Eternal Existence

Chapter 571 Conversation

"If I meet such a talented cultivator, I will naturally not let him go." Lan Ling smiled, not caring about Jian Qingling's teasing.

Although it was the first time to come to Central Plains, Chen Feng had made some understanding of some sects in Central Plains. With Chen Feng's current vision, some second- and third-rate sects were not in Chen Feng's eyes at all. In Chen Feng's eyes, only the first-rate sects such as Tianjian Sect and Wuqing Tianzong, which were at the same level as Taiyi Sect and Jiuxiao Palace, were Chen Feng's targets.

Compared with the Northern Plains, the Central Plains was more prosperous and fierce, with more cultivators, and ancient heritage appeared from time to time. In comparison, the first-rate sects in Central Plains were one level higher than the ten major immortal sects in Northern Plains.

And in Central Plains, there were four other existences, which were very special, and their background and influence were even higher than these first-rate sects.

Daluo Academy.

Tianjian Academy.

Sifang Academy.

Yongheng Academy.

These four academies are the four holy places in the Central Plains, and they are superior to these first-class sects. These four academies gather the world's top and most promising cultivators to enter them for cultivation. All major sects and various independent cultivators have sent their talented disciples to rush to enter these academies for cultivation.

And Lan Ling can be called a big world in the Daluo Academy among the four academies, which is enough to prove her own strength. Chen Feng naturally understands this, especially the fight just now has also seen the opponent's strength, and Chen Feng also knows that the strength shown by Lan Ling in the fight is just the tip of the iceberg.

Of course, Chen Feng is still very tempted by Lan Ling's proposal. Entering the four academies is a promising future. Not to mention the background, the inheritance experience left by the predecessors, the teachings of high-level cultivators, and the irresistible cultivation environment, the pressure and competition brought by the gathering of geniuses from all over the world can continuously enhance people's motivation.

However, Chen Feng also knew that the consequences of fierce competition were either rapid improvement in strength or elimination. The most serious consequence was being beaten to death. However, even so, Chen Feng wanted to enter the place to see for himself, because Chen Feng knew clearly that there were many cultivators who wanted to break their heads and squeeze in.

"Is this an invitation?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Yes, from what I know, Brother Chen has not been in the profession for long, only a dozen years, and he has achieved such success. I think any sect with such cultivation talent will be recruited vigorously. The four major institutions will naturally not let go of such talents. Moreover, Brother Chen should also know about the situation of our four major institutions. More than 80% of the cultivators who can enter the four institutions to practice and survive in the end can be promoted to the path of human immortals." Lan Ling said slowly.

Chen Feng nodded. Naturally, he knew this situation, but Chen Feng was not surprised. The cultivators who could enter the four major institutions to practice were geniuses among geniuses and elites among elites. If they still could not be promoted to human immortals after some training, it could only be said that this person was really unlucky.

"But I am being hunted by cultivators from the entire Central Plains, and I just entered the Central Plains and offended Master Tianhen of the War King Pavilion. Isn't Daluo Academy afraid of trouble if I am accepted?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Brother Chen, you are joking. At least in this big world, no one or any force dares to go to the four major academies to cause trouble. As long as Brother Chen enters this academy, not to mention human immortals, even earthly immortals will not trouble Brother Chen." Lan Ling said somewhat proudly.

"In this way, these four major academies are still a place to save lives." Chen Feng laughed.

"You are really interesting. I don't know how many cultivators are crying and shouting to enter the four major academies. Now a great opportunity is in front of you, and it is Sister Lan Ling who invites you personally, but you don't even agree to it quickly." At this time, Jian Qingling suddenly interrupted and said.

"Little sister, don't talk nonsense, don't be rude to Elder Chen." Jian Qingwu immediately scolded.

"Haha, you two are more advanced than me, so you are not worthy of the title of Elder Chen. The four academies are full of talents, and the learning is all-encompassing. There are also senior masters in charge. I naturally want to enter to practice, but I just came to Central Plains and no one introduced me. And I heard that if you want to enter the four academies, you need a strict assessment, and the competition is very cruel." Chen Feng laughed.

"You, sister Lan Ling has clearly invited you, but you still say that no one introduced you. I think you are doing it on purpose. Humph, relying on your ability, it's really annoying." Jian Qingling couldn't help but speak again, snorted coldly, and rolled his eyes at Chen Feng, as if he couldn't stand Chen Feng's appearance.

Chen Feng didn't care, just smiled, because Chen Feng also saw that Jian Qingling was lively and innocent, and he immediately expressed what he thought in his heart, which was completely different from Jian Qingwu's steady and generous.

"Here is a token. With this token, you can enter Daluo Academy directly without going through the entrance examination." Lan Ling waved her hand, and a green light flashed. Chen Feng's hand sank, and there was a token carved from green jade, with some patterns and two ancient characters of Daluo engraved on it.

