Eternal Existence

Chapter 601 Four-segment Cloud

Sister Jian Qingwu led the charge, while Jian Luobo and Jian Zhiqiu looked at each other and followed.

Just as Qin Chuan and Qin Lian were about to go up, a fragrant breeze blew by, and Xie Hongyan and Luo Pianpian flew over like a gust of wind.

Qin Chuan paused, then smiled coldly at Chen Feng, and then entered the mist.

"Haha, it seems that the three of us are the last." Chen Feng laughed.

"It's better to be at the back, it's safer than leading the charge." Situ Nan said with a smile.

The mist outside the confused mountains had little effect on Chen Feng and others. They moved very fast and quickly advanced thousands of miles. During this time, they also encountered some other monks who came to adventure, but the strength of Chen Feng and others was too strong. Among the eleven people, six were half-step human immortals. This lineup made these monks who came to adventure and some monsters hiding in the dark and preparing to attack the adventurers all dodge in fear, or lie down honestly, fearing that this group of masters who suddenly appeared would cheat them.

"Did you see them? They are from the Tianjian Sect."

"Of course I saw them. I also know two of them. They are the sisters Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling."

"And the Qin family's Qin Chuan and Qin Lian."

"I think the others are not weak either."

"These people are all masters from big sects and big families. I wonder what they are going to do by forming a team to enter the Misty Mountains. Are they going to hunt monsters? I don't think so."

"Maybe they are here for the Ghost Flower and Misty Fruit?"

"Don't make random guesses. The Misty Mountains are one of the most dangerous places in the Central Plains. The area is vast. I don't know how many treasures there are. I don't know how many inheritance caves left by the predecessors. These disciples of big sects enter the Misty Mountains. Of course it is an adventure. Aren't we here to take risks? Isn't it to gain something and go further on the road of cultivation? "

"Brother Sun's words make sense. Instead of wasting time guessing others, let's join hands and go to the Misty Lake in front to have a look. I heard that someone found the Misty Fruit there last year."

Chen Feng followed the team slowly. Although his side was strong, Chen Feng was not careless at all. Not to mention the Misty Mountains were notorious, the fact that Jian Qingwu and the others had found so many people to form a team explained the reason. If there was no danger in finding the inheritance of Yunlan Immortal, the two sisters would have set out alone and would not have waited for time to find companions.

The divine consciousness was released, and the surrounding environment was clearly reflected in Chen Feng's mind. Even the smallest flying insects hidden in the clouds could not escape Chen Feng's induction.

After surviving the thunder tribulation, although the soul fire has not yet transformed into the life fire, Chen Feng's soul strength has increased to a frightening extent. After being condensed by the heavenly thunder and fused with the will of heaven and earth, Chen Feng's current soul power can clearly detect the situation hundreds of miles away with a light scan.

So Chen Feng is confident that if there is any danger, he will definitely be able to detect it in advance.

"There are quite a few cultivators who come here to adventure, but these people's cultivation is too weak. I don't know if I will encounter masters if I go further in." Chen Feng said in his heart.

After advancing a distance again, Jian Qingwu took out the half cloud map, and the soul power swept it. The half cloud map suddenly stretched out in Jian Qingwu's hand, and at the same time, a faint white light emanated from it, just like a living thing full of soul.

Waves of power emanated, enveloping everyone in it, and at the same time, the surrounding fog was swept away.

Feeling this power fluctuation, the blood-gathering bead in Chen Feng's body also trembled slightly, which surprised Chen Feng a little.

"This half cloud map turned out to be a Taoist weapon!" Chen Feng exclaimed.

"It should be said that this is a half-cut Taoist device. This half-cut cloud map is the key to enter the Yunlan barrier. Now I can find the location of the Yunlan barrier by urging the remaining spiritual consciousness in the cloud map." Jian Qingwu said as she urged the power of her soul to enter the half-cut cloud map. Sure enough, dark clouds rolled in the cloud map, and mountains flashed. It seemed that there was a small world hidden in it.

Just as Jian Qingwu urged the cloud map to find the Yunlan barrier, a group of monks had already entered the depths of the misty mountains. There were a total of eight monks in this group, but each of them exuded a powerful aura, which dispersed the thick mist around them.

"According to the instructions, the Yunlan barrier is ahead." The leader's eyes flashed, looking ahead and laughing. This man was tall, with flying hair, and his body was full of volcanic power.

"I didn't expect that this Yunlan barrier was hidden in the depths of the misty mountains. This is a dangerous area. Let's enter the Yunlan barrier as soon as possible and get the treasure first." A white-robed monk with sword eyebrows and starry eyes said in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid there will be dangers in the Yunlan barrier. It won't be so easy to get the treasures and inheritance of the Yunlan Immortal."

