Eternal Existence

Chapter 587: Reinforcements

"Why is it you?" Seeing that it was Chen Feng, the four of them all thought of escaping. Just now when they set up the formation, all four of their companions were killed by Chen Feng. At this time, the four of them did not think they could stop Chen Feng.

"No need to shout, I have enough time and confidence to kill you before the others arrive." Chen Feng said, taking out the blood-gathering bead and turning it in his hand.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Four long swords flew out and blocked the four people. The sword energy was surging, the sword edge was clear, the sword intent was full, and the breath of the holy weapon was revealed.

"Don't rush to do it. If I want to do it, can you block the power of my Taoist weapon?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It is indeed a holy weapon. No wonder, hum, we already understand the purpose of your coming. Isn't it for these four swords? Just do it." The cultivator holding the Sword of Heaven shouted coldly.

"Of course it is for these four long swords, otherwise I would kill the four of you right away. Now I give you four a chance to survive. Call out the long swords, otherwise once I start, you will end up with your souls scattered." Chen Feng said coldly.

In fact, Chen Feng was somewhat helpless. Although he could kill the four people, it would still take some effort. Dao weapons were not so easy to activate, and he was not sure of killing the other party by using other magic weapons.

"It is impossible for us to hand over the holy weapon. If you have the ability, just do it. We are not afraid of death in Wuqing Tianzong." The cultivator who wielded the Heavenly Sword said.

If Chen Feng did not take action, the four people would delay time. When the immortals on his side arrived, the situation in front of them would be resolved.

"Time is short. Since these four people are not sensible, I will not be polite." Chen Feng said, and the blood-gathering bead in his hand flew out fiercely, and it was a fierce collision with the four people in front of him.

"I will stop him, you go quickly." The Heavenly Sword cultivator shouted and stepped forward, thinking of sacrificing himself to give the other three people a chance to escape.

"It is quite loyal, but for these four holy weapons, I have to do it." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.


The Heaven Sword cultivator vomited blood and flew backwards. Chen Feng waved his hand and the Heaven Sword of the Eight Diagrams Sword fell into his hand. He had retracted part of the power of the Blood Gathering Pearl when he collided with him. This person was also a man of integrity. Whether he lived or died depended on his luck.

Regardless of whether this person was dead or alive, Chen Feng urged the Blood Gathering Pearl to chase the other three people. Soon, two more people were killed by Chen Feng one after another. In the end, only the cultivator in charge of the Ze Sword was still on the run, and he was no longer in Chen Feng's sight.

"The last long sword will complete the Eight Diagrams Point. No matter what, we can't let him go." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and sped up.

"Boy, where are you going?" At this time, the immortal from the Wuqing Tianzong finally dealt with the four big snakes. He rushed towards Chen Feng like a gust of wind. Before he arrived, a sword light had already broken through the air, making Chen Feng's scalp numb.

"Unlucky, how could it be so coincidental." Chen Feng shouted depressedly. He could only give up chasing the other party and try to find a way to block the attack of this immortal.


At this moment, two red sword lights suddenly fell from the sky, one hit the sword energy emitted by Wuqing Tianzong's human immortal, and the other attacked Wuqing Tianzong's human immortal.

Seeing the sword energy in front of him being dispersed and the human immortal being blocked, Chen Feng was happy in his heart, knowing that something had changed, and he didn't think too much, and still chased the last person.

"Red Fire Immortal, it's you." Wuqing Tianzong's human immortal's face changed drastically.

"Mo Qiushui, your death energy has arrived today." A middle-aged man with red hair floated in the air, and a trace of flames continued to emanate from his body, just like a ball of fire constantly burning the surrounding void.

"With you, if you want to kill me, I'm afraid you can't do it." Although Mo Qiushui said this, he began to get nervous in his heart, because the cultivation of the Red Fire Immortal of Tianjian Sect was indeed higher than his own.

No matter how the two immortals fought, Chen Feng kept flying in the mountains. Chen Feng had caught the other party's breath before, and the eight long swords seemed to be connected, so Chen Feng was not worried about not being able to find the other party. Besides, a human immortal intervened just now, and it was most likely someone from the Heavenly Sword Sect. And from the strength of the other party's attack, Chen Feng knew that the other party was also a master of the human immortal level, so Chen Feng's worries were relieved a lot.


A mountaintop hundreds of feet high was slapped away by Chen Feng, and a cave appeared. A cultivator fled far away with sword light flashing all over his body.

"If you hand over the things, you won't die. Why are you so stubborn?" Chen Feng said as he quickly stepped forward, and the two swords of life and death cut through the space, like lightning across the sky.


The cultivator just screamed in the sword light of the two swords of life and death, and the whole person fell to the ground. Chen Feng waved his hand, and the last long sword also fell into his hand.

"The Eight Trigrams Swords are finally complete. I didn't expect to gain this much after just coming to Central Plains for so long." Chen Feng was somewhat happy. Although there were quite a few magic weapons in the Longevity Tower, including some holy weapons, there were none suitable for Chen Feng to suppress the acupoints. The eight first-grade holy swords in front of him were very suitable for Chen Feng.