"Warm and lustrous, smooth and smooth, restrained green light, full of spiritual energy, and a trace of mysterious pure energy. This is a piece of top-grade jade, even Saint Crystal is far inferior to it, I'm afraid it can be compared with Immortal Crystal." Chen Feng played with it casually and said.

"This is carved from Qingluo Jade Marrow, naturally it is a good thing. This token is the reward I got for my contribution in the academy. Over the years, I have received a total of three tokens, and the other two have long been sent away by me. At this time, the other party is practicing in this academy." Lan Ling said lightly.

"Thank you so much, Miss Lan Ling. I will accept this token, but I still have to go to Tianjian Sect to see my friends first, and then go to Daluo Academy. I hope Miss Lan Ling will take care of me when the time comes." Chen Feng smiled and put the token away.

However, Chen Feng was secretly amused in his heart. He had quite a few tokens on him. Mo Ji gave him a token, which symbolized the identity of the honorary elder of the Black Water Sect. The token given to him by Jian Xiaotian symbolized the honorary elder of Tianjian Sect. Now he has another token, but it is for being a disciple in Daluo Academy.

However, Daluo Academy is different from other sects. It is a supreme holy land. For Chen Feng, there is no principled objection to entering it for cultivation. Besides, although Chen Feng also has a sense of belonging to Taiyi Sect, it is limited. Even if he enters other sects for cultivation, Chen Feng will not have too much resistance.

"Brother Chen is polite. Brother Chen is a genius. Maybe I need Brother Chen to take care of me more in the future." Lan Ling said with a smile.

"Since the crisis has been resolved, I will take my leave first." Lan Ling flew up very straightforwardly after she finished speaking. Chen Feng only saw a ball of black light flashing and then disappearing.

"What a fast speed." Chen Feng nodded.

"Let's go!" At this time, Jian Qingling waved his hand, and a delicate and small flying warship appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Let's go, where to go?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Of course it's back to our sect. Isn't this the same way? Do you want to go alone? Besides, do you know the way?" Although Chen Feng helped the two sisters, Jian Qingling's attitude towards Chen Feng has always been not very good.

"Thank you very much." Chen Feng smiled and flew into the flying warship.

This flying warship turned out to be a second-grade holy weapon, which was better than Chen Feng's flying warship, and the layout inside was exquisite and elegant, like a cave for cultivation. However, whoever looked at it for a few times, Chen Feng was a little ashamed. In this comparison, his flying warship was like a tool for transporting goods.

"Brother Chen, don't be offended. I always talk like this." Jian Qingwu smiled at Chen Feng apologetically, and at the same time, she personally made tea. Soon, a faint fragrance spread out, which made people feel refreshed and energetic.

"Good tea." Chen Feng couldn't help but exclaimed when he smelled the temperature.

"Of course it's good tea. My sister usually doesn't want to drink it herself. You are lucky today. By the way, Chen Feng, are you really in the realm of the secret realm?" Jian Qingling looked at Chen Feng and asked.

Chen Feng smiled, and the aura on his body was dispersed and then retracted. Jian Qingling was immediately surprised and said: "The ninth level of the secret realm, you really haven't survived the thunder tribulation, but how can you be so powerful that you can fight with Master Tianhen?"

"Haha, it's just relying on the power of the magic weapon. My own cultivation is far behind the two of you." Chen Feng smiled.

"Brother Chen is modest." Jian Qingwu said and put the jade cup in front of Chen Feng.

"It is indeed a good tea. The spiritual energy in it is elegant, penetrating the heart, and can also dispel the inner demons. It is indeed a rare good tea." Chen Feng drank the tea in the cup in one breath and said with a smile.

"I also have some wild fruits, please taste them." Chen Feng smiled, and then picked some spiritual fruits from the spiritual tree in the Longevity Tower.

"Humph, you have the nerve to take out wild fruits, hey, this is a spiritual fruit." Jian Qingling was immediately surprised when he saw the spiritual fruit Chen Feng took out.

"This is a nut, this is a fire pear, and a crystal date, these are all good things, comparable to some earth-level elixirs." Jian Qingwu was also a little surprised by Chen Feng's arm, because the jade table in front of him was almost full of spiritual fruits, dozens of them, with a fragrant smell, so tempting that Jian Qingling couldn't help but pick up a fire date.

Then Chen Feng talked with the two of them very harmoniously, and learned some things about the Central Plains cultivation world from Jian Qingwu and her sister.

"So you two have also entered the Daluo Academy to practice. I'm so sorry. No wonder Lan Ling helped you." Chen Feng laughed. The two sisters had sword spirit physiques. Chen Feng was not surprised that they could enter the Daluo Academy. He was just a little surprised about their relationship with Lan Ling.

"It's not easy for you to come to the Central Plains under the pursuit of Jiuxiao Palace. Your current reputation is also well-known in the Central Plains practice world." Jian Qingling looked at Chen Feng with some interest.

"It's just luck, and Jiuxiao Palace didn't send any masters, otherwise I wouldn't have come to the Central Plains so easily." Chen Feng smiled.

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