Eternal Existence

Chapter 607 Human Immortal Jiang Feng

"The protective talisman is at least made by a human immortal. You are lucky. Hand it over." Chen Feng sneered.

Dongfang Ming's face was a little pale. It was not known whether it was due to excessive consumption of true energy or being frightened by the sword energy storm. However, after hearing Chen Feng's words, Dongfang Ming's face immediately returned to normal: "Come and get it if you have the ability."

"Then I will see how many protective talismans you have." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the two swords of life and death began to rotate again. A trace of sword energy began to shoot out. Chen Feng wanted to have another sword energy storm.

Feeling the sword intent and power emanating from the two swords of life and death, Dongfang Ming gritted his teeth, threw the Four Directions Seal to Chen Feng, and then turned and walked out.

Anyway, he also collected two holy artifacts. Let this kid be proud for a while, and then he will join others to collect the debt.

There are a total of eight holy artifacts. Chen Feng has obtained three, Dongfang Ming has obtained two, Bai Jianxing and Liu Quan have obtained one each, and the last gong and drum is left, which is also a fifth-grade holy artifact.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the sword energy of the two swords of life and death surged, sealing the door of the secret room. Then Chen Feng began to bombard the seal of the last holy weapon. It didn't take long for the seal to be broken, and the gongs and drums were in Chen Feng's hands.

Chen Feng was speechless looking at the gongs and drums in his hand. The copper face and cloth hammer were no different from the tools used for tricks on the street. If it weren't for the strong fluctuations emitted from them, Chen Feng would not have taken a second look at them even if they were still in front of him.

"Put it away first and study it later. After all, it is a fifth-grade holy weapon, so it should be useful." Chen Feng put away the gongs and drums and walked out of the secret room. The two swords of life and death turned into two streams of light, one black and one white, and drilled into Chen Feng's body.

Outside the secret room, everyone stood outside, staring at Chen Feng one by one, especially the sword cultivator and Dongfang Ming who were injured by Chen Feng, who looked at Chen Feng with murderous eyes, wishing to fight and kill Chen Feng immediately.

"Brother Chen, you are out, hahaha, you have gained a lot." Liu Quan laughed.

"We really misjudged this time. We didn't expect there would be another expert here." Lang Bin looked at Chen Feng and sneered.

"Boy, I want to compete with you. If you lose, hand over the holy weapon you just got." Qing Zhifeng strode out with a spear in his hand. When he raised his hand, black mist surged on the spear, and there were countless ghosts crying and wolves howling.

Qing Zhifeng is a disciple of the Soul Refining Sect. He is proficient in the art of soul refining. Even the spear in his hand has no idea how many souls are sealed.

"Just you?" Chen Feng sneered.

"And me, boy, if you hand over what you just got, today's matter will be over, and we can explore other places in this palace together, otherwise you will not survive today." Dongfang Ming also threatened

"Oh, you are threatening me in this way. After all, you still want the things in the secret room just now." Chen Feng took out the holy weapon he just got, shook it a few times and put it away.

Seeing so many holy artifacts in Chen Feng's hand, not to mention Dongfang Ming and others, even Jian Qingwu and others who were with Chen Feng showed surprise in their eyes, especially Qin Chuan, whose eyes flashed with jealousy.

"This kid is really lucky, he actually got so many holy artifacts. Although I opened several secret rooms just now, I got nothing. It's really annoying. It seems that I have to find an opportunity to trick Chen Feng." Qin Chuan thought in his heart.

"I think I'm not the only one who got the treasure just now. I remember that Dongfang Ming also got two holy artifacts. I think you should take them out and give them to me or share them with everyone." Chen Feng said with a smile, not taking these people seriously at all.

"Looking for death!"

"Do it!"

Dongfang Ming and his gang all rioted, and the long-prepared attack immediately bombarded Chen Feng, trying to kill Chen Feng in the shortest time.

And Chen Feng had been on guard against these people for a long time, and he also took action at the moment when the other party took action. The two swords of life and death quickly rotated in front of him, and the two qi of life and death formed a thick sword shield.

As for Jian Qingwu and the others, they were not idle either. Before Chen Feng came out, they were already secretly on guard, and their speed of action was no slower than that of the other party.

In an instant, all kinds of killing moves came out at the same time, with constant collisions and confrontations. The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, thunder and lightning struck, water and fire collided, and the heaven and earth suppressed the whole hall.

Just when Chen Feng was considering whether to take out the blood-gathering beads to capture the other party, the space suddenly shook slightly, and everyone stopped their hands involuntarily, because there was another person in the hall, a tall middle-aged cultivator, with an ordinary appearance and inconspicuous appearance, but the aura emanating from his body made everyone tremble in their hearts.

A master of human immortals!

The person who came was indeed a human immortal. Although these people were all geniuses from famous families, each of them had amazing cultivation talents and could compete with human immortal masters, but now that a human immortal really stood in front of everyone, everyone still felt some pressure.

