Eternal Existence

Chapter 586 Blood Snake

Hearing Chen Feng's sound transmission sword, the two sisters did not hesitate, and turned around to kill the other people of Wuqing Tianzong. The two sisters were at least eighth-level cultivators of the heavenly man, and they could block the attack of the immortal together. They rushed and killed quickly, and opened a path. Several cultivators of Wuqing Tianzong died in the hands of the two women.

"Come on, let me see what you are capable of." Chen Feng quickly cut through the lightning wire net around him, but he was not in a hurry to leave, but stretched out his hand to provoke this immortal.

Seeing Chen Feng's appearance, this immortal sneered on his face, but he became cautious in his heart. Chen Feng's calm appearance made this person wary.

The sword light flashed, and a long sword like autumn water appeared in the hands of this immortal. It shook lightly, and the surrounding space was cut into silk threads, and the surrounding space became sticky. Chen Feng felt the rich water vapor.

"The long sword containing the power of water is plain and simple, and the sword body is as watery as a pool of autumn water, full of spirituality, and there is even more hidden business in it. The grade of this long sword is not low." Although Chen Feng saw that this long sword was a holy weapon, the specific level could not be seen. However, Chen Feng had a feeling that even if it was not as good as his own Demon Sealing Sword, it was not much worse. More importantly, this person was a human immortal, so he could naturally activate the full power of this holy weapon in his hand.

If the opponent was not on guard, Chen Feng would be sure to use the Blood Gathering Pearl to imprison the opponent. As long as he was in the Blood Gathering Pearl, it would be much easier to deal with the opponent. However, this human immortal was very cautious and had guarded against the Blood Gathering Pearl. At this time, he took out his weapon and fought Chen Feng openly. Chen Feng was not sure, unless Chen Feng used the power of the Longevity Tower to deal with the opponent.

"Boy, you can let me use the long sword, even if you die, you will be honored." The immortal said with a smile, shaking the long sword in his hand, and the sword light exploded, like a rock falling into the water, splashing water, and the sword light flew. Chen Feng only felt his eyes blurred, as if he had entered a lake, and the lake water turned into sword energy to kill him.

"Not good, the sword technique containing the artistic conception of water is unstoppable." Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and he finally came back to his senses from the opponent's sword art artistic conception. At this time, Chen Feng was surrounded by layers of sword energy. He was like a piece of stone falling on the water, and the sword energy around him was the splashing water.


Chen Feng entered the blood gathering bead with a thought.

Because of the experience of killing a human immortal cultivator last time, Chen Feng originally wanted to use the Blood Gathering Pearl to fight the opponent this time, but as soon as the opponent made a move, Chen Feng knew that he had underestimated the human immortal and thought too highly of himself. His realm was not enough. He could indeed seriously injure the opponent or even kill him by relying on the power of the magic weapon. However, if they really fought, the human immortal in front of him could easily kill him. For example, the sword technique that the opponent just casually performed made Chen Feng unable to understand and resist, because the gap between the two was too big.

"This person is really powerful. It seems that I can't be careless in the future. I have strength, but strength cannot represent everything. I am still far behind in realm." Chen Feng sighed, then quickly stepped forward and put his palm on the trunk of the Blood Nether Tree. Huh, hh, hh, hh, thick branches suddenly extended out, and the Blood Gathering Pearl suddenly sprang out, attacking the human immortal outside.

Chen Feng used an attack method similar to the cage of heaven and earth. The branches were thick and thin, long and short, fast and slow. The black swarm submerged the opponent. Since the opponent's realm was far superior to his, Chen Feng used a swarm of fighting methods to attack the opponent.

Originally, seeing Chen Feng break free from his artistic conception, this immortal was a little surprised. Although he didn't care on the surface, he used his own skills as soon as he made a move. This Qiu Shui sword intent, not to mention the cultivators of the heavenly realm, even the immortal opponents had to be careful to deal with it.

However, seeing the divine light blooming in Chen Feng's eyes, this immortal knew that Chen Feng had practiced a very powerful pupil technique, which was able to break free from his Qiu Shui sword intent artistic conception. At the same time, after seeing Chen Feng disappear, this immortal knew that Chen Feng was going to launch an attack.

Sure enough, branches all over the sky suddenly appeared, forming a cage to cover himself.


The long sword in the immortal's hand shook, and the sword energy bloomed, blooming in all directions, branches flying, wood chips falling, and in the blink of an eye, I don't know how many branches were cut and crushed by the sword energy.

Chen Feng grabbed the blood pool in the blood bead, and the blood in the blood pool rushed up to the sky, quickly condensed, and condensed into the shape of various weapons, rushed out of the blood bead, and surrounded the immortal and started to fight.

Snap, snap, snap!

The weapon exploded and turned into blood mist floating around. The immortal's calm face finally changed: "What an evil blood power, this should be a magic weapon."

