metal puppet, Chen Feng instinctively felt a hint of threat and knew that he could not be hit by the other party.


Chen Feng also punched out, colliding with the fist of the metal puppet. The metal puppet rolled over and fell heavily on the wall of the secret room, making a loud noise. Chen Feng also stepped back a few steps, only feeling numbness in his arms and a dull pain in his fist.

"Good guy, more than 30 million pounds of power, what level of combat puppet is this." Chen Feng was a little surprised, and his arm shook, and the numbness disappeared and returned to normal.

At that time, the metal puppet turned over, as if it was not affected, and continued to attack Chen Feng. Moreover, this attack was different from the previous one. The metal puppet's arm suddenly shook, and waves of airflow pushed and pressed against Chen Feng layer by layer, making Chen Feng feel suffocated.

"It actually knows the secret art of Wu Ji." Chen Feng was even more surprised. This metal puppet was much stronger than the combat puppet he had obtained. The puppet refining technique he had obtained was a ground-level technique. According to the introduction above, the strongest combat puppet he had refined was similar to the one in front of him, not to mention that he had not yet studied the puppet refining technique.

If he wanted to deal with this metal puppet before the tribulation, Chen Feng would have to use the holy weapon, but now it was different. He could beat this metal puppet back repeatedly with his own strength.

After repelling this metal puppet again, Chen Feng lost his patience. With a wave of his hand, the immortal rope flew out and tied up this metal puppet. No matter how hard this puppet struggled, it was useless.

You should know that Chen Feng's immortal rope has become a third-grade holy weapon after fusing eight golden ropes, which can even tie up human immortals.

"You passed the test." The metal puppet suddenly stopped struggling.


Chen Feng waved his hand to take back the immortal rope, and then the secret room in front of him collapsed, and he reappeared in a spacious hall, and the metal puppet disappeared.

There was still a person standing in the hall, it was the immortal Jiang Feng who was surrounded and killed by everyone just now. Seeing Chen Feng appear, Jiang Feng was stunned at first, and then laughed: "I didn't expect that you, a little guy, have the strongest cultivation among these people, and defeated the battle puppet so quickly."

"It's just luck, aren't you afraid of being surrounded and killed by us now, or why don't you attack me, now I'm the only one here, it's a good opportunity to take action." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Your magic weapon is a bit troublesome. If I can kill you, I will not hold back, but now I want to keep my strength to obtain the treasures and inheritance in the Yunlan barrier." Jiang Feng said.

"I heard that Yunlan Immortal is a high-level human immortal. You are also a human immortal. It seems that there is no need to be so hungry." Chen Feng sneered.

"What do you know? Yunlan Immortal is the closest to the earth immortal. It is even rumored that he fought with the earth immortal and survived. In the end, when he was impacting the earth immortal realm, his old injury recurred and he failed to pass the tribulation. However, he delayed for ten years before dying. This Yunlan barrier was left by Yunlan Immortal before his death, in order to find some talented descendants to inherit his treasures and inheritance." Jiang Feng said.

"So that's the case." Chen Feng nodded. He knew something, but think about it. The inheritance treasures left by a being close to the earth immortal can indeed attract other human immortals to come, not to mention that Yunlan Immortal is also an extremely powerful existence among human immortals.

"It seems that the inheritance here should be obtained by the owner of the cloud map, but the treasures here are different. Whoever has the stronger means will get it. You can even directly snatch the cloud map and receive the inheritance of Yunlan Immortal." Chen Feng thought to himself.


Dongfang Ming also appeared soon after. Looking at Chen Feng and Jiang Feng, Dongfang Ming's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but he quickly hid it. At the same time, he secretly guessed how strong Chen Feng's cultivation was.

The next to appear again were Xie Hongyan and Luo Pianpian. Chen Feng was a little surprised. It seemed that he had underestimated the other party before.

Then Bai Jianxing and others appeared in a series of times. The time in between was not much different, but in the end, there were still a few people who did not appear.

"Why haven't Qin Chuan brothers and sisters appeared yet?" Jian Qingling and the others couldn't help asking.

"No need to ask, they must have been defeated or killed by the battle puppets." Lang Bin laughed.

"Aren't there two people who didn't show up on your side?" Jian Qingling retorted.

"It can't even handle that combat puppet. It's just a waste. It's good to be killed. There will be fewer places to divide the treasure in the future." Lang Bin sneered.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, the space fluctuated, and someone else appeared, and six people appeared in a row, making the three monks of Dongfang Ming secretly alert.

"It's not Qin Chuan and the others. It seems that this should be the fourth batch of cloud map owners." Chen Feng thought to himself.

At this time, everyone present had been divided into four groups. Renxian Jiangfeng, Dongfang Ming, Jian Qingwu and the party that just appeared were on guard against each other. Before they spoke, a voice sounded.

"The assessment is over. The losers will be teleported out of the barrier. Those who pass can each get a heaven-level technique." A majestic voice sounded in everyone's ears, and then the scene in front of them changed again. A door appeared in the void, dark and unknown where it led to.

"Heaven-level skills, not bad, this trip is not in vain."

After hearing this voice, some people were excited, while others were expressionless, unmoved, obviously not taking the heaven-level skills seriously.

Chen Feng was also a little disappointed. For the Heaven-Man Realm cultivators, the heaven-level skills were already good, and even some heaven-level skills would be desperately snatched by human immortals. However, after possessing the Changsheng Zhenjing, Chen Feng's vision became extremely high. He did not look down on ordinary skills at all, unless the level of the Devouring Heaven Demonic Skill could make Chen Feng excited.

"However, it would be a waste if I didn't bite it, and it would be good to sell it for money." This thought came to Chen Feng's mind.

"I'll go in first." Dongfang Ming took the lead to enter the gate and disappeared.

Then everyone came forward without hesitation. Chen Feng only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and he arrived in a spacious house again. Volumes of jade slips floated in the air, shrouded by a layer of mysterious energy, emitting an attractive luster.

"They are all in the form of jade slips. They can't all be heaven-level techniques." Chen Feng glanced and found that there were hundreds of jade slips here. Each volume was edited with precious jade. Just a glance showed that they were very precious.

"There are so many heaven-level techniques, but it's a pity that I can only choose one." Jian Qingling said in surprise.

"It's a pity that Qin Chuan and his sister didn't come in." Situ Nan smiled beside Chen Feng.

In the outside world, in the valley that entered the Yunlan barrier, streams of light flashed. Qin Chuan, Qin Lian, and Dongfang Ming's two half-step immortals, in addition to these four people, there are four more people who were eliminated from the fourth group.

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