Eternal Existence

Chapter 602: Bloodthirsty Explosive Ape

Although the Qin family is also a first-class family, it still lacks a lot of foundation compared to a sect like the Tianjian Sect that has been inherited for countless thousands of years. Therefore, even if Qin Chuan is a little arrogant, disciples from large sects such as Liu Quan will still know how to Secretly despised.

Of course, the world of cultivation is based on strength. If Qin Chuan is not strong enough and has average talent, he will not be invited even if he has friendship with Jian Qingwu and others.

"Chiyang Sword Code, an immortal-level technique. No wonder Qin Chuan's sword power has a supreme aura. However, this person is also very talented. Just now, a high-level demon was killed by a sword." Chen Feng said with a smile, but Chen Feng also felt a little emotional. After coming to the Central Plains for a while, Chen Feng did find that the monks in the Central Plains were of higher quality than the monks in the Northern Plains.

"Forgive me, let's leave now."

At this time, a group of monks appeared in front of everyone again, but it was obvious that these monks appeared in front of everyone unintentionally, or that they happened to meet these monks in the direction they were heading.

Originally, these monks could just dodge, but Chen Feng and others advanced too fast. Two of the opponents were too slow to dodge, and were killed by Qin Chuan's red flame sword energy. After killing these two people, they were killed by Qin Chuan's red flame sword energy. Qin Chuan didn't even hold back, and killed all the others with his sword energy.

"Hey, this guy is quite ruthless." Chen Feng sneered.

"It can be said that these people are unlucky. They are pretty good at being able to get here. But they are a little unlucky. They can't even run away when they encounter a half-step immortal who practices the Chiyang Sword Code." Liu Quan also smiled, He was not surprised at all by what he saw in front of him.

Chen Feng secretly sighed, this is the cruelty of the cultivation world. He and others can kill the monks in front of them, but if there are immortals flying from behind, will they also kill themselves and others?

"The situation in the Central Plains cultivation world is indeed more cruel. It seems that I am still not strong enough and cannot relax." Chen Feng became more determined.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

Waves of roars came from the front, clouds and mist rolled in, and strong winds hit everyone.

Then a huge blurry figure appeared in everyone's sight.

"Be careful! It's a bloodthirsty Explosive Ape. The blood energy just now should have attracted these monsters." Jian Qingwu's face darkened.

"Kill them all the same." Qin Chuan was full of energy, his sword energy became more intense, and he sped up and rushed forward away from the team.

"Idiot!" Chen Feng sneered. Not to mention Chen Feng, even Liu Quan and others also noticed the powerful aura coming from the front.

"Brother, be careful." Qin Lian was a little anxious and rushed forward first.

"Let's go up too. These bloodthirsty Explosive Apes are very powerful and not easy to deal with. I hope there won't be too many of them." Jian Qingwu said as he took out his long sword and Jian Qingling and rushed forward.


But before everyone could move, they heard a bang and Qin Chuan flew out like a meteorite.

"So fast!"

Chen Feng and others were a little surprised. Although Qin Chuan was arrogant, he was also a half-immortal monk. He had just gone up, but was knocked back with just one touch.

Jian Luobo and Jian Zhiqiu stepped forward at the same time, reaching out to stop Qin Chuan.

Bang bang bang bang!

A series of sounds of broken bones were heard, and then Qin Chuan opened his mouth, and a stream of blood spurted out like a sharp arrow.

"Good fellow, I injured a Half-Step Human Immortal with just one contact. It seems that the one appearing in front is the Half-Step Demon King." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The surrounding fog dissipated completely, and huge Explosive Apes appeared in front of everyone. This is a very powerful and violent ape-like monster. The reason why it is called Explosive Ape is because this monster is not only bloodthirsty. , also has a fire attribute constitution.

There are four bloodthirsty Explosive Apes in total. Each one is ten feet in size. Their whole body is covered with dense and thick fiery red body hair. Each one is like a burning flame. Their limbs are unusually thick and contain powerful destructive power. , each fang is like a thick sword, exuding a deep cold, the eyes are blood red, and the blood evil energy contained in it makes people feel dizzy at a glance.

"The four ninth-grade demons have not yet reached the realm of half-step demon kings. However, these four demons are full of blood and domineering, and their innate bodies are against the sky. They are much stronger than us human monks. According to the comparison of strength, generally All the half-step immortals will be tortured and killed in front of this kind of monster." Chen Feng made this judgment after feeling the aura emanating from these four bloodthirsty explosive apes.

"It's no wonder Qin Chuan was beaten away all at once. It's a good thing that the four bloodthirsty Explosive Apes didn't tear him into pieces." Liu Quan also gloated a little, and Situ Nan even laughed on the side, making the injury heal. Qin Chuan, who had not recovered, could not help but vomit blood again.

At this time, Qin Lian, Jian Qingwu, Jian Qingling, Xie Hongyan, and Luo Pianpian were fighting against four bloodthirsty explosive apes.