"Don't worry, it won't be too late to refine it after the thunder tribulation." Chen Feng put away the eight swords. Although there are many magic weapons in the acupoints, the grades are too mixed, and many of them have not been used by Chen Feng after refining. For Chen Feng, it is really used to suppress the acupoints. In any case, it is still very beneficial for Chen Feng to refine these magic weapons into the acupoints. As long as these magic weapons are suppressed in the acupoints, Chen Feng's body will become stronger day by day.

"The most important thing at present is to advance to the heavenly realm. After reaching the heavenly realm, we can talk about sorting out these magic weapons. Hehe, I have so many magic weapons on me, and I don't use them much against the enemy. They are really worthy of the role of suppressing the acupoints. Moreover, the acupoints in my body can also be regarded as a storage function. I wonder when I can cultivate to the point where one acupoint is one world?" Chen Feng kept thinking in his heart.

You should know that as Chen Feng's cultivation grows, the acupoints opened up in his body are expanding and growing every day. According to Chen Feng's current thinking, it should be possible to put a house-sized object in each acupoint, and it can be used as a storage bag. However, Chen Feng's realm is not enough now. If he wants to put things into the acupoints, he must refine them himself. In other words, Chen Feng can only refine magic weapons into his body at this time, and other things such as elixirs and spirit stones cannot be put into his body.

"If you want to put other things into your body, you need to comprehend the power of space, and your physical body must be strong enough. Now, both my realm and the strength of my physical body are not at that level." Chen Feng shook his head and still knew his current situation.

"Go and see how Jian Qingwu and the others are doing." Chen Feng's figure shook, and the flowing light shield appeared under his feet, carrying Chen Feng to fly quickly.

At this time, Chen Feng realized that the situation had changed dramatically. A total of three huge flying warships were floating in the air. A cultivator rushed out of the warship with murderous intent and launched a fierce attack on the cultivators of Wuqing Tianzong.

Sword cultivators, all of them were sword cultivators, and their sword energy was everywhere. There were more than 200 sword cultivators in total, all of them were in the Heavenly Man Realm. Although there were no Human Immortals, there were several Half-Step Human Immortals among them. As soon as these people came out, they immediately killed the cultivators of Wuqing Tianzong and made them flee in all directions.


Wuqing Tianzong Human Immortal Mo Qiushui vomited blood and flew backwards, with a big blood hole exploded in his chest, and sword energy was still raging around the blood hole.

Looking at Chihuoxian again, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, and his whole body was covered with flames condensed by rolling sword energy. Chihuoxian was safe and sound, and he had the upper hand.

"Today, a human immortal will die in Wuqing Tianzong." Chihuoxian laughed, and with a wave of his hand, a long river of sword energy appeared, and then Chihuoxian jumped forward, wanting to take this opportunity to kill Mo Qiushui.

"I'll let you be proud today." Mo Qiushui knew that he was no match for Chihuoxian. The air flow around him surged, like autumn water, and then his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. The next moment, he appeared thousands of feet away. With a wave of his hand, the monks of Wuqing Tianzong who were fighting flew up one after another, and turned into little people and fell on Mo Qiushui's palm.

"Where are you going?" Chihuoxian saw that the other party wanted to escape, and immediately chased him quickly, the whole person was like a volcano spewing fire.


A talisman flew out of Mo Qiushui's hand, quickly grew larger in the air, and then wrapped Mo Qiushui up. With a bang, it broke through the space and turned into a stream of light and drilled into it. The space closed up, and Chihuoxian chased in vain, stamping his feet in anger.

"You actually used the Void Traveling Talisman. You are lucky this time." Chihuoxian sneered.

All the cultivators of Wuqing Tianzong were taken away by Mo Qiushui. The remaining ones were all disciples of Tianjian Sect. Especially the cultivators who escaped from the cave thought they could not leave today, but they did not expect such a turn. Looking at the fellow disciples who came to rescue, they realized that today was truly safe.

A group of people went to treat the wounded, and a group of people came to Chen Feng under the leadership of Jian Qingwu and the others.

"Thank you for your help, friend." These cultivators all bowed to Chen Feng. Although the reinforcements of Tianjian Sect arrived in the end, it was Chen Feng who rescued everyone from the cave full of restrictions at the beginning, and Chen Feng also took out a bottle of elixir to restore everyone's cultivation. In addition, Chen Feng also restrained the opponent's human immortal, otherwise the opponent's human immortal would have taken action, and the cultivators of Tianjian Sect would definitely have suffered heavy losses.

"Haha, you are welcome, I am Chen Feng, the honorary elder of Tianjian Sect, and it is my duty to come out for you all." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"So you are the honorary elder of our sect. No matter what, we will all remember Elder Chen's kindness in helping us. When we return to the sect, we hope Elder Chen will do us the honor of allowing us to express our gratitude." One of the cultivators in the half-step human immortal realm stepped forward and said.

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