Although he was in the realm of human immortals and had comprehended the laws of immortals, he did not dare to let the blood fall on him casually. You must know that the blood bead contains the power of the entire blood lake, and the blood has melted countless human immortals' blood essence. If this immortal touches the blood, although it is not a big deal, he will have to devote some attention to defense.

Ding Ding Ding!

After breaking through the attacks from all sides, the immortal quickly stepped forward, the sword light flashed, and stood on the blood bead three times in a row.

The Blood Gathering Bead merely rotated once before it blocked the attack of the human immortal. The Blood Gathering Bead was intact, not to mention any scratches. Even the blood-colored halo around it was not broken. However, Chen Feng clearly felt three violent vibrations in the Blood Gathering Bead, as if lightning had struck his head.

"Hey, the other party can't break the defense of the blood-gathering bead. I should be safe hiding in it, but I'm afraid something else will happen. I still have to get rid of this situation as soon as possible." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the blood-colored talisman burst into light. Then the blood-gathering bead gushed blood and blood light, and a blood light even dispersed the clouds in the sky.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Four ferocious blood-colored snakes flew out of the blood-gathering bead. As soon as they came out, the wind and clouds changed, and the spiritual energy ran wild. They attacked and bit this immortal madly.

This is a blood beast condensed from the blood power of the blood-gathering bead. It has no intelligence and depends entirely on Chen Feng to drive it, just like a puppet. However, these four blood-colored snakes are all half-step demon kings. In Chen Feng's opinion, although they can't kill this immortal, they should be able to entangle for a while.

Sure enough, these four snakes did not disappoint Chen Feng. Their huge bodies were everywhere, surrounding this immortal and attacking him, making it impossible for this immortal to get out in a short time.


Chen Feng flew out of the blood-gathering bead, and with a wave of his hand, the two swords of life and death turned into two black and white lights and flew out. Wherever they passed, one cultivator after another was killed.

Originally, although there were many cultivators on the side of the Tianjian Sect, most of them had their cultivation sealed and had not yet recovered. In the end, although they could fight their way out, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties. Just when Jian Qingwu and others were anxious, two long swords, one black and one white, began to show their power, and in a short time, dozens of people on the Wuqing Tianzong side were killed.

A gap was opened, and the cultivators of the Tianjian Sect rushed out immediately in excitement.

"Huh!" The two swords of life and death circled for a while and returned to Chen Feng, floating around Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at the human immortal who was still trapped, then took out the four holy swords he had collected and began to sense them.

These were four of the long swords used to arrange the Bagua sword formation, all of which were at the holy weapon level, which was exactly what Chen Feng needed. It was really perfect to suppress the Bagua acupoints.

Chen Feng had already obtained four, so Chen Feng wanted to get another four long swords.

Through these four long swords, Chen Feng quickly sensed the existence of the other four long swords, so Chen Feng flew directly into the air and rushed towards a mountain in the distance at the fastest speed.

"Hey, why did this young man leave? It's not good. There are heavy casualties outside." At this time, the immortal trapped by the four big snakes saw the situation outside and his face suddenly changed. With a light shout, the sword light suddenly appeared, and a big snake was cut into two pieces. However, in the blink of an eye, the two parts of the snake body merged together and returned to normal.

These four big snakes are not living creatures, but are condensed by the power of blood. Even if they are broken up, they can be gathered again.

This immortal wanted to rush out, but he was afraid that these four snakes would attack other cultivators of Wuqing Tianzong. These were four half-step demon kings. If they rushed into the ordinary cultivators of Wuqing Tianzong, the result would be heavy casualties on the Wuqing Tianzong side. This was a result that this immortal could not bear. In desperation, this immortal planned to deal with these four snakes first.

Chen Feng was very fast, and soon he saw four monks sitting cross-legged on a mountain. These four monks were healing, and these four people were the four people who had set up the formation before.

"There is not even a guardian, are you so careless?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, and a little confused. He quickly scanned the entire mountain with his eyes, and soon checked the whole mountain. Sure enough, there were only these four people.

It turned out that this place was originally a large-scale stronghold of Wuqing Tianzong. Usually, it was extremely safe because of the forbidden formation. Although everyone was dispatched because the captured Tianjian Sect disciples fled, no one thought there would be danger here, not to mention that the injuries of these four people were not serious, and they had four holy weapon-level swords to protect themselves. Even if something unexpected happened, these four people could handle it.

But no one expected that Chen Feng, a freak, came here. Before, the eight people set up the formation, but Chen Feng broke the sword formation and killed four people, and seized four long swords. At this time, even if these four people fully recovered their strength, they were still not Chen Feng's opponents.

"Who is it?"

As soon as Chen Feng landed on the top of the mountain, the four men stood up at the same time. Their eyes were shining, and the sword intent surged through their bodies. They locked onto Chen Feng, but after seeing Chen Feng's appearance clearly, the four men were dumbfounded, and two of them even took two steps back involuntarily.

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