Eternal Existence

Chapter 570: Throw Away

The thorn broke. Although it did not block the earth dragon's attack, it also caused the earth dragon to change its direction. Chen Feng quickly retreated and reached the top of a mountain a thousand meters away in an instant.

But before Chen Feng could stand still, Young Master Tianhen had already rushed in front of him. He seemed to hate Chen Feng very much. Young Master Tianhen waved his hand and used the magic weapon as soon as he came up. The cyan gloves appeared, and the power increased greatly, and the surrounding space was filled with energy. Condensed into a day, once it hits Chen Feng, it will explode violently.

Naturally, Chen Feng would not fight head-on with the opponent. He immediately took out the Four Directions Spiritual Whip and drew it out like lightning. The two sacred weapons once again erupted with powerful impact. Chen Feng and Mr. Tianhen retreated for dozens of miles at the same time, and then Chen Feng had just stood firm when Master Tianhen had already reached Chen Feng again.

The two of them fought for several rounds quickly, and Chen Feng felt his energy and blood steaming, as if the boiling river water was roaring continuously, and the sea of ​​​​consciousness seemed to be a tsunami, and a trace of weakness quickly traveled through his body.

"Although this guy's holy weapon is not as good as my Four Directions Spiritual Whip, the power this guy exerts far exceeds mine. The spirit and flesh are integrated into one, blending into the palm of his hand. This guy has almost completely refined it. The holy weapon can exert the strongest power, and with my current strength, I am far from being a match for this person."

Mr. Tianhen was not afraid of the Four Directions Spiritual Whip in Chen Feng's hand at all. The cyan fist could not move away from Chen Feng's vitals. After several blows, Chen Feng was a little weak, his arms were sore, and his physical body was shaken. Although Chen Feng's physical body After strong condensation, he still failed to survive the real catastrophe in the end. He was far inferior to his opponent in terms of advanced level, so Chen Feng was at a disadvantage as soon as they fought.


Chen Feng took the Sifang Spiritual Whip and landed heavily on a hill. Countless cracks appeared on the hill, and then it suddenly exploded and turned into countless mud and rocks.

Chen Feng was a little helpless. His own reaction was much worse than that of his opponent. The opponent's attack had arrived before the holy weapon of the Four Directions Spiritual Whip was fully activated. This result made Chen Feng a little confused. Although Chen Feng was at a disadvantage, But he didn't think about using the Eternal Life Tower, because once he used the Eternal Life Tower, he could easily suppress the opponent. At this time, Chen Feng's idea was to see how big the gap was between himself and the opponent.

The results show that if you don't use magic weapons, you will probably be beaten away in a fight just by relying on your own strength.

"Hey, I have made rapid progress during this period. I have never met an opponent. I thought I was really someone. I didn't expect to encounter another setback today." Chen Feng secretly smiled bitterly in his heart.

"You're pretty good. This guy's talent is astonishing, and his combat power is equivalent to that of an ordinary human immortal. You don't have to underestimate yourself. The magic weapon is also part of your own strength." Surprisingly, Ta didn't hit Chen Feng this time.

"If according to what you said, you can be considered part of my power, then my true strength can kill immortals in an instant." Chen Feng said immediately.

"This is different. Although I have not fully recovered my strength, my existence still destroys the balance of this world for you. I can't take action without any scruples. Otherwise, you can truly dominate the entire eternal world without practicing. The magic weapons that are refined into the acupoints on your body are considered part of you. If you can use them, you can use them against the enemy without having to hide them." Ta chuckled.

"Hmph, the most powerful magic weapons I have refined right now are the Two Swords of Life and Death and the Demon-Sealing Sword, but I can't defeat the opponent even with these two magic weapons. After all, I still can't fully exert the power of these two magic weapons. After all, I The level is still not enough. Of course, the Blood Gathering Bead is even more powerful, but it’s a bit higher level for me and it’s a little damaged.” Chen Feng was a little helpless.


There was another impact, and this time the Four Directions Spiritual Whip burst out with more powerful power, finally forcing Mr. Tianhen to retreat a certain distance, but Chen Feng was even more shaken, half of his body was paralyzed, and the power of his soul was also gone. It was so consumed that I felt an uncomfortable feeling of exhaustion.

"Hey, it's more uncomfortable to be the first to do something in the soul than to be the first in the body." Chen Feng shook his head, then put away the Sifang Spiritual Whip, and then his whole body was filled with golden light, and he suddenly rushed up to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and quickly flew away into the distance.

Since he is not the opponent's opponent, there is no point in continuing the fight. Anyway, in Chen Feng's opinion, there is no shame in running away if he can't beat the opponent. As long as he improves his cultivation in the future, he can come back to regain his position.

"Hey, I'm in the Secret Realm stage. It's not a shame to lose to you, but I will get back to this situation soon." Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

"Do you think you can leave like this?" Mr. Tianhen hated Chen Feng so much that he had the energy to kill Chen Feng. When he saw Chen Feng trying to escape, he immediately chased after him quickly.