"Hey, that's not right!" At this time, the monk holding the cloud map suddenly changed his face, because the cloud map in his hand actually shook slightly, and it was obvious that some changes had occurred.

"Dongfang Ming, what happened?" The white-robed monk asked immediately.

"You should know that the entire cloud map is a Taoist artifact, which was later divided into four parts. I only have one of them in my hand, but the cloud map just changed and echoed with thousands of miles away. This means that someone, like us, also came to the Misty Mountains with a cloud map, and according to the other party's position, it is far from entering the center of the Misty Mountains." Dongfang Ming said in a deep voice.

"Someone is coming. I suggest we stay here and wait for him to come, kill him, and snatch the other half of the cloud map." A young man in light blue armor had a murderous look in his eyes.

"Not good. If the other party is stronger than us, we are just walking into the tiger's mouth."

"Hey, if he is stronger than us, then he should be a human immortal, and even if he comes, he is not our opponent."

"Although the words are good, we have already seized the initiative and entered the inheritance land first. When the other party arrives, it will be too late. The treasures and inheritance inside have already belonged to us, so there is no need for us to waste time and fight with the other party. Of course, Qing Zhifeng, if you want to stay and stop the other party, we have no objection." A cultivator with blue eyes flashing in his eyes laughed.

"Lang Bin, it seems that you want to learn from me." Qing Zhifeng sneered, showing his white teeth.

"I'm not afraid of you." Lang Bin's eyes also flashed with a belligerent light.

"Okay, now is not the time for internal fighting, everyone vote." Dongfang Ming shook his head and said helplessly.

Although this half of the cloud map belongs to him, all the partners he found are half-step immortals, each of them has a high level of cultivation, and they are all high-level cultivators from various sects, so naturally no one will submit to the other.

Soon the result came out, five people agreed to enter, and three agreed to stay and kill the other party.

"Humph." Seeing this result, Qing Zhifeng snorted coldly, obviously very unhappy.

"Let's go."

Dongfang Ming shouted lightly, and the half of the cloud map in his hand floated up, and the light on it was rioting. Soon the space in front of him fluctuated like water waves, and then a dark passage appeared in front of everyone.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Eight people entered the passage one after another, and then the passage disappeared.

"Not good!"

When the passage opened, Jian Qingwu, who was thousands of miles away, was a little panicked, but then calmed down.

"What happened? Didn't you find the location of the Yunlan barrier?" Qin Chuan asked immediately.

"Someone entered the Yunlan barrier, just thousands of miles away." Jian Qingwu said in a deep voice.

"Someone has gotten there first. Let's not delay any longer. Let's speed up. If we go too late, I'm afraid all the treasures inside will be gone." Liu Quan said.

"Ten thousand miles away should be the center of the Misty Mountains. If a half-step immortal enters it carelessly, it will be dangerous. Everyone should not be careless." Xie Hongyan said.

"I'll take the lead." Qin Chuan was full of momentum and quickly moved forward. The thick fog swept to both sides like waves wherever he passed. In an instant, Qin Chuan was several miles away.

"Let's go!"

Everyone followed him one after another. This time everyone came for the treasures in the Yunlan barrier. If someone else got there first, wouldn't this trip be in vain?

Ten thousand miles away from the Misty Mountains, there is a steep mountain that breaks through the clouds and goes straight into the sky. At the top of this mountain, in the fierce gale, a middle-aged man with an inconspicuous appearance sat cross-legged. The gale that can blow away rocks can't even blow up the clothes of this middle-aged man.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man opened his eyes, his eyes were as bright as lightning, and then he waved his hand and took out half of the cloud map.

"I didn't expect that just when I got this half of the cloud map, someone found the location of the Yunlan barrier. What luck." The middle-aged man said, took out a long knife and slashed it at the void, and the whole person went into the void.

It turned out to be a human immortal.

In the nearest city to the misty mountains, a group of cultivators were strolling in the city. Suddenly, one of them changed his face, and then laughed: "The Yunlan barrier is indeed in the misty mountains, but someone has already entered. It seems that this time there are many dangers."

Then the group of cultivators all took off and rushed to the misty mountains quickly.

"I hope we have more luck and don't encounter obstacles." Chen Feng and others quickly passed through the mist, one by one at a very fast speed, constantly flying over the hills.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Occasionally, some blind cultivators or monsters blocked the crowd and were beaten away by the crowd before they could react.

"Get out of the way!"

Qin Chuan was always in the front, with a powerful aura and a flaming sword energy covering his whole body. Once something blocked the front, the sword light would fly out and destroy everything.

"It's no wonder that Qin Chuan is arrogant. His cultivation is really good. He is also a master among the half-step immortals." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Qin Chuan practiced the Chiyang Sword Canon. It is said that this sword art was passed down from the immortal world. Although it is only half a step, the Qin family rose to prominence with this sword canon." Liu Quan said with a smile.

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