Moreover, the person in front of him was not an ordinary human immortal. The power in his body was so strong and the fluctuations on his body were so strange that he seemed to be able to break through the space and come to everyone at any time.

"This person is close to a mid-level human immortal. He is a tough character, but with so many of us, we can still kill him without any problems."

"Hey, I'm afraid that the other party has some powerful means. Everyone should be cautious and try not to take action if possible."

The cultivators of both sides stopped fighting. Each of them had their own plans and thoughts, and they were communicating secretly. Although they were a little wary of this suddenly appearing human immortal, they were not yet afraid.

"This immortal is much stronger than us individually. I suggest that we join forces to kill each other first. What do you think?" At this time, Jian Qingwu received Dongfang Ming's voice transmission.

Jian Qingwu's eyes flashed, and she quickly responded: "Okay, let's do it together."

"Haha, it seems that you are one step ahead of me. I don't care what sect you are from, and I don't care what kind of powerful backers you have behind you, but now what you have to do is to take out everything on your body, and then I can spare your life." This immortal looked at everyone and suddenly laughed.

"Jiang Feng, you are just a small beginner immortal, and you dare to talk big in front of us. Today is your death day. Let's do it together." Dongfang Ming obviously recognized the identity of this immortal.

At the same time, Dongfang Ming also took the lead in launching an attack.

"Volcano eruption!"

It was Dongfang Ming's strongest attack.

"Let's do it too, Sun and Moon Twin Swords!" Jian Qingwu and her sisters also exploded.

"Autumn River!"

"Moonlight Ascending Spirit Sword!"

"Star Sword Technique!"

"Green Evil Blood Wave!"

"Soul Wave!"


All kinds of attacks were launched at this immortal. At the same time, he was not slower than everyone else. He directly sacrificed the Heavenly Ruler and crossed the space to attack.

Seeing that everyone suddenly attacked him, the immortal Jiang Feng was also furious. He pushed his hands in the air, and waves of water ripples emanated from his palms. At the same time, a long sword emerged from Jiang Feng's forehead, and then it turned into dozens of swords like a peacock spreading its tail. It was unknown whether it was an illusion or a real existence.

The ripples emitted by Jiang Feng seemed fragile, but they blocked most of the attacks of everyone. Then Jiang Feng's swordsmanship arrived. Once it was deployed, it was overwhelming, like the Milky Way, and even Chen Feng's Heavenly Ruler was knocked out.

"This immortal is so powerful, but he will definitely die if he is besieged by everyone." Although Chen Feng was a little surprised at the strength of this immortal, he could guess the general result. After all, there were quite a few half-step immortals present, not to mention that they all came from first-class sects and first-class families. They were all extremely talented and had hidden means. It was not a problem for them to join forces to besiege and kill a immortal.

"As expected of an immortal who has comprehended the laws of immortality, you can also communicate with the immortal world to absorb immortal energy, which has exceeded the scope of humans and entered the realm of immortals. However, you are alone and are still an initial immortal. You can't stop our siege at all." Dongfang Ming said, and five fingers were directed. Layers of golden silk nets were spread out in the air. Everyone immediately felt the binding force coming from the surrounding space. These layers of silk nets seemed to be able to block even the space.

"This is the immortal binding net, a holy weapon. I will trap the opponent, and you will attack quickly." Dongfang Ming shouted.

"I also have a set of ropes, which I rarely use. I hope they can be of some use this time." Jian Zhiqiu raised his hand as he spoke, and suddenly water columns seemed to appear in all directions, and soon condensed into chains, and these chains were actually condensed by the power of water.

"This is the Void Water Holy Lock, which is also a holy weapon." Someone exclaimed.

The two holy weapons suppressed, and the others continued to attack. The magic weapons used by everyone present were all holy weapons. Under the powerful attack, the human fairy Jiang Feng was immediately at a disadvantage.

Chen Feng was a little amused. Just now, the two sides were fighting to the death, but now they have joined forces again. The speed of transformation made Chen Feng stare.

However, Chen Feng also knew that this was not the time to be distracted, and the Zhangtian Ruler in his hand flew out again.


The Zhangtian Ruler was swept by the sword light and was knocked away again. He took back the Zhangtian Ruler and looked at the gap on it with a little heartache.

"This human fairy's long sword is a good holy weapon, but I don't believe I can't hit you." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and offered the Zhangtian Ruler again.

This time, the Tianchi finally showed its power. Jiang Feng was in a panic under the siege of everyone, and Chen Feng took advantage of an opportunity. The Tianchi hit Jiang Feng's shoulder with a snap, making Jiang Feng stagger. So everyone stepped forward again, and with the flash of sword light, Jiang Feng had several more wounds on his body.

"Good job, Brother Chen, come again." Liu Quan shouted.

"Binding! Oppression!"


Dongfang Ming and Jian Zhiqiu shouted at the same time, and Jiang Feng felt that the void around him began to compress and become more solid. There were even more binding forces entangled with him, making him feel like a fish trapped in a quagmire.

"It's really troublesome, how can there be so many holy weapons." Jiang Feng was a little depressed.

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