A green fist shot out three-dimensionally from the fist, like a hill bombarding Chen Feng,

Chen Feng's sword light surged all over his body, and his speed increased sharply. He dodged the attack of the cyan fist light. The fist light fell on a hill hundreds of meters high, and the entire hill was turned into ashes and turned into flat ground.

The fist failed, but War King Yin caught up again and suppressed Chen Feng head-on.

"Are you the only one who has a magic weapon? Let me see it." Chen Feng said, taking out the Zhangtian Ruler and hitting it out. The Zhangtian Ruler broke through the void and suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in front of Young Master Tianhen. Incredible to Young Master Tianhen fell down in his eyes.

With just a loud bang, Young Master Tianhen was smashed to the ground, and a big hole was smashed out. Chen Feng did not take advantage of it. He was touched by the War King Seal and felt an irresistible force coming to him. However, Chen Feng did not fall to the ground, but flew away at a faster speed. During the flight, the Tianchi Ruler returned to Chen Feng's hand.

"Hmph, let's stop here today. I have something else to do. I will settle accounts with you after I am done." Chen Feng said, then stepped on the Tianchi Ruler and mobilized the power of the Longevity Tower. The whole person kept moving through space. When Young Master Tianhen roared and flew out from the ground, Chen Feng was already thousands of miles away. Young Master Tianhen knew that he could not catch up, and he was furious. Finally, he smashed all the surrounding mountains and the earth, and then left angrily.

Chen Feng did not stop on the road this time. He traveled more than 20,000 miles in one breath before stopping. This time, no one disturbed Chen Feng. After setting up the restrictions, he began to recover from his injuries. For three days, Chen Feng recovered from his injuries while recalling every move and every action of this battle.

"Huh! The opponent didn't catch up this time. If I could survive the thunder tribulation, I wouldn't be so embarrassed." Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

However, when Chen Feng removed the restrictions, his face changed: "Someone caught up with me, but it wasn't Young Master Tianhen, and the opponent didn't seem to have any ill intentions, but had been waiting outside.

"It's them. "A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. He didn't expect that after getting rid of Young Master Tianhen, these three people would catch up again. This made Chen Feng start to be secretly alert.

These three people are Lan Ling and Jian Qingwu, the two sisters, one is calm, the other is smart, one is mature and the other is beautiful, but all of them have perfect figures, charming faces, and exudes an alluring breath.

Although Lan Ling's appearance and figure are far inferior to the two, she has a faint aura. At first glance, people feel that this woman overshadows the two sisters.

"Could this be the impact brought by strength and cultivation?" Chen Feng couldn't help thinking.

"Hello, fellow Taoist, thank you for your help just now." Lan Ling spoke first, her voice was flat, but it sounded unusually comfortable to Chen Feng.

"You're polite. It was the other party who provoked me first. I was just counterattacking normally." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I am Lan Ling from Daluo Academy. May I ask your name, fellow Taoist? "Lan Ling asked with a smile.

"So you are from Daluo Academy. I have heard of you for a long time. I am Chen Feng, a small casual cultivator." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"No matter what, we sisters still have to thank you for your help." Jian Qingwu said, looking at Chen Feng with her eyes, her voice was much more pleasant than Lan Ling's.

"You are welcome. There is a reason why I took action just now." Chen Feng said, taking out a token and throwing it over.

"So you are the honorary elder of our sect. I think Elder Chen is related to Jian Xiaotian." Jian Qingling suddenly laughed.

"Hey, you know?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"The famous Chen Feng, this name has long been spread from Beiyuan to our Zhongyuan. It is really better to meet in person than to hear about it. The cultivation level of the secret realm period can fight with Master Tianhen. If this matter is spread out, it will definitely cause an uproar in the cultivation world. "Lan Ling said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's just relying on the power of some magic weapons, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning. If I really rely on my own real cultivation, I am far from being the opponent of Mr. Tianhen." Chen Feng said immediately.

After the two sides exchanged their names, and with the relationship between Chen Feng and the Tianjian Sect, the four of them talked about it and became more familiar with each other.

"Brother Chen, are you interested in practicing in our Daluo Academy?" Lan Ling suddenly asked.

"Daluo Academy." Chen Feng whispered, and began to recall some information he knew about Daluo Academy.

If the Tianjian Sect, Wuqing Tianzong, and Zhanwang Pavilion are the top sects in the Central Plains, then the existence of the Daluo Academy is a transcendent existence that is higher than these sects. Some major sects have sent outstanding disciples to the Daluo Academy to study and practice. For the entire cultivation world, there are few cultivators who do not want to practice in the Daluo Academy.

"Hehe, Sister Lan, you are so anxious to start recruiting talents." Jian Qingling laughed.

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