Xie Hongyan and Luo Pianpian were performing illusions in the distance, while Jian Qingwu and the others were using swordsmanship to fight each other.

Speaking of which, these five people are all the best among the monks of the same level, especially the four of Jian Qingwu who are practicing in Daluo Academy and can be regarded as the top geniuses in the world of cultivation.

But even so, these five people are still at an absolute disadvantage. If it weren't for the illusions of Xie Hongyan and the two girls, Jian Qingwu and the others would have been beaten away long ago.

These four bloodthirsty explosive apes were too powerful. Their bodies were extremely strong. When their thick limbs were swung, the power they generated could easily break a small mountain. The strong wind they brought was as sharp as a flying sword. Even the roars during the battle shook the space and continuously sent out waves.

Seeing that the women were about to lose, Chen Feng and others also followed suit.

"Haha, it was a few women who rushed up when they encountered danger, and we, a few grown men, just stood here and watched. It's really shameful." Jian Luobo laughed and then he and Jian Zhiqiu drew their swords and killed them.

As soon as the two of them went up, they joined forces to attack one of the bloodthirsty explosive apes. As the sword light flashed, the bloodthirsty explosive ape had several more wounds on its body. The fiery red blood flowed out, but it floated in the air, burning like a flame.

With the addition of two half-step human immortals, the situation changed immediately, but it was still difficult to defeat these four big monsters.

"Let's do it, this is not the time to waste time." Liu Quan and Situ Nan also stepped forward quickly and killed another bloodthirsty explosive ape together.

The attack power of the disciples sent by Tianjian is top-notch in the entire cultivation world. At this time, the sword energy was crisscrossing, and even the space was cut into thin and long traces, killing the four big monsters roaring continuously, and wounds continued to appear on their bodies.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three sword energies of more than ten meters long slashed at the same position at the same time, and then a thick arm was cut off. One of the bloodthirsty explosive apes roared angrily, and its huge body was shrinking rapidly, becoming the same as an ordinary ape, but the breath on its body was more condensed. The blood on the wound stopped flowing.

Two blood lights shot out from the eyes of the bloodthirsty explosive ape. Wherever the blood light passed, there were bursts of explosions. The long swords in Liu Quan and Situ Nan's hands were knocked away. The two dodged a little slower, and the clothes and flesh immediately melted and disappeared where they were swept by the blood light.

"Not good, this bloodthirsty explosive ape has mastered the Blood Eye." Liu Quan shouted.

Chen Feng flew forward and blocked Liu Quan and the other man. He stretched out his palm and grabbed the air. A black hole appeared in his palm. A strong suction force emanated, covering the entire bloodthirsty explosive ape.

Chen Feng used the Heaven Devouring Demon Art and Heaven Devouring Absorption Technique.

The Heaven Devouring Demon Art is domineering, but it is only a fragment. The power it exerts is limited, but it is fast and fierce. The Heaven Devouring Absorption Technique is of a better grade and can devour the essence of all things in the world. However, Chen Feng has not yet mastered it. Compared with the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, it is milder. After Chen Feng's cultivation becomes more and more profound, these two techniques are also slowly integrated by Chen Feng. Of course, this is not a true complete integration, but it can also gather the strengths of the two techniques when it is activated.

Hula la la! Hula la la!

The wound on the bloodthirsty explosive ape suddenly exploded, and the blood in the body gushed out like a life-threatening spurt. The blood was surging, and the space where everyone was seemed to be dyed red.

After losing a lot of blood, the ape paused and slowed down. Liu Quan and Situ Nan seized the opportunity. Two sword lights flashed, and the ape's vitals were pierced. Finally, it screamed and died.

One bloodthirsty ape was killed, and the other three were scared. They roared and rushed around, trying to escape.

"It's too late to leave now." Xie Hongyan's eyes were bright and shining, like two pearls shining brightly. Xie Hongyan used the illusion to the extreme. Another bloodthirsty ape's eyes were bloody, and its body was slow. It was surrounded by the crowd and killed in a few moves.

Chen Feng attacked again, still using the method just now, absorbing a lot of blood from the bloodthirsty ape, so that the bloodthirsty ape could not exert all its strength due to the loss of blood and qi, and was soon killed.

Soon, everyone worked together to kill all four explosive apes. This was a ninth-grade monster, and all the hair on its body was good stuff. Chen Feng naturally understood this, so he used means to absorb some of its essence and blood. The essence and blood of monsters of this level are perfect for refining pills to strengthen the body.

"Let's go, these monsters have delayed us for a long time."

Jian Qingwu and others simply took some pills to replenish their consumed physical strength, and then continued to move forward. As for Qin Chuan's injuries, they were also under control, but he remained silent at this time, obviously because of what happened just now.

"Brother Liu, Brother Situ, how are you two?" Chen Feng asked.

"Some skin injuries, no problem, they will recover soon." Liu Quan smiled. After taking the pills, the wounds on the two were healing quickly, and even the disappeared flesh and blood were growing again.

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